Category: People Page 25 of 62
Pro-abortion Al Gross would be a disaster! His campaign is financed by $25M from leftists in the lower-48.
I’ve never been impressed with Dan Sullivan, and notice how much he brings up Lisa Murkowski, who is a disaster, even a traitor to our country by some of what she’s done. But I wouldn’t believe anything Al Gross says. He’d be far worse than Sullivan, would probably vote with the left as much or more than Murkowski.
Gross is being funded by the left so the left can take the Senate.
Dealing with the haters: “The moment you don’t care is the moment you’re truly free. … There is still part of me that still cares.”
Wikipedia says:
In April 2009, Collins had surgery to repair dislocated vertebrae in his upper neck, which arose while drumming on the 2007 Genesis tour. Following the operation, he lost feeling in his fingers and could only grip drum sticks if they were taped to his hands.[259]
But their link actually says:
Bombshell: Reporter Maria Athens threatens to kill Mayor Berkowitz in disturbing voicemail
The people rejoice at 2:25!
Dana Coverstone wore a t-shirt in a recent Facebook video that said: “MOSSAD – It’s Never An Accident.” TruNews questions this at 1:03:05 in this their October 2nd broadcast: Flu Coup: Will 45 Be 25’d?
The next day, October 3rd, they posted Dana Coverstone’s 2-minute response: Pastor Dana Coverstone Responds to TRUNEWS about Mossad.
If you don’t know Nichols’ name, you at least know about his work to tell the American people who Bill and Hillary Clinton really are. When Bill Clinton was in Arkansas, Nichols worked to get him elected governor and then worked harder still to keep him there. While governor, Bill Clinton had many problems that Nichols had to cover up, including: Clinton’s use of drugs, his pathological lying, and his womanizing. These issues in a small Southern state would be career-ending flaws and, therefore, it was a herculean task to deal with. It was only when Nichols found out about the network of cocaine trafficking right in Arkansas that he realized he could no longer turn a blind eye to what was going on. Worst still, Bill Clinton’s best friends were running the cocaine out of an airstrip near the small Arkansas town of Mena. When Nichols discovered the criminal operation, he told Bill Clinton he could not have any part in that. This was the end of Larry’s career as a political confidant/adviser and led him to become a whistleblower, exposing the Clinton crime cabal.
I wrote this about Pete:
World Affairs Brief, September 25, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Supreme Court Nominee Becomes Election Focus
Trump has been talked into presenting a woman nominee, which appears politically astute, but it isn’t. It is a trap, and so is the notion of a “conservative” woman justice. Most of the women placed on the appellate level are there because a governor or president is playing politically correct. They will always be mainstream at best, or liberals—never real strict constructionists.
Take Trump’s top probable pick, Justice Amy Barrett of the 7th District Federal Appeals Court. Trump has been told she is a devout Catholic who holds a strong pro-life stance. Of course, the Democrats will, like all nominees, get them to commit during the review process to not try and overturn the Supreme Court conjured right to an abortion. She will call it “settled law” like every other “conservative” justice, implying that she will not try and overturn it. So forget about the hope of killing abortion. It is not going to happen.
But in every other way, Barrett will be a disappointment to conservatives. As Big League Politics wrote,
Barrett’s record is troubling on many issues, with a ruling that gives Democrats in Illinois blanket authority to shut down society based on COVID-19 mass hysteria standing out as particularly heinous. Barrett concurred with the majority in Illinois Republican Party et al. v. J.B. Pritzker, Governor of Illinois to keep the illegal lockdown in place and allow Democrats to rip up the Constitution under the guise of safety. She hid behind the precedent of Jacobsen v. Massachusetts (1905) in an attempt to avoid culpability for her decision.
But Robert Barnes, a lawyer who files cases in the 7TH circuit court of Justice Barrett, wrote this note of extreme caution:
Barrett sided with the government on almost every civil rights case, every big employer case, every criminal case, while also siding with the government on the lockdowns, on uncompensated takings, on excusing First Amendment infringements & Fourth Amendment violations.
Dan Dicks’ tribute, recent interview and “pray for Ron Paul” — a great man of God, integrity!
“Repentance is in this life. But to the unrepentant, eternal damnation is in the next.”
Ginsburg…The Death Of A Jew
Jim Caviezel, ‘Jesus’ calls pastors “Judases, Pharisees and collaborators” for not standing up to the mayors and governors!
“This is called lukewarmness, and Christ has a special place for them, and they know it.”
58:15 Three part collapse explained by Leroy Hulsey: The penthouse collapsed first, columns failing at a high level, they found. That was followed by *all* of the interior columns failing over a nine floor area. 1.3 seconds later, the exterior columns failed.
3:05:30 Niels Harrit explains why nano-thermite was explosive: “You put it into a polymer which can produce gas.”
3:29:30 Gage and Griffin demonstrate that Noam Chomsky sold out. AE9/11 Truth personally gave him 75 peer reviewed papers, after Chomsky said they needed some. Chomsky even accepts the official Lee Harvey Oswald JFK assassination theory!
3:36:30 Harrit: We are the ‘heretics’ of our day, like Galileo who questioned.
Gage: We’re challenging “‘America right or wrong’ is always right.” American exceptionalism can’t be questioned.
Griffin:“We are exceptional, but not necessarily in a good way.”
34230 Neils Harrit: With covid — “Now, we have become the terrorists. It’s we who are ‘contagious.’ … The ‘war in terror’ has morphed into the war on us. We are the terrorists now. … 9/11 has morphed into Covid-19.”
3:44:45 Richard Gage: “From the bottom of our hearts in the entire 9/11 truth movement, Neils Harrit, David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, we love you. … Our hearts go with you. … Thank you so much! … We love you.”
3:46:50 Benny Wills, poet
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Part 1: Lights, Camera, Building 7 | Dylan Avery and Kelly David, with Leroy Hulsey, PhD [discuss the film]
Part 2 (1:00:00): Global Failure: Evidence Engineers Can No Longer Ignore |
Richard Gage and Roland Angle
Part 3: Three Pioneers of the 9/11 Truth Movement Reflect | David Ray Griffin, Niels Harrit, and Steven Jones
JP SEARS does SERIOUS interviews!
“Speech censoring is becoming frighteningly common. What is really going on and what can you do? Here’s my in depth interview with, Brian Rose of London Real, the man leading the charge!
JP tells his censorship story at 1:04:30!
The only governor who did NOT disobey her oath to obey the Constitution — no covid mandates!
A bit of her history:
PROOF of Berkzilla’s nonsense is next door Wasilla doing fine with no restrictions. And South Dakota never had any restrictions, because they actually followed the Constitution!
Robin Smyth shared a link.
NO NO NO ! “WIDESPREAD CATASTROPHE “ Has our Mayor been drinking ?? He keeps repeating the same worn mantra of “following the science” when he probably can’t even spell the word. He is a disgrace to our City and shows no shame in expressing his ill founded opinions and utter contempt for his electorate. How many weeks since he forcibly shut down Kriners and the only spike in COVID since has been among the homeless and mostly all of them are asymptomatic and I can bet none of them ate there.
Jamie Allard’s passionate announcement of Dave Bronson’s candidacy on 8/25/20, Loussac library, Anchorage!
Starts at 13:40
Our future mayor, Dave Bronson introduces himself on The Dan Fagan Show. He is just now retiring as an airline captain for NWA/Delta; is former military; and attended Anchorage Baptist Temple for 29 years.
Bronson announced his campaign last night; election is April 6 of 2021. Sounds like a real no-nonsense, wonderful kind of guy!
Bernadette Wilson and Art Hackney will run his campaign.
Starts at 42:30
Sirhan Sirhan did not hit RFK with one bullet. RFK was shot from behind at point blank range from a CIA assassin.
Vaccines are horribly dangerous!
‘Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!’ With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
I’ve been told the police chief at the time helped her get off.
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…no reporter seemed interested in the personal difficulties of the incumbent mayor, and his family’s deadly past.
They could have written a book.
Mayor Ethan Berkowitz’s wife, Mara Kimmel, had been the driver of a Volvo station wagon on March 1, 2007, when her vehicle struck a man in a cross walk at the corner of Arctic Blvd. and International Airport Road. The man died.