Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Psychology Page 7 of 12

Shaming Others: Technique used to manipulate people to do or not do something

Disclaimer: I don’t agree with everything stated here, but find this very interesting to see how women were used to shame American young men into joining the military to fight in the war.

Shaming is a technique being used to stop people from telling the truth about covid-19, Big Pharma and other issues online, especially in local media’s Facebook pages. They use the laugh icon, and post tinfoil hat GIFs, so people stop telling the truth.

If they only mock, without discussing facts at all, I’m now blocking them. They’re just agitators.

(vid) Sheeple Example: Dogs Easily Herd Sheep — Groupthink Through Fear

Rense: “When freedom of speech is taken away, you begin to not even want to think about it: ‘I’d better not go there.’ Freedom of speech is inextricably linked to freedom of thought”

“When your speech is taken away, and you know you shouldn’t say certain things…, your mind follows along. Then you begin to not even want to think about it: ‘I’d better not go there.’ So freedom of speech is inextricably linked to freedom of thought.” – Jeff Rense

Minute-19:30 from Jeff & David Icke – The Coronavirus Op And Mass Mind Programming

Rich Roll: Forgiveness — Just drop it already

As the adage goes, resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die. The escape hatch is forgiveness — of self and others. Never easy. But always worth it.

How to Hide Your Insecurities so No One Will Ever Judge You Again

(vid) How to respond to the bullying threats of criminal psychopaths

Does the threat (covid) merit the action we are being bullied into taking?

Most people will go along to get along, but the outcome of submitting to a bully is usually worse than standing up to him at the first opportunity.

Covid-19 — ‘They Live’


David Icke: CORONAVIRUS IS PSYCHOLOGICALLY MANIPULATING YOU: Control Information > Control Perception > Control Behavior

Control Information > Control Perception > Control Behavior

“If you control the information, the constant narrative — and most people believe it because that’s all they hear — repetition is a wonderful, magnificent form of mind-control. You control the information, you overwhelmingly control perception among those who don’t question, and from perception you control behavior.”

“What they’re manipulating now… is this innate, human trait of fear of death, which is an expression of another human trait, the fear of the unknown,” [and shocks people into survival/reaction mode from which many cannot rationally make decisions — like after 9/11, the people overwhelmingly willing to launch our reverse-Christian, post-9/11 wars.]

– David Icke

STUDY: Troubling Link Between Marijuana and False Memories — “Elevated false memories are the norm when THC affects memory retrieval”

Since Alaska has now legalized THC, what effect is this having on Alaska?

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These findings are deeply problematic in the context of crime.

memory is not a simple recall of a truth. Memory is more of a restructuring of what one may think is the truth. …

Marijuana and its main psychoactive ingredient THC have been found to impair memory before. Animal studies suggest regular marijuana use harms long-term memory skills. But a new study raises the stakes, linking using weed to false memories.

In a new study, researchers specifically examine the link between marijuana use and the formation of false memories.

Across three experiments, they found that marijuana consistently increases a person’s susceptibility to false memories — which they point out is especially problematic in the context of a crime, and cannabis-intoxicated witnesses and suspects.

31% of Adults Ages 25-64 Take Psych Drugs – 25% of All Ages Use! (2017 Stats – USA)

I finally found the percentages of Americans on psych drugs. This means there is almost a one-in-three chance that an adult age-25-64 is on psych drugs. So it’s not surprising that people often don’t emotionally act the way we would expect, given that many have what experts say is like a chemical lobotomy, which many of these drugs produce.

I did the math, using the grand total figure below for all ages and the 2017 population, and got 24.68% — one in four people!

Total number of people age 25-64 is 180,747,125. With 55,252,763 using comes to 30.57%, or 31% — one in three!

The percentage for the age group 45-65 is higher yet.

E. Michael Jones: Pornography and Political Control – Weapon used to destroy Christian culture • “Lust darkens the mind, makes you blind. A blind opponent is easily defeated”

Porn isn’t really about money after all. It’s about control.

Man can use his freedom to give into passion, but at that point he becomes a slave.

To create a revolution you have to subvert the morals of the people first.

Pornography is a weapon because, as St. Thomas Aquinas pointed out, lust “darkens the mind.” Lust makes you blind. A blind opponent is easily defeated.

Logos is rising.

The Chains you Choose – E. Michael Jones on Porn, Addiction and Slavery

9:50 Interview begins — thus only 25 minutes long.

24:35 “Libido Dominandi” is Jones’ book: Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control, linked below.

26:30 “Pornography leads to isolation.”

30:30 “All of these forms of sexual liberation, they’re all forms of control.”

32:15 Solution is aligning with Logos.


Begins at 9:50

Do You Make Decisions from Your Head or Your Heart? – Logic & Facts Vs Emotions

The heart is more than a pump, containing brain-like cells. Many emotions and decisions come from the heart, not the brain. So NEVER get a heart transplant!

It’s pretty easy to tell which type I am. How about you?

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Head-locators are categorized differently than heart-locators. Head-locators make decisions based on logic and facts whereas heart-locators make decisions based on their emotions. Do you think from your head or your heart?


Sex-Ed and Ireland – Computing Forever and E. Michael Jones

David Anders: How people justify immoral behavior by finding those who support their feelings — “Pure subjectivity is not an adequate guide to moral life”

Transcribed by me from from: CALLED TO COMMUNION – Dr. David Anders – November 13 , 2019 [I attended evangelical seminary with Dave. I never finished. He did, and became a Catholic, and now has his own show on TV.]

Skousen: “People don’t want to face the fact that we’re losing. All of Trump’s successes are just temporary. The deep state is so evil and powerful, a Satanic conspiracy…. You must prepare for the takedown.”

Why Are Young People So Unhappy?

(vid) How Pornographers DESTROYED Patriarchy and the West

Quote from the Psychology Today article referenced in this video. Notice the pejorative words the anti-Christian magazine uses to stigmatize those who are still moral, which I put in italics. Even their title is deceptive:6 Ways to Develop Sexual Integrity.”

An interesting effect happens as people watch pornography. They … become more accepting of sexual diversity and less stigmatizing towards homosexuality. They become less religious, and may even experience more crises of faith. Enjoying porn leads to people changing their beliefs about sex and gender, and, in some cases, rejecting the dogmatically rigid sex/gender values they were taught in church. (source)

(vid) E. Michael Jones: Social Engineering, Mental Illness & Climate Change — The real source of Greta’s rage

My notes:

5:35 “All of these young guys who write to me, they’re all addicted to pornography. …and they’re looking to find some way out. The first way out is to explain what it is and what it is not. What it is not is ‘liberation,’ and what it is is control. … With the grace of God you can break that addiction.”

12:10 Greta explained

30:00 “…Mom feels guilty, and the daughter feels full of rage.”

32:30 “…basically a stand-off in the family where Mom’s consumed with guilt and Greta is consumed with hatred, and it can’t go on this way. And then suddenly, they discover climate change.”

34:20 How psychology is demoralizing society

37:10 Sigmund Freud

American Psychological Assoc. Pushes Deviant Morals – Launches Open Marriages Task Force

From: World Affairs Brief 7/12/19 by Joel Skousen

APA at the Forefront Pushing Deviant Morals: The American Psychological Association (APA) is revising its standards on everything from pedophilia to monogamy and trying to make the case that monogamy is the new bigotry—that open marriages and even a person’s predilection to have sex with young children is not necessarily evil, but should be given more tolerance. According to the official declaration, “the ability to engage in desired intimacy [of any type] without social and medical stigmatization is not a liberty for all.” In other words, we should tolerate everything.


APA: We’d Like to Teach the World to Swing…

July 08, 2019

Just when you think you’ve heard it all, the American Psychological Association (APA) decides this: Monogamy is the new bigotry. That’s right. According to the supposed “mental health experts,” open marriages are the tolerant approach to intimacy. And they’ve launched a task force to prove it to the world.

(VID) Is Alex Jones A Psychopath?

STUDY: Women leaving STEM [science, tech, engineering & math] due to depression, unhappiness

From: Campus Reform

STUDY: Women leaving STEM due to depression, unhappiness

Jul 26, 2018

A new study has discovered that depression, rather than sexism or discrimination, is driving women’s desire to leave STEM fields.

“In terms of reported work engagement, depression, perfectionistic discrepancy, and stigma consciousness were significant negative predictors, while having perfectionistic high standards positively predicted work engagement,” the abstract reports, adding that “for work engagement, lack of comparable pay was a nonsignificant predictor.”

The study led by Department of Veteran Affairs Researcher Erin Reilly, “The Relationship Among Stigma, Consciousness, Perfectionism, and Mental Health in Retaining Women in STEM,” was published in the newest issue of the Journal of Career Development.

[RELATED: Prof: Efforts to recruit women for STEM ‘may be backfiring’]

The work sought to shed light on the mass exodus of women from STEM. As Reilly and her team note, previous research has shown that 52 percent of women leave STEM mid-career to stay at home or to join other fields.

“[I]n the [United States] alone, approximately 3,000 PhD-trained women leaving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) result in an economic loss of US$1.5 billion per year,” the researchers note. …

[RELATED: Prof finds ‘no evidence’ sexism is behind gender gap in STEM]

Though the researchers acknowledge that they could not clinically diagnose any interviewees with depression, respondents were asked whether they “felt nervous, felt so down nothing could cheer them up…[or] felt downhearted and blue” during the preceding month.

After analysing the data, researchers concluded that “women with higher levels of depression and perfectionistic discrepancy reported greater levels of intent to leave their current job,” adding that “depression was a consistent predictor of job outcome variables.” …

[RELATED: Feds dole out $3M+ to fight ‘microaggressions’ in STEM fields]

A recent study by Colorado School of Mines professor Greg Rulifson tracked 21 female students who started out as STEM majors in college, finding that one-third left STEM to major in fields that involve more “social responsibility.”

“Women in engineering are more motivated by helping others, and engineering education needs to provide more examples of engineering as a helping profession,” Rulifson recommended. …

[RELATED: Prof: Google memo was correct about gender differences]

Entire Article

(VID) How Women Weaken Nations (and why men let them) — Men's and women's roles are completely equal in importance • 'Equality' has come to mean that women should want to be engineers or soldiers, and that men… • Women make very different choices to men, which befit their *natural* inclinations and talents • When women do try to enter STEM fields [science, tech, engineering & math], they get depressed and frustrated • Voting patterns are remarkably consistent: If only men voted, we would likely never have a social/democratic government ever again. If only women voted, goodbye nationalism • Men are more cautious, and given to protection, while women favor the more trusting and open approach • Allow the sexes to be themselves. Abandon the idea that men should be more feminine and that masculinity is toxic • This is quite literally a matter of our nation's life or death

I transcribed these important, politically incorrect words, starting at 7:10:

Men’s and women’s roles are completely equal in importance, and should be valued and respected as such. In our demented modern world, ‘equality’ has come to mean that women should want to be engineers or soldiers, and that men should want to stay at home and look after the kids or become nurses. But even when they choose to have careers, women make very different choices to men, which befit their natural inclinations and talents. The fact is that no matter how much social engineering the left tries, it can’t make engineers out of women in any significant number.

When women do try to enter STEM fields [science, tech, engineering & math], for example, they often find they are simply unsuited to these ways of thinking. They get depressed and frustrated. … patterns between the sexes are remarkably consistent. If only men voted, we would likely never have a social/democratic government ever again. And if only women voted, goodbye nationalism forever. It is no coincidence that nationalism is dominated by men, and that women play a much bigger role in open borders movements like the Green Party.

These voting patterns reflect the natural roles the sexes play. Men are more cautious, and given to the protection of the tribe and the borders of the country, while women favor the more trusting and open approach to people.

The left wants us to equality with sameness, but this is deranged. … I’m talking about ending the creepy, politically correct obsession that there can be no differences between the sexes. … I’m talking about allowing the sexes to be themselves, to abandon the idea that men should be more feminine and that masculinity is toxic.

This is quite literally a matter of our nation’s life or death.”

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(VID) Janet Bloomfield: The Danger of Empathy — "Women don't think through long-term consequences, and men do"

I would say that in general, women are more subjective, and men are more objective (“not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts”).
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“Women don’t think through long-term consequences, and men do.”

– Janet Bloomfield

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Why it's SO Amazingly SIMPLE to Deceive MOST PEOPLE!!!

How do people respond when their beliefs are challenged?

A) Research the evidence


B) Deny the evidence

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Study: IQ Scores Are Falling Rapidly – Seven Points per Generation!

They’re not mentioning the effects of vaccines, less healthy food, cellphone and cell tower radiation, being nursed on soy milk instead of mother’s milk, etc..
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The Flynn effect – named after the work of Kiwi intelligence researcher James Flynn – observed rapid rises in intelligence quotient at a rate of about 3 IQ points per decade in the 20th century, but new research suggests these heady boom days are long gone.

An analysis of some 730,000 IQ test results by researchers from the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research in Norway reveals the Flynn effect hit its peak for people born during the mid-1970s, and has significantly declined ever since.

“This is the most convincing evidence yet of a reversal of the Flynn effect,” psychologist Stuart Ritchie from the University of Edinburgh, who was not involved in the study, told The Times. …

What the results show is that a turning point for the Flynn effect occurred for the post-1975 birth cohorts, equivalent to 7 fewer IQ score points per generation.

It’s not the first time we’ve seen this kind of dip. Research by Flynn himself that looked at the IQs of British teenagers almost a decade ago observed a similar fall in test scores. …

In the new study, the researchers observed IQ drops occurring within actual families, between brothers and sons – meaning the effect likely isn’t due to shifting demographic factors as some have suggested, such as the dysgenic accumulation of disadvantageous genes across areas of society.

Instead, it suggests changes in lifestyle could be what’s behind these lower IQs, perhaps due to the way children are educated, the way they’re brought up, and the things they spend time doing more and less (the types of play they engage in, whether they read books, and so on).


(vid) Cockatoo Meows Like a Cat

This cockatoo just wanted to fit in with the group of cats that were living with him. He tried to be a part of the group by meowing like them as he paced back and forth across the bed.

2011 STUDY: Abortion tied to sharp decline in women's mental health

A provocative new study shows that women who have an abortion face an increased risk for mental health problems including substance abuse, anxiety, and depression.
“Results indicate quite consistently that abortion is associated with moderate to highly increased risks of psychological problems subsequent to the procedure,” the authors wrote in the study, published in the September 1 issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry.
For the study, researchers analyzed data on 877,000 women, including 164,000 who had an abortion. They found women who had an abortion experienced an 81 percent increased risk for mental problems.
Women who had an abortion were 34 percent more likely to develop an anxiety disorder, 37 percent more likely to experience depression, 110 percent more likely to abuse alcohol, 155 percent more likely to commit suicide, and 220 percent more likely to use marijuana.

(Studies) Internet pornography akin to cocaine – A chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuits — Brain atrophy – less connectivity between the right caudate and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the seat of executive functions

Internet pornography—akin to cocaine
A chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuits.
Nicole M. King and Bryce J. Christensen | May 8 2018
The progressives who brought the world the sexual revolution assure one and all that that Internet pornography poses no threat to social or personal well-being; indeed, they argue that Internet pornography deserves the same legal protections afforded expressions of political opinion. But the progressive view on pornography appears ever less credible as evidence accrues showing that addiction to Internet pornography looks very like addiction to cocaine and carries consequences that may prove just as harmful for individuals and families.

(vid) Jordan Peterson On Why Jews Are So Successful – Alex Jones Responds + Key Comments

First, quotes I transcribed from Alex, who will no longer tell the real, Talmudic cause, but at least says this:

26:45 “There are Japanese genetics, there are north European genetics that overall have a higher genetic, so-called Q score than even the smartest Ashkenazi Jews. The final thing the Ashkenazi Jews have is they work together, and they understand finance and create systems.”

29:50 “They don’t want well rounded people. They want specialists they can manipulate and control.”

Select comments from the video — the Satanic, immoral, racist, power-over-others Talmud is the key reason:

Jews have created such a nice environment for themselves to do their work on us. When they do well, it’s “High IQ.” When their white enemies do well, it’s “white privilege,” and “institutional racism.”

It’s hard to know for sure if a group of people are genetically or culturally predisposed to being nespotic and devious in order to get into strategic societal positions and to devise money systems that lock people in and often screw them over and to bring in oppressive systems like communism (including the new ‘globalism’ version of it). I used to believe that it was all due to just being good at whatever field they’re in, but I found out there’s a lot of hiring one’s own.

It’s quite simple why Africans are fast runners. It’s either them chasing their food or there food is chasing them Jews are successful because their rascist. They only do business with they’re own kind

…the question should be, why are they obsessed with social engineering? Why do they hate the west? And why do they hate white people? It’s very strange and creepy, it’s a kind of racism I don’t think any European really understands, why would sucessful people try and destroy the country’s that have made them sucessful?

So, they don’t do satanic rituals which include human torture and sacrifice? They don’t control the world financially, politically, through Hollywood, education, law, medicine, tech, etc., they don’t employ divide and conquer, and they don’t send our sons and daughters to wars, slaughtering the best and the brightest? Yeah, I wonder why they’re so .. “successful” .. ..

In their satanic Talmud, it’s written that they’re permitted–encouraged, you might say–to enslave, rape, torture and murder the goyim, who are considered less than animals.

Jews are not successful, Jews are conniving. There’s a difference. They have no interest in playing by the rules to better society. They see themselves as outsiders. Their interest is in taking advantage of the system, taking advantage of the host, to benefit their group.

Why?  Because Talmud ethics is immoral legalism.  Their is nothing in their ethics that prevent them from tricking , scheming , lying by omission or even paying others to murder. Jews screw others every way they can, then buy degrees, positions of importance and tutors for their children, while they insure everyone elses kids are smoked out, and wallowing in public schools.

Jews are successful because they deracinate [to pull up by the roots; uproot; extirpate; eradicate] society. They have no morals, no culture and only care about financial gain. Its the biggest reason they’ve been kicked out of nearly every country in the world.

Exactly. They are a hyper-tribal race of sociopaths willing to do ANYTHING for power and control. THAT is why they are so successful and have been able to infiltrate and take over every major institution in the western world that was originally established by white Gentiles.

doesn’t the Talmud say they can lie, cheat and steal from the unwashed masses because they are special?

Jews are so successful because they stick together, and because they are ruthless & treacherous in all matters. Most people wanna play fair and do good business, Jews do not. Jews wanna win, and win by any means necessary

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