Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Reverse-Logos Facilitators Page 9 of 22

Fmr. US Ambassador: Real Reason Behind Netanyahu's Iran Nuclear Allegations – To distract attention from police probe investigating him for corruption

“It will be seen as an unscrupulous effort by Netanyahu to divert attention from his own legal and political difficulties,” [Chas] Freeman said when asked about Netanyahu’s performance.


(vid) James Perloff with the Hagmanns, who are waking up!! – The Truth About Syria, Talmudic Israel's Evil Role — "We should certainly not be following an agenda that is set by people who are without question Luciferians"

41:00 Both Hagmanns are waking up to Talmudic Israel’s evil doings!
30:15 “We should be opposing evil, and we should be trying to fulfill God’s will in our lives. And that means we should be peacemakers here on earth. And we should certainly not be following an agenda that is set by people who are without question Luciferians.” – James Perloff
52:30 “It’s not coincidental. There is definitely a correlation between how well we do and how well we obey God.” – James Perloff

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(vid) How Fox News, the War Channel pushes Netanyahu's deceptions – What happened to 'We Report, You Decide'?

[Update 5/2/18 6 pm] High Impact Flix’s entire channel with 516 thousand subscribers was taken down by Google within a day after posting this. Notice what he wrote under this video before this happened, which I’ve bolded.

Screen Shot 2018-05-02 at 6.44.47 PM

This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy against spam, deceptive practices, and misleading content or other Terms of Service violations.

The Secret Disturbing Truth About THIS Israeli Propaganda Presentation!


Published on May 1, 2018

Seems like when I put anything up about the truth regarding what the Israeli/U.S. Relationship is all about, there’s some level of censorship.
Full Netanyahu talk:…
Fox segment:…
Let Fox News know what you think about their biased handling of  “Big Ben”  Here’s that segment.…
Here’s Netanyahu’s full “without notes” propaganda presentation:…

(vid) Ernst Zundel still being attacked in 1996 – Supreme Court of Canada | Arsonist sets fire to Ernst's home

21:40 The story of Ernst’s house being set on fire by an arsonist, almost completely destroying it
Who are the real “haters?”

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(vid) Jordan Peterson On Why Jews Are So Successful – Alex Jones Responds + Key Comments

First, quotes I transcribed from Alex, who will no longer tell the real, Talmudic cause, but at least says this:

26:45 “There are Japanese genetics, there are north European genetics that overall have a higher genetic, so-called Q score than even the smartest Ashkenazi Jews. The final thing the Ashkenazi Jews have is they work together, and they understand finance and create systems.”

29:50 “They don’t want well rounded people. They want specialists they can manipulate and control.”

Select comments from the video — the Satanic, immoral, racist, power-over-others Talmud is the key reason:

Jews have created such a nice environment for themselves to do their work on us. When they do well, it’s “High IQ.” When their white enemies do well, it’s “white privilege,” and “institutional racism.”

It’s hard to know for sure if a group of people are genetically or culturally predisposed to being nespotic and devious in order to get into strategic societal positions and to devise money systems that lock people in and often screw them over and to bring in oppressive systems like communism (including the new ‘globalism’ version of it). I used to believe that it was all due to just being good at whatever field they’re in, but I found out there’s a lot of hiring one’s own.

It’s quite simple why Africans are fast runners. It’s either them chasing their food or there food is chasing them Jews are successful because their rascist. They only do business with they’re own kind

…the question should be, why are they obsessed with social engineering? Why do they hate the west? And why do they hate white people? It’s very strange and creepy, it’s a kind of racism I don’t think any European really understands, why would sucessful people try and destroy the country’s that have made them sucessful?

So, they don’t do satanic rituals which include human torture and sacrifice? They don’t control the world financially, politically, through Hollywood, education, law, medicine, tech, etc., they don’t employ divide and conquer, and they don’t send our sons and daughters to wars, slaughtering the best and the brightest? Yeah, I wonder why they’re so .. “successful” .. ..

In their satanic Talmud, it’s written that they’re permitted–encouraged, you might say–to enslave, rape, torture and murder the goyim, who are considered less than animals.

Jews are not successful, Jews are conniving. There’s a difference. They have no interest in playing by the rules to better society. They see themselves as outsiders. Their interest is in taking advantage of the system, taking advantage of the host, to benefit their group.

Why?  Because Talmud ethics is immoral legalism.  Their is nothing in their ethics that prevent them from tricking , scheming , lying by omission or even paying others to murder. Jews screw others every way they can, then buy degrees, positions of importance and tutors for their children, while they insure everyone elses kids are smoked out, and wallowing in public schools.

Jews are successful because they deracinate [to pull up by the roots; uproot; extirpate; eradicate] society. They have no morals, no culture and only care about financial gain. Its the biggest reason they’ve been kicked out of nearly every country in the world.

Exactly. They are a hyper-tribal race of sociopaths willing to do ANYTHING for power and control. THAT is why they are so successful and have been able to infiltrate and take over every major institution in the western world that was originally established by white Gentiles.

doesn’t the Talmud say they can lie, cheat and steal from the unwashed masses because they are special?

Jews are so successful because they stick together, and because they are ruthless & treacherous in all matters. Most people wanna play fair and do good business, Jews do not. Jews wanna win, and win by any means necessary

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(vid) Jake: The Truth About the Iran Deal and Iranian Nuclear Weapons

(vid) ISRAEL is Behind Deadly 5G Technology

(video) Netanyahu Unaware of the Camera: 'America can easily be moved'

Longer version here:
(Recorded On Video) Netanyahu: “America is Easy to Push Around” – Israeli Prime Minister brags how he deceived Bill Clinton and deliberately destroyed the Oslo agreement between Israel and the Palestinians
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(vid) Ernst Zundel in the News 1983-1985 – Talmudic Jews are the Haters! — "I do not publish hate literature. I publish truth literature. I am a nice man defending my ethnic group"

At 18:45, the real haters, truth stoppers!
28:50 “I do not publish hate literature. I publish truth literature. I present the German side to a historic, political controversy. … I am not a hate-monger. I am a nice man defending my ethnic group.” – Ernst Zundel
Later, the Talmudists holocausted Ernst’s house, actually destroying it with fire, along with much of his extensive library, containing many rare books.
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Netanyahu’s 7 Nuclear Deceptions — 1992: IRAN nuclear “within three to five years” • 1995: “three to five years” • 1996: “time is running out” • 2009: “probably one or two years away” / “has the capability now” • 2012: “within a year” || 2002: IRAQ now operating “centrifuges the size of washing machines”

Original post

(vid) Jake: Netanyahu's Anti-Iranian Propaganda Exposed! – "Benjamin Netanyahu is a serial liar" — "Iran is opposing the New World Order. For the Greater Israel Project to succeed, Israel has to somehow eliminate Iran as its rival"

My Notes:
6:55 The Iranians are opposing the NWO:

“What happens is that Iran provides financial and military support to prevent those outside powers from coming in and taking over the territories. In a literal sense, the Iranians, no matter what you want to say of them, they are opposing the New World Order. So for the Greater Israel Project to succeed, Israel has to somehow eliminate Iran as its rival.”

22:50 Excellent con-artist analogy!
24:40 “Folks, Benjamin Netanyahu is a serial liar.”
27:00 Clip of Trump with O’Reilly talking on Fox News, the Talmudic, reverse-Christian war channel for ‘Christians,’ about how he wants to bomb Syria and then send in ground troops to take their oil!
28:30 Amazing personal story!

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(vid) Mike Cernovich EXPOSED as a Zionist Propagandist by Adam Green

A lot is covered here!
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“I hate them [real-history truthers]. I was rooting for them to slip on banana peels and bash their skulls in, but I’m not going to let the government become sensors. The best answer to racial bigotry is truth and equality. You have to be able to compete in the marketplace of ideas.”

Alan Dershowitz, the free speech legend lying at 40:20 about how much he believes in free speech

Comments I wrote in response to Adam Green’s Cernovich exposé video:

Adam, great point at 1:10:00. They *claim to be pro-free speech,* yet make sure *those who tell the truth about the ‘Holocaust’ are imprisoned* in almost 20 countries. At 40:20, Dershowitz says about some truthers: “I hate them. I was rooting for them to slip on banana peels and bash their skulls in, but *I’m not going to let the government become sensors.* The best answer to racial bigotry is truth and equality. You have to be able to compete in the marketplace of ideas.” And then they censor YouTube videos and truthers on Facebook.

Dershwitz is a liar, and probably proud of it. That’s how he got his clients off, and made lots of money. The Talmud teaches them to lie to the Goyim, as long as they don’t get caught:

*Talmud Encourages Jews to Deceive Non-Jews* — “Pretend to rejoice with them in order to hide your hatred” — Talmud denies the Gentile status as a “man,” so they are also excluded from being the Jews’ neighbor

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So Cernovich ends his “Silenced, Our War on Free Speech” movie with the ‘Holocaust’ sympathy story, which is based on the lie that Hitler had an extermination plan, and that Jews were actually gassed. This is why it’s crucial that truthers expose the ‘Holocaust’ lies, which will open many people’s eyes! This is why it’s illegal to question the ‘Holocaust’ in almost 20 countries, and they want it to be illegal here too — before USA truthers actually study and expose this huge lie. It needs to be done!

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46:45 “One of the greatest Talmudic rabbis,” he says. The Babylonian Talmud is the key to all of this, the “leaven of the Pharisees” that Jesus warned about. Jesus said to them: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth” (John 8:44). The ‘Christian’ Zionists completely disregard Jesus’ warnings about the Talmudists.

My response to a comment:

American Christianity is in many ways now reverse-Christian. Jesus warned about the Talmudists. American pastors are now their biggest supporters. Jesus said the peacemakers will be called the children of God. American ‘Christian’ Zionists are now the biggest warmongers for Talmudic Israel.

The early Christians never supported evil. Many were murdered by the Talmudists because they would not. Stephen told them the truth to their faces, and they stoned him to death, as he was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Today’s ‘Christians’ are led by FOX News instead of the HOLY Spirit.

American Christianity is in many ways now reverse-Christian.

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(vid) Nathanael: Satan At The 'Wailing Wall' — Performing the right of political passage at the Antonio Fortress' wall is to shake hands with the Devil

Chuck Baldwin: ‘Christian’ bookstores are packed with tomes unmasking Islam, but not one volume delves into the depravities of Orthodox Judaism — In “Judaism’s Strange Gods,” Christian scholar Michael Hoffman documents his provocative thesis that Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament, but the newly formalized belief system of the Pharisees • Liberating the reader from the accumulated shackles of decades of misinformation, this book shows that Judaism’s god is not the God of Israel, but the strange gods of Talmud and Kabbalah, and the racial self-worship they inculcate
(audio) Amazon Bans Texe Marrs’ Book “Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbi’s Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion” w/ Jeff Rense 3/13/17 — Claiming free speech, Amazon sells millions of books, including witchcraft, rape, torture, murder, sexual perversion and cannibalism. They sell ‘Jesus in the Talmud,’ which covers the Judaic belief that Jesus was a bastard child of a whore and is burning in a vat of fiery excrement in hell • ‘Holy Serpent of the Jews’ has struck a raw nerve, exposing the true religion of Judaism • Both the Talmud and the Kabbalah are racist documents, claiming the Jew as the ultimate in evolution and as gods on earth. Their ‘Great Purification’—espoused by rabbis today—is at hand, where Gentiles will either capitulate and become slaves to the Jews or they shall die—a truth that must not be known • Jesus warned about the ‘leaven’ of the Pharisees, saying they ‘follow their father the Devil’ • Most pastors today enable these Talmudic, Satanist destroyers, claiming they’re obeying Gen. 12:3, which is about Abraham, not Talmudic, anti-Christ Israel

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Jake: The Dire Threat of Israeli Zionist Control Over America

Landmark bill restricting criticism of Israel sneaks through South Carolina Senate

Can question anything except what’s Talmudic, the Satanic, racial supremacist “leaven” that Jesus warned about.
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Students offered grants if they tweet pro-Israeli propaganda

13 August 2013
In a campaign to improve its image abroad, the Israeli government plans to provide scholarships to hundreds of students at its seven universities in exchange for their making pro-Israel Facebook posts and tweets to foreign audiences.
The students making the posts will not reveal online that they are funded by the Israeli government, according to correspondence about the plan revealed in the Haaretz newspaper.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office, which will oversee the programme, confirmed its launch….
The government’s hand is to be invisible to the foreign audiences. Daniel Seaman, the official who has been planning the effort, wrote in a letter on 5 August to a body authorising government projects that “the idea requires not making the role of the state stand out and therefore it is necessary to adhere to great involvement of the students themselves, without political linkage or affiliation”. …
Mr Netanyahu’s aides said the main topics the units would address related to political and security issues, combating calls to boycott Israel and combating efforts to question Israel’s legitimacy. The officials said the students would stress Israeli democratic values, freedom of religion and pluralism.
But Alon Liel, the doveish former director-general of the Israeli foreign ministry, criticised the plan as “quite disgusting”. “University students should be educated to think freely. When you buy the mind of a student, he becomes a puppet of the Israeli government grant,” he said. “You can give a grant to do social work or teach but not to do propaganda on controversial issues for the government.”

Natalie Portman says Jewish community should focus less on the Holocaust – Many real genocides aren't taught at all!

TalmudVision has 200 movies and thousands of documentaries on the ‘Holocaust,’ which wasn’t a genocide (so called gas chambers now forensically discredited), yet where are the films about the real genocides, some of which the Talmudists themselves carried out, like the Holodomor in Russia.
A friend pointed out on Facebook:

I wonder if she knows that the Bolshevik Revolution that killed 66 million Russian Christians was lead by radical supremacist jews… indeed it’s time to have a real discussion about other events…

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Natalie Portman says Jewish community should focus less on the Holocaust
The actress believes other atrocities should also be emphasised in education
Natalie Portman is calling on the Jewish community to question how much emphasis they place on the Holocaust in comparison to other atrocities. …
Portman was born in Jerusalem and lived there until she was three, when her family emigrated to the US. In America, she was educated at Jewish schools and learned about the Holocaust and the events leading up to the birth of Israel.
The 34-year-old told The Independent this experience led her to question how much the Holocaust, during which 11 million people were killed [not true], is placed at the forefront of education and whether it is right to prioritise it above other tragedies.
“I think a really big question the Jewish community needs to ask itself, is how much at the forefront we put Holocaust education,” she said. “Which is, of course, an important question to remember and to respect, but not over other things.”
Portman said she arrived at this conclusion after visiting a museum about the Rwandan Genocide and realising this was not something she had been taught about in school despite it taking place while she was a student.
“I was shocked that that [genocide] was going on while I was in school. We were learning only about the Holocaust….

(vid) YouTube Censorship Campaign EXPOSED | Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL Trusted Flagger Technology

(vid) Syria Strikes and The Israel Connection | Trump Has Been Compromised

In addition to his pressuring Trump list, someone set the Trump Tower on fire on Saturday, 4/7/18, which has no sprinkler system.
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Russia claims Israel behind Syria Chemical attack [Video]

Talmudic Israel has staged many false flags to get US to fight their reverse-Christian wars!
They even attacked and almost completely destroyed the USS Liberty to blame it on Egypt, so we would annihilate them!


Red China is a Creation of Talmudic Globalists

(vid) What They Won't Tell You About Who REALLY Controls our Minds! — How Talmudists got women to smoke

Edward Bernays was the son of Ely Bernays and Anna Freud Bernays. His great grandfather was Isaac Bernays, chief rabbi of Hamburg. Bernays was a “double nephewof Viennese psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud…. (source)
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(vid) Talmudic ADL's 'Online Hate Index' – Censoring 'hate speech' through artificial intelligence and machine learning

ADL unveils it’s new strategy to combat uncomfortable truth on the internet.

The Online Hate Index (OHI), a joint initiative of ADL’s Center for Technology and Society and UC Berkeley’s D-Lab, is designed to transform human understanding of hate speech via machine learning into a scalable tool that can be deployed on internet content to discover the scope and spread of online hate speech.

Learn more:…

(vid) Really Graceful Unmasks Zionism in 10 Minutes — "Why do 'Christian' Zionists support this ethnic cleansing?"

“Why do ‘Christian’ Zionists support this ethnic cleansing with their silence?” – Really Graceful

The early Christians never supported evil.
Jesus warned of this Talmudic ‘leaven‘ of the Pharisees. They wanted Jesus to lead them in the racist, world domination plan.
Jesus told them:

“You are of your father the devil, and the lusts [passions] of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44)

Where are the peacemakers Jesus said His children must be?:

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” (Mt. 5:9)

Really Graceful mentions what Jesus says in Revelation 2:9:

“I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

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Israel Confirms Video of Sniper Shooting Unarmed Palestinian as Soldiers Cheer Is Genuine


(vid) SYRIA – the Terrifying Truth of What is Really Happening – Real History by Jake

(vid) Syrian Girl: What really happened – Chemical Attack that lead to missile Strikes on #Syria

(video) Israeli Snipers Celebrating After Killing Unarmed Palestinian Protester Near Gaza Border


Israelis gather by Gaza border to watch and cheer as military uses live fire against Palestinians

They’re taught by the Talmud that non-Jews are animals.
Pure, world domination evil — the ‘leaven’ of the Pharisees Jesus warned against!
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Twitter photo by @ndvori

Twitter photo by @ndvori

A disturbing image of young Israelis sitting by the Gaza border, cheering and watching as bombs fall on Palestinians just a few miles away has evoked widespread condemnation as it circulated on social media.
In the photo, shared by Nir Dvori a reporter at Israeli Channel 2 television news on Friday, seven young Israeli adults are seen smiling and waving at the cameras as they sit on an observation tower in Nahal Oz, outside the fenced-off Gaza strip.
Many likened the scene to an “outdoor cinema,” calling it disgusting and barbaric to watch as the Israeli military uses live fire and excessive force against Palestinian protesters.

Mike Rivero: Trump is Not In Control – Deep State (including Netanyahu) Controls US war policy

8:45 Trump concedes on pulling troops out of Syria after Pentagon said no. Then he got a call from Netanyahu.
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