Freedom from Alaska!

Category: The Soul of America Page 6 of 34

Rick Wiles: Christian Zionism’s Sin of Displacement Theology

“Jesus never promised to bless warmongers. Jesus said ‘blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.'” – Rick Wiles @ 28:00


The ‘24’ Effect: How Talmudic Hollywood Carried Water For Torture

The ‘24’ Effect: How ‘Liberal Hollywood’ Carried Water For Torture

Since one of the more discussed enhanced interrogation techniques involved waterboarding, Hollywood was at least one of the constituencies that, wittingly or not, helped carry the CIA’s water. …

..conservatives — could hardly have had a better ally than the images of torture in TV and movies, particularly in the face of “ticking-bomb scenarios.” …

Not only has torture become more frequent since the Sept. 11 terror attacks, but the acceptance of those depictions in entertainment has been cited as a point of reference – and even an endorsement of the tactics.

A lengthy 2007 New Yorker piece by Jane Mayer about the politics of “24” emphasized a declaration by conservative talkradio host Laura Ingraham that its hero’s popularity was “as close to a national referendum that it’s O.K. to use tough tactics against high-level Al Qaeda operatives as we’re going to get.”

Mayer also noted that an advisory panel to the U.S. intelligence community studied the issue and concluded “most observers, even those within professional circles, have unfortunately been influenced by the media’s colorful (and artificial) view of interrogation as almost always involving hostility.”


Mark Dice: Propaganda disguised as entertainment — Many examples!

One of Hollywood’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed

AwakenWithJP: HOW TO VICTIMIZE YOURSELF! — “Feeling significant because you made yourself into a victim is a lot easier than feeling significant because you did something significant” / “Everything about you and your life is their fault” / “Form a group to cancel people. Form a culture. Call it ‘cancel culture’ if you want” / “As you cancel them, now is the time to virtue signal” / “The more victim you are the more significant you feel, which makes you feel more powerful”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske:

“We want to help you embrace personal power the only way that’s socially acceptable today by victimizing yourself.”

“Feeling significant because you made yourself into a victim is a lot easier than feeling significant because you did something significant.”

“…the more victim you are the more significant you feel, which makes you feel more powerful.”

“To victimize yourself, find someone else to blame for how you make yourself feel. … Everything about you and your life is their fault.”

“The more pain you have the more significant you feel.”

“Victimize yourself even further by canceling them. … Canceling a whole group is even better. Ruin their lives because your life already feels ruined. Hate them and hurt them because you hurt inside.”

“As you cancel them, now is the time to virtue signal. Do this by accusing them of being something horrible. This will set up a manipulative, psychological trick where you plant yourself to be the opposite of that horrible something, which is always something virtuous.”

“And don’t worry, it doesn’t matter if they’re not racist. This isn’t about them. It’s about you. And you’re about hurting others for your gain of a heightened degree of significance.”

“Always remember to virtue signal. That way, people won’t see what you’re really doing: abusing others to position yourself as the victim.”

“And we can’t do it alone. We need to ban together with other people who victimize themselves. Form a group to cancel people. Form a culture. Call it ‘cancel culture’ if you want.”

The worse a person feels the more justified they feel when they attack someone else: “That’s why we’re here to help you be better at making yourself feel worse so you can feel better about yourself when you attack someone else.”

“The world needs less self-responsibility and more safe space for people to be un-self-responsible.”

Best watched at .75% speed

Candace Owens on ‘Tucker’: Mob Justice Floyd Trial – 3X lethal dose of Fentanyl, not a ‘rehabilitated martyr’ — “We are living in fiction because people are not strong enough to call out this stuff”

Candace Owens told Tucker on 4/20/21:

“What we’re really seeing is mob justice and that’s really what happened with this entire trial. This was not a trial about George Floyd or Derek Chauvin. This was a trial about whether the media was powerful enough to create a simulation, decide upon a narrative absent any facts, whether it was powerful enough to repeat showing and talking about a 9-minute clip that came from somebody’s cell phone without adding any context, without showing the full, you know, the full police video which they could have released.

[CORRECTION: the police body cam video could have been released immediately, stopping the riots, because it showed Floyd saying “I can’t breathe” five times before being asked to be put on the ground. It was leaked months after the incident in early August, and parts of all of the officers’ body cam footage was shown during the trial, but the fact that Floyd was already saying “I can’t breathe” before the knee to the “neck” was not emphasized during the trial. Candace seems to be saying the body cam footage wasn’t used in the trial at all, which wasn’t true.]

They refused to release the full body cam which would have added more clarity to the fact that the media was lying. The media came out, let’s not forget this, Tucker, the media came out and told us that this was a man who was just getting his life together. He was a… good member of society and he got mixed up because a racist white police officer had it out for him and killed him.

All of that fell apart…we now know, of course, that he had enough fentanyl in him, it was three times the lethal dosage — three times the lethal dosage — in him when he died. But nobody cares because the media was successful in putting out a narrative and they kept hitting that narrative. …

Because we have two pandemics going on right now. There’s a pandemic of ignorance in this country, and that is only allowed to fly because we also have a pandemic of cowardice in this country. Okay? So we have people that are purposefully putting out a bunch of ignorant claims, and then we have people that are too cowardly to stand up and say, you know what, this is wrong. There has been so much that has been going on in this country that is wrong. You talk about it. I talk about it. But we do not have people that are sitting in Congress that are willing to take this fight where it needs to be taken.

By the way, you bring up Maxine Waters inciting violence. I’m so old Tucker that I remember when a man said ‘march peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol’ and that was considered an incitement for violence. Right? That was like, oh my God, stop the press, get this person disappeared from social media because he is calling for violence. Look at what Maxine Waters says. No one, no one in the media is condemning these remarks. That same media that condemned Trump and his supporters for weeks on end is now defending Maxine Waters. And we both know this is not the first time that Maxine Waters has incited violence. Don’t forget, ‘rush down, if you see a Trump supporter, you got to rush him down in the restaurants.’ They are allowed to do this. They play by a different set of rules, but it’s because we allow them to play with that different set of rules. They get away with virtually everything because we don’t have strong people on our side that are willing to stand up. It’s a sad conclusion, it really is so frustrating.

And the idea of martyring George Floyd, the way Nancy Pelosi spoke about him, completely forgives all of the trauma that he brought against his victims while he was alive, a man that served seven plus stints in prison while he was alive, armed robbery being two of the reasons why, and now we’re going to martyr him and say that your name will forever be synonymous with justice? Imagine, Tucker, if you are one of his victims that is alive, one of his victims that he armed robbed, and you have to hear that this man’s name will always be synonymous with justice, how would that feel to you?

I feel like we are living in fiction right now in America. We are losing this country and we are living in fiction because people are not strong enough to call out this stuff, and I feel like I’m one of the only ones who has the courage to say I will not be mobbed into a different reality.”

Poll: Half of Americans under 25 nervous about the prospect of social interaction!

Women (43%) more likely than men (34%) to say they’re feeling nervous.

One-quarter (25%) say they think they will wear a mask frequently.



JLP | You Are Not Allowed to Be Honest

Jesse Lee Peterson

Woman arguing for mask mandates nearly passes out form lack of oxygen

This could be the Anchorage Assembly, ruling by emotion instead of facts. Mat-Su (Wassila and Palmer) has half the deaths and hospitalizations that Anchorage has (the facts that really matter. PCR tests have up to 90% false positives – NY Times), yet has an older population and no mandates.

Elizabeth Gayle: Anchorage’s Emergency Orders Did NOT Work — “How does Anchorage get away with justifying ANYTHING they’ve done?”

The Alaska comparisons are in brackets:

[Minute-9:25] LOGICAL PAUL: “So how does Madison [WASILLA] have school five days a week and not have masks and not have spikes in Covid?”

EMOTIONAL ELIZABETH: “You know what, I don’t know, Paul. I don’t know, and I frankly don’t particularly care. I want to make a decision for District 91 and Idaho Falls [ANCHORAGE]…. And Madison [WASILLA] school district and their trusties can make what is best for them.”

LOGICAL PAUL: “I think we can take the data, though, that’s from Eastern Public Health and learn from it.”

Sadly, a school district recall effort to remove Elizabeth Cogliati failed 40.2% to 59.8%. But they tried!

Full Version in HD – Watch at 6:20 (quotes above at 9:25):

Utah Passes Porn Filter Bill That May Not Be Enacted

Step in the right direction. Most children probably already addicted though, and it may not be enacted. TalmudVision pushed lust and porn is destroying America.

Benny Wills’ New World Normal News: #TrustScience – Christ the Redeemer Statue Lit up to Look Like a Doctor | Giving teens cross-sex hormones causes premature aging | Twitter bans posting any links from Bitchute | Unrelenting, Omnipresent Fear Short Circuits the Human Brain | Research shows that BSers are more likely to fall for BS …

My Favorites (or the most disgusting):

5:20 “Blasphemy” is correct. Scroll down for photo:

Christ the Redeemer Statue Lit up to Look Like a Doctor to Honor Coronavirus Medical Workers

25:20 $3.5 billion for Bill Gates’ foundation hidden in the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion bill

26:40 Transgender weight lifter breaks women’s weight lifting records at world championships

28:07 Giving teens cross-sex hormones causes premature aging

31:27 Canada: HORROR: Father Faces Arrest and Jail Time For Trying To Stop Doctors From Transitioning His Middle School Daughter To A Boy [VIDEO]

35:30 I tried it just now too. Bitchute videos won’t load:

Twitter bans posting any links from Bitchute as “harmful”

42:35 Unrelenting, Omnipresent Fear Short Circuits the Human Brain

44:55 Research shows that BSers are more likely to fall for BS

People who frequently mislead others are less able to distinguish fact from fiction, according to University of Waterloo researchers

Gay poly throuple makes history, lists 3 dads on a birth certificate

Most pastors SAY NOTHING! They should all quit in shame for refusing to preach the truth. These “dads” may even gender change this baby! Pastors let America fall, teaching OSAS heresy and “God loves you no matter what,” so now hardly any “Christians” abide in Christ, being salt and light.

NY Post praises this now legal arrangement:

Now in preschool, Piper sees her daddies as a source of pride.

She told a classmate, “You have two parents. I have three parents.”

JP: The WOKE Hollywood Agenda! – “We entertain you while we entrain you” — Why ‘Saturday Night Live’ isn’t funny anymore

“Some people ask: ‘shows like ‘Saturday Night Live’ used to be funny? How come they’re not anymore?’ Because Hollywood’s comedy isn’t based on truth anymore. It’s based on controlling the narrative. An agenda of control squeezes the truth right out. And if you don’t have truth, you don’t have actual comedy.”

“We entertain you while we entrain you.”

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers ( 1956) – Full Film — POWERFUL WAKEUP!

One of my favorite movies of all time. More powerful than the remake. Extremely pertinent to our acquiesced, masked and lining up for the emergency vaccine, 2020-21 society.

Most people have now turned. Most seem like soulless, pod people now. We must warn those who are still humans before it’s too late!

– –

… Only one man and woman can escape the nightmare and warn the rest of the world before it’s too late!

OPENING SCENE: “Will you tell these fools I’m not crazy! Make them listen to me before it’s too late!”

“At first glance, everything looked the same. It wasn’t. Something evil had taken possession of the town.”

How Can ANYONE NOT Answer this SIMPLE Question? R. Paul vs R. Levine!


Press For Truth

Dan Fagan: Many reject freedom wanting government control. They worship the creation, not the Creator; more interested in ‘Mother Earth’ than humankind

“There are a lot of people in our country now who want to reject capitalism and freedom and the free market, and they want to go with government control. They’re more interested in ‘Mother Earth’ than humankind. They worship the creation, not the Creator.” – Dan Fagan on The Dan Fagan Show 2/16/21

Clips of TV Pushing Witchcraft — Mr. Rogers: “the witch is a fine thing to play”

9:00 Mr. Rogers interviews the lady who played the Wicked Witch of the West in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ in 1975. He then tells the children: “girls and boys like to play witches, and when you feel like as if you’d like to play something a little bit scary, the witch is a fine thing to play.”

Joe Schimmel: Satan Performs at the Super Bowl — Past and Present Performers!

While many believe the 2021 Super Bowl halftime show by The Weekend was nothing to be concerned about, we take a look behind the curtain to reveal what is really behind the artists who perform each year. Learn how Satan has been using the Super Bowl halftime shows to deceive millions of unsuspecting fans with so-called entertainment.

Good Fight Ministries has released several videos over the past several years exposing the artists who perform at the Super Bowl halftime show. We recap some of these artists, take a look at The Weekend, and reveal how Tom Brady and his wife are involved in the occult.

Ron Paul: Progressive TV newscasters ‘rarely smile; they’re very unhappy people’ — true about liberal congressmen too

2:10 “I do look for short periods of time at all of the TV channels just to see what all the propaganda is all about, and I’ve noticed one thing: if there’s a station that leans towards conservative — which there are probably about three now in that category — that I think the personnel seem much friendlier, and present themselves better, and they’re not antagonistic. The more progressive you get, the more liberal you get, I’ve noticed they very rarely smile. I think it’s not just something I’m making up. I think the left, the progressives who are so up tight about telling everybody how to do, since it’s an impossible task, they’re very unhappy people.

And then I got to thinking about it. That was sort of the way it was in the Congress, that people were miserable when they take it upon themselves they’re going to save the world, and ‘all we have to do is to get the people to listen,’ and they get very frustrated because ‘they’re not listening to us. If they listened to us everything would be so much better.'”

8:05 “I definitely think that people who depend on others or who want to be somebody else’s boss are less happy. That’s one of the good things about thinking about independence, self-reliance, getting the satisfaction of taking care of oneself….”

David Icke: People’s fear of death empowers the doctors — Why so many acquiesce!

Why so many are easily manipulated through Covid:

From Part 2:

“We need to get over the fear of death.”

“When you look at the fear of death, this is where the power of doctors comes from. … When we lose this fear of death, so many other fears disappear. … If we are going to go on thinking ‘I must do anything to stay alive,’ then we’re just going to hand our power to anybody we think will help us achieve that.”

“Masks make you faceless.”

“..dismantling the psychological stability of the human race.”

From Part 3:

“The cause of human control throughout history is human acquiescence of the many to the few.”

David Icke Talks The Deep State’s Agenda & The Capital Protests in DC (Part 2)


The Power Hour

Melissa Dykes: Do You See What I See? — This reality divide, hyper-polarization. The golden rule is being thrown out

My loose transcription, starting a 8 minutes into the video:

I know people personally who do whatever they can to avoid looking into a mirror, not wanting to face themselves, and they start to become the very things they supposedly stand against.

I think this is why people spend so much time going outside of themselves, instead of dealing with things that are going on inside.

People’s experiences differ greatly so they see the same things differently.

13:00 There’s this reality divide that’s happening and becoming increasingly obvious.

People dress themselves up in labels, take sides, and then fight and hate online, which furthers the divide.

Many now assume a person is a certain way and then argue with their assumption about that person.

Many have done complete 180s in this last year, standing now for what they recently spoke out against. Many are now applauding authoritarianism, making appeal-to-authority arguments, which relies on faith in authority figures instead of facts.

The golden rule is being thrown out of the window as people try to force their authoritarian rules and policies on others, calling people names who don’t go along.

Hyper-polarization of these groups.

Bill Wiese: Are We Believing Deceptive Lies? – “Anything else should be questioned. The Bible is God’s truth”

Exceptionally wise and pertinent words to overcome during these deceptive last days!


“The deception in these last days is overwhelming.”

“The enemy’s … primary weapon is subtle deception. He comes at us with carefully crafted arguments that stir up our emotions, and he often mixes in a little truth into the lies he promotes, causing us to question our God-given instinct. He comes back again and again until we are offended and angry. He knows that an offended person has compromised judgment.”

“The media has become the most powerful vehicle of lies, evil and confusion of our time. … And if you disagree with them you become ridiculed, hated, slandered.”

“We must stop and question the information being planted in our hearts and minds. We must each investigate the other side of the story.”

Romans 16:18 “By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.” BSB

The Bible says numerous times “take heed that no one deceives you.”

“If we are moved by feelings and feed on lies how are we to discern the truth” as the delusion increases with more serious birth pain events?

We should ask ourselves in humility:
• Have I been siding with evil?
• Do I really want to know the truth?
• Am I offended?
• Has my heart been hardened?
• Has my love gone cold?

“Anything else should be questioned. This [lays his hand on the Bible] is God’s truth.”

The Pledge of Allegiance Was Written to Sell Magazines

We need to do a rethink: idolatry and ‘The Pledge. What happens when the nation disobeys God?

It’s dangerous to pledge allegiance to any manmade political power, since their dictates often become reverse-Christian, such as our post-9/11 regime-change wars and much of what the CIA does covertly.

Children should be taught to pledge allegiance to God instead, Who will always lead us into doing what is right.

Hitler replaced religious youth programs with the Hitler Youth (like the Boy Scouts, but on steroids), to teach children to obey him without question. Most German Lutherans then did obey Hitler instead of the Holy Spirit, when instead of defending Germany on German soil, Hitler immorally abused Germans’ loyalty by invading foreign countries unnecessarily, turning the world against Germany, which got Germany destroyed, exactly what Satan wanted. And this includes his invasions of Poland and Russia, which true history proves.

Hitler locked up the main Catholic leader in the Dachau prison who refused to shut down the Catholic youth program.

War should be last resort only:

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

[DISCLAIMER: I’m no fan of NPR, who did this video.]

Dan Fagan: “There’s a spirit of insanity in the land. Up is down – right is wrong – evil is good”

Dan Fagan
There’s a spirit of insanity in the land. Up is down – right is wrong – evil is good.

Skousen: 2020 the year when most Americans gave up their liberty without a fight, dawning worthless masks, begging for bailouts. We’ve crossed the point of no return where conservatives will never win another national election. Remember this is a Satanic conspiracy

World Affairs Brief, January 1, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


This is my annual Big Picture Brief focusing not only on the significant happenings of the past year but also the persistent long-term threats that are still looming, which we tend to lose sight of, especially when buried by all the media hype promoting this never-ending false pandemic. This constant diversion of our attention is purposeful and meant to ensure we are unprepared for what is coming, and totally dependent on the more ruthless forms of martial law and emergency orders that will sweep aside what is left our liberties by the time WWIII descends upon this nation. We are now being totally conditioned to allow our personal liberty to be overridden by petty medical tyrants, someday to be replaced by wartime military and then civilian dictators. The year 2020 will go down as the year in which the vast majority of Americans gave up their liberty without a fight, having been tricked into thinking they were “all in this together,” dawning worthless masks, begging for bailouts, and acting more like lemmings going over the cliff that than sovereign individuals with fundamental rights worth fighting for. In short, we have now crossed the point of no return where conservatives will never win another national election again. Election fraud has now put us in a permanent minority position, which in a winner-take all system of democracy doesn’t bode well for restoring the Republic.

Skousen: How did this false pandemic happen? — Correct solutions have no appeal to morally corrupt citizens – chronic violators of conscience

World Affairs Brief, January 1, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (



How did this false pandemic happen?

Let me assure you this phony pandemic didn’t destroy our liberty overnight. Its conditions were set decades ago when we allowed the lure of free public education to capture America’s children and systematically indoctrinate them in social justice, political correctness, evolution, and false promises of what government power can do to create equality and a more “just world,” without freedom and judgment.

Dan Fagan: Fixing an election is nothing for those who kill their own babies

Dan Fagan: “Any party or movement that will fight for the right of an abortionist to kill a vulnerable, innocent baby while they’re living comfortably and peacefully in the sanctuary of their mother’s womb would certainly be capable of stealing an election.” “If they’re willing to support something that evil, certainly, fixing an election is nothing to them.”

[His Facebook post plus end of his statement on his show, 12/21/20]

AwakenWithJP: Tesla – Pretend to Save the Environment While Looking Rich

2 Million views! And JP includes the key facts at the end!

Alaska Watchman: 2020 exposed a festering disease in America — Christianity was the glue that held the nation together – de Tocqueville

2020 exposed a festering disease in America

This past winter the world began to change before our very eyes as the specter of an unknown global pandemic struck fear into the hearts of men. Lockdowns and closures – unthinkable in modern America – reshaped our lives overnight.


The events of this past year exposed a festering disease which has long-been weakening our body politic to the point that we now struggle to summon the necessary strength to restore our health. Things were not going well before 2020, but much of the country was oblivious.

One hundred and ninety years ago, a French writer sailed across the Atlantic to try and understand this bold new experiment called America. Alexis de Tocqueville wanted to see what sort of people could found and sustain a nation which was unlike any other in the history of the world.

He was not primarily interested in saving souls or defending any one particular church or denomination. But he, like our founding fathers, noted one fundamental reality about this new form of representative democracy. It would collapse, he said, if the people abandoned their Christian faith.

Christianity was the glue that held the nation together – the common set of values that justified the equality of all mankind under God. It provided a moral framework that protected individual liberties, while instilling a sense of moral duty to our fellow man. Without this foundation, Tocqueville predicted that a secular representative democracy would create citizens who were hyper individualist, preoccupied with material gain and willing to trample the Natural moral laws of the universe if they could only secure a tyrannical majority. Might would become right in the absence of a higher authority.

America’s religious institutions have been weakening for several generations now. Church attendance is falling, and many younger Americans know next to nothing about Christianity. We can no longer afford to neglect our churches and our prayers. Our children must be forged in faith and a deep love for God whose commands transcend all state and earthly powers.

Without this we cannot possibly save our souls, let alone the heart of this great nation.


Grants from CARES Act money going to drag queen classes, virtual gender-bend performances in Juneau, Alaska!


This covid money is a joke, used for evil here in liberal Juneau, Alaska — and may end up in massive inflation before this is all over.


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