Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Glenn Beck Page 2 of 3

The News from Prison Planet: Beck Compares Norwegian Victims to Hitler Youth; Europe on “right-wing extremism” alert after Norway attacks; Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Maize Fields!; and more…


VERY IMPORTANT!!! 14 Propaganda Techniques Fox “News” Uses to Brainwash Americans — As honest, fair and truly intellectual debate degrades before the eyes of the global media audience, the quality of American democracy degrades along with it

From: Truthout

14 Propaganda Techniques Fox “News” Uses to Brainwash Americans

Saturday 2 July 2011
by: Dr. Cynthia Boaz, Truthout | News Analysis

… The good news is that the more conscious you are of these techniques, the less likely they are to work on you. The bad news is that those reading this article are probably the least in need in of it.

1. Panic Mongering. …when people are afraid, they don’t think rationally. And when they can’t think rationally, they’ll believe anything.

2. Character Assassination/Ad Hominem. Fox does not like to waste time debating the idea. Instead, they prefer a quicker route to dispensing with their opponents: go after the person’s credibility, motives, intelligence, character, or, if necessary, sanity. No category of character assassination is off the table and no offense is beneath them. Fox and like-minded media figures also use ad hominem attacks not just against individuals, but entire categories of people in an effort to discredit the ideas of every person who is seen to fall into that category, e.g. “liberals,” “hippies,” “progressives” etc. This form of argument – if it can be called that – leaves no room for genuine debate over ideas, so by definition, it is undemocratic. Not to mention just plain crass.

3. Projection/Flipping. This one is frustrating for the viewer who is trying to actually follow the argument. It involves taking whatever underhanded tactic you’re using and then accusing your opponent of doing it to you first. …

4. Rewriting History. This is another way of saying that propagandists make the facts fit their worldview. The Downing Street Memos on the Iraq war were a classic example of this on a massive scale, but it happens daily and over smaller issues as well. … They will literally rewrite history if it serves their interests. And they’ll often speak with such authority that the casual viewer will be tempted to question what they knew as fact.

5. Scapegoating/Othering. This works best when people feel insecure or scared. It’s technically a form of both fear mongering and diversion, but it is so pervasive that it deserves its own category. The simple idea is that if you can find a group to blame for social or economic problems, you can then go on to a) justify violence/dehumanization of them, and b) subvert responsibility for any harm that may befall them as a result.

6. Conflating Violence With Power and Opposition to Violence With Weakness. This is more of what I’d call a “meta-frame” (a deeply held belief) than a media technique, but it is manifested in the ways news is reported constantly. For example, terms like “show of strength” are often used to describe acts of repression…. There are several concerning consequences…. First, it has the potential to make people feel falsely emboldened by shows of force – it can turn wars into sporting events. Secondly…. Violence become synonymous with power, patriotism and piety.

7. Bullying. This is a favorite technique of several Fox commentators [can anyone say Bill O’Reilly or Sean Hannity? – editor]. …. Often, less self-possessed people will feel shame and anxiety when being berated and the quickest way to end the immediate discomfort is to cede authority to the bully. The bully is then able to interpret that as a “win.”

8. Confusion. As with the preceding technique, this one works best on an audience that is less confident and self-possessed. The idea is to deliberately confuse the argument, but insist that the logic is airtight and imply that anyone who disagrees is either too dumb or too fanatical to follow along. Less independent minds will interpret the confusion technique as a form of sophisticated thinking, thereby giving the user’s claims veracity in the viewer’s mind.

9. Populism. This is especially popular in election years. The speakers identifies themselves as one of “the people” and the target of their ire as an enemy of the people. … The idea is to make the opponent harder to relate to and harder to empathize with. It often goes hand in hand with scapegoating.

10. Invoking the Christian God. This is similar to othering and populism. With morality politics, the idea is to declare yourself and your allies as patriots, Christians and “real Americans” (those are inseparable categories in this line of thinking) and anyone who challenges them as not. Basically, God loves Fox and Republicans and America [no matter what we do – editor]. And hates…. [The truth is that none of these liars and deceivers are real Christians based upon what the Bible really says – editor]

11. Saturation. There are three components to effective saturation: being repetitive, being ubiquitous [having or seeming to have the ability to be everywhere at once; omnipresent – editor] and being consistent. The message must be repeated …over and over, it must be everywhere and it must be shared across commentators: e.g. “Saddam has WMD.” Veracity and hard data have no relationship to the efficacy of saturation. …regardless of whether it’s true or if it even makes sense. …Fox’s own slogan of “Fair and Balanced.”

12. Disparaging Education. There is an emerging and disturbing lack of reverence for education and intellectualism in many mainstream media discourses. …

13. Guilt by Association. This is a favorite of Glenn Beck and Andrew Breitbart, both of whom have used it to decimate the careers and lives of many good people. Here’s how it works: if your cousin’s college roommate’s uncle’s ex-wife attended a dinner party back in 1984 with Gorbachev’s niece’s ex-boyfriend’s sister, then you, by extension are a communist set on destroying America. Period.

14. Diversion. This is where, when on the ropes, the media commentator suddenly takes the debate in a weird but predictable direction to avoid accountability. This is the point in the discussion where most Fox anchors start comparing the opponent to Saul Alinsky or invoking ACORN or Media Matters, in a desperate attempt to win through guilt by association. Or they’ll talk about wanting to focus on “moving forward,” as though by analyzing the current state of things or God forbid, how we got to this state of things, you have no regard for the future. Any attempt to bring the discussion back to the issue at hand will likely be called deflection, an ironic use of the technique of projection/flipping.

In debating some of these tactics with colleagues and friends, I have also noticed that the Fox viewership seems to be marked by a sort of collective personality disorder whereby the viewer feels almost as though they’ve been let into a secret society. Something about their affiliation with the network makes them feel privileged and this affinity is likely what drives the viewers to defend the network so vehemently. … It’s akin to the loyalty one feels by being let into a private club or a gang.

the fact that a lot of people believe something is not necessarily a sign that it’s true; it’s just a sign that it’s been effectively marketed.

Entire Article Here


[Very HEAVY!] Who is Rupert Murdoch? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.

(video) OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism — How FOX spins the war and so much more! Many examples; includes testimonials of former employees

[updated] FOX News Illustrated: “We Spin, We Decide” — Because Sometimes You Can’t Handle the Truth

Fox News’ Rupert Murdoch key pornographer selling women’s body parts!

(video) FOX News Rupert Murdoch is a Pornographer — “This is where he got his initial funding to create the FOX News channel”

[real history video] David Icke: The Rothschild Zionist MainFrame — Truth about the USS Liberty; the other side of the “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran” story — Israel is being jacked just like the USA is!

Meet the real Bill O’Reilly: ‘Fair’ly un’Balanced’ and Fairly Disgusting: O’Reilly Hit With Sex Harass Suit — Female coworker details lewd behavior of Fox News star

[Fox news unfair & unbalanced] Warmongerer, Reverse-Peacemaker Bill O’Reilly Slams Ron Paul; Host Responds

Bill O’Reilly Flips Out — Truly ‘Fair and Balanced’ People Don’t Do This

Bill O’Reilly to Judge Napolitano: “I don’t care about the Constitution … Don’t be a pinhead”

Analyzing O’Reilly’s body language—Anger, Personal Space

O’Reilly Lies About FOX Being “Fair & Balanced”

“Bill, show the world you have some courage.” Jesse Ventura challenges Bill O’Reilly to an interview. “Our media, today, is into creating the news rather than reporting it.”

[updated] FOX News Illustrated: “We Spin, We Decide” — Because Sometimes You Can’t Handle the Truth

Fox News: Take Ron Paul Out Of The Debates!

[Priceless!] Geraldo driven out of Occupy Wall Street yelling “FOX News Lies!” — The entire Fox News crew left!

War Channel’s Republican Debate: FOX News LIED in how they asked the questions

[BRILLIANT! Video] Real-Historian G. Edward Griffin: The Collectivist Conspiracy — How “the people of the United States have lost control of their own government” • “As long as we depend upon the phony wrestlers, and depend on their well-paid cheerleaders in the media, to keep us focused on secondary issues, we’re never going to get out of this mess”

Related at ONEcanhappen (my spiritual freedom site):

Murdoch Buys Biggest Online Faith Network

Is Murdoch’s NIV the ‘N’ew ‘I’lluminati ‘V’ersion? Has the Word of God Been Corrupted to Bring US Into the New World Order?

Glenn Beck said some strange things on his Fox News departure show: Honor stinks — his wife calls him ‘freak boy’ — he’s wanted something so much he was willing to trade his soul to get it. And now people should follow him into his new $10/month format???


Glenn Beck has been a deceiver, and he’s hurt many good people — without apology. Numerous examples of his machinations are in my Glenn Beck Deception category. And he claims to be leaving with his soul.

Many have been led astray by this man. That’s how they do it on Fox — twisting truth, calling it ‘fair and balance’ — leading US into a police state, claiming to be the network that isn’t.

He is still completely untrustable in my opinion. He will have to make a lot of changes to truly save his soul. I am hoping he will.

Beck is a very strange, though very slick character, evidenced again by what he says here. Don’t trust this guy. He even deceives himself:

“I just said to the staff, this is when it gets hard not to steal a memento from this set. We have so many great things.

Honor. That stinks on ice.

So I was telling you a story. Pinnacle of your career and I’m looking over the skyline, Bono is not on the phone but I’m pretending that he is. And I’m overwhelmed with a feeling.

This is — I’m standing in the living room by myself. My wife has gone to bed, and like ‘OK, OK, freak boy.’ And I’m standing there and I’m looking at this city, and I am overwhelmed with the feeling: if you don’t leave now, you will not leave with your soul.

As a guy who has traded my soul before, I will not trade it again. Never want anything too much, never. It will destroy you.”

– Glenn Beck
transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Watch video of him saying this


Glenn Beck: Quit or Fired? Beck said the departure was his own call, but Fox News chief Roger Ailes has suggested otherwise

VERY IMPORTANT!!! 14 Propaganda Techniques Fox “News” Uses to Brainwash Americans — As honest, fair and truly intellectual debate degrades before the eyes of the global media audience, the quality of American democracy degrades along with it

Glenn Beck: Quit or Fired? Beck said the departure was his own call, but Fox News chief Roger Ailes has suggested otherwise

[youtube=]Glenn Beck: Quit or Fired?

Published on Jun 30, 2011 by

Photoshop Eye Color

Controversial political pundit Glenn Beck is no longer on Fox. On Thursday June 30, 2011, the conservative ranter aired his final show by saying, “For those members of media who are celebrating… you will pray for the time I was only on the air for one hour a day.”

Beck is planning on continuing his career on a nationally-syndicated radio program, in addition to his next project, a subscription-based daily webcast. Beck suggested the departure was his own call, but Fox News Chief Roger Ailes has suggested otherwise.

Ailes told the Associated Press in April, “Half the headlines say he’s been canceled. The other half say he quit. We’re pretty happy with both of them.”

Beck infamously claimed president Obama was “a racist” who “hated white people.”……


Glenn Beck said some strange things on his Fox News departure show: Honor stinks — his wife calls him ‘freak boy’ — he’s wanted something so much he was willing to trade his soul to get it. And now people should follow him into his new $10/month format???

VERY IMPORTANT!!! 14 Propaganda Techniques Fox “News” Uses to Brainwash Americans — As honest, fair and truly intellectual debate degrades before the eyes of the global media audience, the quality of American democracy degrades along with it

Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck: ‘Thank God for President Obama’

From: guardian

Osama bin Laden was a divisive figure in life but in death he brought together an unholy trinity of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Barack Obama – with Limbaugh and Beck, two of Obama’s harshest critics, uniting in praise of Obama’s action.

“We need to open the programme today by congratulating President Obama,” Limbaugh declared on his daily syndicated radio show on Monday. “President Obama has done something extremely effective, and when he does, this needs to be pointed out.”

As always with Limbaugh, his words were laden with sarcasm, poking fun at the idea that Obama single-handedly executed the mission:

Thank God for President Obama. If he had not been there, who knows what would have happened. It was only Obama who understood the need to get DNA, to prove that this was Bin Laden that we had assassinated.

And there were backhanded compliments from Limbaugh as well: “We need to never forget that President Obama deserves praise for continuing the policies established by George W Bush which led to the acquisition of this intel that led us to the enlarged hut in Pakistan that led to the assassination of Bin Laden last night.”

Glenn Beck was even more effusive than Limbaugh in his radio talk show on Monday, saying: “First of all, congratulations to President Obama. He got him.”

Beck’s praise echoed Limbaugh in thanking god for Obama, although without Limbaugh’s trademark tongue-in-cheek note:

Thank God we have a president who actually authorized the shoot to kill. That is a surprising shock to me. And I think that deserves to be said, that I didn’t think that this president would actually pull the trigger – well, he didn’t, but have somebody pull the trigger – and he did. Congratulations, President Obama. Thank you for doing the right thing on this.

Entire Article Here

The News from Prison Planet: Glenn Beck dons Freemasonic patch during broadcast; Obama has taken a ‘profoundly troubling’ position on assassinations; and more…


Peter Schiff Exposes Glenn Beck as Greedy Hypocrite

[youtube=]Peter Schiff Exposes Glenn Beck as Greedy Hypocrite

Uploaded by on Apr 1, 2011

Alex Jones Responds to Glenn Beck’s Latest Shameful Hit Piece on Yours Truly

[youtube=]Alex Jones Responds to Glenn Beck’s Latest Shameful Hit Piece on Yours Truly

Uploaded by on Mar 28, 2011

[video] Glenn Beck exposes the ‘Federal’ Reserve on Fox?

My analysis is in the comments under
Glenn Beck will plug The Creature on his show Friday March 25th

which includes this:

Reality Check

G. Edward Griffin spoke 5.9 minutes during the 39.4 minute show, which calculates to being just 15% of the 39.4 minute show (commercials and news removed).

The program is now online. So I thought it would be interesting to see exactly how much time G. Edward spoke on the show, so I calculated how much time G. Edward Griffin spoke on the entire 1 hour show (with commercials and news).

G. Edward Griffin spoke 5.9 minutes only during the 39.4 minute show, which amounts to 15%.

On the video, we can see precisely how Beck looked like he was asking Griffin the tough question, but then he went on to speak himself.

At one point, he looked at Edward during the entire time while asking who owns the Fed, and then he looked at the Cato guest for the response. It would have been interesting to hear G. Edward’s response to that one.

On the other hand, G. Edward did get a lot of face time. We could often see him thinking about how he would answer had Beck let him respond during the many times when Edward thought he would be able to.

Very deceptive; though, some major truths were revealed.

[youtube=]Glenn Beck-03/25/11-A




Alex Jones Responds to Glenn Beck’s Latest Shameful Hit Piece on Yours Truly

[The Glenn Beck Deception] Glenn Beck Attacks and Homosexual Role Plays Alex Jones On His Radio Show

Glenn Beck Bashes Jesse Ventura: “What a dope this guy is … nothing but a big, fat, dumb bully. … He’s big, he’s dumb, he’s slow.” Ha, ha, ha, ha …

This is how it’s done: Glenn Beck ambushes Debra Medina —> Says “Best of luck to you” (a lie) —> Laughs in glee —> Brags about achieving his goal in this sick way: “Rick [Perry – Bilderberg attendee], I think you and I can french kiss right now” and “Wow, the fastest way back to 4%”

Glenn Beck HATES 911 Victim’s Family Members — “I don’t think anybody in their right mind is going to say this out loud, but…”

[The Glenn Beck Deception] Glenn Beck Attacks and Homosexual Role Plays Alex Jones On His Radio Show

Clip also here:

Glenn Beck has gay fantasy for Alex Jones

[youtube=]Glenn Beck Plays Alex Jones Clips & Attacks Him On His Radio Show

Uploaded by on Mar 25, 2011

Airing Date March.25, 2011 – The clip taken from today ends at 6:17, Glenn Beck Plays Alex Jones Clips & Attacks Him On His Radio Show


Alex Jones Responds to Glenn Beck’s Latest Shameful Hit Piece on Yours Truly

[2 videos] Glenn Beck Cheerleading Attack on Alex Jones

Glenn Beck exposes the ‘Federal’ Reserve on Fox?

Glenn Beck will plug The Creature on his show Friday March 25th

Glenn Beck Bashes Jesse Ventura: “What a dope this guy is … nothing but a big, fat, dumb bully. … He’s big, he’s dumb, he’s slow.” Ha, ha, ha, ha …

This is how it’s done: Glenn Beck ambushes Debra Medina —> Says “Best of luck to you” (a lie) —> Laughs in glee —> Brags about achieving his goal in this sick way: “Rick [Perry – Bilderberg attendee], I think you and I can french kiss right now” and “Wow, the fastest way back to 4%”

Glenn Beck HATES 911 Victim’s Family Members — “I don’t think anybody in their right mind is going to say this out loud, but…”

Glenn Beck will plug The Creature on his show Friday March 25th

From: A Reality Zone email

2011 March 24

from G. Edward Griffin


The Creature from Jekyll Island


On Friday 2011 March 25, the entire Glenn Beck show will be devoted to an exposé of the Federal Reserve. I was invited to be a guest on the program and, when it was taped last Tuesday, I was amazed to find that Beck, not only has read the book but praised it highly. In fact, almost his entire opening monologue was based on the information and, in some cases, the very same phrases used in the book and in my lectures. I was delighted to know that someone, either Beck or his researchers, had spent a great deal of time studying The Creature from Jekyll Island. But what is even more encouraging is that several million viewers will be exposed to an hour of economic and monetary truth. This will bring us a giant step closer to actually slaying the Creature.

The reason I am writing to you is that this media exposure will open up many minds that previously were closed on this topic. Now is the time to reach out to friends, neighbors, and leaders with an invitation to read the book. We must strike while the iron is hot. So I am putting the book on special sale for the next week to encourage you to acquire a few extra copies either to give away or sell. Through the rest of March, the book, which retails at $24.50 alone or $19.60 with any additional purchase, will be on sale for $19.50 alone or $15.60 with additional purchase. We still have about 50 copies left of the previous 4th edition, and those will be on sale this week as long as they last for $14 in any quantity.

Click here to order


Alex Jones Responds to Glenn Beck’s Latest Shameful Hit Piece on Yours Truly

[The Glenn Beck Deception] Glenn Beck Attacks and Homosexual Role Plays Alex Jones On His Radio Show

Glenn Beck exposes the ‘Federal’ Reserve on Fox?

Glenn Beck Bashes Jesse Ventura: “What a dope this guy is … nothing but a big, fat, dumb bully. … He’s big, he’s dumb, he’s slow.” Ha, ha, ha, ha …

This is how it’s done: Glenn Beck ambushes Debra Medina —> Says “Best of luck to you” (a lie) —> Laughs in glee —> Brags about achieving his goal in this sick way: “Rick [Perry – Bilderberg attendee], I think you and I can french kiss right now” and “Wow, the fastest way back to 4%”

Glenn Beck HATES 911 Victim’s Family Members — “I don’t think anybody in their right mind is going to say this out loud, but…”

Joel Skousen Sit-down Interview: How the World Works, Part 2 — Election 2012 – Deception & War — How the globalists manipulate conservatives to support candidates they control

Watch Part 1 Here:

Joel Skousen Sit-down Interview: How the World Works —
A primer on how even well meaning people are coopted
by globalists to do their bidding —
what we need to know

* * *

[youtube=]Joel Skousen Part 2: Election 2012 – Deception & War

Uploaded by on Mar 3, 2011

Author and political commentator Joel Skousen gives an in-depth discussion on how the election process is controlled by the establishment, with a particular focus on the 2012 election and the co-opted Tea Party movement. Skousen gives a detailed explanation of how he thinks the 2012 election will play out, with either Newt Gingrich or Sarah Palin emerging as the victorious Republican candidate.

Looking back to 2008, Skousen notes how Rudy Giuliani was promoted early on as one of the top Republican candidates when in fact he was a cross-dressing hardcore liberal. Judging from the poll numbers that Giuliani was going down in flames, the establishment had a big problem on their hands, especially given the candidacy of Ron Paul, and it was then that six major newspapers endorsed John McCain even though he was polling at only 2-3 per cent.

Knowing that McCain did not have a good record with conservatives, he was reviled in some quarters for promoting amnesty for illegal immigrants under the Bush administration, Sarah Palin was brought in to make conservatives bite the bullet and acquiesce to having John McCain be the candidate. Palin was picked because she would be very easy to manipulate, explains Skousen, and although initially Palin proved difficult to influence, she did finally succumb. Palin is now used to co-opt the Tea Party movement, and will be just as easily manipulated as was George W. Bush if she ever becomes President.

Alex Jones: The Glenn Beck Secret

[youtube=]The Glenn Beck Secret

Dear Glenn Beck, Egypt Destabilization-Op Hatched by Globalists, Not Communists

[youtube=]Dear Glenn Beck, Egypt Destabilization-Op Hatched by Globalists, Not Communists

TheAlexJonesChannel | February 12, 2011 | 262 likes, 17 dislikes

Alex Jones breaks down the real factors behind Egypt’s uprising in a special video report where he rebuffs the theories of Glenn Beck, who tries to link the Muslim Brotherhood to radical socialism in the United States. While George Soros has significant influence over these mid-east events, he alone is not the ringmaster in the global game of chess. He is, rather, among those in control of an offshore globalist corporate cartel that dominates the finance of all nations and seeks influence over their domestic affairs.

For Beck, current events in Egypt are occurring as a result of their connection to his pet-list of far-Left idealogues, like Van Jones, and a host of organizations and unions allegedly linked to Soros. While many of these connections are legitimate, Beck obscures altogether the long history of Pentagon intervention in foreign politics. The CIA and U.S. military have, for decades, sponsored and created radical Islamic factions, including the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban and more. What is really underway is a complex series of destabilization efforts all across the Middle East region, and perhaps the making of a wider war.…………
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Arnold Toynbee: Pro-Arab or Pro-Zionist?­i=/journals/israel_studies/v004/4.1fried­man.html
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Anthony Sutton: Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development
Anthony Sutton: National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union…
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America’s Secret Backing for Rebel Leaders Behind Egyptian Uprising…
Puppet On A String: Hamas Dances To Israels Tune…………
Brzezinski: How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen…
VIDEO – Brzezinski Taliban Pep Talk 1979:…
Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations Thesis:…
Osama bin Laden code name Tim Osman………………
Al-Awlaki Dines at Pentagon after 9/11…
Kurt Haskell: Underwear bomber helped on plane…………
Senator Joseph McCarthy – Army Hearings on Communism in Government…
VIDEO – McCarthy-Army Hearings…

Glenn Beck: “You’re Going To Have To Shoot Them In The Head”

Video and Transcript Here

Glenn Beck’s New Book Reveals He Embraces New Age Theology, Is a Knowledgeable Mormon, and a Universalist

From: worldviewweekend

Glenn Beck’s New Book Reveals He Embraces New Age Theology, Is a Knowledgeable Mormon, and a Universalist

By Brannon S. Howse

In August of 2010, I predicted on my national radio program that it was only a matter of time before Glenn Beck would release a distinctively religious book that would promote his New Age Mormonism and universalism. I sensed that Glenn was setting himself up to be the politically conservative alternative to Oprah. His new book, “7 Wonders That Will Change Your Life”, could have been written by Oprah for sure.

Many self-professing Christians cannot see what Beck is up to but there are those in the unsaved world that seem to be exhibiting more worldview understanding than some in the Christian community. The Business Insider published an article on January 4, 2011 entitled, Glenn Beck’s New Year’s Plan Sounds A Lot Like Oprah’s New Network.

Last week (second week of January 2011) Beck released his latest book entitled The Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life. The book is co-authored by psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow.

Beck’s new book is nothing less than the promotion of universalism, postmodernism, and pagan spirituality, also known as the New Age Movement.

I tried to warn America’s pastors and Christian leaders in early August of 2010, not to unite with Glenn Beck in his spiritual rally that sought to unite all faiths and look to one God. I gave these Christian leaders plenty of evidence that Glenn Beck was a practicing Mormon that was also embracing New Age paganism.

Entire Article Here

Joel Skousen: Preparing for The Worst — “Frankly, I believe that we’re never going to take back the country as a whole because of the unthinking majorities that are controlled by a corrupt media.”

“Frankly, I believe that we’re never going to take back the country as a whole
because of the unthinking majorities that are controlled by a corrupt media.”

“…I don’t think it’s going to come off for another 8 to 10 years.”

– Joel Skousen
transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Joel Skousen: Preparing for The Worst – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 16, 2010

Glenn Beck Show makes fun of 9/11 truth, the Bible and (for telling the truth about aspartame)

[youtube=]Glenn Beck Show blasts INFOWARS.COM for telling the truth about aspartame

SaveOurSovereignty3 | October 11, 2010

Airing Date Oct. 11, 2010

So the two stooges who are regulars on The Glenn Beck radio show today thought they would play the roll as gate keepers once more. They target a news article posted at about how Glenn’s mysterious illness could be linked to Aspartame. In the segment they Bash infowars the website it self calling it nothing but a conspiracy website.
I wonder if these two creatures even know what the word conspiracy is? Because it is all Mr.Beck covers himself. Truly blind ignorance at the highest level.

They were responding to this infowars article…

Because Drudge had linked to it…

It is the MSM favorite term to use on someone that they would like to silence.They just bet on its viewers and listeners being dumb enough to not even know the definition of the word.

Anyway Pat and Stu go on to tell its viewers how fantastic aspartame is and anyone who says its not is basically a nut job.

Ive had it with Beck, ive had it with those who promote this Moron, im done !

[“The love of money…”] Glenn Beck Earned $32 Million In 2009 — “I could give a flying crap about the political process … We’re an entertainment company.”


All of my Glenn Beck Deception posts

From: Huffington Post

Glenn Beck Earned $32 Million In 2009

Just how handsomely does it pay to be one of the most controversial men in America? For Glenn Beck, $32 million.

Beck, who became a household name in 2009, pulled in the shocking sum through a revenue stream that includes books, radio, TV, digital media, and speaking fees.

Interestingly, Forbes reports that Beck’s Fox News contract is the least lucrative of all his ventures.

According to the Forbes analysis, Beck earned $12 million from book sales thanks to his “profit participation co-venture with Simon & Schuster typically reserved for authors like Stephen King.” He has a five-year, $50 million contract with Premiere Radio Networks that netted $10 million for the year. His website, supported by both ads and an “Insider” subscription service as well as retail merchandise sales, brought in another $4 million. Speaking fees and events like his “Bold Fresh Tour” with Bill O’Reilly earned him $3 million, and his Fox News contract brought in $2 million. Add in a final $1 million from his Fusion magazine, and Beck had a $32 million year.

Beck told Forbes that he is more interested in the business than the politics of what he does.

“I could give a flying crap about the political process,” he said. “We’re an entertainment company.”

From: Guardian

Glenn Beck under fire from Dana Milbank for gold-digging
Fox News’s Tea Party pundit-in-chief criticised for using his position in the public eye to promote Goldline

Glenn Beck, Fox News’s Tea Party pundit-in-chief, has made his name by pouring vitriol on progressives and liberals who he accuses of trying to destroy America. Now he’s being subjected to a taste of his own medicine.

Dana Milbank, a Washington Post columnist, publishes today a 261-page invective against Beck which is just as caustic and sharply-worded as his subject’s televised monologues, with the important distinction that Milbank’s account is factually accurate.

Chapter 7 of Tears of a Clown: Glenn Beck and the Tea Bagging of America, looks at how Beck, who likes to present himself to his viewers as a regular schmo, has amassed an empire with an annual turnover of $32 million.

Entire Article Here

Glenn Beck repackages Alex Jones’ ideas

[youtube=]Glenn Beck repackages Alex Jones’ ideas

RTAmerica | October 04, 2010

Conservative talk-show host Glenn Beck kicked off his “Restoring America” tour in New Jersey to a modest crowd of around 700 people. And, it has now come to light that Glenn Beck and his staff listen to Alex Jones’s radio show for ideas. What does Jones think about a big star from the highest rated cable news network using his ideas? Well, he isn’t honored. Jones explained that Glenn Beck uses his ideas and repackages them in a way that pulls away from true libertarianism and the constitution. Beck uses his version of the ideas to argue that Republicans are the real change, Jones however believes they are not change at all.

Who Really Runs the New World Order Exposed: Part 2 of “Is Glenn Beck for Real?”

Beck blames everything on Obama — doesn’t go deep enough.

President Bush was chosen to destroy America too.

“We have no future if we don’t wake up and face this.”

“The system is in control because it knows how to control the opposition.”

[youtube=]Who Really Runs the New World Order Exposed: Part 2 of “Is Glenn Beck for Real?”

TheAlexJonesChannel | September 29, 2010

See Also: Part 1: Is Glenn Beck for real?…

Despite what figures like Beck have portrayed, this global system is not run by Marxist ideologues or Communist revolutionaries; those groups and others are controlled by a psychopathic, offshore, corporate elite cabal who have sophisticated control over most of the world’s resources, peoples and territories.

Alex Jones extends his remarks on Glenn Beck, the co-opting of the Tea Party movement and who really runs the New World Order in a follow-up video address to “Is Glenn Beck for Real?”


Alex Jones: Is Glenn Beck for Real?

Alex Jones: Is Glenn Beck for Real?

Is Glenn Beck for Real?

Alex Jones & Aaron Dykes
September 29, 2010

Glenn Beck stands before a crowd in front of the Lincoln Memorial during his ‘Restoring Honor’ rally. Photo credit Luke X. Martin. Used under creative commons license.

Glenn Beck, as a national media figure, has never been consistent. While he has been seen on TV supporting big government bailouts, new taxes and unlimited war under the dubious banner of “conservative,” Beck has also made a name as a Libertarian of sorts, and now as a tax-revolting Patriot leader within the Tea Party.

But what Glenn Beck has never done, until now, is come so close to telling the truth. In recent episodes, as on September 22, Beck has highlighted the agenda of “global elites,” while digging up valid information on some very serious advocates of World Government, like Col. Edward Mandell House, the foreign affairs advisor to Woodrow Wilson who helped found the Federal Reserve and the Council on Foreign Relations. In the same episode, Glenn Beck exposed Eugenics as an American experiment that morphed into the Nazi Holocaust and linked Cass Sunstein with his intellectual ancestor, Edward Bernays, who refined the art of propaganda to facilitate covert social engineering and control.

All this is not only new ground for Beck, but for televised news at large. Those in power clearly intend that The People would pay attention to Sarah Palin, Barack Obama, Lindsay Lohan and American Idol, not find out the aims of the Council on Foreign Relations, a publicly-obscure but deeply-influential elitist think tank. Though many of Beck’s infamous Fox News programs have revolved around convoluted diagrams and misinformed flow-charts linking entities like the White House and the SDS with Van Jones, 9/11 and Nazism (and so on…), he has now reached the point of concise and important historical examples demonstrating the elite controlled agenda.

So is Glenn Beck for real?


That question has come up again and again, as the crew continues research Beck, the Tea Parties and the attempt to control what Zbigniew Brzezinski recently termed as the ‘first truly global awakening.’

There is no doubt that Glenn Beck has advanced and popularized many important, relevant and true issues; however, he has also been very deceptive and at times proven to be anything less than the principled patriot he plays on TV. Though we’ve been frequent critics, we’d be remiss not to commend Glenn Beck for moving in the right direction and addressing real issues about the behind-the-scenes shadow government power structure. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean we’re ready to trust him.

On the one hand, his exposé of the global elite stops well short of revealing the influence of the Bilderberg Group (which he has mocked), the Rockefeller Foundation or the trans-national cabal formulated between European royalty, Anglo-American intelligensia and worldwide bureaucracy. Instead, Beck frequent blames “Progressives,” which keeps him conveniently on the attack against primarily Democrats. He often suggests that snarky, manipulative policymakers like Cass Sunstein or mindless psuedo-Communists like Van Jones are at the top of power. In reality, however, these figures, while working against the Constitution and American sovereignty, are at best mid-level minions within the New World Order. These figures are no David Rockefeller, Rothschild family or Henry Kissinger.

Where he treads on conservative ground and within the body politic of the Tea Party movement, he has again played more than one role. When he seeks to rouse the rabble, Glenn Beck puts forward that patriots are supposed to question their government. But when that dissent means 9/11 Truthers or ‘extreme’ Ron Paul-revolutionaries, Glenn Beck says that Patriots who question the government are potential terrorists posing a violent danger (without proof of course).

In times when Glenn Beck appears sincere, he often still discredits the topics he covers through his jokes and antics. His inflammatory and scatter-shot commentary draws fire from the Left and other critics, and make him an easy target easy to dismiss and demean– and the seriousness of the topics he covers is diminished when he loses face.

Alex Jones has suggested the Glenn Beck’s doublespeak has more to do with the larger political reorientation. World Government is admittedly formulating out in the open; the New World Order can’t hide, so they pose as the alternative and as patriot groups interested in limited government. To use Bob Dylan’s terminology, they know which way the wind blows– and their assets are all too ready to wear the coloration of Constitutionalists even when they are diametrically opposed to United States sovereignty.

Glenn Beck himself– and admitted actor, phony and poser– is likely a construct of one of three alternatives (though his role may well be unwitting participation rather than intentional conspiring:

1) Glenn Beck is a Cold-Blooded Operative who is Parading in the Coloration of a Constitutionalist and Patriot, While Waiting for Key Moments to Betray and Backtrack. Beck has already turned on The People to support the bailout, propose a VAT tax, to decry 9/11 truthers as violent extremists and to deny all inquiries into that and other big ‘conspiracy theory’ events. He pretended to investigate FEMA camps, before rolling out Popular Mechanics to ‘debunk’ cherry-picked information. Beck has sucker-punched the likes of rising Tea Party candidates like Debra Medina in favor of endorsing establishment candidates like Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Further, he pushed away the strongest Constitutional candidates like Congressman Ron Paul. And that’s just the short list. Nothing is worse than a Benedict Arnold.

2) The New World Order May Have Allowed Glenn Beck to Rise as a False Tea Party / Patriot Leader, only to destroy him later (and make way for a leader from the opposite camp). The offshore globalists have scientifically-developed their understanding of human behavior, and long ago predicted patterns and likely responses. Through the Hegelian Dialectic, the globalists play both sides– as populist anger continues to boil up as the economy continues to implode. When they know they can’t stop the Ron Paul Revolution or tea party-spirit altogether, the system attempts to co-opt the philosophy and aims of these groups. The New World Order subverts the movement with sellout candidates, vetted by FOX News and the establishment-funded Tea Party Express, who are guaranteed to portray a patriot image but deliver no substance whatsoever while in power.

3) The New World Order System May Be Fractured From Within. Glenn Beck may represent one wing of rival factions within the globalist control grid. The Hegelian Dialectic pits two (or more) opposing sides (A + B) against one another for the specific purpose of creating new reactions (C) through synthesis. Also, conflicting interests– who are united in the bigger picture on global integration and cooperative rule– may seek to give resistance to the integration of a more socialistic system within the United States, represented in the extreme by Stalin and Mao-style Communism, and in the present by President Obama and his allies.

Whatever Glenn Beck may be, we only hope that he will go further– all the way. As Alex Jones states in this video address, Beck should call out the likes of Queen Beatrix, Prince Philip, Ted Turner and Bill & Melinda Gates– all who operate at the heart of groups like Bilderberg, entities like the United Nations and agendas like the worldwide population control program.

Whether or not he goes this far, Beck can be assured that we will be watching his moves carefully. His voice has become an important one, at any rate, and the hope that he might inject real issues and educate people about the very real dangers posed by world government is significant.

Send us feedback about your interpretation of Glenn Beck, help us analysis his game and hold his feet to the fire. Leave comments with your thoughts here in the story or over at Twitter.


Alex Jones is a nationally-syndicated radio host, and the owner of several news websites including and He is also a documentary filmmaker and investigative journalist who has achieved worldwide recognition for his outspoken views. He has appeared in such publications as The New York Times, Vanity Fair, and Popular Mechanics and such programs as Good Morning America, 20/20 Downtown, 60 Minutes, The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Fox News, TalkSport (UK), Russia Today, Channel 4 (UK), A&E, America’s most widely listened to late night radio show, Coast to Coast AM, C-Span, and many other venues.

Aaron Dykes is frequent writer for and is the webmaster for He is also a videographer, researcher and editor who has worked on numerous documentaries and videos reports. His background includes a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin in government as well radio-television-film.


Who Really Runs the New World Order Exposed: Part 2 of “Is Glenn Beck for Real?”

Dick Gregory: “How come you don’t hear nobody on Fox News talking about the Federal Reserve?”

“How come you don’t hear nobody on Fox News
talking about the Federal Reserve?”

– Dick Gregory

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:

Dick Gregory: The Social Engineers are Here to Divide and Conquer Us


[ audio ] Dick Gregory Got Warning To Leave New York Night Before 9/11

Alex Jones could have been Glenn Beck — had he like Rush sold out for money and fame — necessary in this business

[youtube=]Beck was Developed to Counter Alex Jones 1/5

TheAlexJonesChannel | September 05, 2010

On this Sunday Edition, Alex talks the prospect of the neocon Republicans being swept into power in November, the attempt of Democrats to collectivize the nation, and Glenn Beck’s novel The Overton Window and its comparison to Orwell’s 1984.





Anchorage Daily News Photo: Palin/Beck protestors speak the truth at the venue

See Photo Here


Beck & Palin
Lie to You
for Profit


Stop the
Hate 9/11
Anch AK.

Act Justly
Love Mercy
Walk Humbly

Glenn Beck deceives Anchorage Alaska — $225 tickets to ‘meet and greet’ 9/11-families-hater on 9/11


Glenn Beck HATES 911 Victim’s Family Members —
“I don’t think anybody in their right mind
is going to say this out loud,

Glenn Becks Says 9/11 Truth Activists Threaten Obama’s Life:
His assigned task is to characterize the movement as violent and dangerous

Murdoch’s mouthpiece: It’s not what Glenn Beck exposes,
it’s the issues he deflects and who he discredits that counts

Chuck Baldwin: A Warning To The Tea Party Nation —
“Be careful about Sarah Palin…playing both sides.”
“The Nation also needs to be careful about Glenn Beck.”

All of my Glenn Beck Deception posts


From: Raw Story

$225 tickets to ‘meet and greet’ Glenn Beck on 9/11 sell out

“Patriots” hoping to shake Glenn Beck’s hand on the nine-year anniversary of the September 11 attacks will be out of luck if they waited too long.

At CBS News, Brian Montopoli reports, “Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are appearing together in Anchorage, Alaska Saturday to mark the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and tickets don’t come cheap: The Ticketmaster page for the event lists regular adult tickets at between $73 and $130 and tickets plus a ‘meet & greet’ at $225.”

At The Hill, Michael O’Brien observes, “There is one key difference, though, between the ‘Restoring Honor’ rally and Beck’s event in Anchorage: This one costs attendees. Tickets for the event range from a low of $73.75 per person (including taxes and fees) to a high of $225, for a spot in the arena and participation in a ‘meet and greet.’ There was no indication to whom or what the proceeds will go.”

Entire Article Here

Also Related:

What is Anchorage’s new statue sitting there thinking? “Why does Alaska still support Sarah Palin, the OPPOSITE OF RON PAUL on foreign interventionism?” — & — “Why did ‘Christians’ in this town vote for George W. Bush, the OPPOSITE OF JESUS on foreign interventionism, TWICE?”

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

All of my Sarah Palin posts

Joel Skousen analyzes Glenn Beck, how government agents are corrupted & etc. on The Alex Jones Show 8/31/10

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 31, 2010

Alex welcomes back to the show Joel Skousen, founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief, a weekly news analysis service. Mr. Skousen is a political scientist by training who specializes in the philosophy of law and Constitutional theory. He is also a designer of high security residences and retreats. Joel served as a fighter pilot for the US Marine Corps during the Vietnam era. During the 80’s he took a leave of absence to serve as the Chairman of the Conservative National Committee in Washington DC and concurrently served as the Executive Editor of Conservative Digest.

[youtube=]Joel Skousen: Order Out of Financial Chaos, End of Paper Money and The American Way of Life 1/7

The dark side of government has grown to be larger than the white side.


How CIA agents and politicians get blackmailed.

“They’ve got to make sure that you’re morally corruptible.”

“They like to have people who have a clean cut appearance who can fool other people,
but they want to make sure they’re corruptible.”


“We need more leakers.”

God won’t make evil people good.
He won’t interfere with their free will.

Alex asks advice on how to not be so frustrated
with people’s unwillingness to look at what’s going on:

We have to give them space.
We have to not be too pushy on people,
and give them time to absorb this….
Wait till they sense something is wrong.

That takes the frustration away.”

Joel’s take on Glenn Beck


More on Glenn Beck

He’s gone so far down the river now
in condemning conspiracy

I happen to know from private sources that
he’s actually beginning to believe that conspiracy really occurs.
But he can’t say so now.
He knows he’d lose his position at Fox News,
and so he’s in denial
. …

They can’t admit they were wrong….
They actually have to screw up their mind
and convince themselves that what they feel is not right

“I think we have to understand that Glenn is a weak person.
He, himself admits that he’s a weak person.
And the establishment really loves to use that.

Sarah Palin is a weak person.”

“They’re putting false heroes in front of us
to divert the public from those who would really do a good job.”

“There’s a difference between people like Rush Limbaugh and O’Reilly and Hannity.
These people are actually on the other side, in my opinion,
and they’re just playing the conservative.

Glenn Beck is sincerely on our side,
but he’s manipulated

Barack Obama co-opted:

“This guy is a fraud from the very beginning,
but the real sign is when they make him wealthy.

This guy has been co-opted.
I think he’s a controlled entity.”

Media personality litmus test:
how do they handle the conspiracy issue?

Rush Limbaugh sold out

“He made that contract,
and the next day….


“That constant smirk…”

“They won’t even let them finish a sentence.”


“They bought into the concept,
which I believe is part of
the media conspiracy
that we must denigrate this issue of conspiracy
so no one dares bring that up

The big picture


90% chance by 2020



Mexican/US CIA drug pipeline



Joel Skousen: “I’m not predicting an economic collapse, but a downward spiral that will keep going. But they’ll milk it along, keep people basically fat, dumb and happy until the surprise war comes.”

Skousen: Hyperinflation – What It Takes To Get There. “I think the financial PTB will continue to gradually increase inflation sufficient to keep people pacified, but not so much as to create panic buying”

Murdoch’s mouthpiece: It’s not what Glenn Beck exposes, it’s the issues he deflects and who he discredits that counts

From: makeiteight


Not long ago, you might recall Beck defended the Bilderberg Group. You don’t need the Bilderberg Group to explain anything Beck told us. Why would he deflect concern or investigation from the Bilderbergers? Could it be because (and I know this is not a shock to most of us) Rupert Murdoch is a Bilderberger too?

Glenn Beck is the mouthpiece for Rupert Murdoch and it is not likely he is doing anything any different from what he did for CNN – he is following the station’s agenda, and Murdoch’s will.

So, if Murdoch is a Bilderberger, is it a surprise Beck would deflect concern about Bilderberg?


And, this brings us to the final point.

We do not need to address the issues of Bilderberg. They are the big picture Beck refuses to address.

Bilderberg would lead to 9/11 truth, which is also taboo. Attacking the Democratic President is not taboo, as it fits the agenda of false left-right politics.

But there is a way to watch Beck that will help you understand the pattern.

It is not what Beck exposes that is most significant under these “manipulations”. It is who he discredits, and what he tells you to ignore or brush off as crazy.

Recently, he has attacked Russia Today (RT).

We all know that RT has some very insightful programs and interviews, including Max Keiser (Keiser Report), and interviews with Tarpley and Alex Jones on a regular basis. We know they pose a significant threat to bringing out the truth, and exposing Bilderberg.

And expose Bilderberg they do:


Deflect and discredit Glenn, hurry!

Murdoch wouldn’t like that.

Is it a coincidence Beck is attacking RT?

As you watch Beck, and you still think he holds merit of the truth, keep in mind who butters his bread, and who his new master is. Know that he works for Murdoch, a Bilderberger, who admittedly tampers with the news to fulfill an agenda.

In this case, it is the Bilderberg agenda. It is the globalist agenda.

Beck will continue to do his part to further it, whether it is to create division among races, social groups, unions vs. non-unions, and attack anyone that fulfills the mission of his new master. At this stage in the “game”, the Bilderbergers need to create a social divide, create violence and civil unrest, and deflect away the truth. That is the new agenda. Just watch it come to life on the Glenn Beck show.

Entire Article Here


All of my Glenn Beck Deception posts

Jesse Ventura: “Why do you think Che Guevara grew to hate us so much?” — How MSNBC censored his show — Ends by quoting Col. Prouty: “Nothing just happens. Everything is planned.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“Why do you think Che Guevara grew to hate us so much?”

“…when I was doing my show.
One of the big fights I had with MSNBC on a daily basis:
They would send you what topics you could talk about.”

Quoting Col. Prouty:
“Nothing just happens. Everything is planned.”

– Jesse Ventura

[youtube=]Jesse Ventura Exclusive: “Stop Nation Building and Bring The Troops Home!” Alex Jones Tv 1/5

TheAlexJonesChannel | June 25, 2010 | 10 minutes

Alex welcomes back to the show Jesse Ventura, former governor of Minnesota, retired professional wrestler and color commentator, Navy Seal veteran, actor, and former radio and television talk show host. Jesse’s TruTV show, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, is the most popular show in the network’s history. Ventura’s latest book, American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us, is available at the Infowars Store.…

[11-minute video] John Coleman: Globalists are driving the ‘imminent’ war with Iran

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“You see how they’re driving Iran into a corner.”

“Iran is ten times the size of Iraq.”

“The ENDGAME is to usher in a New World Order….”

– John Coleman

[youtube=]Dr. John Coleman Reveals The Committee of 300 Plans for America on Alex Jones Tv

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