Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Police State Page 6 of 26

(vid) Mike Adams FURIOUS! Jeff Sessions just re-criminalized all CANNABIS nationwide!

(vid) Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo Talks About New Years Security – America's Party — 300 National Guard TROOPS employed, snipers, NO BAGS, BACKPACKS or LARGE PURSES!

(vid) Roy Potter: BLM Whistleblower Larry Wooten exposes Dan Love, special agent in charge of Bundy Ranch standoff

Special agent in charge of Bundy Ranch standoff, Dan Love

About Roy Potter:

I am a former US Army LTC of 28 years. I served in various Military Police and Military Intelligence positions around the globe. I was also a municipal police officer for about 3 years. I bring my unique experience, training, education, and spiritual insights to bear in analyzing important issues and trends in the U.S. and the world.

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Yarovaya Law: Death Of The Russian Constitution – Criminal: to not snitch • proselytizing, preaching, praying, or disseminating religious materials outside of “specially designated places” • Children can be imprisoned • Telecoms must break encrypted messages

For the First Time, Russia Ranked Among Worst Violators of Religious Freedom

(vid) The Bundy Trial and Why It Should Matter to You — Cliven Bundy and his sons have been incarcerated for nearly two years. Regardless of your position on the matter you must ask yourself how American citizens can be held so long without trial. John Lamb discusses Ryan Bundy's recent release to a halfway house and the latest developments in the case

(vid) Fmr. FBI Agent Tim Clemente: All Phone Calls are Recorded & Stored

13 Shocking Facts About Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller
Spying on Americans
Mueller participated in one of the greatest expansions of mass surveillance in human history.
As we noted in 2013:

NBC News reports:

NBC News has learned that under the post-9/11 Patriot Act, the government has been collecting records on every phone call made in the U.S.

On March 2011, FBI Director Robert Mueller told the Senate Judiciary Committee:

We have put in place technological improvements relating to the capabilities of a database to pull together past emails and future ones as they come in so that it does not require an individualized search.

Remember, the FBI – unlike the CIA – deals with internal matters within the borders of the United States.

On May 1st of this year, former FBI agent Tim Clemente told CNN’s Erin Burnett that all present and past phone calls were recorded:

BURNETT: Tim, is there any way, obviously, there is a voice mail they can try to get the phone fcompanies to give that up at this point. It’s not a voice mail. It’s just a conversation. There’s no way they actually can find out what happened, right, unless she tells them?
CLEMENTE: “No, there is a way. We certainly have ways in national security investigations to find out exactly what was said in that conversation. It’s not necessarily something that the FBI is going to want to present in court, but it may help lead the ainvestigation and/or lead to questioning of her. We certainly can find that out.
BURNETT: “So they can actually get that? People are saying, look, that is incredible.
CLEMENTE: “No, welcome to America. All of that stuff is being captured as we speak whether we know it or like it or not.”

The next day, Clemente again appeared on CNN, this time with host Carol Costello, and she asked him about those remarks. He reiterated what he said the night before but added expressly that “all digital communications in the past” are recorded and stored:

NSA whistleblowers say that this means that the NSA collects “word for word” all of our communications.

Entire Article

(1-min vid) 1969 'The FBI' TV Series Promo — A 'SPECIAL BREED OF MEN' to 100% Trust (and never think otherwise  — especially when they participate in and coverup false flag events)

“The challenge: organized crime. To meet it, you need a *special breed of men* — dedicated men. The stories, they’re real. The action, decisive. The pace is swift. The stakes, they’re high. ‘The FBI’ — in color — on ABC.”

– Narrator, transcribed by me

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The FBI! They’ll get ’em! We can go back to sleep, knowing these dedicated experts are hard at work.
I grew up watching this TalmudVision (TV) indoctrination, completely swallowing it, convinced men of high honor were doing their duty so we were all safe.
I wonder how much of the purity portrayed in this show was true even back then. Today, they’re now famous in covering up Hillary’s crimes, and actually are involved with carrying out false flag events and covering them up:


Paul Craig Roberts: Fabricating Terror — Why does the FBI orchestrate fake terror plots? “Could it be that the US government needs terrorist events in order to completely destroy the US Constitution?”

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Route 91 workers get devices back with videos, messages deleted

Workers at the Route 91 festival during which Stephen Paddock unleashed his massacre have reportedly been given back their phones and laptops by the FBI only to discover that all messages and videos from the night of the attack have been wiped clean.

According to a Las Vegas resident who posted a status update on Facebook, “A bunch of people that worked the Route 91 said they got their cell phones back today. They all said that all their phones are completely wiped clean! All messages and info from that weekend are completely gone. Anyone else experience this?”

“A few different people who were vendors there are all saying the same thing,” the woman later comments.

Later in the thread, a Route 91 worker confirms the story, commenting, “Of course. It’s an active federal crime scene. They can wipe it clean. I was the beverage manager for the entire event. My laptop is wiped clean.” …

The fact that all the information relating to the massacre has been deleted is sure to prompt further claims of a cover-up.


(meme) Hum An Alison Chabloz Germany Real-History Truth Song & Get SWAT Teamed!

My Alison Chabloz posts tell the story.
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(vid) My Time At Hurricane Harvey — Thousands died, many murdered • Bodies washed out to sea • Prison ships • FEMA did more harm than good • Heroic Texans saved many!

Gets heavy at about 27:15

(vid) Germar Rudolf: Germany, Country under the Rule of Law? — Courts can gag the defense, deny all their motions for evidence, prevent any appeal, hide from the public what a case is all about, and they can claim anything they want in a verdict, because no protocol is made recording what is said in the courtroom by any party

What really goes on in German courts

“The Farcical German ‘Justice’ System”

28:55 chart

35:45 Germany’s Taboo and Founding Myth: “…the ‘never again’ Auschwitz can be the sole foundation of the Berlin Republic.” – Bernard-Henri Levy

45:00 Three points

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(vid) CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government — “WHEN YOU DECIDE YOU’RE NOT GOING TO FEAR THEN YOU’RE FREE!!!” – Heroic Kevin Shipp

One of the most inspiring messages I’ve ever seen!

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POWERFUL and HEROIC KEVIN SHIPP, former CIA officer and author of “The Company of Shadows

I list some Key Points:

25:00 Social security, “they stole the money.”

30:45 CIA is unconstitutional

36:50 Donald Trump has terrified the shadow government!

39:50 NSA — Edward Snowden is a hero!

42:45 Bluffdale, Utah: “The computers there are so intensive they have to have cooling systems the size of warehouses to cool the data that’s processing in the Utah Data Center. That’s how massive that database is.”

43:20 Congress has no effective oversight over the CIA, because the CIA classifies everything they don’t want seen.

45:35 Only a couple of constitutional congressman, “except for Rand Paul being one, in my view.” Most don’t want to change anything. “We’ve lost congress.”

49:40 Lying under oath

49:55 “In Syria, so far, 475,000 civilian Syrians have been killed through the CIA/US backed rebels. 100,000 Syrian military have died.”

51:45 The torture program: People were killed, electrocuted and seriously wounded by our “enhanced interrogation program.” “It wasn’t just ‘waterboarding.'”

55:00 The tyranny of secrecy

56:20 The government legalizes lying

1:01:00 How they silence whistleblowers

1:05:00 What can we do? “Start a social media storm.”

1:06:50 “The biggest hurdle for me [that] I got over was way back in 2012, when I decided I was not going to fear them anymore. When you decide you’re not going to fear then you’re free!

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New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government

Published on Aug 23, 2017

Kevin Shipp was a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up. At a very important public awareness event, held by in Northern California, on July 28th, 2017, Mr. Shipp presented a shocking and compelling presentation on numerous, horrific and ongoing government crimes. The total persecution of anyone who dares to tell the truth about rampant government tyranny is also fully exposed. The paradigm we have all known has been built on deception and the dark agendas of the global power structure. The courage Kevin Shipp has shown by doing his best to expose government criminality and tyranny serves as a stellar example to us all.

We desperately need other individuals in government agencies and the US military to follow Kevin’s lead. All of us are essential in the battle to help wake the masses to the truth so that the whistleblowers have the support they need to come forward. If we have any chance of stopping the completely out of control criminal cabal that currently runs our country and much of the world, we must all make our voices heard, we must all join the fight for the greater good.

Dane Wigington

(vid) Civil War was Not for Slavery – The South, paying 87% of tariffs seceded; Union attacked the South. Lincoln supported racism – Prager U Video Refuted

I hope James Perloff takes this subject on. He would take this to a new level of understanding for many.

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The reason slavery is the popular justification for the Civil War, is that it’s the only way to excuse the gross amount of illegal actions taken by Lincoln for engaging in a war to prevent the Confederacy from having the right to govern themselves. The Civil War was an illegal war, carried out by the North to retain America’s biggest cash crops: cotton and tobacco, and to justify it, the North came up with one of the great lies of history.

The Civil War was Not for Slavery

Published on Jan 15, 2017

The Civil War was NOT a war for slavery rebuttal to Prager University video that falsely claims the Civil War was about slavery. More stories about banning the Confederate flag and removing other history at…

The reason slavery is the popular justification for the Civil War, is that it’s the only way to excuse the gross amount of illegal actions taken by Lincoln for engaging in a war to prevent the Confederacy from having the right to govern themselves. The Civil War was an illegal war, carried out by the North to retain America’s biggest cash crops: cotton and tobacco, and to justify it, the North came up with one of the great lies of history.

Sources in video:
Prager University video:…

Lincoln’s Comments on Blacks in the 4th Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Page 50)…………………………

Responses to most popular objections in the bottom of description:

1, Everyone knows the Civil War was for slavery, or so-and-so expert says the Civil War was about slavery or this random guy on YouTube is not an expert

Response: Fallacy of Faulty Appeal of Authority—arguing that a claim is true because someone else believes it

Comment: This guy is a neo-Confederate, or this is the Southern Lost Cause on YouTube

Response: This is a Circumstantial Ad hominem- claiming a person is motivated to make an argument, and therefore, it can’t be true.

Most all other comments that object to the video either present evidence that was debunked in the video (because they probably didn’t watch the whole video) or are not responding to something that was said in the video

(video) Mike Adams: Google, Facebook and Twitter censorship pushing America toward CIVIL WAR

Google, Facebook and Twitter censorship pushing America toward CIVIL WAR

Published on Aug 15, 2017

The violence on America’s streets must end, and that means the overt censorship of all conservative voices by Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter must also end. It is time to regulate internet gatekeepers and outlaw their politically-motivated censorship of conservative voices.

The echo chamber of the illogical, irrational and enraged Left is magnified by the selective censorship of internet gatekeepers like Google and Facebook, all of which are engaged in the most outrageous distortions and censorship imaginable, deliberately silencing all conservative voices while amplifying left-wing channels and news sources, no matter how dishonest or hypocritical they are. This is all part of a deliberate scheme to silence White people, conservatives, heterosexuals and Christians in order to favor lunatic left-wing culture that’s rooted in delusional thinking, anti-science “biology” and intense racism, bigotry and hatred toward anyone who doesn’t bow down to their totalitarianism.

(audio) Jeff & David Duke – Exclusive Talk With David Right After Charlottesville

Jeff & David Duke – Exclusive Talk With David Right After Charlottesville

Published on Aug 15, 2017

The Jeff Rense Radio Archives contain interviews with over 18,000 people over a period of 24 years. Access and listen to some of the most stunning people of our times in often unforgettable interviews just like this one.

Click here for full details. ” ” Get started today!

(video) The Real Truth of Charlottesville — Witness tells how the police deliberately didn’t do their job and how the media greatly lied about the whole thing

The Real Truth of Charlottesville Witnessed by the World’s Largest Civil Defense Organization

Published on Aug 14, 2017

Simon Roche is a spokesman touring the US fundraising for the Suidlanders organization is South Africa. He happened to have an opportunity to go to the “Unite the Right” march in Charlotesville, Virginia on August 12, 2017. Here he gives is very dramatic step by step account of how the police deliberately didn’t do their job and how the media greatly lied about the whole thing.

The Suidlanders website is:

Sen. Rand Paul on His Request for More Information about Surveillance – May 8, 2017

Sen. Rand Paul on His Request for More Information about Surveillance – May 8, 2017

Chuck Baldwin: Some Things I Believe — The “war on terror” is a ruse to create global government • And FOX News (along with many pastors and churches) is at the heart of the pro-war propaganda machine • Neocons and globalists are using the Muslim people as the proverbial Straw Man to give the American people an enemy to hate, so that they will accept perpetual war abroad and police-state measures here at home

From: Chuck Baldwin on Facebook, which he excerpted from Strictly Personal

Some things I believe:

I believe there is a conspiracy of powerful elitists to surrender America’s independence and national sovereignty to a globalist New World Order. I believe the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderbergs are especially culpable in this evil subterfuge of our liberties. I had hoped that Donald Trump would honor his word to “drain the swamp” of establishment insiders, but he hasn’t. As with every President of both major parties before him, Trump has littered his administration with CFR globalists. In just the first couple of months of his presidency, Donald Trump appointed more CFR members and fellow travelers than Barack Obama.

I believe that the national news media purposely keeps the American people in the dark about the truth of what is really going on. I believe the media deliberately covered up the events of 9/11, Waco, Ruby Ridge, TWA Flight 800, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook school shootings, etc., ad infinitum. Heck, I believe the media covered up what really happened in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. For all intents and purposes, the national news media is little more than a propaganda ministry of the federal government.

I am also convinced that there is a blatant attempt underfoot to turn the United States into a police-state-style surveillance society, to which personal freedoms and liberties are being quickly and egregiously sacrificed. Passage of the USA Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, and the Indefinite Detention clauses of the National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAA) are examples of this flagrant betrayal of freedom. And the Democrat and Republican parties are equally culpable in this blatant usurpation of our liberties. And on this subject, too, Donald Trump is on the exact same course as his predecessors.

I opposed the preemptive invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan by G.W. Bush, the bombings of Libya, along with the current bombings and drone attacks going on in countries throughout the Middle East–including Trump’s bombing of Syria and his decision to increase the number of U.S. ground forces in the Middle East. It should be obvious to everyone that the Obama administration did nothing to change the perpetual war/preemptive war doctrine introduced by George W. Bush. And it should be equally obvious that Donald Trump is continuing to escalate America’s unconstitutional wars of aggression around the world. At the rate Trump is going, the United States could soon be in a global nuclear war.

I am personally convinced that ISIS, al-Nusra, etc., are contrivances of Dark (illegal) Operations of America’s CIA, British Intelligence, and Israel’s Mossad. Saudi Arabia and Turkey are also partners in this nefarious activity. I’ll say it flat out: The “war on terror” is totally the creation of the Deep State in the West to keep America in a state of perpetual war and to keep the people of America in a state of perpetual fear and anger.

Furthermore, I believe the international “war on terror” is a ruse to assist the goals of the central banks to create global government. All of the talk about Iran and Syria (and even North Korea) being a threat to the world is a bunch of hysterical propaganda. And FOX News (along with many pastors and churches) is at the heart of the pro-war propaganda machine. Neocons and globalists are using the Muslim people as the proverbial Straw Man to give the American people an enemy to hate, so that they will accept perpetual war abroad and police-state measures here at home.

I opposed the bailouts for Wall Street. I regard the Federal Reserve as a corrupt cabal of international banksters whose actions are nothing short of criminal. I wholeheartedly support the abolition of the Federal Reserve and a return to sound money.

I believe both major parties in Washington, D.C., are drunk on government spending. No matter which Party controls Congress or the White House, government spending skyrockets, as do deficits. We are witnessing this reality yet again. Just this week, with the GOP in control of both houses of Congress and the White House, we watched the House approve–and President Trump endorse–yet MORE federal spending and LARGER federal deficits. G.W. Bush spent more tax dollars than Bill Clinton; Barack Obama spent more than Bush; and Donald Trump is already spending more than Obama. When it comes to federal spending, there truly isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties. No wonder Senator Rand Paul said this about the omnibus spending bill that passed the House this week: “President Hillary Clinton would have been proud of this bill.”

And speaking of federal spending, one reason Donald Trump wants to increase military spending is because the U.S. government is dropping so many bombs all over the globe that the military is running out. Consider: as of April 30, the U.S. has dropped over 79,000 bombs just in Iraq, Syria, and Libya.

I believe G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney should be in prison for committing international war crimes against humanity and Hillary Clinton should be in prison for selling access to her office to foreign interests and for facilitating (or maybe even directly causing) the death of America’s Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens. I believe politicians such as Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi are enemies of freedom.

(video) Framingham Child “NOT” SO Protective Services

Framingham MA, the town where they frame people?

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Framingham Child “NOT” SO Protective Services

Published on Apr 21, 2017

Here is an attempt of the Framingham Child not so protective Services to kidnap a couples children and then make false charges against the owner of the home they are staying with.

Fears Google Hire could allow employers to see your entire search history

THE tech giant is working on a job site called Google Hire, which could let prospective employers snoop your embarrassing search history.


Connecticut may become first U.S. state to allow deadly police drones — What goes around comes around!


Paul Craig Roberts: The Boston Bombing after Four Years — FALSE FLAG THEATER: Sheila Casey walks you through the hoax. I am convinced that the only victims of the Boston Marathon bombing were the framed Tsarnaev brothers. The older brother was murdered in captivity. The younger brother was also supposed to be killed in the alleged shoot-out with the police, but the operation was botched

Paul Craig Roberts: The Boston Bombing after Four Years

Today, April 15, 2017, is the fourth anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombing, a hoax event performed by crisis actors and tell-tale bright red Hollywood blood. Sheila Casey has done a good job of exposing the hoax just by using the time line and photos of the event.
A number of agencies run training programs in which amputees working as crisis actors have a prosthesis afixed to resemble a bone as a remaining piece of a leg or arm. Casey examines the Boston event by timeline. First the crisis actors are assembled. Then the prosthesis is attached. Then the blood appears.
Notice the photo of Miracle Man laying on his side clutching the back of his left thigh with a straight line sticking out from what appears to be below his knee. This does not resemble a leg bone. Moreover, a person with an injury this severe would not be conscious, and certainly he would not be ignored while aid workers attended to those with lesser injuries. Note also the bright red color of what is pretending to be blood. Many surgeons and trauma medical personnel have testified that blood spilled in injuries is dark red.
[Editor’s note: For those who would benefit from an introduction to the case, watch:

Sheila Casey walks you through the hoax. I am convinced that the only victims of the Boston Marathon bombing were the framed Tsarnaev brothers. The older brother was murdered in captivity. The younger brother was also supposed to be killed in the alleged shoot-out with the police, but the operation was botched. The younger brother survived a second episode of police shooting. He was taken into custody, held incommunicato, and assigned an attorney who participated in his conviction. He now awaits execution as his appeals are denied. No one has ever heard his story. We only have alleged confessions, including one allegedly written in his own blood in total darkness as he lay bleeding under the boat where he was found and shot again.
[Editor’s note: As he emphasized to me, the key observation is that the backpacks don’t match, which means that there was not even probable cause for an arrest, much less an indictment and conviction at trial.
 The backpacks that exploded were black nylon, but neither of the brothers was wearing one.]
A person has to be extremely gullible and inattentive to believe the official story. But that is what most Americans are.

United Airlines ASSAULTS its own paid passenger!

Watch Onboard Assault Videos Here

United Airlines ASSAULTS its own paid passenger!


The Range-R manufacturers explain that the device is to be held against a wall. Users then push a couple of buttons that send radar pulses through the wall to detect if anyone is inside.

The device covers a conical view of 160 degrees and a range of 50 feet. The ‘Range-R, “will penetrate most common building wall, ceiling or floor types — including poured concrete, concrete block, brick, wood, stucco glass, adobe, dirt. It will not penetrate metal.”


NSA Whistleblower William Binney on The Sean Hannity Radio Show (3/6/2017) — All phone conversations have been recorded for 'at least 5-10 years,' and now any one of the 16 agencies have access • The people don't seem to care

I’ve posted Binney saying this many times on my blog, but this time it’s broadcast on the public airwaves on a nationally syndicated radio show, as well as Fox News, today:
Sean also let William Binney state on his Fox News’ show today (3/8/17) that the NSA collects and stores all the conversations (not just metadata) of everyone in the USA.
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All phone conversations are recorded, not just the metadata; all emails, tweets….

“Probably they can go back at least 5-10 years.” @6:30

“And now any one of the 16 agencies have access.”

“Unfortunately, they [people] don’t seem to care.”

– William Binney

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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NSA Whistleblower William Binney on The Sean Hannity Radio Show (3/6/2017)

(video) Obama Wiretapped Trump Phone Before Election?

Obama Wiretapped Trump Phone Before Election?

Obama Quietly Signs The "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act" Into Law – on Friday afternoon, Dec. 23 — Just like that, the US Ministry of Truth is officially born

From: Zero Hedge

Obama Quietly Signs The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” Into Law

by Tyler Durden
Dec 26, 2016 4:01 PM

Late on Friday [Dec. 23 – ed.], with the US population embracing the upcoming holidays and oblivious of most news emerging from the administration, Obama quietly signed into law the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which authorizes $611 billion for the military in 2017.

In a statement, Obama said that:


And so, with the likes of WaPo having already primed the general public to equate “Russian Propaganda” with “fake news” (despite admitting after the fact their own report was essentially “fake“), while the US media has indoctrinated the public to assume that any information which is not in compliance with the official government narrative, or dares to criticize the establishment, is also “fake news” and thus falls under the “Russian propaganda” umbrella, the scene is now set for the US government to legally crack down on every media outlet that the government deems to be “foreign propaganda.”

Just like that, the US Ministry of Truth is officially born.

Entire Article

BEST BUY’S GEEK SQUAD Search Customers' Computers For The FBI


Michael Rivero on 'Criticizing Israel' Laws: "THE TRUTH DOES NOT NEED A LAW TO PROTECT IT. Truth survives examination and questioning. Only LIES and LIARS resort to the courts and the FORCE of law to protect the lies • And ERNST ZUNDEL is a classic case. When he was looking at his trial for denying the 'HOLOCAUST,' the JUDGE LITERALLY SAID: 'I don't care if everything you say is absolutely true, it is still against the law to say it' • 'DON'T YOU DARE look at the facts for yourself' • "ISRAEL IS LOBBYING for those laws [in America]. They're trying to claim that anything criticizing Israel is now 'hate speech' and 'antisemitism.' And they're trying to get around the 1st Amendment • IT ISN'T 'Jew hate.' It isn't 'antisemitism.' It isn't race hatred • Israel's government behaves badly — so does the government of the USA •  It's not race or religion or ethnicity. It's your ACTIONS that are the problem here" — 'What Really Happened Show': 1/10/17: (VIDEO)

Entire show is good!
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1:18:45 Discussion starts
JERRY IN OREGON: “Is it true in Germany it’s against the law to do the Nazi salute, and if you deny the ‘Holocaust you can go to jail?'”
MICHAEL RIVERO: “Yes. … The truth does not need law to protect it. Truth survives examination and questioning. Only lies and liars resort to the courts and the force of law to protect the lies.
And Ernst Zundel is a classic case. When he was looking at his trial for denying the ‘Holocaust,’ the judge literally said: ‘I don’t care if everything you say is absolutely true, it is still against the law to say it.’
And that basically tells you it’s a dictatorship. ‘You’ll believe what we tell you what to believe. Don’t you dare question. Don’t you dare look at the facts for yourself.'”
“Israel is lobbying for those laws [questioning the official ‘holocaust’ story in America, etc.]. They’re trying to claim that anything criticizing Israel is now ‘hate speech’ and ‘antisemitism.’ And they’re trying to get around the 1st Amendment by that. … The government is not allowed to restrict freedom of speech, end of discussion. … We have a constitutionally protected right to criticize the behavior of Israel’s government, which is what this is.
It isn’t ‘Jew hate.’ It isn’t ‘antisemitism.’ It isn’t race hatred or anything like that. Israel’s government behaves badly — so does the government of the United States of America. Our Bill of Rights says: I, and you and everybody have a right to stand up and say, ‘you are behaving badly.’ And that’s the issue. It’s not race or religion or ethnicity. It’s your actions that are the problem here.”
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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What Really Happened Show: Michael Rivero Tuesday 1/10/17: (Commercial Free VIDEO)

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