Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Real History Page 42 of 48

[video] Alex Jones: Bin Laden Death Another Gov’t Lie — Everything has been a lie– cooked-evidence about WMDs in Iraq, the Hollywood-scripted Jessica Lynch-incident, the shameful murder of Pat Tillman, the false-flag attacks on 9/11, , phony bin Laden videos faked by assets at SITE and the Intel Center, Osama’s CIA identity Tim Osman…

Everything has been a lie– cooked-evidence about WMDs in Iraq, bogus claims about mobile weapons labs & yellow cake, the Hollywood-scripted Jessica Lynch-incident, the shameful murder of Pat Tillman, the false-flag attacks on 9/11, sticking it to the victims’ families & first responders, manufacturing links between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda, false-flag scenarios in the Downing Street memos, planted flash mobs at the White House & Ground Zero cheering ‘We got him’ to boost appeal for Obama, phony bin Laden videos faked by assets at SITE and the Intel Center, Osama’s CIA identity Tim Osman, secret backing for the Taliban in 1979, fake terror alerts– all of it.

[youtube=]Proof: Bin Laden Death Another Gov’t Lie

Uploaded by on May 11, 2011

Alex Jones debunks the legacy of lies that fill the pages of the phony War on Terror narrative– killing bin Laden, 9/11, Iraq, all of it– in a special video address. This “war” which has consumed our society is nothing more than a dramatized narrative meant to frighten the simple, captive public into accepting greater societal control.

Bin Laden was a strawman-villain concocted by the Western intelligence apparatus to take the blame for the orchestrated terror that is scripted and carried out by the globalist-allied factions. The Phantom Osama bin Laden was a skeleton key opening the door to foreign intervention in the middle east or anywhere al Qaeda might be. The motive is simple– ever-expanding wars for the military industrial complex, and the often more lucrative periods of reconstruction (i.e. you break it, you buy it). The occupation continues here at home with the creation of a police state supposedly meant to combat terrorism.

So rotten is the “big lie” of the War on Terror, that the most iconic events of the period are the most contrived. The official story about the killing of bin Laden disintegrated in mere days, as no one could keep the story straight. But it’s just the latest episode of a fairy tale that’s been sold to the public for nearly a decade; this story, told with a straight face, is not simply riddled with lies, but wholly subsists of them.

Everything has been lie– cooked-evidence about WMDs in Iraq, bogus claims about mobile weapons labs & yellow cake, the Hollywood-scripted Jessica Lynch-incident, the shameful murder of Pat Tillman, the false-flag attacks on 9/11, sticking it to the victims’ families & first responders, manufacturing links between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda, false-flag scenarios in the Downing Street memos, planted flash mobs at the White House & Ground Zero cheering ‘We got him’ to boost appeal for Obama, phony bin Laden videos faked by assets at SITE and the Intel Center, Osama’s CIA identity Tim Osman, secret backing for the Taliban in 1979, fake terror alerts— all of it.

Alex appeals to the facts in the historical record and an instinctual rejection of the pure lies put out by the establishment. You don’t want to miss this video; hopefully you can use it to reach those who felt “renewed” by reports of bin Laden’s death and are accepting the big lies all over again for the thrill of celebrating “the kill.” It’s a shoddy hoax to bolster public support, but even that illusion is falling apart. The L.A. Times reports that Obama’s “bin Laden bump” has already fallen back to Earth with the rate of gravity.

After all, the system has no credibility, and cheap lies about bin Laden have minimal value. Such easily exposed lies can be dumped on Obama as political baggage just as easily as it can boost him in the polls. The persistence of the Left-Right paradigm allows Obama & Bush alike to be dumped on for the failures & frauds of the system, actually giving cover to the continuity of government agenda, which milks power from the perceived need for greater “safety” measures as well as failed leadership.

Alex Jones Special Broadcast on The Bin Laden Hoax

[youtube=]Alex Jones Special Broadcast on The Bin Laden Hoax 1/6

Uploaded by on May 3, 2011

Alex Jones will issue a special statement to discuss the psy-op and hoax surrounding the reported death of Osama bin Laden, a would-be major victory in the War on Terror (which in fact is really a War on Human Liberty & National Sovereignty).






[REAL History] Webster Tarpley In-Studio: Origins of The House of Windsor and Their Thirst for Ultimate Power

[youtube=–FXqsr4ZvM]Webster Tarpley In-Studio: Origins of The House of Windsor and Their Thirst for Ulitmate Power 1/4

Uploaded by on Apr 29, 2011

Alex welcomes in-studio author, researcher and radio host Webster Griffin Tarpley. Tarpley is the author of Obama: The Postmodern Coup – Making of a Manchurian Candidate, Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History, and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography.




[Thought provoking video] Rick Steve’s Iran: The average Iranian does not hate us though we’re taught to hate them

After seeing Rick’s slide show, linked below, it’s clear that this isn’t a totally balanced perspective. In order to film, Rick had to agree to sensor what he filmed and showed, so I recommend also watching Rick’s EXCELLENT and uncensored slide show to get a balanced perspective.

– –

“Here’s another quote from Orwell’s book [1984],
talking about the average citizen:

If he were allowed contact with foreigners,
he would discover that they are creatures similar to himself.
And that most of what he has been told about them is lies.

In The Orwellian Nightmare,
I talk about this documentary film
Rick Steve’s Iran. …

They’re just like us.
They know that their government and their officials are criminal.
And organized criminal mafias are running it,
just like over here.

That’s part of this show [The Alex Jones Show]
is to enlighten ourselves into the truth,

and so that we can change ourselves
and become more loving people.

Because that’s what the system wants you to do
is to hate the Iranians and the Syrians:
‘Oh they’re all, they’re all evil!”‘

And you hear these morons to go and say:
‘we should turn the middle east into a parking lot.'”

– Mark Dice

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from
The Alex Jones Show, 4/28/11

* * *

Watch Full Screen HERE

[googlevideo=]Rick Steves’ Iran Documentary

55:52 – 2 years ago

Rick Steves’ Iran Documentary, Tehran, Abyaneh, Esfahan, Shiraz


Rick Steves’ Lectures: Iran — A fascinating, honest, non-whitewashed slide-show

[Truth-about-war music video] Images of Iran and “Peace Train,” sung by Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)

Mark Dice on The Alex Jones Show: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True — THEY WANT US TO HATE. Part of this show is to enlighten ourselves into the truth so we can become more loving people.

The Socialist Public Schools are Brainwashing Our Children – Alex Jones Tv

[youtube=]The Socialist Public Schools are Brainwashing Our Children – Alex Jones Tv

Uploaded by on Apr 19, 2011

From the 1840s to the 1930s, public-school “progressive” activists like Horace Mann and John Dewey worked to create a public-school system like the one they admired in Prussia (Germany). Mann and Dewey considered public education a religion, with a holy mission to mold children and society. Simply teaching children to read, write, and do math was too commonplace a goal for them. Mann and Dewey wanted the schools to have total control over children’s lives. This meant removing parents’ influence over their children. Mann put it this way: “We who are engaged in the sacred cause of education are entitled to look upon all parents as having given hostages to our cause.”

[video] The Power behind the New World Order *Full Documentary*

Meggido Films Presents:

[youtube=]The Power behind the New World Order *Full Documentary*

Uploaded by on Mar 27, 2011

Greetings brethrens and sisters in Yahushua,

Another very good documentary about the New age and the false messiah.

May Yahuwah protect ye all

Written and Directed By Paul Flynn

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Ephesians 6:12

Lyndon LaRouche: The Face of Pure Evil — The intention is to destroy the United States by a London centered financial imperium. “Don’t overestimate their competence. That’s where the weakness lies.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

“You’re looking at the face of pure evil
the new Venetian party. …

Take the case of this shutting down the government of the United States….
What should be done is putting through the Glass-Steagall law, immediately.
That would get rid of the trash.

The intention is to destroy the United States
by a Europe centered organization,
which is essentially what we call the British Empire. …

We’re being destroyed by an enemy,
which is a London centered, financial imperium.”

Don’t overestimate their competence.
That’s where the weakness lies.
They are not competent. …

We should not exaggerate their power.
We should rather understand our own weakness.”

– Lyndon Larouche

[youtube=]Lyndon LaRouche: The Face of Evil – Alex Jones Tv 1/4

Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Apr 7, 2011
Alex welcomes to the show political activist and former presidential candidate, Lyndon LaRouche. Earlier this week in San Francisco, a LaRouche supporter was attacked for an “Impeach Obama” sign.




IMPORTANT! Long Time Love Affair between MSNBC and America’s wars — Media bias makes war possible

[youtube=]Long Time Love Affair between MSNBC and America’s wars

Uploaded by on Apr 1, 2011

MSNBC is believed by many to be the most liberal of all cable networks.
Most who watch would agree that many of the hosts are pro-Obama, pro-choice and pro-union. But it turns out they are also pro-war and there is a long history of evidence to prove it.

Alex Jones calls out Rush Limbaugh — It’s NOT OKAY to murder civilians in war. Limbaugh distorts history to push our REVERSE-CHRISTIAN warmongering! The true history of war. We have become brutes!

[youtube=]The Alex Jones Show:True Meaning of Life & Alex Calls Out Rush Limbaugh 1/2


* * *

[youtube=]Rush Limbaugh Says It’s OK To Kill Innocent Civilians In Afghanistan (Audio)

* * *

[youtube=]Rush Limbaugh: Ok To Kill Civilians


[2005] Paul Harvey Triumphs Killing Native Americans Through Smallpox Blankets, Also Black Slavery: Advocates Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, Biological Warfare To Fight War On Terror

[video] Glenn Beck exposes the ‘Federal’ Reserve on Fox?

My analysis is in the comments under
Glenn Beck will plug The Creature on his show Friday March 25th

which includes this:

Reality Check

G. Edward Griffin spoke 5.9 minutes during the 39.4 minute show, which calculates to being just 15% of the 39.4 minute show (commercials and news removed).

The program is now online. So I thought it would be interesting to see exactly how much time G. Edward spoke on the show, so I calculated how much time G. Edward Griffin spoke on the entire 1 hour show (with commercials and news).

G. Edward Griffin spoke 5.9 minutes only during the 39.4 minute show, which amounts to 15%.

On the video, we can see precisely how Beck looked like he was asking Griffin the tough question, but then he went on to speak himself.

At one point, he looked at Edward during the entire time while asking who owns the Fed, and then he looked at the Cato guest for the response. It would have been interesting to hear G. Edward’s response to that one.

On the other hand, G. Edward did get a lot of face time. We could often see him thinking about how he would answer had Beck let him respond during the many times when Edward thought he would be able to.

Very deceptive; though, some major truths were revealed.

[youtube=]Glenn Beck-03/25/11-A




Alex Jones Responds to Glenn Beck’s Latest Shameful Hit Piece on Yours Truly

[The Glenn Beck Deception] Glenn Beck Attacks and Homosexual Role Plays Alex Jones On His Radio Show

Glenn Beck Bashes Jesse Ventura: “What a dope this guy is … nothing but a big, fat, dumb bully. … He’s big, he’s dumb, he’s slow.” Ha, ha, ha, ha …

This is how it’s done: Glenn Beck ambushes Debra Medina —> Says “Best of luck to you” (a lie) —> Laughs in glee —> Brags about achieving his goal in this sick way: “Rick [Perry – Bilderberg attendee], I think you and I can french kiss right now” and “Wow, the fastest way back to 4%”

Glenn Beck HATES 911 Victim’s Family Members — “I don’t think anybody in their right mind is going to say this out loud, but…”

Rand Paul on Lybia


Uploaded by on Mar 24, 2011

Rand Paul talks with the Louisville Courier Journal about his stance on Libya. He makes points against the war, the constitutionality of it, and how it is an unwise decision. Vote for Rand Paul on the Huma Action straw poll at

David Icke on ‘Coast’ 3/23/11: Puts the Dots Together


David starts at 6 minutes

[youtube=]David Icke – Coast to Coast AM (March 23, 2011) – The Middle East Agenda

Uploaded by on Mar 24, 2011 – Full David Icke interview on the March 23, 2011 Coast 2 Coast AM. Icke talks the agenda in the Middle-East, Libya, and caller questions. Well worth a listen.

Glenn Beck will plug The Creature on his show Friday March 25th

From: A Reality Zone email

2011 March 24

from G. Edward Griffin


The Creature from Jekyll Island


On Friday 2011 March 25, the entire Glenn Beck show will be devoted to an exposé of the Federal Reserve. I was invited to be a guest on the program and, when it was taped last Tuesday, I was amazed to find that Beck, not only has read the book but praised it highly. In fact, almost his entire opening monologue was based on the information and, in some cases, the very same phrases used in the book and in my lectures. I was delighted to know that someone, either Beck or his researchers, had spent a great deal of time studying The Creature from Jekyll Island. But what is even more encouraging is that several million viewers will be exposed to an hour of economic and monetary truth. This will bring us a giant step closer to actually slaying the Creature.

The reason I am writing to you is that this media exposure will open up many minds that previously were closed on this topic. Now is the time to reach out to friends, neighbors, and leaders with an invitation to read the book. We must strike while the iron is hot. So I am putting the book on special sale for the next week to encourage you to acquire a few extra copies either to give away or sell. Through the rest of March, the book, which retails at $24.50 alone or $19.60 with any additional purchase, will be on sale for $19.50 alone or $15.60 with additional purchase. We still have about 50 copies left of the previous 4th edition, and those will be on sale this week as long as they last for $14 in any quantity.

Click here to order


Alex Jones Responds to Glenn Beck’s Latest Shameful Hit Piece on Yours Truly

[The Glenn Beck Deception] Glenn Beck Attacks and Homosexual Role Plays Alex Jones On His Radio Show

Glenn Beck exposes the ‘Federal’ Reserve on Fox?

Glenn Beck Bashes Jesse Ventura: “What a dope this guy is … nothing but a big, fat, dumb bully. … He’s big, he’s dumb, he’s slow.” Ha, ha, ha, ha …

This is how it’s done: Glenn Beck ambushes Debra Medina —> Says “Best of luck to you” (a lie) —> Laughs in glee —> Brags about achieving his goal in this sick way: “Rick [Perry – Bilderberg attendee], I think you and I can french kiss right now” and “Wow, the fastest way back to 4%”

Glenn Beck HATES 911 Victim’s Family Members — “I don’t think anybody in their right mind is going to say this out loud, but…”

[audio] Joel Skousen: Al Qaeda at the highest levels is a U.S. black operation funded by the Saudis at U.S. direction

“Al Qaeda, at the highest levels in my analysis is a U.S. black operation —
funded by the Saudis at U.S. direction.

And that’s one of the reasons the Saudis have been protected —
because they’ve been the funneling channel
to do controlled terrorism for many years.”

– Joel Skousen

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from Radio Liberty 3/3/11

* * *

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Archives

Date: 03-03-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Mary Holland
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00: Thomas Woods – Roll Back Repealing Big Government
Hour: 4
9:00: Melody Cedarstrom – Sound Financial Investing
Date: 03-02-11
Hour: 1
3:00: to be announced
Hour: 2
4:00: Larry Pratt – Gun Owners of America
Hour: 3
8:00: Lindsey Williams – Death of the Dollar
Hour: 4
9:00: to be announced
Date: 03-01-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Stephen Frank – CA Politics
Hour: 2
4:00: Pastor Billy Crone – The Bible & Today
Hour: 3
8:00: Ron Brown – Financial Crisis
Hour: 4
9:00: Gary Arnold – Political Update
Date: 02-28-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Pastor David Whitney – Institute on the Constitution
Hour: 2
4:00: Bob Chapman – Gold, Silver + Hyper-Inflation
Hour: 3
8:00: Bob Chapman – Oil & Food Prices Going Up
Hour: 4
9:00: Lynn Marzulli – Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural
Date: 02-25-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Christopher Horner – Power Grab
Hour: 2
4:00: Dr. Dennis Cuddy – Current Events
Hour: 3
8:00: John Loftus – The Secret War Against the Jews
Hour: 4
9:00: William Grigg – Current Events
Date: 02-24-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Mike Bennett – NRB Prayer
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00: Melody Cedarstrom – Protecting Your Finances
Hour: 4
9:00: Houston Thomas – Tap Water
Date: 02-23-11

Joel Skousen Sit-down Interview: How the World Works, Part 2 — Election 2012 – Deception & War — How the globalists manipulate conservatives to support candidates they control

Watch Part 1 Here:

Joel Skousen Sit-down Interview: How the World Works —
A primer on how even well meaning people are coopted
by globalists to do their bidding —
what we need to know

* * *

[youtube=]Joel Skousen Part 2: Election 2012 – Deception & War

Uploaded by on Mar 3, 2011

Author and political commentator Joel Skousen gives an in-depth discussion on how the election process is controlled by the establishment, with a particular focus on the 2012 election and the co-opted Tea Party movement. Skousen gives a detailed explanation of how he thinks the 2012 election will play out, with either Newt Gingrich or Sarah Palin emerging as the victorious Republican candidate.

Looking back to 2008, Skousen notes how Rudy Giuliani was promoted early on as one of the top Republican candidates when in fact he was a cross-dressing hardcore liberal. Judging from the poll numbers that Giuliani was going down in flames, the establishment had a big problem on their hands, especially given the candidacy of Ron Paul, and it was then that six major newspapers endorsed John McCain even though he was polling at only 2-3 per cent.

Knowing that McCain did not have a good record with conservatives, he was reviled in some quarters for promoting amnesty for illegal immigrants under the Bush administration, Sarah Palin was brought in to make conservatives bite the bullet and acquiesce to having John McCain be the candidate. Palin was picked because she would be very easy to manipulate, explains Skousen, and although initially Palin proved difficult to influence, she did finally succumb. Palin is now used to co-opt the Tea Party movement, and will be just as easily manipulated as was George W. Bush if she ever becomes President.

Joel Skousen Sit-down Interview: How the World Works — A primer on how even well meaning people are coopted by globalists to do their bidding — what we need to know

This is excellent!

“Some of those people who are taking orders
will appear to be on our side.”

“…that’s how they use naive people.”

– Joel Skousen

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Joel Skousen: The Tea Party Deception

THElNFOWARRlOR | Feb 25, 2011 | 134 likes, 8 dislikes

Joel Skousen, editor of World Affairs Brief, was the chairman of the Conservative National Committee in the 1980’s. In this exclusive video interview for Prison members, Skousen talks about the hidden power structure that controls politicians of both parties from behind the scenes, the nature of the manipulated press, the reality behind the tea party, and the ongoing conspiracy to create a one world dictatorship.

Skousen explains that there is “systematic evil” in the world which uses certain techniques to proliferate, including the dialectic of crisis creation in order to induce good people into accepting or doing things that they wouldn’t ordinarily do by way of deception, which is why evil uses crisis creation to change the world.

Skousen discusses how his famous uncle, Cleon Skousen, discovered how the fall of China to Chairman Mao was aided by the US State Department by withdrawing support for Chiang Kai-shek, which led to a realization that there were globalists within the US government who had no allegiance to America, particularly Alger Hiss, the writer of the UN Charter, who had joined the Communist Party to facilitate Communist infiltration into the State Department – using communism to facilitate the goals of globalism.

Watch Part 2:

Joel Skousen Sit-down Interview: How the World Works, Part 2 — Election 2012 – Deception & War — How the globalists manipulate conservatives to support candidates they control

George Bush vs. Russ Baker: Battle for Truth — “The story of how George Bush got religion and became born-again was fabricated”

[youtube=]George Bush vs. Russ Baker: Battle for Truth

familyofsecrets | November 08, 2010 | 74 likes, 1 dislikes

Bush Deception Points revealed:…

‘Decision Points’ vs. ‘Family of Secrets’

Investigative journalist Russ Baker provides the stunning counter-story to what’s in George W. Bush’s new book.

Battle of the Books! Help support investigative journalism!

A docile and unquestioning media has lapped up George W. Bush’s self-serving new memoir, ‘Decision Points’, making it instantly the #1 title in the country. The book’s purpose is to rewrite history, prepare the way for more Bushes to seek high office, and generally guarantee a GOP return to power.

If you doubt it, you didn’t notice the chief architect of the Republican sweep in November: the Bush family’s key operative, Karl Rove. Or Jeb Bush’s recent testing of the waters for his own run for the top.

‘Decision Points” serves as absolution for the past and talking points for the future. What it does not provide is the real story of the Bush family and what it represents. That story is darker and deeper than anything the conventional media has even hinted at. It has long-term implications—and will affect all of us for years to come. It is the story told in ‘Family of Secrets’.

Can you help us get the word out? Recently, ‘Family of Secrets’ went as high as #5 of all books on Amazon. You can help keep it visible, and prevent Rove and his message machine from running the table. Let’s correct the deliberate misinformation with carefully researched and documented facts.

If you like what you see, please spread the word.

•Buy ‘Family of Secrets’ as a holiday gift online and at bookstores everywhere.

•Add ‘Family of Secrets’ and ‘Decision Points’ to your Amazon Wish List. Including both will draw more readers.

•Add ‘Family of Secrets’ and ‘Decision Points’ to your Amazon Listmania List

•Spread the word via your own favorite social network or communication tools.

•Post links on other websites to

Thanks for helping us make the truth go viral!

[audio] Dr. Stan’s GREAT Audio Archives: Bush Family of Secrets — “Nothing is as it appears to be”

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty audio archives

(Programs stay online for about 3 months)

Date: 02-10-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Rosalind Peterson – Contrails: What Are They Spraying?
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel [AndrewSkousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00: Russ Baker – Bush Family of Secrets
Hour: 4
9:00: G. Edward Griffin – Geo Engineering
Date: 02-09-11

Russ Baker’s Websites:

Dear Glenn Beck, Egypt Destabilization-Op Hatched by Globalists, Not Communists

[youtube=]Dear Glenn Beck, Egypt Destabilization-Op Hatched by Globalists, Not Communists

TheAlexJonesChannel | February 12, 2011 | 262 likes, 17 dislikes

Alex Jones breaks down the real factors behind Egypt’s uprising in a special video report where he rebuffs the theories of Glenn Beck, who tries to link the Muslim Brotherhood to radical socialism in the United States. While George Soros has significant influence over these mid-east events, he alone is not the ringmaster in the global game of chess. He is, rather, among those in control of an offshore globalist corporate cartel that dominates the finance of all nations and seeks influence over their domestic affairs.

For Beck, current events in Egypt are occurring as a result of their connection to his pet-list of far-Left idealogues, like Van Jones, and a host of organizations and unions allegedly linked to Soros. While many of these connections are legitimate, Beck obscures altogether the long history of Pentagon intervention in foreign politics. The CIA and U.S. military have, for decades, sponsored and created radical Islamic factions, including the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban and more. What is really underway is a complex series of destabilization efforts all across the Middle East region, and perhaps the making of a wider war.…………
Carroll Quigley: The Anglo-American Establishment…
Caroll Quigley: Tragedy & Hope…
Arnold Toynbee: Acquaintances (See T.E. Lawrence, Nehru, et al.)…
T.E. Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia): Seven Pillars of Wisdom…
Arnold Toynbee: Pro-Arab or Pro-Zionist?­i=/journals/israel_studies/v004/4.1fried­man.html
Anthony Sutton: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution…
Anthony Sutton: Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development
Anthony Sutton: National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union…
Maoist China backed by West:…
Smedley Butler: War is a Racket…
America’s Secret Backing for Rebel Leaders Behind Egyptian Uprising…
Puppet On A String: Hamas Dances To Israels Tune…………
Brzezinski: How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen…
VIDEO – Brzezinski Taliban Pep Talk 1979:…
Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations Thesis:…
Osama bin Laden code name Tim Osman………………
Al-Awlaki Dines at Pentagon after 9/11…
Kurt Haskell: Underwear bomber helped on plane…………
Senator Joseph McCarthy – Army Hearings on Communism in Government…
VIDEO – McCarthy-Army Hearings…

Richard Wurmbrand: Karl Marx — From Christian to satanist

From: WND

Karl Marx: From Christian to satanist

Book reveals little-known spiritual sojourn of communism’s architect

Posted: November 28, 2010
6:41 pm Eastern

© 2011 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – Did you know Karl Marx was once a professing Christian?

Did you know the architect of communism later joined a satanic cult?

Those are among the shocking revelations of a classic book, by a heroic pastor and evangelist repeatedly imprisoned and tortured by a Communist regime, that is back in print and available through the WND Superstore after decades of collecting dust.

“‘Marx and Satan,’ written by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, is a book that changed my life and my worldview,” says Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND. “Along with Whittaker Chambers’ ‘Witness,’ it is a classic 20th century title that should be read by everyone who truly wants to understand the intellectual underpinnings of Marxism.”

Here’s an excerpt Wurmbrand found in Marx’s first book, amazingly titled, “The Union of the Faithful with Christ”: “Through love of Christ we turn our hearts at the same time toward our brethren who are inwardly bound to us and for whom He gave Himself as sacrifice. …”

Are these sincere words from an honest Christian man? They certainly seem to be. Marx’s comrade, Friedrich Engels, was also a believer, and became a conservative theologian. He wrote against the liberal theologians of his time who criticized the Bible as the absolute word of God, and he also wrote a number of very sound Christian poems and hymns.

Richard Wurmbrand

Why did Marx became a God hater who invented not only one of the worst tools of oppression to Christianity, but also to all of humanity? Why did Engels become his accomplice? The turning point in both of their lives occurred at the universities they attended when they learned of a new “Christian doctrine” called “liberal theology.” Engels was aware of the danger of this theology and even wrote against it, yet in the end was not able to conquer the error. He wrote: “I pray every day, indeed almost all day, for truth, and I have done so ever since I began to doubt, but still I cannot go back. My tears are welling as I write.”

Wurmbrand exposes how Marx, a former Christian, went on to become a hater of God and the Christian. Marx eventually joined the satanic cult of his closest comrades, and this book explains in detail the evidence of that decision.

The reader learns that Marx was initially opposed to the ideas of socialism and Communism until Moses Hess persuaded him of the usefulness they had in being agents of the destruction of mankind, which was Marx’s ultimate satanic goal. Why was Marx so bent on the destruction of mankind? We will never know for sure, but we do know what he wrote in this poem: “… I wander godlike and victorious Through the ruins of the world And, giving my words an active force, I will feel equal to my Creator.”

Karl Marx

The parallel to Scripture is obvious.

Isaiah 14:13-14: “But you [Satan] said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;'”

Wurmbrand was the leader of the underground church of Romania who spent 14 years in the Communist prison under the palace of Nicolae Ceauşescu, the late dictator of Romania. He also spent three years in the prison hospital ward from which no one else ever left alive.

In May 1966, Wurmbrand testified in Washington before the Senate’s Internal Security Subcommittee and stripped to the waist and showed 18 deep torture wounds covering his body. His story was carried across the world newspapers in the U.S., Europe, and Asia.

“This is a book that deserves to be in the library of every truly informed and freedom-loving person in the world,” said Farah. “But, more importantly, it needs to be read.”


Ron Paul Enters Evidence of Bush War Crimes in Congressional Record — Bush Sr. gave Saddam the green light to attack Kuwait; then we attacked Saddam. Bush Jr. finished the job. Over 2 million slaughtered!

Ron Paul Enters Evidence of Bush War Crimes in Congressional Record

Kurt Nimmo
February 4, 2011

Rep. Ron Paul read the text below into the Congressional Record earlier this year. Paul’s statement provides additional evidence to the established fact the globalist, bonesman, and former CIA director George Bush Senior duped Saddam Hussein, exploited his dispute with Kuwait – accusing Kuwait of slant drilling its oil – and gave Hussein a green light to attack Kuwait.

From the Congressional Record, January 26, 2011, Page H503. It was posted on the Veterans Today website.

The SPEAKER pro tempore.

Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Paul) is recognized for 5 minutes.

Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, how did the 20-year war get started?

It had been long assumed that the United States Government, shortly before Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, gave Saddam Hussein a green light to attack. A State Department cable recently published by WikiLeaks confirmed that U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie did indeed have a conversation with Saddam Hussein one week prior to Iraq’s August 1, 1990, invasion of Kuwait.

Amazingly, the released cable was entitled,

Saddam’s Message of Friendship to President Bush.” (published below)

In it, Ambassador Glaspie affirmed to Saddam that “the President had instructed her to broaden and deepen our relations with Iraq.” As Saddam Hussein outlined Iraq’s ongoing border dispute with Kuwait, Ambassador Glaspie was quite clear that, “we took no position on these Arab affairs.”

There would have been no reason for Saddam Hussein not to take this assurance at face value. The U.S. was quite supportive of his invasion and war of aggression against Iran in the 1980s. With this approval from the U.S. Government, it wasn’t surprising that the invasion occurred. The shock and surprise was how quickly the tables were turned and our friend, Saddam Hussein, all of a sudden became Hitler personified.

The document was classified, supposedly to protect national security, yet this information in no way jeopardized our security. Instead, it served to keep the truth from the American people about an event leading up to our initial military involvement in Iraq and the region that continues to today.

{time} 1440

The secrecy of the memo was designed to hide the truth from the American people and keep our government from being embarrassed. This was the initial event that had led to so much death and destruction–not to mention the financial costs–these past 20 years.

Our response and persistent militarism toward Iraq was directly related to 9/11, as our presence on the Arabian Peninsula–and in particular Saudi Arabia–was listed by al Qaeda as a major grievance that outraged the radicals (sic) who carried out the heinous attacks against New York and Washington on that fateful day.

Today, the conflict has spread through the Middle East and Central Asia with no end in sight.

The reason this information is so important is that if Congress and the American people had known about this green light incident 20 years ago, they would have been a lot more reluctant to give a green light to our government to pursue the current war–a war that is ongoing and expanding to this very day.

The tough question that remains is was this done deliberately to create the justification to redesign the Middle East, as many neo- conservatives desired, and to secure oil supplies for the West; or was it just a diplomatic blunder followed up by many more strategic military blunders? Regardless, we have blundered into a war that no one seems willing to end.

Julian Assange, the publisher of the WikiLeaks memo, is now considered an enemy of the state. Politicians are calling for drastic punishment and even assassination; and, sadly, the majority of the American people seem to support such moves.

But why should we so fear the truth? Why should our government’s lies and mistakes be hidden from the American people in the name of patriotism? Once it becomes acceptable to equate truth with treason, we can no longer call ourselves a free society.”

Historian Mark Zepezauer notes that the equipment to slant drill Iraq’s oil illegally was bought from National Security Council chief Brent Scowcroft’s old company. Kuwait was pumping out around $14-billion worth of oil from beneath Iraqi territory. “Even the territory they were drilling from had originally been Iraq’s. Slant-drilling is enough to get you shot in Texas, and it’s certainly enough to start a war in the Mideast,” writes Zepezauer.

Iraq invaded Kuwait after it broke off negotiations.

Bush and the United Nations ordered the systematic destruction of facilities essential to civilian life and economic productivity throughout Iraq on January 16, 1991, at 6:30 p.m. EST.

Bush ordered 110,000 air sorties against Iraq, dropping 88,000 tons of bombs, nearly seven times the equivalent of the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, according to a report sent to the Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal.

“The intention and effort of the bombing of civilian life and facilities was to systematically destroy Iraq’s infrastructure leaving it in a preindustrial condition. Iraq’s civilian population was dependent on industrial capacities,” Ramsey Clarke and others wrote in 1992. “The U.S. assault left Iraq in a near apocalyptic condition as reported by the first United Nations observers after the war.”

The invasion, enforced blockade of Iraq and the international sanctions which decimated the war-ravaged country for over a decade prepared the people of Iraq for the transformation their modern state into a hellhole now wracked by sectarian violence.

Over 500,000 people were slaughtered in Bush’s war. Between 1991 and 1998, there were 500,000 deaths among Iraqi children under five years of age due to brutal sanctions imposed by the United States and the United Nations. “If you include adults, the figure is now almost certainly well over a million,” Hans Von Sponeck said. Sponeck was a UN Assistant Secretary-General and UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq.


George Bush Senior announces his invasion of Iraq in 1991. The war was not declared by Congress as stipulated by the Constitution. It was an executive action by Bush and the globalists with the participation of the United Nations.

Bush’s son re-invaded Iraq under completely bogus circumstances. George Bush Junior killed or contributed to the death of more than 1.4 million human beings, according to Just Foreign Policy. “Iraq deaths. The number is shocking and sobering. It is at least 10 times greater than most estimates cited in the US media, yet it is based on a scientific study of violent Iraqi deaths caused by the U.S.-led invasion of March 2003,” they write.

The Lancet, estimated that over 600,000 Iraqis had been killed as a result of the invasion as of July 2006. Iraqis have continued to be killed since then. The death counter provides a rough daily update of this number based on a rate of increase derived from the Iraq Body Count… The estimate that over a million Iraqis have died received independent confirmation from a prestigious British polling agency in September 2007. Opinion Research Business estimated that 1.2 million Iraqis have been killed violently since the US-led invasion. This devastating human toll demands greater recognition. It eclipses the Rwandan genocide and our leaders are directly responsible. Little wonder they do not publicly cite it.

And yet Bush and his son are considered by the establishment and millions of Americans to be esteemed elder statesmen, not war criminals.


Charlotte Iserbyt: Secret Beginnings of Skull & Bones. Charlotte’s father was a skull — as are the Bushes

More Proof: Skull and Bonesman President George W. Bush is a Reverse-Christian

Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 5 “JFK Assassination”: Includes Deathbed Confession. 3 Presidents Involved Including George H.W. Bush?

Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D##n right’ I personally ordered waterboarding

Judge Napolitano: Bush should have been indicted for “torturing, for spying, for arresting without warrant”

David Icke: Why it’s important for child abuse victims to speak out

George W. Bush: ‘Starting Wars In Middle East Good For The Economy’

Theologian David Ray Griffin: Did the U.S. Have the Moral Right to Invade Afghanistan? — “Is the war in Afghanistan justified by the 9/11 attacks?”

Insider: Pedophilia Among America’s Leaders — Including ‘Conservative’ Republican Presidents?

Cathy O’Brien: A freed Presidential mind-control slave gives specifics on how America is getting jacked!

Cathy O’Brien on Mind Control: Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton answered to George Bush, Sr. — Guess who else did

Terry Reed: Clinton, Bush Sr., Oliver North and CIA Drug Running

George W. Bush ‘Knew Guantánamo Prisoners Were Innocent’

9-11 Was An Inside Job

Chuck Baldwin: The Truth About Abortion — The so-called “pro-life” Republican Party is mostly to blame. They dominated US Supreme Court appointments for the 37 years since Roe. And they controlled the entire federal government from 2000 – 2006. Each year, Ron Paul would introduce the Sanctity of Life bill. Where were the “pro-life” pastors and Christians?

Republican hypocrisy: Sen. Hatch admits GOP ’standard practice’ was to run up deficit

Chuck Baldwin: THE BUSH-OBAMA WAR. “Perpetual war is a tool of globalists to enslave us!”

Bush signed the martial law Presidential Directive that now makes it possible for the President to declare a national emergency without the consent of Congress. Suspension of the Constitution is now legally possible with the stroke of a pen

How America Will End? Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama Opened US to Russian/Chinese Nuclear Takeout

Assembly of God ‘Christian’ and President Bush’s Attorney General: John Ashcroft’s ‘Christian Mafia,’ power-OVER, cult membership. “By their fruits you will know them”

Jason Bermas’ Bohemian Grove Special — Who are Our Leaders?

[The Prophecy Club] The Ted Gunderson Chronicles

‘Presidential Secrets’: Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum Speaks About Drug Running, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Oliver North, Neutralizing Ross Perot, Task Force 160′s Darkest Green (‘Black’) Helicopters, Assassinations

Seymour Hersh: Secret US Forces Carried Out Assassinations in at Least a Dozen Countries, Including in Latin America

Russ Baker, Award Winning Author of “Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America” on Alex Jones, 3/25/09

Bush: The Bible isn’t Literally True; Evolution is Scientifically Proven; Jesus isn’t the Only Way

Bush: I Was Right To Use Non-Existent Link Between Saddam-9/11 To Push For War

Nader: President George W. Bush is guilty of at least 5 impeachable offenses that go on day after day

A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess

Bush quietly seeks to make war powers permanent by declaring indefinite state of war

Chuck Baldwin: The Three Amigos

Tim Russert Asks George W. & John Kerry About Their Skull & Bones’ Membership During 2004 Election

George W. Bush Appointed at Least 11, Fellow, Skull & Bones Members to Government Positions

Fleshing Out Skull & Bones — Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society

Bush Signed Executive Order Authorizing Torture—FBI Email

Vicente Fox Admits Amero & North American Union on Larry King – 10/8/07

Bush to veto CIA waterboarding ban bill

Bush: “I’m a War President…with War on My Mind”

[Audio] Real-history book publisher, Dad-was-CIA Kris Millegan: How book publishers and the media suppress truth

The Power Hour audio archives 2/2/11 (rebroadcast)

Listen Here

Trine Day’s little library of suppressed books

Russell Means at Age-72: Welcome To The Reservation

[youtube=]Russell Means: Welcome To The Reservation

THElNFOWARRlOR | January 19, 2011 | 482 likes, 12 dislikes

The United States is one big reservation, and we are all in it. So says Russell Means, legendary actor, political activist and leader for the American Indian Movement. Means led the 1972 seizure of the Bureau of Indian Affairs headquarters in Washington, D.C., and in 1973 led a standoff at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, a response to the massacre of at least 150 Lakotah men, women, and children by the U.S. Seventh Cavalry at a camp near Wounded Knee Creek.

American Indian Russell Means gives an eye-opening 90 minute interview in which he explains how Native Americans and Americans in general are all imprisoned within one huge reservation. Means is a leader for the Republic of Lakotah, a movement that has declared its independence from the United States and refused to recognize the authority of presidents or governments, withdrawing from treaties it made with the federal government and defining its borders which cover thousands of square miles in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Montana.

Means explains how American Indians have been enslaved within de facto prisoner of war camps as a result of the federal government’s restriction of their food supply and the application of colonial tactics, a process that has now also been inflicted on the United States as a whole which has turned into, “one huge Indian reservation,” according to Means.

Means warns that Americans have lost the ability of critical though, and with each successive generation become more irresponsible and as a consequence less free, disregarding a near-perfect document, the Constitution, which was derived from Indian law. Means chronicles the loss of freedom from the 1840’s onwards, which marked the birth of the corporation, to Lincoln’s declaration of martial law, to the latter part of the 19th century and into the 20th when Congress “started giving banks the right to rule,” and private banking interests began printing the money.

Chilean Patriot Matías Rojas: Why He Confronted David Rockefeller in Chile

[youtube=]Chilean Patriot Matías Rojas: Rockefeller Scumbag, “We Don’t Need Your NWO!!” – Alex Jones Tv

TheAlexJonesChannel | January 19, 2011 | 139 likes, 1 dislikes

Alex talks with Matías Rojas, the Chilean who confronted globalist David Rockefeller.


Dr. Stanley Montieth: Media Bias has been Going On for Many Decades! — The Great Hunger in China Example

“The Great Hunger,
where they [Communist Chinese gov’t]
actually killed between 41 and 44 million
Chinese were starved to death from ’58 – ’62,
and not a word in the American press.

Not a word!”

– Dr. Stanley Monteith

And Bob Chapman mentioned Ron Paul expects gold to go to $6,000.

* * *

Transcribed from Dr. Stan’s Radio Liberty audio archives,
hour 2, below:

Date: 01-17-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Debra Rae – ABCs of Globalism & Culturalism
Hour: 2
4:00: Bob Chapman – All Countries Now In Economic Trouble
Hour: 3
8:00: Bob Chapman – Our Economy & World Events
Hour: 4
9:00: Dr. Lisa Dunne – Emerge: Cracking the Cocoon of Media Socialization
Date: 01-14-11
Hour: 1

[audio] Joel Skousen on ‘Coast’ with Excellent Interviewer John B. Wells, 12/29/10: What’s Really Going On?!!


Lots of wisdom here!

Great overview analysis!

The BIG picture!

Watch & See

“There’s never a report about Russia.”

“They’re setting us up.”

EMP Strike — without electricity for a year!

~ 2020: “Probably 8 years before this holocaust….”

* * *

[youtube=]Geopolitics, War, & the New World Order – Coast to Coast AM

Published on Aug 4, 2012 by Astraltravelex

Description from ‘Coast to Coast AM’:


On Wednesday night, guest host John B. Wells ( email) spoke with political scientist and personal security expert Joel Skousen about the growing government assault on privacy and liberty, as well as New World Order and war scenarios. The current security precautions such as at airports are not really to stop terrorists, but to ferret out potential dissidents and resistors who could pose a problem for the future police state, he suggested. We are already seeing the three aspects necessary to establish this police state, Skousen outlined– a false threat of terrorism, thug-like individuals in the police, and a judiciary that won’t prosecute the police.

He laid out a financial end game in which the US national debt will become untenable, with the rise of inflation, sometime between 2020-2025. People have been diverted with the false threat of terrorism in order to cover up “our real enemies,” Russia & China, with whom the US will battle in a World War, he continued. “In the aftermath of that, they’re going to have an excuse to walk away from the debt,” because the US financial centers and computers will be destroyed.

Skousen described a Russian surgical nuclear attack on 15 American cities with military facilities such as San Diego, Seattle, Jacksonville, Norfolk, Colorado Springs, and Washington DC. While 20% of Americans will die in such attacks, he argued that nuclear attacks are survivable and promoted the idea that people construct fall-out shelters in their basements, as well as increase their self-sufficiency, as an EMP attack will knock out electricity for up to a year. He also foresees that America will go to war against Iran, probably in 2011— the U.S. is just waiting for the right provocation.

Why Joel Skousen Preaches Against Hyperinflation

(video) Charlotte Iserbyt: Secret Beginnings of Skull & Bones. Charlotte’s father was a skull — as are the Bushes

Entire 3 Hour Program Commercial Free
(much of the show covered this subject):

[youtube=]The Alex Jones Show 12/28/10: Inside Skull & Bones with Charlotte Iserbyt

THElNFOWARRlOR | December 28, 2010 | 109 likes, 7 dislikes

Alex welcomes back to the show Charlotte Iserbyt, author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, a chronological history of the past 100+ years of education reform. Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration.

On today’s show, she talks with Alex about the secret society of the elite, Skull & Bones. Iserbyt provided author and researcher Antony Sutton with the documentation he needed to write America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones. Iserbyt’s father and grandfather were members of the cult. “These secret societies are behind it all,” her father told her. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.

* * *

Iserbyt Segment Only:

[youtube=]Charlotte Iserbyt: Secret Beginnings of Skull & Bones – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

[video] The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — What Happened To Education




Only 12-minutes

[youtube=]The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

NealF | November 16, 2010 | 386 likes, 13 dislikes

This video was originally created to be part of an art exhibit for Exposed the Art Project , a multimedia collaboration raising awareness of social issues. The group decided that the message in the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America shouldn’t be put on hold. So here it is. The other artists of Exposed the Art Project are: painters Barry Gross and Viktor Safonkin, and photographers Adela Holmes and Presscott McDonald. We picked four themes for our premier—Social Commentary, Spirituality, Metamorphosis and Time and Chance. This is my contribution for Social Commentary.

11 Reasons Why The Threat From Al-Qaeda is Not Real

From: disquietreservations…

11 Reasons Why The Threat From Al-Qaeda is Not Real

By Saman Mohammadi
The Excavator
December 8, 2010

The United States government has repeatedly stated that the treat from Al-Qaeda against America is very real, and that all action is being taken to eliminate that threat. Nobody in their right mind would question such a serious assessment about a sensitive national security matter from the world’s leading democracy. But the truth is that over the past fifty years America’s democratic institutions like the press have been weakened, and an elitist National Security State has risen, and taken control over all aspects of government.

Since World War II U.S. leaders have consistently lied to the American people about foreign threats in order to feed the military machine’s appetite for war. All of these wars are unjust and unwarranted but that does not stop the self-interested criminals who control U.S. foreign policy. A recent example of a lie they told was their assertion that Saddam Hussein was in possession of weapons of mass destruction. That episode revealed to many people the true nature of the American government. Simply put, it does not care about the truth, or the American people, or the members of the military. U.S. leaders like former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and current Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, to name but a few, tell lies at will. Dishonesty means nothing to them. They deceive the American people, the American military, and the world about their motives and methods – and they lie to themselves about their own powers and abilities.

Next to the hundreds of thousands of innocent people who were slaughtered by the American war machine in its numerous criminal wars, U.S. soldiers have suffered the most – way more than the rest of the population in America. It can’t be said enough that the U.S. government’s treatment of its soldiers is scandalous and shameful. It is so out of whack that in America today dogs are treated better than military vets. Some dogs are even treated to luxurious spas while military vets are denied the proper health care that they deserve. Instead, they’re left to rot, and commit suicide. And for what? To defend America? To defeat Al-Qaeda? Or to keep the war machine and its benefactors rich and powerful? As you will see by the end of this post, it is the latter.

Entire Article Here

Former FBI chief, Ted Gunderson tells of his many close calls after exposing FBI and CIA Satanic activity

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Audio Archives

Date: 12-07-10
Hour: 1
3:00: Ted Gunderson – Unsolved Crimes: Satanic Connection
Hour: 2
4:00: Butch Merritt – Watergate Exposed
Hour: 3
8:00: John Loftus – America’s Nazi Secret
Hour: 4
9:00: Bob Fletcher – Our Country Is Bankrupt
Date: 12-06-10


Retired FBI Chief, Ted Gunderson: Child Trafficking Epidemic — “The F.B.I.’s been infiltrated by the Illuminati.” “There’s 50-60,000 human sacrifices per year in this country.”

Insider: Pedophilia Among America’s Leaders — Including ‘Conservative’ Republican Presidents?

Ted Gunderson: Many of our congressmen and senators have been blackmailed through children, sex and drugs…”and we don’t have enough people like Kucinich and Ron Paul to stand up.”

[NBC 1989] Call Boys Take Midnight Tour of Reagan/Bush White House

Invisible Empire Sneak Peek #4 — Call Boy Rings Exposed. “Many of us believe that our leaders are in fact Christian conservatives with our best interest at heart…” | But WE must have INTEGRITY no matter what.

[The Prophecy Club] The Ted Gunderson Chronicles

Dr. Stan & Ted Gunderson on How “They’re” Able to Do It: “Once you understand the things that actually go on at Bohemian Grove…” — “This Satanic element has infiltrated all levels of our government”

‘Presidential Secrets’: Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum Speaks About Drug Running, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Oliver North, Neutralizing Ross Perot, Task Force 160’s Darkest Green (‘Black’) Helicopters, Assassinations

Page 42 of 48

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