Freedom from Alaska!

Category: 'THEY' couldn't be that EVIL?? Page 6 of 44

Jason Burmas w/ Derek Broze: Mormon Church Sexual Abuse at Highest Level – Gordon B. Hinckley, etc.


(video) Resurfaced Documentary Uncovers Accusations Of Child Abuse Against Former Mormon President Gordon B. Hinckley

Daughters Of Former Mormon Bishop Walton Hunter Accuse Father Of Rape

Sexual Abuse By Former Mormon Bishop Walton Hunter Confirmed By Daughters

Mormon Horrors Revealed By A Conscious Resistance?


(video) Resurfaced Documentary Uncovers Accusations Of Child Abuse Against Former Mormon President Gordon B. Hinckley

Also from

Daughters Of Former Mormon Bishop Walton Hunter Accuse Father Of Rape

Sexual Abuse By Former Mormon Bishop Walton Hunter Confirmed By Daughters

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Resurfaced Documentary Uncovers Accusations Of Child Abuse Against Former Mormon President Gordon B. Hinckley

The documentary ‘The True Story of Mormon President Gordon B. Hinckley’ and its accusations against Mormon Church leadership has not been seen by the public in almost 30 years — until now.

40 Min. Documentary: ‘Romney Exposed’


Jeffrey Epstein, Maxwell, Wexner, Mossad Documentary

Many sources compiled brilliantly, including many clips of Epstein and Ghislaine’s victim (now brave whistleblower), Maria Farmer, interviewed by Whitney Webb.

The Clown and the Candyman with Jacqueline Bynon | The Nick Bryant Podcast

30:50 He would be very friendly; offer them beer…

53:30 It becomes insatiable, so they need more and more to get the feeling they’re after, that’s never satisfied [because it’s demonic – ed.].

57:45 Shame is used to keep the children silent.

“‘The Undertaker’ is alive and well” – Cathy Giessel leads Roger Holland in Alaska Primary

‘The Undertaker’ is alive and well,” says the announcer. People are so easily deceived these days, sadly — as if many don’t want to live in reality — as in WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment).

Roger Holland needs to tell the truth about Cathy Giessel, or she’ll be able to resume her machinations.

People need to pray for the truth to be revealed about everyone and everything.

So many lies these days, especially from the subversive media.

Truth Matters!

“Senate Seat E: This is a south Hillside district in Anchorage, and incumbent Republican Sen. Roger Holland was surprised by former Sen. Cathy Giessel, a Bill Walker-endorsing Republican, getting ahead of him. Giessel has 36.12% and Holland has 31.23%, with the Democrat taking about 32%.”

Dan Fagan: “Murkowski is a general in the movement to promote the culture of death through abortion in America”

Related: Lisa Murkowski on Abortion

Murkowski is a general in the movement to promote the culture of death through abortion in America.

Murkowski, who has been a champion of abortion, can still do the right thing

Sept. 20, 2020

By Dan Fagan

Planned Parenthood President Cecil Richards praised Murkowski in 2017 when the Alaska senator cast the deciding vote that blocked President Donald Trump’s attempt to repeal Obamacare. Murkowski voted against the repeal because the bill called for defunding Planned Parenthood. Imagine being so loyal to Planned Parenthood you’re willing to save Obamacare for it.

In 2018, Murkowski was one of just two Republicans to vote against a federal ban on abortions after 20 weeks and up to the day of birth. But Murkowski’s most consequential move to preserve the barbaric killing of millions of American babies came when she refused in 2018 to vote to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.


Constant, Zaletel, Dunbar: “Pride goes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall” – Prov. 16:18

Constant, Zaletel, Dunbar

“Pride goes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall.” – Prov. 16:18

Source: Assembly plans to override mayor’s veto of ordinance they wrote giving them permission to remove mayor without approval of voters

‘The Keepers’ – Full Documentary (Netflix) — Catholic church abuse of more than 100, plus murder!

Riveting, important documentary — brilliantly produced, including the music!

I only found Part 1 boring, the whodunit intro, until trying again after watching parts II through VII. 

The Keepers | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix “I can testify that over 100 victims have been abused.”

The Keepers with Jean Wehner, Catholic church abuse survivor | The Nick Bryant Podcast OUTSTANDING! — ‘Jane Doe’

The Keepers with Gemma Hoskins | The Nick Bryant Podcast

Facebook: Justice for Catherine Cesnik and Joyce Malecki


The Keepers – S01E01

The Keepers with Jean Wehner, Catholic church abuse survivor | The Nick Bryant Podcast

HEAVY! Abuse & even murder in the Catholic church, followed by coverup and now a 6 part documentary. Jean tells her story.

This episode of the Nick Bryant Podcast features survivor Jean Hargadon-Wehner, from the Netflix docuseries “The Keepers.” Jean was the first victim to speak out against the abuse she endured at Archbishop Keough High School. We talk about her experience at Archbishop Kenogh High School, the murder of Sister Cathy Cesnik, and Jean’s road to recovery.

Brad Edwards vs Jeffrey Epstein | The Nick Bryant Podcast

Epstein, Derschowitz, Ghislaine, Virginia Giuffre

“Very scary non-disclosure agreements” may have silenced some victims. Underage victims can win in court, but when adult, penalties aren’t as stiff. Adult Victims Act / Adult Survivors Act will hopefully change that.

Edwards represented 69 victims. Great guy!

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Brad Edwards is the founding partner of Edwards Pottinger. He is a nationally recognized attorney who specializes in providing civil representation for children, survivors of sexual abuse, and victims of violent crimes. Brad Edwards devoted himself to bringing Jeffrey Epstein to justice. Over the years, he’s represented a number of Epstein’s victims and shined a light on Epstein’s shadowy network of accomplices—a network that reached to the highest levels of American society.

Brad’s book – Relentless Pursuit: My Fight for the Victims of Jeffrey Epstein

F-bombing Assemblywoman Meg Zaletel doesn’t “fucking care” and “call the fucking question” — Coup to remove Mayor Bronson

Some of the tyrannical 9 [of 12 total] have sold their souls — are way out of line in approving Constant’s radical AO that violates separation of powers to remove Mayor Bronson — who stands in the way of their ‘woke,’ destroy-Anchorage agenda!

STORY: F-bombs away: Anchorage Assembly fast-tracks its plan to remove mayor without approval of voters

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F-bombing Assemblywoman: Assemblywoman Meg Zaletel says she doesn’t “fucking care” and “call the fucking question,” and she moves to adjourn the meeting in which the Assembly was voting on a slow coup against the mayor. Normally language like this would be called out of order by the chair, but the rules only apply to conservatives.

Must Read Alaska

Tyranny in Anchorage! Assembly liberals vote to NOT re-open public testimony… LaFrance tells THE PUBLIC THEY ARE BEING DISRESPECTFUL TO THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS

[Anchorage] Assembly liberals vote to NOT re-open public testimony for the packed auditorium so the public could comment on the “Substitute” version and new amendments to remove the Mayor from office. The crowd reacts with displeasure and Chair LaFrance bangs her gavel and tells THE PUBLIC THEY ARE BEING DISRESPECTFUL TO THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS, after the Assembly voted to not let them speak.

Listen to LaFrance and Constant picking members of the public out for potential removal from the meeting.


(video) Epstein survivor/whistleblower with Nick Bryant

This episode of The Nick Bryant Podcast features Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell victim/survivor Maria Farmer. Maria was assaulted by Epstein and Maxwell in 1996. And shortly thereafter, she reported them to the FBI, but the FBI ignored her information.

11:30 Donald Trump

17:00 Bill Clinton  “It’s very strange how everyone who really saw Bill Clinton died.” – Maria Farmer

19:25 Allan Dershowitz  “He wrote hit pieces on me through Newsmax, which is a very nasty little rag.”

37:10 How the FBI betrayed her. The one good, female agent who tried to help is in hiding.

42 The justice department had a list of 32 Epstein victims.
Les Wexner a major player.

1:00:30 “No one in the black book has been arrested.”

Nick Bryant Names Names! – Jeffrey Epstein Cover Up: Pedophilia, Lies, and Ghislaine Maxwell

Epstein had 11 contact numbers for Donald Trump in his Black Book, and Rodriguez circled Trump’s name. Though Bill Clinton’s name isn’t circled in the Black Book [circling names explained here], Epstein had 21 contact numbers for him. Giuffre didn’t name either Trump or Clinton as a perpetrator, but Maxwell told a 60 Minutes producer that Epstein “had tapes of Trump and Clinton.”

The Jeffrey Epstein Cover Up: Pedophilia, Lies, and Ghislaine Maxwell

By Nick Bryant
November 30, 2021

Numerous procurers and perpetrators integral to Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell’s crimes against children have not been indicted, and current officials are finding new ways to obfuscate the sordid truth.

(video) Epstein “Client List” Cover-Up With Nick Bryant

#Les Wexner #Donald Trump #Bill Clinton #Maria Farmer #Katie Johnson #Jean-Luc Brunel #Peter Nygard #Dennis Hastert #Larry Craig #Bruce King (Gov. New Mexico) #Bill Richardson #Bill Barr #Jamal Khashoggi #Prince Andrew #Alan Dershowitz #Virginia Giuffre #Sarah Ransome


The Jeffrey Epstein Cover Up: Pedophilia, Lies, and Ghislaine Maxwell, by Nick Bryant [Lots of names!]

Nick Bryant’s new podcast — also on Apple

2:20 “This was a complete cover-up. What troubles me about this: I wrote a book about a very similar child traficking network that was covered up in the late ’80s and early ‘9os [The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal], and I thought to myself if a network receives enough mainstream media attention we will eventually out it. I’ve felt really forlorn throughout the last couple of years because our government has covered this up in broad daylight, and Americans seem to be cool with it. … Not only Ghislaine Maxwell should have gone to prison, but all of them should have gone to prison.” – Nick Bryant

10:45 “If we allow these affluent perverts to molest our children with impunity, what does that say about us as a society? It says we’re approaching spiritual death, or maybe we’re already there.” – Nick Bryant

Jewish groups adopt same strategy as Satanists, demand legal abortion based on ‘religious freedom’

A recent Florida lawsuit seeks to apply a broad new claim by many Jewish groups that legal abortion is necessary for the practice of their religion.

(LifeSiteNews) — In an apparent new strategy seeking to maintain the decriminalization of preborn child killing, a south Florida synagogue filed a lawsuit against the State of Florida’s new 15-week abortion ban arguing that it violates the “religious freedom” of Jews.

Murkowski decries Roe v. Wade decision — EVIL to the Core!

By Suzanne Downing -June 24, 2022

Senator Lisa Murkowski said in a statement said she strongly supports a woman’s right to choose an abortion to end a pregnancy. Earlier this year, she introduced the Reproductive Choice Act (S. 3713), which would prevent women’s reproductive choices from being weakened or eliminated and would codify the almost 50 year old Roe v. Wade decision as the law of the land.

Bill Gates predicts pandemic 2 — “That will get attention this time”

“We’ll have to prepare for the next one,” Gates says as he fails to fight off a coy smirk. “That, you know, I’d say is, will get attention this time.”

MALONE, COLE , URSO: A DOCTORS ROUNDTABLE — “The whole house of cards is rotten to the core” – Dr. Robert Malone

“The whole house of cards is rotten to the core.” – Dr. Robert Malone

“It’s all about profit.” – Dr. Richard Urso

“We are messing up permanently the immune systems of people, and who knows what disease they’re going to die from that secondarily.” – Dr. Ryan Cole

“Richard Urso was the kernel that caused this thing to grow” — “kicked off” the doctors speaking out together, the Covid Summits, and helps smooth things over when there is disagreement! – Dr. Malone, 1:10:10

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Three of the most prolific doctors in the Global Covid Summit, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Dr. Richard Urso joined Del for an in-depth discussion on why they aligned to form the G.C.S. and their tireless mission to spread truth and restore scientific integrity.

SICK! Chinese dog eating festival



Cruel world of Chinese dog-fighting uncovered in horrific images of bloodsport that leaves many animals dead or with terrible injuries

“Ladies, if you get pregnant, run on down to the abortion clinic…” [LOUD CHEER!]

2012 Olympics Hospital Beds under Grim Reaper Now Makes Sense

Weddleton’s character assessment of Dunbar: Galactus – a cosmic entity who CONSUMES PLANETS to sustain his life force

Last night was John Weddleton’s last Assembly meeting. Some of the Assembly members mentioned the cartoon figure that Weddleton gave them, which he thought best described them.

Forest Dunbar said this to Weddleton about the action figure Weddleton best thought fit Dunbar’s personality:

“You gave me one [jelly with Dunbar’s picture on it] that had, I think it was Galactus, who was a SUPER VILLAIN.”

Wikipedia’s description of Galactus:

“Formerly a mortal man, Galactus is a COSMIC ENTITY WHO CONSUMES PLANETS to sustain his life force…. Lee and Kirby wanted to introduce a character that broke away from the archetype of the standard villain. In the character’s first appearance, Galactus was depicted as a god-like figure who feeds by DRAINING living planets of THEIR ENERGY, and operates WITHOUT REGARD TO the MORALITY and JUDGMENTS of mortal beings.”

(book) ‘Boys Will Be Boys… Cover-up of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal’

No Palin has ever denied the charges made.

(audio) Ed Opperman’s Sarah/Todd Palin Sex Scandal Case: Why Sarah Palin Stopped Her 2012 Presidential Bid

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Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality, and the Coverup of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal

by Shailey Tripp and Vickie Bottoms

Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality and the Cover-up of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal is the true story of how Shailey Tripp, a young single mother of two special needs children became sexually involved with Todd Palin, husband of former Alaska Governor and 2008 GOP Vice-Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin. This book explains the many factors that culminated in Shailey becoming not only the mistress of “ Alaska’s First Dude” but also a prostitute working for him which ultimately resulted in Shailey being arrested in March of 2010. However, the story doesn’t end there. After they received an anonymous email, The National Enquirer contacted Shailey regarding her relationship with Todd Palin and even ran a couple of stories about her liaison with him with several follow-up interviews scheduled. All that changed, when at the behest of the Palin’s lawyers, the Anchorage Police Department issued a press release which stated that they had found no evidence of Todd’s involvement with Shailey. From that point on, Shailey was unable to get any media, with the exception of some internet bloggers, to tell her side of things despite the fact that she had proof of her truthfulness and had passed polygraph examinations. Boys Will Be Boys tells the whole story from Shailey’s viewpoint and includes the evidence. ….

(2020 Video) Sarah Palin Raps Utterly Filthy Song on National TV: “Baby Got Back”

These are the words Sarah Palin rapped on national TV in 2020, changing a few words, the gender mainly; but most she left as is, proving she isn’t close at all to being a real Christian. These are maximum lust lyrics — rebelling against what Jesus clearly taught — debauchery leading to the end of America:

I like big butts and I cannot lie
You other brothers can’t deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung, wanna pull up tough
‘Cause you notice that butt was stuffed
Deep in the jeans she’s wearing
I’m hooked and I can’t stop staring
Oh baby, I wanna get with you
And take your picture
My homeboys tried to warn me
But that butt you got makes me so [horny]
Ooh, Rump-o’-smooth-skin
You say you wanna get in my Benz?
Well, use me, use me
‘Cause you ain’t that average groupie
I’ve seen them dancin’
To hell with romancin’
She’s sweat, wet,
Got it goin’ like a turbo ‘Vette
I’m tired of magazines
Sayin’ flat butts are the thing
Take the average black man and ask him that
She gotta pack much back
So, fellas! (Yeah!) Fellas! (Yeah!)
Has your girlfriend got the butt? (Hell yeah!)
Tell ’em to shake it! (Shake it!) Shake it! (Shake it!)
Shake that healthy butt!
Baby got back!

So Cosmo says you’re fat
Well I ain’t down with that!
‘Cause your waist is small and your curves are kickin’
And I’m thinkin’ bout stickin’

“Sad Little Man” by Five Times August – Live at Defeat The Mandates Los Angeles April 10 2022

‘They couldn’t be that evil’ example — Wicked hearted psychopaths!!

How evil some people are — wicked hearts to the max!

Normal people can’t fathom how psychopaths do horrible acts, here just to save some time.

سائق متهور يدهس قطيع من الاغنام بطريقه اجراميه

“A reckless driver ran over a flock of sheep in a criminal manner”

[They look like goats to me. Horrible! – ed.]

HORRIBLE ‘Pro-Choice’ Infants-Murdered Video!

Story with still photos

Video also here

David Icke: Psychopathy – The ‘Human Disease’ – Putin & Zelensky, Biden, the media all lack empathy — are psychopaths

6:05 “Lack of empathy is the key to psychopathy. … When people say ‘they’d never do that.’ No, you wouldn’t do that; they would love it.”

51:50 “The population in large number is being turned psychopathic.”

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