Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Why they hate US Page 12 of 25

Hillary emails confirm US and NATO destroyed Libya over gold-backed currency — What was commonly assumed a simple “popular uprising,” external special operatives were already “overseeing the transfer of weapons and supplies to the rebels” • Gaddafi planned to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar to freely compete with European currency, and this had to be subverted through military aggression

Hillary emails confirm US and NATO destroyed Libya over gold-backed currency

The New Year’s Eve release of over 3,000 new Hillary Clinton emails….

Blumenthal relates that “an extremely sensitive source” confirmed that British, French, and Egyptian special operations units were training Libyan militants along the Egyptian-Libyan border, as well as in Benghazi suburbs. …

By March 27 of what was commonly assumed a simple “popular uprising” external special operatives were already “overseeing the transfer of weapons and supplies to the rebels” including “a seemingly endless supply of AK47 assault rifles and ammunition.” …

Though the French-proposed U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 claimed the no-fly zone implemented over Libya was to protect civilians, an April 2011 email sent to Hillary with the subject line “France’s client and Qaddafi’s gold” tells of less noble ambitions.

The email identifies French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes….

Most astounding is the lengthy section delineating the huge threat that Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves…. In place of the noble sounding “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) doctrine fed to the public, there is this “confidential” explanation of what was really driving the war [emphasis mine]:

This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA). …

Instead, the great fear reported is that Libya might lead North Africa into a high degree of economic independence with a new pan-African currency.

French intelligence “discovered” a Libyan initiative to freely compete with European currency through a local alternative, and this had to be subverted through military aggression.

Entire Article Here

*Chicago Post*: Alarming Evidence Suggests ISIS is Now a US-Israel Proxy Army

From: The Chicago Post

Alarming Evidence Suggests ISIS is Now a US-Israel Proxy Army
November 6, 2015 |by Associated News|

For the past year, US, British and other western forces have been back in Iraq, supposedly in the cause of destroying the hyper-sectarian terror group Islamic State ….

A revealing light on how we got here has now been shone by a recently declassified secret US intelligence report, written in August 2012, which uncannily predicts – and effectively welcomes – the prospect of a “Salafist principality” in eastern Syria and an al-Qaida-controlled Islamic state in Syria and Iraq. In stark contrast to western claims at the time, the Defense Intelligence Agency document identifies al-Qaida in Iraq (which became Isis) and fellow Salafists as the “major forces driving the insurgency in Syria” – and states that “western countries, the Gulf states and Turkey” were supporting the opposition’s efforts to take control of eastern Syria. …

In a new report from the UN, it is revealed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were maintaining regular contact with members of the so-called Islamic State since May of 2013. Initial reports from the IDF stated that this was only for medical care for civilians, but that story fell apart when the UN observers identified direct contact between IDF forces and ISIS soldiers, including giving medical care to ISIS fighters. Observations even included the transfer of two crates from the IDF to ISIS forces, the contents of which have not been confirmed at this time. Further the UN report identified what the Syrians label a crossing point of forces between Israel and ISIS, a point of concern brought before the UN Security Council. This report from the UN strengthens the claims by the Syrian regime that Israel is heavily involved in operations within the nation.

This is part of a continuing pattern of Israeli support for the Islamic State. It was only two months ago that Israel attacked Syrian forces in opposition to ISIS forces. Israeli attacks even killed an Iranian military adviser for the Syrian military just two weeks ago. The U.S.’s financing of ISIS, part of the effort against Syrian president Assad, is well documented, as well. That the efforts to undermine the Assad regime were in turn strengthening the same terrorist group which recently set a Jordanian pilot on fire to set an example is conveniently ignored by the higher up military command. …

The United States cannot be party to this. Whatever the political and economic cost, the U.S. must disengage from all sides in the Middle East, before it is too late.


ISIS’ Financial Sources ~ There are no sanctions imposed by the United States against countries and institutions that support ISIS.

81% of Syrians Blame The U.S. Govt. For ISIS’ Creation[2]

Yahoo News: CIA Sends Team To Libya To Aid Anti-Qaddafi Rebellion (3/31/2011)[3]

UK Telegraph: Libyan Rebel Commander Admits His Fighters Have Ties To Al Qaeda (2011)[4]

U.S. Training Syrian Rebels With Anti-Aircraft Weaponry In Jordan (12/12/2012)[5]

CNN, Der Spiegel: Late U.S. Ambassador To Libya Chris Stevens Expressed To St. Dept. Concerns Over Covert CIA Arms Flow To Al Qaeda-Linked Rebel Groups, Requested Additional Security At Benghazi Consulate Prior To Attack (8/1/2013)[6]

Times of London: CIA Weapons Smuggled From Libya Through Turkey Arrive In Syria (9/14/2012)[7]

Reuters, Der Spiegel: Americans Are Training Syrian Rebels In Jordan (3/10/2013)[8]

Seymour Hersh: CIA Ratline To Jihadist Rebel Groups (April 2014)[9]

Iraqi Official: Planes Bringing In Arms To ISIS (11/17/2014)[10]

Iraqi MP: American Aircraft Dropped Weapons To ISIS (1/4/2015)[11]

The Guardian: Pentagon Drops Weapons To ISIS (10/22/2014)[12]

Iraqi Parliament Natl. Security & Defense Committee President: ‘We Took Down British Plane That Was Carrying Arms To ISIS’ (February 2015)[13]

U.S. Has Been Covertly Supporting Syrian Rebel Groups Since At Least 2012, Some Sources Say 2007 (6/1/2013)[14]

Turkish Govt. Declares Covert Convoy To ISIS Fighters ‘State Secret’ (1/1/2014)[15]

The Daily Beast: America’s Allies Are Funding ISIS (6/16/2014)[16]

NY Times: Suspicions Run Deep In Iraq That The CIA & Islamic State Are United (9/21/2014)[17]

CNN: ISIS Man Trained By U.S. State Department (5/29/2015)[18]

Washington Times: ISIS Fighter Trained By State Department (5/30/2015)[19]

Captured ISIS Advisors In Iraq Reportedly Include US, Israeli Contractors (3/11/2015)[20]

L.A. Times: U.S. Commandos On Their Way To Syria To Advise ‘Moderate’ Rebels (10/31/2015)[21]

Entire Article Here

(video) The Most Famous American Journalist Exposes the Zionist Conspiracy — Carl Bernstein says the Iraq War was created by the Jewish Zionists for Israel "who wanted to remake the world"

“This was an insane war that brought us low economically, morally,” Bernstein began.

“We went to war against a guy who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. It was a total pretext! It’s inexplicable and there you go to Cheney, there you go to Bush, there you go to the Jewish neo-cons who wanted to remake the world. Maybe I can say that because I’m Jewish. To bring about a certain result [in the middle east – ed.]…”

Responding to what many would consider a remark offensive to Jews, [Joe – ed.] Scarborough chimed in, even saying that Bernstein can stand accused of exhibiting symptoms of “Bush Derangement Syndrome.”

“It would be much worse if a Southern Baptist said that,” the “Morning Joe” host began.

“But I think actually some would accuse of you of Bush Derangement Syndrome there, that there was this grand conspiracy of the neo-cons and you said Jewish neo-cons, that they somehow went to war on a pretext for the State of Israel.”

Bernstein resisted Scarborough’s assertion [saying “no” – ed.], but the MSNBC host continued to lambaste the author most notable for having provided the crux of the Watergate scandal coverage alongside fellow controversial journalist Bob Woodward. (source with video also here)

• • •

[youtube=]The Most Famous American Journalist Exposes the Zionist Conspiracy

David Duke

Published on May 9, 2013
Carl Bernstein is perhaps the most famous and respected journalist in the USA, and here he says exactly what I have said since before the Iraq War, that it was a war created by the Jewish Zionists for Israel not for the United States. This invasion and mass murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people was based on lies, and we in America have paid the Zionist control over our government and media with our treasure and our blood. And we pay for it with hatred and attacks against America because these bloody Zionist Wars!

(audio) Syrian Girl: America is less moral than Syria, whom we're trying to regime-change for Israel

Women have rights in Syria, and Christians have been free.

“The plan is to destroy secularism in the middle east.” – Syrian Girl

• • •

[youtube=]Syria: David Duke Interviews SyrianGirlpartisan – April 10, 2013


Published on Apr 11, 2013

Syria: David Duke Interviews SyrianGirlpartisan – April 10, 2013

Dr. David Duke and the famous young spokeswoman for peace in Syria speak about the meaning of Deir Yassin, and give a full update of the terrorist destruction of Syria by the Zionists of Israel and America and their drive to divide and conquer a nation that the Zionists see as perhaps one of their greatest enemies.

A fascinating and wonderful conversation you will want to hear!


Name: Dr. David Duke

Rivero: Solution to the Refugee Crisis is Stop U.S. Wars of Aggression! — "Everybody is out there saying 'oh how terrible, how terrible, the refugees, we have to let them in, we have to let them in,' and yet nobody will stand up and say: 'the real solution to the refugee crisis is to stop all these U.S. wars of aggression that made them refugees in the first place"

“Everybody is out there saying ‘oh how terrible, how terrible, the refugees, we have to let them in, we have to let them in,’ and yet nobody will stand up and say: ‘the real solution to the refugee crisis is to stop all these U.S. wars of aggression that made them refugees in the first place.”

– Michael Rivero, WRH 12/9/15

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

• • •

Watch at 38:35[youtube=]What Really Happened Show: Michael Rivero Wednesday December 9 2015: (Commercial Free Video)

Ron Gibson

Ron Gibson

Published on Dec 9, 2015

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Michael Rivero commented on the January 5, 2015 show
I have been asked why I never reply to comments in this channel. I am well aware of Ron Gibson’s diligence in preserving these radio programs and have thanked him on the air, but I do not listen to myself here and hence do not reply to questions. If you need to ask me something email me at

Thank you, Michael

— Date: 12/09/2015 —
Michael Rivero is the webmaster of and host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Genesis Communications Network. Formerly with NASA, Michael transitioned his image processing skills (along with a brief stint as an actor) into the then-new motion picture computer animation field and has worked on films such as “Star Trek”, “The Day After Tomorrow”, and has supervised visual effects on “Brainscan,” “LOST”, and “Hawaii Five-0.” Michael has taken a sabbatical from film work to focus all his efforts on peace activism. Michaels foray into blogging began before the word was even invented, and happened almost by accident when he spotted a suspicious photograph being broadcast on ABC news in 1994 related to the death of White House deputy Council Vincent Foster. Since that sudden beginning, Michaels website has expanded to cover diverse topics including the JFK assassination, the accidental shoot-down of TWA 800, election fraud, health issues, Saddams non-existent nuclear weapons, 9-11, the economy, and of course, the lies used to trick the United States into wars of conquest on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran. Michael resides in Hawaii with his wife Claire, who is a composer and creates much of theme music used on the What Really Happened radio show.

Watch Mike “LIVE” 3PM to 6PM CT Monday – Friday…
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Thanks to Michael Rivero for producing a great show.
Ron Gibson (12-9-15)

"The VICTIMS of American foreign policy are being made to be the 'BAD GUYS'" – James Perloff, real-historian and author — How America demonizes the heads of states we overthrow to then really become the BAD GUY!

How America demonizes the heads of states we overthrow — to then really become the bad guy!

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“The victims of American foreign policy are being made to be the bad guys.”

– James Perloff, Real-historian and author

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from Caravan to Midnight 12/7/15

Watch the video here:
(video) The TRUTH About PEARL HARBOR – James Perloff with John B. Wells 12/7/15 — The 4 WAYS ROOSEVELT KNEW and the 8 WAYS HE MADE IT HAPPEN:”Roosevelt had unsuccessfully tried to duplicate the success of the Lusitania [WWI false flag]. The Germans weren’t biting. They weren’t going to sink an American ship. So they turned their attention to Japan. A PLAN OF PROVOCATION was reached • Those involved in the COVERUP were promoted in rank. Those who told the truth were not • “That’s why we get the quality of leaders we see now. They’re THE GUYS WHO TOOK THE BRIBE” • “Playing along with this game is like winning a hand on the deck of the Titanic before it sank. Some temporary payoff is not worth it. It’s much better to fight for the good guys, to fight for truth and to put yourself right with God”

Mark Dankof: FDR and Pearl Harbor – The Primer for the Zionist Assault on the American Republic and the Nation of Iran — "The Talmudic Racial Supremacist doctrine of Zionism has nothing to do with Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ. And the fraudulent 19th century interpretation of the Bible known as Dispensational Premillennialism, popularized by the Scofield Reference Bible, is both bad theology and bad foreign policy"

This is very exciting! I’ve only recently discovered, better late than never, Mark Dankof,  a former Lutheran pastor (I was raised Lutheran), middle east & Zionism expert, forward thinker, and outstanding commentator and public speaker!
In this article, Mark tells some key parts of his life’s story, which I won’t include here, including years spent in Iran.
I’m highlighting some of Mark’s powerful words in red.
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FDR and Pearl Harbor: The Primer for the Zionist Assault on the American Republic and the Nation of Iran

[Presented in modified/edited form as FDR and Pearl Harbor:  The Primer for the Zionist Assault on the American Republic and the Nation of Iran for the American Free Press conference in Austin, Texas on November 9th, 2013. Mark Dankof was interviewed by Dave Gahary before the conference began.]

Mark Dankof's speech at the American Free Press conference in Austin, Texas on Nov 9th, 2013 is entitled, "FDR and Pearl Harbor: The Primer for the Zionist Assault on the American Republic and the Nation of Iran."

Mark Dankof’s speech at the American Free Press conference in Austin, Texas on Nov 9th, 2013 is entitled, “FDR and Pearl Harbor: The Primer for the Zionist Assault on the American Republic and the Nation of Iran.”

Let me begin by saying that I have my own reasons for being in Iran today.  As one who is an orthodox Lutheran Christian, and who loves the Constitutional heritage of an America that is long gone, I am reminded at this moment that back in early July, at the pro-Zionist national conclave of the so-called Christians United for Israel (CUFI) founded by John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Malcolm Hoenlein, the Executive Vice-President of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, made the statement when receiving the Defender of Israel award from Hagee’s organization, that American Christian support of Israel and its bellicose policies toward Iran, was Israel’s “nuclear weapon.”  At this same gathering, the Israeli press quoted Hoenlein as saying “. . . the Jewish lobby is a myth.  Our job is to make it a legend.
Make no mistake about it.  The Talmudic Racial Supremacist doctrine of Zionism has nothing to do with Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ.  And the fraudulent 19th century interpretation of the Bible known as Dispensational Premillennialism, popularized by the Scofield Reference Bible, is both bad theology and bad foreign policy for the United States (see my paper on Dispensationalism entitled “A Historical Critique of Dispensationalism, Zionism, and Daniel’s Prophecy of 70 Weeks” at As an American and a Christian, I am called to expose Hagee and Hoenlein and their Fellow Travelers as the clones of the Prince of DarknessThey are evil.  Their ideology is evil.  Those who blindly follow them are on the road to perdition [Jesus said: “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God,” and warmongers are not peacemakers. ‘They’re serving a different god’ – editor], even as they take the United States and the world down a pathway to global tragedy. All of this is why I am here today.

Christian Zionist John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio and Christians United for Israel (CUFI): Netanyahu's point man in enlisting American evangelicals in World War III for the Zionist Enterprise and the New World Order.

Christian Zionist John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio and Christians United for Israel (CUFI): Netanyahu’s point man in enlisting American evangelicals in World War III for the Zionist Enterprise and the New World Order.

..thanks to Robert Stinnett, author of Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, and his Freedom of Information Act law suit against the Federal Government of the United States, the evidence is now in for all to see.  Stinnett was one of those secret cryptographers in the network that was intercepting Japanese military communications in the Pacific, and the specific conversations between Yamamoto and Nagumo that Captain R. C. Sleight had told me about in Honolulu decades before.  His book includes the infamous McCollum Memorandum of October 1940 and its so-called Eight (8) Point Action Memodesigned to provoke Japan into an overt act of war.” …
As Stinnett freely admits it in Day of Deceit, the Eight (8) Point Action Memo called for “virtually inciting a Japanese attack on American ground, air and naval forces in Hawaii, as well as on British and Dutch colonial outposts in the Pacific region.”
The Eight (8) Points are as follows:
1.  Make an arrangement with Britain for the use of British bases in the Pacific, particularly Singapore.
2.  Make an arrangement with Holland for the use of base facilities and acquisition of supplies in the Dutch East Indies [now Indonesia].
3.  Give all possible aid to the Chinese government of Chiang Kai-shek.
4.  Send a division of long-range heavy cruisers to the Orient, Philippines, or Singapore.
5.  Send two divisions of submarines to the Orient.
6.  Keep the main strength of the U. S. Fleet, now in the Pacific, in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands.
7.  Insist that the Dutch refuse to grant Japanese demands for undue economic concessions, particularly oil.
8.  Completely embargo all trade with Japan, in collaboration with a similar embargo imposed by the British Empire.
The aggressors against Iran are the same despots who have destroyed the economy, the culture, and the Constitutional Bill of Rights of my own country, especially since the advent of Franklin Roosevelt and World War II. Just as they have destroyed any vestige of the older Christian cultural and moral climate of my homeland, polluting the land with the the Sexual and Drug Revolutions of the 1960s and the ideology of Sigmund Freud and the Frankfurt School, they have destroyed the American currency and banking system since 1913 with the Federal Reserve Board’s fiat money, usury, and the drive to Globalization, War, and Rumor of War.  The American Domestic Police State since 2001 has had the full involvement and support of the Israeli telecommunications industry and Israeli security companies who are assisting the government of the United States in the implementation of the USA Patriot Acts, the Military Commissions Act of 2006, the various versions of the National Defense Authorizations Act (NDAA), and the wholesale warrantless electronic surveillance of the National Security Agency (NSA).  Surely the Beast (Revelation 13) is soon to be fully unveiled, desirous of devouring all those who will not take his name, or his mark on the forehead or the right hand. . . .
You and I have a future.  It is bathed in brilliant and overwhelming Light.  Our mutual struggle for freedom and liberation from the demonic forces of darkness presently on the ascendancy, will be a successful one.  We can and must and shall persevere and endure to the end of the race, and the end of linear time.
The final victory is ours.  Be sure of this. You and I are on the winning team.  And each one of us has a unique contribution to make, as the God of history empowers us and emboldens us to speak the truth in love, with the Blessed Endgame now in sight, and within our grasp.
I bid each and everyone of you a heartfelt “Good Day.”

Mark Dankof at KABB-FOX 29 in San Antonio for an appearance on Press TV/Iran's "The Debate."

Mark Dankof at KABB-FOX 29 in San Antonio for an appearance on Press TV/Iran’s “The Debate.”

Entire Article Here

Journalist murdered because she had video evidence of US supporting ISIS

One Year After Murder Of Journalist Who Had Revealed ISIS-Turkey-US Link, MSM, WH Silent [Video]
October 30th, 2015
It has been a year since American reporter Serena Shim was killed on the 19th of October 2014. She was investigating the thousands of foreign jihadists who used Turkey as a stepping stone into Syria….
Her investigations led her down a dangerous path … leading to the procurement of video evidence proving that the West was assisting ISIS, after her reporting had already revealed that Turkey was collaborating with ISIS. …
It is unknown when exactly she had recorded the footage, or what happened to it, because Turkish authorities seized all of her belongings; even her passport and wedding ring were kept by the Turkish police. …
Despite the deafening amount of coverage for ISIS-beheaded American journalists such as James Foley, Shim’s death received no coverage…. Why? Because unlike the others, her death did not fit the official narrative.
Article Here

(video) Skousen: Israel's Plan for the Middle East

[youtube=]The Globalist Plan for the Middle East

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Nov 25, 2015

Joel Skousen breaks down the globalist players in the Middle East — their tactics and their ultimate goal.

(video) U.S. Congresswoman: CIA Must Stop Illegal, Counterproductive War to Overthrow Assad

WoW! She’s really good! Truth telling Congresswoman!!! Nice smile too (which means sweet spirit — She’s not bought and paid for)!!!
A few corrections I would point out:

• Assad did NOT gas his own people, and won the fair, last election by 88%!

• Israeli Zionists were the main architects of 9/11

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[youtube=]U.S. Congresswoman: CIA Must Stop Illegal, Counterproductive War to Overthrow Assad

Russia Insider

Russia Insider

Published on Oct 27, 2015

Credit CNN
Tulsi Gabbard – a Democrat from Hawaii and member of the Armed Services Committee – demonstrates great knowledge and courage to go against the grain in the US and explain the Syria situation along with Russian and US roles the way it is.
Speaking with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, Tulsi explains why the US allying with Islamist extremists to overthrow Syrian President Assad is an illegal, counterproductive war that will cause even more human misery in the region and help ISIS and other Islamist extremists take over all of Syria. Instead of once again being distracted by trying to get rid of a secular dictator, Tulsi explains, the US must stay out of counter productive wars and focus on defeating the Islamist extremists who have declared war on America.

(video) Mark Dankof: ISIS a creation of Israel & the USA, part of a "larger, demonic agenda!" — PressTV's 'The Debate'

Mark Dankof is a former Lutheran pastor who has lived in the middle east, and exposes what’s really going on.

His summary at the end is excellent. Much of what his opponent says isn’t even true.
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[youtube=]The Debate – Who’s Financing ISIL? (Nov 16th)

PressTV News Videos

PressTV News Videos

Published on Nov 16, 2015

Operations like the Daesh terrorist attacks in Paris take lots of planning: it also involves lots of money.

In this edition of the debate, we’ll breakdown the avenues that Daesh makes money, while taking a look at the fallouts from the attacks, and how this may change the game plan of some of the countries involved, especially the ones, like Saudi Arabia and host of the G20 summit Turkey, who are supporting the terrorists.

– Broadcaster & Political Commentator, Mark Dankof (SAN ANTONIO)
– Analyst & Independent Scholar, Peter Sinnott (NEW YORK)

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(video) Ken OKeefe Commentary: Paris False Flag – Nov 14, 2015

Good to get Ken O’Keefe’s strong, balancing perspective. This is my take so far:
The US and Israel are clearly regime changing yet another sovereign country that should have been left alone, like the rest — but then Russia stepped in, and started actually attacking ISIS, what we said we were doing.
Apparently, the attack in France was to bolster support for a coalition-of-countries attack “on ISIS,” but will be aimed at overthrowing Assad instead — with the hopes that Russia will back down and leave.
But will Russia back down and leave Syria. They have a military port in Syria that they’re defending, and they were invited to eradicate ISIS by Syria. Whereas, US and the French are trespassing.
Key link:

Skousen: US and Israeli Involvement with ISIS — The UN has now published a report that claims that Israeli Defense forces have regular contact with ISIS — The main motive behind the US funding of and creation of ISIS is to take down Assad. Israel is refusing to bomb Iran until Syria is eliminated as a retaliation threat

(HD Video 2015) Solving 9/11 Christopher Bollyn Live in Dallas TX Feb 12, 2015 — Israeli hardline Zionists named • Powerful Powerpoint presentation! (Muslims did not carry out 9/11)

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[youtube=]Ken OKeefe Press TV Commentary – Paris False Flag – Nov 14, 2015

Ken O'Keefe

Ken O’Keefe

Published on Nov 17, 2015

Ken O’Keefe discusses “who is ISIS” and the absurdity of what the mainstream media is telling us in this latest false flag manipulation broght to you by the powers that be.

(video) Ken O'Keefe Dares To Say What Others Do Not: Syria War of deception — "Who are the nations we target? Those who are not puppets" • "Psychopaths are running the world"

Two videos below: First is Ken O’Keefe only. The second shows the entire debate.
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“All of these players, these politicians are nothing more than puppets. They don’t serve the people; there is no real democracy. They serve the rich and powerful who run the world, and that would be the bankers who control the money supply. The bankers make huge amounts of money….wars are great for them and ultimately they control the politicians.

Psychopaths are running the world.”

“Who are the nations we target? Those who are not puppets.”

– Ken O’Keefe

• • •

[youtube=]Ken O’Keefe Dares To Say What Others Do Not

Time To Wake Up

Time To Wake Up

Published on Sep 4, 2014

Ken O’Keefe, lays it out perfectly on dinosaur mainstream media, calling out the fraud. Must see, must share! Brilliant!

• • •

[youtube=]Syria War of deception – Ken O’Keefe



Published on Aug 29, 2013

The debate on press TV. 28 August 2013.

“All of these players, these politicians are nothing more than puppets, they don’t serve the people there is no real democracy, they serve the rich and powerful who run the world and that would be the bankers who control the money supply. The bankers make huge amounts of money….wars are great for them and ultimately they control the politicians.

Psychopaths are running the world.” – Ken O’Keefe

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East — DISSOLUTION of all existing Arab states: Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Somalia, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan & Libya — USING US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and NATO
(video) WOW! General Wesley Clark said he was told in 2001 at the Pentagon that the US had decided to ‘take down’ seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran. [The motivation, he said, was to control the region’s oil, not to fight terrorism. Everyone in America should watch this interview but, unfortunately, the mainstream media will resist that mightily.]
(History Channel Video) Talmudic Jews’ plan to launch the Antichrist from rebuilt temple in Jerusalem – ‘Brad Meltzer’s Decoded’ “Spear of Destiny”

“WE WILL KILL JESUS; THEN WE WILL RULE THE WORLD” — “The Pharisees have had the SAME GOAL before Jesus was crucified on the cross, and they are still trying to accomplish this task with a New World Order!”

Ted Pike: The Jewish Kabbalah – Root of Mideast Violence — Kabbalah’s description of Gentiles as ANIMALS who must be slaughtered before “ORDER” can be restored helps explain not only Israel’s notorious MISTREATMENT of her Arab neighbors but also JEWISH POWER worldwide in *government*, *finance*, and *media*!

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”
(video) Solving 911 Ends the War – Christopher Bollyn 2015 — Talmudic Jews really did do 9-11!

(HD Video 2015) Solving 9/11 Christopher Bollyn Live in Dallas TX Feb 12, 2015 — Israeli hardline Zionists named • Powerful Powerpoint presentation!

(video) David Knight on Ben Carson the 'Christian' Warmonger: "I am just so ASHAMED that the person that everybody is out there touting as a 'CHRISTIAN' candidate is this WARMONGER. I remember when RON PAUL was in a GOP debate, and he quoted the golden rule…. He was QUOTING JESUS to these people, and the GOP BOOED him and LAUGHED at him"

Why we’re getting jacked: the liberals aren’t destroying America, but the ‘Christians,’ who are supposed to be salt and light, salt being a preservative. But they wear the black hat, instead.

The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The BELIEVERS have OPENED THE GATE TO SIN, which is why this country has deteriorated

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Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“I am just so ashamed that the person that everybody is out there touting as a ‘Christian’ candidate is this warmonger, like this. I remember when Ron Paul was in a GOP debate, and he quoted the golden rule when he was talking about foreign policy. … He was quoting Jesus to these people, and the GOP…booed him and laughed at him.”

– David Knight on The Alex Jones Show, 11/5/15

• • •

[youtube=]Trump Slams Obama Over Special Forces In Syria

The Alex Jones Channel | Published on Nov 5, 2015

(video) HANNITY admits US regime-changing Syria through “American-backed rebels that want to depose Assad” • Sees Putin’s attack on rebels as “a proxy attack on the United States” • BEN CARSON to Russia: “you need to go take a flying leap” — Why the world hates US & is repelled from Christ! (contains links on what we’re really doing in Syria)
Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’
(video) Ron Paul Booed by Reverse-Christian Debate Audience for Endorsing the Golden Rule

(audio/video) Was Jesus Booed In SC? Debate Reaction On The Robert Scott Bell Show 1/17/12 | Ron Paul Booed by ‘Christian’ Conservatives for Endorsing the Golden Rule

Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time
Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

EVANGELICALS’ LEGACY: Biggest WARMONGERS! – 2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War — Least supportive are non-Christians and people with no religion

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???
Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!
‘Just War’ Doctrine Abandoned in America — U.S. Foreign Policy Now Reverse-Christian
Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”
[2011] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith
Chuck Baldwin: What Does John Hagee Really Want? — “These WARMONGERING EVANGELICALS beat the war drums; they encourage the young men from their churches to go off and fight these ‘holy’ wars; they WORK TIRELESSLY TO ELECT PRO-WAR POLITICIANS…. Then, the politicians … send the US military to invade, bomb, and KILL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people, the vast majority of whom are innocent people. … ANIMOSITY against the United States is GROWING EXPONENTIALLY; in an effort to keep our country at war, our ECONOMY is being overburdened and overtaxed TO THE POINT OF NO RETURN; in the name of the “War on Terror,” America is on the verge of becoming a giant POLICE STATE; we are INCITING CHINA AND RUSSIA INTO NUCLEAR WAR; and America’s military VETERANS are KILLING THEMSELVES more frequently than are enemy bullets”
The Amazing Ron Paul: Bribe Money — “Wars should not be covert or casual. We absolutely should not be paying off leaders of a country while killing their civilians…. This is not what America is supposed to be about.”
Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”
Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”
Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War
Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!
“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS” Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!
Ron Paul: I hear members of Congress saying “if we could only nuke Iran”
[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”
Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.
Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”
My observation: Satan is using US to take out regimes that oppose his one-world government/anti-Christ reign. Be on God’s side. Don’t follow the crowd; follow Jesus. “Come out from them and be separate,” says God. Be holy. Let’s love!
Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.
EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.
Ron Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”
Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they’re foisting on this country — We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. The countries we’ve invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Will Evangelicals Ever Admit They Were Duped by Bush?
Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D___ right’ I personally ordered waterboarding — When will evangelicals admit they were wrong, voting for this known Skull and Bonesman for even his 2nd term?
[Reverse-Christianity] Torture and the American Conscience: Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture

(video) HANNITY admits US regime-changing Syria through "American-backed rebels that want to depose Assad" • Sees Putin's attack on rebels as "a proxy attack on the United States" • BEN CARSON to Russia: "you need to go take a flying leap" — Why the world hates US & is repelled from Christ!

All along, our globalist controlled media has been saying that ISIS is trying to overthrow Assad, and that we’re fighting ISIS. Now, they’re admitting the truth that the US has been trying to overthrow Assad through the rebels we back — but our rebels have been and are ISIS. See related links below.
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From: Fox News

Dr. Ben Carson reacts to surging ahead of Trump in new poll

Published October 05, 2015


SEAN HANNITY: Yes. Well, let me ask you. You see what Vladimir Putin is doing and he’s — his influence — he seems to be filling a vacuum…


HANNITY: … left by the United States. You see that his first attack in Syria was not against ISIS, but it was against American-backed rebels that want to depose Assad.

CARSON: Correct.

HANNITY: That seemed to be by design. That was almost a proxy attack on the United States, from my position. What are your thoughts, and how would you handle it?

CARSON: Well, my thoughts are that he really was very disappointed with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and he wants to rebuild an empire [The US is building the empire, taking out the nations that aren’t our puppets, that oppose the one-world government, including Syria. Whereas, Syria invited Putin to help them – editor] for and he needs to extend his influence widely. And he is noticing that there is weakness, and therefore, like any bully [the USA is the bully – editor], he’s going to continue to push. And I believe that we need to stand up to him.

HANNITY: How? How would you specifically — if you’re president, what would you do?

CARSON: Well, first of all, I wouldn’t listen to his generals saying [saying to US – editor], You guys can’t fly here anymore.

HANNITY: Can you imagine that? [Russia in Syria by invitation, while we’re there by invasion – editor]

CARSON: I would say, Not only can we fly, but you need to go take a flying leap, you know? Not a problem.

HANNITY: In other words, you’d be willing to create a confrontation where…

CARSON: Absolutely.

HANNITY: … you say, We were here first. [as uninvited and unwanted regime-change bullies – editor] We’re — you’re not going to get…

CARSON: Absolutely.

HANNITY: … get in the way.

CARSON: Absolutely.

HANNITY: And if he wants a showdown?

CARSON: And I would establish a no-fly zone along the Turkish border. And you know, I wouldn’t respect any of the boundaries that they set. … We have to stop him, wherever he is.

Entire Article with Video Here
(video) David Knight on Ben Carson the ‘Christian’ Warmonger: “I am just so ASHAMED that the person that everybody is out there touting as a ‘CHRISTIAN’ candidate is this WARMONGER. I remember when RON PAUL was in a GOP debate, and he quoted the golden rule…. He was QUOTING JESUS to these people, and the GOP BOOED him and LAUGHED at him”

Joel Skousen’s brilliant analysis! Syria: West Using Terror to Provoke Defections — The Syrian overthrow is a “must accomplish” goal of the US and Israel prior to the coming attack on Iran … so that Israel doesn’t have to face Syrian missiles as part of the inevitable Iranian retaliation.

Skousen: US and Israeli Involvement with ISIS — The UN has now published a report that claims that Israeli Defense forces have regular contact with ISIS — The main motive behind the US funding of and creation of ISIS is to take down Assad. Israel is refusing to bomb Iran until Syria is eliminated as a retaliation threat

Ashton Carter – The Rothschild Agent Running the Pentagon — Waging a covert and illegal war against the government of Syria for more than four years, a war that has resulted in 250,000 deaths and 11 million people forced to leave their homes!

(video) Skousen: US covertly funding overthrow of Syria so Israel can attack Iran without Syrian opposition

(video) Skousen: Israeli Mossad Directs ISIS – with CIA to take down Assad, so Israel can bomb Iran

Skousen: ISIS as the New Flagship Terror Threat | Background on the Creation of Terror — “The phony war on terror is morphing into something even more unstable for the US, as years of occupation have increased the ranks of jihadists far in excess of the few hundred the US used to control directly in the lead up to 9/11″

U.S.-Backed ISIS Beheads American Journalist — U.S. government provided weapons and training to the same jihadists in Syria who later crossed into Iraq!
NSA Doc Reveals ISIS Leader is U.S., BRITISH and ISRAELI Intelligence Asset | Israel’s Hornet Nest Strategy
“(video) U.S. Intelligence: Rebels Used Sarin — And is there a moral imperative to bomb Syria even if there were 400 children killed? How about 500,000 killed by US foreign policy that Albright said was worth it?

Zionism’s goal: establish a world government to be ruled from Jerusalem — “And the Christian right, which supposedly is opposed to all of these global, leftist initiatives is nonetheless the lackey of the very people who are at the hub of the wheel in promoting everything they claim to oppose. It is the most absurd, contradictory, ideologically unsustainable alliance in world history!” – Mark Dankof, Lutheran pastor

(video) GOP Warmongers Shill For Israel — "Rubio, Carson, and Jeb are warmongers on Jewish puppet strings"

Nathanael is an ethnic Jew, raised under their racist, Talmudic traditions, which are driving our reverse-Christian wars, destroying our morality and the future of America.
See: (video) Nathanael, raised Jewish: Why I Believe In Jesus Christ
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[youtube=]GOP Warmongers Shill For Israel

Brother Nathanael 

Brother Nathanael | Published on Nov 3, 2015

* * *


The candidates are saying all the right things.

For when it comes to pleasing the Jews, sending troops to Syria will get you big Jewish bucks and top media coverage.

Take Marco Rubio.

With Jewish billionaires Norman Braman and Paul Singer backing him, Marco knows what side his campaign is loxed and bageled on.

[Clip: “Senator, I want to start with the news that the United States is sending 50 special operations forces into Syria. Is that enough?”

“Well, it’s an important start to what I think, from a tactical perspective. I think the broader issue is, what is the strategy? And I think the strategy has to involve more coordination with the Kurds and also with Sunnis, because you’re not going to defeat ISIS, a radical Sunni movement, without a robust anti-ISIS Sunni coalition. So, I do think it’s an important tactical step forward. It needs to be backed up with increased airstrikes and so forth. So, I don’t have a problem with the tactics of it. And the numbers might even have to be larger at some point.”]

Nathaniel Comment

Just what the Jews want to hear. Get the camel’s nose inside the tent with 50 troops and then 2000 will follow for yet another Jewish-inspired hellish ‘regime change.’

Besides, Marco, there’s already a “robust anti-ISIS Sunni coalition.” It’s called the “Syrian Armed Forces” and “Syrian Intelligence Services” which have a large loyalist Sunni presence.

Don’t you think if the Sunnis in both services wanted Assad out they would have done it themselves by now?

But sanity plays no part when Jews drive America’s foreign policy.

And once you get a taste of Jewish sponsorship—like Ben Carson, who got a round-tripper to IsraHell from “The Face Of Israel”—you savor that taste for more ’sponsorships’ to come.

[Clip: “What is your much bigger plan for Syria?”

“Well, my much bigger plan involves, you know, Putin and Iran also. I mean those are the forces that are propping up the Assad regime.”]

Nathaniel Comment

Propping up? You mean, “supporting” the legitimate Syrian government whose elected president happens to be Dr Bashar al-Assad.

[Clip: “And even though Putin came in there and said he was going to fight ISIS, he’s really fighting the anti-Assad forces.”]

Nathaniel Comment

Excuse me, but Putin doesn’t differentiate between good terrorists and bad terrorists. And unlike Jewmerica, he doesn’t do ‘regime change.’

[Clip: “What we need to be thinking about is how do we oppose him? I think we should establish a no-fly zone there.”]

Nathaniel Comment

Sorry Ben, but the Pentagon long ago tabled a ‘no-fly’ option. They know better than to see their F-15s shot down by Russian aircraft.

And besides, like the US troops, a no-fly zone would be an act of war against Syria which only Congress can authorize, not GOP warmongers shilling for Israel.

But Carson is angling for World War 3.

[Clip: “Let me ask you. You see what Vladimir Putin is doing and he’s, his influence, he seems to be filling a vacuum. What are your thoughts, and how would you handle it?”

“I believe that we need to stand up to him.”

“How? How would you specifically, if you’re president, what would you do?”

“Well, first of all, I wouldn’t listen to his generals saying, You guys can’t fly here anymore.”

“Can you imagine that?”

“I would say, Not only can we fly, but you need to go take a flying leap, you know? Not a problem.

“In other words, you’d be willing to create a confrontation?”


Nathaniel Comment

This is one dangerous man…itching for a showdown with Russia.

For Russia is legally in Syria at the invitation of the government, whereas America has illegally invaded Syria’s borders without its consent.

How could this mild-mannered doctor have the heart of a warmongering monster?

He doesn’t. He gets his script from Edelman and Cohen’s, “John Hay Initiative,” a neocon foreign policy ‘one stop Jewish shop’ for Republican candidates.

And drawing from the same polluted pool, Sheldon Adelson’s man, Jeb Bush, has something to please the Jews too.

[Clip: “We need to be part of the strategy to deal with taking Assad out and taking ISIS out.”]

Nathaniel Comment

In that order, huh Jeb?

First get “Assad out” and then ISIS is just an afterthought. Never mind with Assad out, ISIS enters Damascus and starts slaughtering Christians.

But the Jews who steer US foreign policy don’t care about Christians, or the vast majority of Syrian loyalists. All they care about is what’s good for the Jews.

It’s a bad day, we’re in a bad way. It’s elections for Jews only.

And Rubio, Carson, and Jeb are warmongers on Jewish puppet strings.


(video) HANNITY admits US regime-changing Syria through “American-backed rebels that want to depose Assad” • Sees Putin’s attack on rebels as “a proxy attack on the United States” • BEN CARSON to Russia: “you need to go take a flying leap” — Why the world hates US & is repelled from Christ!

(video) David Knight on Ben Carson the ‘Christian’ Warmonger: “I am just so ASHAMED that the person that everybody is out there touting as a ‘CHRISTIAN’ candidate is this WARMONGER. I remember when RON PAUL was in a GOP debate, and he quoted the golden rule…. He was QUOTING JESUS to these people, and the GOP BOOED him and LAUGHED at him”

Joel Skousen’s brilliant analysis! Syria: West Using Terror to Provoke Defections — The Syrian overthrow is a “must accomplish” goal of the US and Israel prior to the coming attack on Iran … so that Israel doesn’t have to face Syrian missiles as part of the inevitable Iranian retaliation.

Skousen: US and Israeli Involvement with ISIS — The UN has now published a report that claims that Israeli Defense forces have regular contact with ISIS — The main motive behind the US funding of and creation of ISIS is to take down Assad. Israel is refusing to bomb Iran until Syria is eliminated as a retaliation threat

Ashton Carter – The Rothschild Agent Running the Pentagon — Waging a covert and illegal war against the government of Syria for more than four years, a war that has resulted in 250,000 deaths and 11 million people forced to leave their homes!

(video) Skousen: US covertly funding overthrow of Syria so Israel can attack Iran without Syrian opposition

(video) Skousen: Israeli Mossad Directs ISIS – with CIA to take down Assad, so Israel can bomb Iran

Skousen: ISIS as the New Flagship Terror Threat | Background on the Creation of Terror — “The phony war on terror is morphing into something even more unstable for the US, as years of occupation have increased the ranks of jihadists far in excess of the few hundred the US used to control directly in the lead up to 9/11″

U.S.-Backed ISIS Beheads American Journalist — U.S. government provided weapons and training to the same jihadists in Syria who later crossed into Iraq!
NSA Doc Reveals ISIS Leader is U.S., BRITISH and ISRAELI Intelligence Asset | Israel’s Hornet Nest Strategy
“(video) U.S. Intelligence: Rebels Used Sarin — And is there a moral imperative to bomb Syria even if there were 400 children killed? How about 500,000 killed by US foreign policy that Albright said was worth it?

Zionism’s goal: establish a world government to be ruled from Jerusalem — “And the Christian right, which supposedly is opposed to all of these global, leftist initiatives is nonetheless the lackey of the very people who are at the hub of the wheel in promoting everything they claim to oppose. It is the most absurd, contradictory, ideologically unsustainable alliance in world history!” – Mark Dankof, Lutheran pastor

Ashton Carter – The Rothschild Agent Running the Pentagon — Waging a covert and illegal war against the government of Syria for more than four years, a war that has resulted in 250,000 deaths and 11 million people forced to leave their homes!

From: Christopher Bollyn

Ashton Carter – The Rothschild Agent Running the Pentagon
October 30, 2015

Americans are likely to be confused by the actions being taken by the U.S. military in Syria. Why has the United States waged a covert and illegal war against the government of Syria for more than four years, a war that has resulted in 250,000 deaths and 11 million people forced to leave their homes?  What American national interest is being served by arming and supporting anti-government rebels and mercenary forces trying to overthrow the elected leader of Syria? Who is behind the U.S. military intervention in Syria?


Ashton Baldwin Carter is the current U.S. Secretary of Defense, since February 17, 2015. Prior to being appointed head of the U.S. military, Carter was Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics from April 2009 to October 2011, with responsibility for procurement of all technology, systems, services, and supplies, bases and infrastructure, energy, and environment, and more than $50 billion annually in R&D. He was then promoted to Deputy Secretary of Defense from October 2011 to December 2013, serving as the chief operating officer of the Department of Defense, overseeing more than $600 billion per year and 2.4 million civilian and military personnel, and managing global 24/7 operations.

Entire Article Here

(illustration) Soldier Realizes: American military is the enforcer the globalists use to keep uncooperative nations in line with the international financial system

The American military has become the enforcer and muscle that the globalists have been using to keep uncooperative nations in line with the international financial system… The three policies that are critical to the goals of the international bankers are free trade, mass immigration, and American interventionism abroad.
– Brian O’Brien, “What do the Bankers Want?” The Tyranny of the Federal Reserve (2015)

• • •



Zionism’s goal: establish a world government to be ruled from Jerusalem — “And the Christian right, which supposedly is opposed to all of these global, leftist initiatives is nonetheless the lackey of the very people who are at the hub of the wheel in promoting everything they claim to oppose. It is the most absurd, contradictory, ideologically unsustainable alliance in world history!” – Mark Dankof, Lutheran pastor
The Syrian overthrow is a “must accomplish” goal of the US and Israel prior to the coming attack on Iran … so that Israel doesn’t have to face Syrian missiles as part of the inevitable Iranian retaliation.
“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East — DISSOLUTION of all existing Arab states: Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Somalia, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan & Libya — USING US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and NATO
All of my “Real Reason for US Wars = NWO” posts at ToBeFree (10 posts per page, latest appear first)

(video) Victim of Iconic Vietnam War Image Speaks Out – 43 Years of Pain! — The image that shocked the world showed a young girl who had just been severely burned by a United States napalm strike on a village. 43 years of continual pain later she may finally get relief and she is reunited with the photographer which showed her tragedy to the world

[youtube=]Victim of Iconic Vietnam War Image Speaks Out

The Alex Jones Channel

(video) Obama Mocked By Entire World — "America needs to admit its failures and apologize to the world. But don't count on it, when…"

[youtube=]Obama Mocked By Entire World

(Illustration) Recent countries that moved away from the US Dollar

The U.S. military and CIA are taking out the countries that oppose the one-world government. There have been others too.

Polls Show Syrians Overwhelmingly Blame U.S. for ISIS


Polls Show Syrians Overwhelmingly Blame U.S. for ISIS

The British polling organization ORB International, an affiliate of WIN/Gallup International, repeatedly finds in Syria that, throughout the country, Syrians oppose ISIS by about 80%, and (in the latest such poll) also finds that 82% of Syrians blame the U.S. for ISIS.

Entire Article Here

(video) Reverse-Christian McCain Wants ISIS To Shoot Down Russian Jet Fighters

Here, Russia is wearing the white hat, while the USA still refuses to remove its post-9/11, filthy black hat.

Reverse-Christian, warmonger, John McCain, the Republicans’ choice over Ron Paul in 2008:

[youtube=]Insane McCain Wants ISIS To Shoot Down Russian Jet Fighters

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Oct 2, 2015

Senator John McCain reacted to Russia’s announcement that it had begun launching air strikes targeting ISIS militants in Syria by calling on the White House to arm Syrian rebels with weapons to shoot down Russian planes.…

(video) Syria: Refugee Crisis Or Political Ploy? — Putin may thwart Mossad/CIA scheme of replacing Assad with another puppet

Many related links below.

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[youtube=–nIlPrkYmA]Refugee Crisis Or Political Ploy?

Brother Nathanael


Joel Skousen’s brilliant analysis! Syria: West Using Terror to Provoke Defections — The Syrian overthrow is a “must accomplish” goal of the US and Israel prior to the coming attack on Iran … so that Israel doesn’t have to face Syrian missiles as part of the inevitable Iranian retaliation.

Skousen: US and Israeli Involvement with ISIS — The UN has now published a report that claims that Israeli Defense forces have regular contact with ISIS — The main motive behind the US funding of and creation of ISIS is to take down Assad. Israel is refusing to bomb Iran until Syria is eliminated as a retaliation threat

(video) Skousen: US covertly funding overthrow of Syria so Israel can attack Iran without Syrian opposition

(video) Skousen: Israeli Mossad Directs ISIS – with CIA to take down Assad, so Israel can bomb Iran

Skousen: ISIS as the New Flagship Terror Threat | Background on the Creation of Terror — “The phony war on terror is morphing into something even more unstable for the US, as years of occupation have increased the ranks of jihadists far in excess of the few hundred the US used to control directly in the lead up to 9/11″

U.S.-Backed ISIS Beheads American Journalist — U.S. government provided weapons and training to the same jihadists in Syria who later crossed into Iraq!
NSA Doc Reveals ISIS Leader is U.S., BRITISH and ISRAELI Intelligence Asset | Israel’s Hornet Nest Strategy
“(video) U.S. Intelligence: Rebels Used Sarin — And is there a moral imperative to bomb Syria even if there were 400 children killed? How about 500,000 killed by US foreign policy that Albright said was worth it?
[Why-they-hate-US video] Webster Tarpley: Syria & Iran, the Colorado Shooting — We are murdering Syrians, falsely blaming it on Assad in order to justify invasion so Syria can’t strike us when we/Israel strike Iran. The German people are being told while our presstitutes go along with the deception.
Joe Biden (2012 Hypocrisy): If Romney Wins, We’ll Go To War With Syria | CNN (2012): ROMNEY has accused Obama and his administration of being weak in dealing with President Bashar al-Assad, and has called for the United States and allies to ARM SYRIAN REBELS

(video) Syria: The Crime and the Criminals

[youtube=]Syria: The Crime and the Criminals

Anthony Lawson

WARMONGERS declare themselves as GOD over other human beings – Carl Teichrib

Reverse-Christianity responsible. Instead of submitting to God:

“One of the reasons why I believe that we are so enamored with warfare is because it is at the gut level, the extension of us declaring ourselves as God over other human beings.”

Carl Teichrib on Caravan to Midnight, Ep. 363, 9/2/15

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”
Rand Paul: Some ‘Christians’ are “Too Eager for War” — “Jesus stood up in a different sort of way … ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ not ‘blessed are the war-makers’”
Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’
(video) Ron Paul Booed by Reverse-Christian Debate Audience for Endorsing the Golden Rule
EVANGELICALS’ LEGACY: Biggest WARMONGERS! – 2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War — Least supportive are non-Christians and people with no religion

(audio/video) Was Jesus Booed In SC? Debate Reaction On The Robert Scott Bell Show 1/17/12 | Ron Paul Booed by ‘Christian’ Conservatives for Endorsing the Golden Rule

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!
[2011] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith
‘Just War’ Doctrine Abandoned in America — U.S. Foreign Policy Now Reverse-Christian
Just War and the Iran Crisis

Three Questions for Memorial Day: (1) Can we remember without attributing reasons for war that aren’t in fact the real reasons? (2) Can we remember the innocent victims of war even as we remember those who died while fighting? (3) Can we remember without the “us versus them” factor? — Perhaps if all who died were commemorated…

Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion
Chuck Baldwin: What Does John Hagee Really Want? — “These WARMONGERING EVANGELICALS beat the war drums; they encourage the young men from their churches to go off and fight these ‘holy’ wars; they WORK TIRELESSLY TO ELECT PRO-WAR POLITICIANS…. Then, the politicians … send the US military to invade, bomb, and KILL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people, the vast majority of whom are innocent people. … ANIMOSITY against the United States is GROWING EXPONENTIALLY; in an effort to keep our country at war, our ECONOMY is being overburdened and overtaxed TO THE POINT OF NO RETURN; in the name of the “War on Terror,” America is on the verge of becoming a giant POLICE STATE; we are INCITING CHINA AND RUSSIA INTO NUCLEAR WAR; and America’s military VETERANS are KILLING THEMSELVES more frequently than are enemy bullets”
Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”
The Amazing Ron Paul: Bribe Money — “Wars should not be covert or casual. We absolutely should not be paying off leaders of a country while killing their civilians…. This is not what America is supposed to be about.”
Pat Buchanan: “On foreign policy … Ron Paul and Sarah Palin are on opposite sides completely.” What would Jesus do?
Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???
Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time
Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”
Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”
Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War
Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!
Ron Paul Speaks To The Right To Life Foundation
Ron Paul at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference: “Life does begin at conception.” — We would like to think all we have to do is elect the right politicians and everything is going to be okay. But the government is a reflection of the people. The people change before the laws change. Morality has a lot to do with legislation.
Lew Rockwell: The Enemy is in Washington. That’s why RON PAUL runs NOT FOR GLORY, not for POWER, not for CONTROL. He runs to dismantle the aperatus in Washington. He wants to stop the war, stop the Fed’s counterfeiting, stop the rip-offs for the big bank, the big corporation, and for Big Pharma.” | CAN RON PAUL WIN? CAN THE ‘CHRISTIANS’ put their DESIRE FOR BLOOD below their desire to have some kind of standard of living…?
“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS” Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!
Vote For Peace – Ron Paul 2012 — “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus
[Repentance from Power-OVER music video] Golden State: Bombs (End This War/The Ron Paul Song) — “It’s not impossible that we can end this war / Just let your heart explode / It’s not to late for a miracle! — No more lying; No more sighing; I’m still trying, Arms wide open!” | Lets’ be real Christians — “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” – Jesus
[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”
Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son): Should the United States Bomb Iran? Sean Stone returns from Iran — ATTACKING IRAN COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE for ISRAEL!
[Video] 60 Minutes: Meir Dagan, former Israeli CHIEF of MOSSAD tells Lesley Stahl that an AIRSTRIKE anytime soon AGAINST IRAN is premature and COULD LEAD TO *DISASTER*!
Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.
Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

What is Anchorage’s new statue sitting there thinking? “Why does Alaska still support Sarah Palin, the OPPOSITE OF RON PAUL on foreign interventionism?” — & — “Why did ‘Christians’ in this town vote for George W. Bush, the OPPOSITE OF JESUS on foreign interventionism, TWICE?”

John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’
My observation: Satan is using US to take out regimes that oppose his one-world government/anti-Christ reign. Be on God’s side. Don’t follow the crowd; follow Jesus. “Come out from them and be separate,” says God. Be holy. Let’s love!
Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.
EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.
Ron Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”
Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they’re foisting on this country — We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. The countries we’ve invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Will Evangelicals Ever Admit They Were Duped by Bush?
Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D___ right’ I personally ordered waterboarding — When will evangelicals admit they were wrong, voting for this known Skull and Bonesman for even his 2nd term?
[Reverse-Christianity] Torture and the American Conscience: Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture
President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List
Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified
The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!
Michael Franti: Bomb the World (”Power to the Peaceful!”)
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

Skousen: State Department’s Outrageous Claims Against Assad — "He is not guilty of the chemical weapons claims the US makes, nor is he guilty of genocide. In fact, he is trying to stop the coming genocide that will be unleashed when the US-trained rebels and ISIS take power"

World Affairs Brief, August 14, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
This Week’s Analysis:
The Increasing Onslaught on Trump
State Department’s Outrageous Claims Against Assad
British Troops on the Ground in Syria
Chris Christie’s 9/11 Skeleton in the Closet
Russian Separatist Admits Russian Involvement in Ukraine
Atomic Bombing Anniversaries nothing to Celebrate
Eleanor on $10 Bill?
EPA Toxic Spill
The Chinese Devaluation of the Yuan
Gerald Celente’s Collapse Prediction
You know that the Obama administration is getting ready to finish off Bashar al-Assad by the way they continue to demonize this mild mannered, Western-trained Medical Doctor. Yes, his father was a tyrant and in bed with both the Soviets and the CIA but the son is different. He is not guilty of the chemical weapons claims the US makes, nor is he guilty of genocide. In fact, he is trying to stop the coming genocide that will be unleashed when the US-trained rebels and ISIS take power. Witness the recent anti-Assad campaign by the State Department, as outlined by Stephen Lendman. I don’t usually quote from Lendman who will defend anything Marxist no matter what, but in this case it happens to coincide with the truth:

It’s been coming for a long time – facilitated by repeated Big Lies about Bashar al-Assad, ignoring his overwhelming public support, especially for defending Syria responsibly against imported Islamic State and other takfiri terrorists, enlisted by Washington as foot soldiers to topple his government.

Obama upped the stakes a year ago by authorizing the bombing of Syrian infrastructure targets, a bandit diktat without Security Council or congressional authorization – on the phony pretext of fighting IS.

Now in collaboration with Turkey, plans are to establish illegal buffer and no-fly zones in northern Syria bordering southeastern Turkey. [The real reason for the buffer zone is not to fight against ISIS, but to fight against the Kurds who have a stronghold on the area as well as on the border areas inside Turkey.] Its airbases are being used to bomb Syrian sites – again on the phony pretext of fighting IS. Belligerent comments from Washington suggest full-scale war may be imminent.

Skousen: US and Israeli Involvement with ISIS — The UN has now published a report that claims that Israeli Defense forces have regular contact with ISIS — The main motive behind the US funding of and creation of ISIS is to take down Assad. Israel is refusing to bomb Iran until Syria is eliminated as a retaliation threat
(video) Skousen: Israeli Mossad Directs ISIS – with CIA to take down Assad, so Israel can bomb Iran

Joel Skousen’s brilliant analysis! Syria: West Using Terror to Provoke Defections — The Syrian overthrow is a “must accomplish” goal of the US and Israel prior to the coming attack on Iran … so that Israel doesn’t have to face Syrian missiles as part of the inevitable Iranian retaliation.

Skousen: ISIS as the New Flagship Terror Threat | Background on the Creation of Terror — “The phony war on terror is morphing into something even more unstable for the US, as years of occupation have increased the ranks of jihadists far in excess of the few hundred the US used to control directly in the lead up to 9/11″

(video) Skousen: Boehner Makes Back Door Deal With Liberals To Pass Amnesty | Netanyahu/Obama Schism is Political Theater so US appears justified to retaliate against Iran after Israel invades

Skousen: Beheading of James Foley as a New Provocation for War — “Remember that the US has a long history of creating horrific stories to justify going to war. Remember the supposed ripping of premature babies out of incubators in Iraq? It didn’t happen. The supposed chemical weapons attack on civilians by Assad in Syria? Also not true”

Washington Post: Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein— “The actors were drawn from some of us darker-skinned employees” (‘bin Laden’)
Joel Skousen: More on Death of SEAL Team Six in Afghanistan — The evidence of direct witnesses to the raid on the claimed bin Laden compound say only one chopper landed and it crashed and burned when leaving, killing all aboard. I concluded that the raid was a set up to fake bin Laden’s death (having died years before) to boost Obama’s popularity. Seal Team Six members on the raid died there, so another helicopter crash was planned in Afghanistan which the military could claim had these same members were on board—thus allowing them to explain to parents why their sons wouldn’t be coming home…

10 Facts That Prove The Bin Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax

U.S.-Backed ISIS Beheads American Journalist — U.S. government provided weapons and training to the same jihadists in Syria who later crossed into Iraq!
NSA Doc Reveals ISIS Leader is U.S., BRITISH and ISRAELI Intelligence Asset | Israel’s Hornet Nest Strategy
“(video) U.S. Intelligence: Rebels Used Sarin — And is there a moral imperative to bomb Syria even if there were 400 children killed? How about 500,000 killed by US foreign policy that Albright said was worth it?
[Why-they-hate-US video] Webster Tarpley: Syria & Iran, the Colorado Shooting — We are murdering Syrians, falsely blaming it on Assad in order to justify invasion so Syria can’t strike us when we/Israel strike Iran. The German people are being told while our presstitutes go along with the deception.
Joe Biden (2012 Hypocrisy): If Romney Wins, We’ll Go To War With Syria | CNN (2012): ROMNEY has accused Obama and his administration of being weak in dealing with President Bashar al-Assad, and has called for the United States and allies to ARM SYRIAN REBELS

War Channel's Republican Debate: FOX News LIED in how they asked the questions

An outright example of FOX News lying to manipulate the outcome, during the first 2015 Republican debate:
BRET BAIER (Fox News channel anchor):

Dr. Carson, in August of 2012 President Obama famously declared Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons, quote, “that’s a red line for us,” and that there would be enormous consequences.

One year later, and with overwhelming evidence the Assad had, in fact, used chemical weapons and crossed that red line, President Obama declined to use military force against the Assad regime.

As president, would you have used military force there? (source)


(video) Leaked Documents: U.S. Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack

(video) U.S. Intelligence: Rebels Used Sarin — And is there a moral imperative to bomb Syria even if there were 400 children killed? How about 500,000 killed by US foreign policy that Albright said was worth it?

[Why-they-hate-US video] Webster Tarpley: Syria & Iran, the Colorado Shooting — We are murdering Syrians, falsely blaming it on Assad in order to justify invasion so Syria can’t strike us when we/Israel strike Iran. The German people are being told while our presstitutes go along with the deception.

Skousen: US and Israeli Involvement with ISIS — The UN has now published a report that claims that Israeli Defense forces have regular contact with ISIS — The main motive behind the US funding of and creation of ISIS is to take down Assad. Israel is refusing to bomb Iran until Syria is eliminated as a retaliation threat

(video) Skousen: US covertly funding overthrow of Syria so Israel can attack Iran without Syrian opposition

Joel Skousen’s brilliant analysis! Syria: West Using Terror to Provoke Defections — The Syrian overthrow is a “must accomplish” goal of the US and Israel prior to the coming attack on Iran … so that Israel doesn’t have to face Syrian missiles as part of the inevitable Iranian retaliation.

(video) Why The CIA Kills Rock Stars – Lennon, Cobain, Hendrix, Tupac, Rolling Stones founder – Brian Jones — Targeted ANTI-WAR activists so they'd 'Tune in, Turn on and DROP OUT' — 21 minutes

– –

“Tune in, turn on and drop out.”
– Timothy Leary, CIA

“These top families that had originally gained their wealth through opium shipping started the CIA in 1947, and made them directors of all of the other 14-plus intelligence agencies. In doing that, they then started these operations, in particular MKUltra….

And they had actually saved Nazi scientists [through Operation Paper Clip], who were already experimenting with psychedelics [with] concentration camp victims. … Through Operation Sunshine, they sent thousands of Nazis down to Central…America to help with cocaine trafficking.”

– John Potash

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

[youtube=]Why The CIA Kills Rock Stars

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Jul 24, 2015

Rob Dew talks with John Potash about the numerous celebrities that the government has assassinated because they were starting to see the truth.


Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA’s Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac, and Other Leftists Paperback – May 30, 2015

(video) Skousen: Israeli Mossad Directs ISIS – with CIA to take down Assad, so Israel can bomb Iran

[youtube=]Joel Skousen: The Summer Of Rage

The Alex Jones Channel

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