Freedom from Alaska!

Category: People Cursing People Page 1 of 4

Daystar, IHOP… Sycophant Defense — Abusive leaders need to be called out | Leaders cursing people

19:20 Christian leaders threatening with curses

Witches Try To CURSE Trump But Can’t, Trump Has MAGIC Absorbing Shield (They Believe This)

Tim agnostically doesn’t seem interested in understanding anything spiritual. The truth is that people cursing people is a HUGE factor in people’s thoughts, fears, health issues, addictions, proclivities and evil people dying.

Christians can break curses through prayer, which is clearly happening here.

We can pray especially in the Spirit for those turning people against people, wishing evil on people (James-3 curses), etc., which I do many times every day.

Is the CEO of NPR a CIA Intelligence Asset? — RFK Jr Acknowledges the Possibility on X

NPR targets women and woke men.


[People Cursing People] Haters wishing Syria’s first lady would die | Asma al-Assad’s virtuous life!

We need to break James-3 curses through prayer!

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12:49 People cursing people example: When Asma al-Assad was diagnosed with breast cancer about 5 years ago, many of the mainstream journalists celebrated this and wished she would die.

“People who say ‘it cannot be done’ should not interrupt those who are doing it”

Standing Up to Tyranny Roundtable: James O’Keefe, Luke Rudkowski & Tim Pool

Courage: doing what needs to be done despite fear and consequences

The demons-in-people factor

New York AG Letitia James can’t stop staring at Trump

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

7 Signs God is Showing You Someone is a Covert Narcissist

12:45 “The are vengeful, envious, jealous, self-centered people. So they do not do well when others succeed, especially in areas that are important to them.”

Behind their phony, fake laughter is an extremely envious, insecure person.

They have zero interest in the truth.

They’re always looking externally for internal validation.

Halloween, Witches & Tom Brady

30:20 In the TV show, ‘Bewitched,’ Samantha’s mother is called Endora, after the witch of Endor in the Bible.

Kate’s Story: Surviving Ritualistic Sexual Abuse as a Child in Utah

21:20 The abuser died 1 month after the person abused said “I hope you die.”

They openly prayed to Satan during the rituals

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Join us as Derrick Broze interviews ritual abuse survivor Kate Talley for the second time. Kate shares her story of surviving ritual abuse as a child in Utah.

Read her story: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.c…

Anchorage Youth Advisory Commission talks about the HATRED she felt from the Anchorage Assembly

[Anchorage] Assemblyman Constant: No ‘God’ in Pledge of Allegiance; warns those shouting “with liberty and justice for all” during mask ordinance meeting


For Assemblyman Chris Constant, there is no ‘God’ in Pledge of Allegiance

Anchorage Assembly Vice Chair Chris Constant, when asked by Assembly Chair Suzanne LaFrance to lead the Pledge of Allegiance on Oct. 5 before the Assembly took public testimony, could be heard leaving out the phrase “under God” as he led the public in the recitation.

His voice, picked up by microphone and broadcast throughout the room, clearly dropped the phrase. When members of the public shouted out the end of the Pledge, “with liberty and justice for all,” Constant then pointed them out and warned them they would be removed.

(VID) Rick Wiles TruNews: Does the Fate of the 1st Amendment Rest on Alex Jones? — Court case • Alex's demonic rant: "I'm coming for you [Muller]!" • "Is he a plant, an agent-provocateur placed in this position for the purpose of shutting down sensible voices that oppose the deep state?" • "If Alex is not an actor, if he's not a plant, he's seriously mentally ill • That behavior is the sign of somebody losing their mind" • "Every Christian should disavow Alex Jones until he repents"

My notes, transcribing quotes from Rick Wiles:
28:55 “Every Christian should disavow Alex Jones. You should disavow him until he repents, and quite frankly until he is delivered.”
29:30 Alex Jones’ livid, demonic rant clip! “You will pay! … God is going to destroy you!”
33:00 “Last week, remember he was imaginary fanning a western revolver, talking about Robert Muller, the special counsel investigator of President Trump, and he was basically saying: ‘I’m coming for you, coming for you.’ This is behavior of a person exhibiting mental instability. … And he is known for his defense of the 2nd Amendment. Alex Jones is the poster child for why you should confiscate guns from mentally unstable people.
34:20 “For the record…, we disavow Alex Jones. … We don’t support Infowars.”
35:10 Alex’s court case that could be the excuse to limit freedom of speech.
38:00 “This is what I’ve wondered about this for nearly 20 years with Alex Jones: is he a plant, an agent-provocateur who has been placed in this position and given publicity, given fame for the purpose of shutting down sensible voices that oppose the deep state? … That if you question the deep state, you must be as crazy as Alex Jones.”
40:00 “I knew Alex Jones in the early days.”
41:30 “His lawyer said he’s an actor. Did they tell the truth, because they were in court under oath?”
42:30 “If Alex is not an actor, if he’s not a plant, he’s seriously mentally ill. And he needs help. He should shut down his program. He should get mental help. He should get spiritual help. If that is truly him, he needs to be someplace where he’s receiving spiritual and psychiatric assistance counseling, because that behavior is the sign of somebody losing their mind.”

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(vid) Mike Cernovich EXPOSED as a Zionist Propagandist by Adam Green

A lot is covered here!
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“I hate them [real-history truthers]. I was rooting for them to slip on banana peels and bash their skulls in, but I’m not going to let the government become sensors. The best answer to racial bigotry is truth and equality. You have to be able to compete in the marketplace of ideas.”

Alan Dershowitz, the free speech legend lying at 40:20 about how much he believes in free speech

Comments I wrote in response to Adam Green’s Cernovich exposé video:

Adam, great point at 1:10:00. They *claim to be pro-free speech,* yet make sure *those who tell the truth about the ‘Holocaust’ are imprisoned* in almost 20 countries. At 40:20, Dershowitz says about some truthers: “I hate them. I was rooting for them to slip on banana peels and bash their skulls in, but *I’m not going to let the government become sensors.* The best answer to racial bigotry is truth and equality. You have to be able to compete in the marketplace of ideas.” And then they censor YouTube videos and truthers on Facebook.

Dershwitz is a liar, and probably proud of it. That’s how he got his clients off, and made lots of money. The Talmud teaches them to lie to the Goyim, as long as they don’t get caught:

*Talmud Encourages Jews to Deceive Non-Jews* — “Pretend to rejoice with them in order to hide your hatred” — Talmud denies the Gentile status as a “man,” so they are also excluded from being the Jews’ neighbor

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So Cernovich ends his “Silenced, Our War on Free Speech” movie with the ‘Holocaust’ sympathy story, which is based on the lie that Hitler had an extermination plan, and that Jews were actually gassed. This is why it’s crucial that truthers expose the ‘Holocaust’ lies, which will open many people’s eyes! This is why it’s illegal to question the ‘Holocaust’ in almost 20 countries, and they want it to be illegal here too — before USA truthers actually study and expose this huge lie. It needs to be done!

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46:45 “One of the greatest Talmudic rabbis,” he says. The Babylonian Talmud is the key to all of this, the “leaven of the Pharisees” that Jesus warned about. Jesus said to them: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth” (John 8:44). The ‘Christian’ Zionists completely disregard Jesus’ warnings about the Talmudists.

My response to a comment:

American Christianity is in many ways now reverse-Christian. Jesus warned about the Talmudists. American pastors are now their biggest supporters. Jesus said the peacemakers will be called the children of God. American ‘Christian’ Zionists are now the biggest warmongers for Talmudic Israel.

The early Christians never supported evil. Many were murdered by the Talmudists because they would not. Stephen told them the truth to their faces, and they stoned him to death, as he was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Today’s ‘Christians’ are led by FOX News instead of the HOLY Spirit.

American Christianity is in many ways now reverse-Christian.

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What Does Islam Teach About Violence? War-with-unbelievers quotes from Islamic texts

NOTE: many ‘Christian’ Zionists, especially, know this general truth about Islam, but know hardly anything about the evil in Talmudic Judaism’s texts, which is why the Talmudic control of our media is getting away with murder.
Ignorance of Talmudism makes it easy to blame 9/11 and numerous smaller false flag events on the Muslims, when the Mossad and CIA ran these ops, often using Muslim patsies — which has been used to justify our reverse-Christian wars on Muslims.

Chuck Baldwin: ‘Christian’ bookstores are packed with tomes unmasking Islam, but not one volume delves into the depravities of Orthodox Judaism — In “Judaism’s Strange Gods,” Christian scholar Michael Hoffman documents his provocative thesis that Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament, but the newly formalized belief system of the Pharisees • Liberating the reader from the accumulated shackles of decades of misinformation, this book shows that Judaism’s god is not the God of Israel, but the strange gods of Talmud and Kabbalah, and the racial self-worship they inculcate

(video) Sick Evil Jewish Talmud — Source of sexual deviance, vile blasphemy of Christ, hatred of Christianity & Christians • “Only Jews are men” (human) • “Christians, as followers of the ‘false prophet’ Jesus, deserve death” • Through the Talmud, the Pharisees rejected God’s new covenant agenda and gave Jews an ethic that encouraged bigotry and isolation — and invited persecution

Ted Pike: The Jewish Kabbalah – Root of Mideast Violence — Kabbalah’s description of Gentiles as ANIMALS who must be slaughtered before “ORDER” can be restored helps explain not only Israel’s notorious MISTREATMENT of her Arab neighbors but also JEWISH POWER worldwide in *government*, *finance*, and *media*!

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What Does Islam Teach About…


Does the Quran really contain over a hundred verses that sanction violence?
The Quran contains at least 109 verses that speak of war with nonbelievers, usually on the basis of their status as non-Muslims. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter. Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, most verses of violence in the Quran are open-ended, meaning that they are not necessarily restrained by historical context contained in the surrounding text (although many Muslims choose to think of them that way). They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Quran.
The context of violent passages is more ambiguous than might be expected of a perfect book from a loving God. Most contemporary Muslims exercise a personal choice to interpret their holy book’s call to arms according to their own moral preconceptions about justifiable violence. Islam’s apologists cater to these preferences with tenuous arguments that gloss over historical fact and generally don’t stand up to scrutiny.  Still, it is important to note that the problem is not bad people, but bad ideology.
Unfortunately, there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to balance out those calling for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to Islam, or are killed. Muhammad’s own martial legacy, along with the remarkable emphasis on violence found in the Quran, have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history.

[People Cursing People] Mark Dice (a professing Christian); publicly curses Kevin Spacey; Twitter reacts; instead of repenting, Dice publicly slams Twitter & peddles merchandise

Ted Pike: Kol Nidre – Talmudic Judaism’s License to Lie

National Prayer Network


By Rev. Ted Pike
21 Sep 10 (republished)

Editor’s Note:

Last June tens of millions of evangelicals unquestioningly accepted Israel’s account of its attack on the Free Gaza flotilla. The “ Israel can do no wrong” mentality is so ingrained in the religious right that Christians reflexively believe that, in any dispute with the Arabs, doubting Israel is out of the question.

Yet Orthodox Judaism, the official position of the State of Israel, makes an astounding provision for observant Jews: They may, by reciting the Kol Nidre prayer on the eve of Yom Kippur, receive pre-forgiveness for all the lies, deceit, broken contracts, etc. they may indulge in for the next year.

(video) Zachary King: Death and Harm Spells & How To Protect Oneself — "I used to do death spells quite a bit. …they're sending a demon to you. Not every death spell I've ever done worked. At the time, I was 91% accurate with all of my magick. How come some people drop dead and some people are fine?"

Zachary King is a former Illuminati high wizard, turned Catholic. He’s an expert on witchcraft; though, some of his Catholic solutions are not Biblical.
As Zachary says, “adoration”/worshiping is effective, as long as we truly are worshiping. Bible reading can help.
The #1 method I use TO BE FREE is to pray in tongues for anyone cursing me, which I have done every day for decades. It’s amazing how effective this is, and every Christian can do spiritual warfare in this way, contrary to what the naysayers say. Paul said: “I thank God, I speak in tongues more than you all” (1 Cor. 14:18) | See: All of my Pray Perfectly in Tongues posts at ONEcanhappen (my spiritual blog)
Also, very effective is forgiving others from our *entire* hearts (including the bottom — seriously) is very effective too. | See:  Forgiving-Others, Freedom Prayer!
Zachary suggests going to confession, but priests are not Biblical in the new covenant. What the Bible really says in James 5:14-16 is “call for the elders,” and also “confess your offenses to ONE ANOTHER”:

Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the assembly, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will heal him who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your offenses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The insistent prayer of a righteous person is powerfully effective.

Paul made sure he was always right with everyone:

“Herein I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men” (Acts 24:16).

Also Related:
All of my Zachary King posts at ToBeFree
All of my Forgive & Be FREE posts at ONEcanhappen
All of my James-3 Cursing People posts at ONEcanhappen
All of my People Cursing People posts at ToBeFree
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“As an ex-high wizard, I used to do death spells quite a bit. … What that’s really doing is they’re sending a demon to you. Not every death spell I’ve ever done worked. And at the time, I was 91% accurate with all of my magick. … How come some people drop dead and some people are fine…?”

– Zachary King

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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#36 death and harm spells


Fmr. High Wizard Zachary King: Satanists Casting Spell On Trump & His Supporters — "For those of you who wonder if Donald Trump is on the side of God, think back to when Barack Obama was elected president. Witches and Satanists kept silent because he was their president. The Satanic Temple backed Hillary Clinton • Witches are being recruited to not just block Donald Trump, but all who support him. I have reviewed the spell and it is authentic"

Zachary King is a former Illuminati high wizard, turned Catholic. He’s an expert on witchcraft; though, some of his Catholic solutions are not Biblical.
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From: Zachary King on Facebook, 2/24/17

For those of you who wonder if Donald Trump is on the side of [G]od…Think back to when Barack Obama was elected president. Witches and Satanists kept silent because he was their president. Are you aware that the Satanic Temple backed Hillary Clinton when she ran for president? Not just financially, but through ads, commercials, and rallies.

And most recently the Satanists and the Witches showed up at the Women’s Rally in Washington DC. Were you aware of that minor rally? It was the rally one week before the massive +600k members of the March for Life. You remember the one the Vice President spoke at?

For those of you unfamiliar with the spell, It is designed to prevent or block Donald Trump from completing anything he tries to do for this country. In a poster for the spell event, Witches are being recruited to not just block Donald Trump, but all who support him. I have reviewed the spell and it is authentic. …

All of my Zachary King posts at ToBeFree

(video) Mark Dice: Witches Conducting Satanic Ritual to Stop Trump Using "Magic Spell"

Witches Conducting Satanic Ritual to Stop Trump Using “Magic Spell”



Index to The Talmud Unmasked — Jewish Prayers against Christians • Objective of Jewish Prayers is the Destruction of Christianity • Jews Pray for a Revengeful Messiah | I. By not Helping Them II. By Interfering in Their Work III. By Deceit in Legal Matters IV. By Harming Them in Things Necessary for Life

Pastors teach how evil Islamic writings are, while saying nothing about the evil Jewish Talmud that most Jewish rabbis elevate above the Torah.

Why this double standard among pastors who won’t heed Jesus’ warning or do what Jesus did by warning…?

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NOTE: These links no longer work. The document is available here:

The Talmud Unmasked The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians by Rev. I. B. Pranaitis Roman Catholic Priest; Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church in Old St. Petersburg.

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Article I. – Christians Unworthy to Share With Jews
Article II. – Christians Are Unclean
Article III. – Christians Are Idolaters
Article IV. – Christians Are Evil
I. By not Helping Them
II. By Interfering in Their Work
III. By Deceit in Legal Matters
IV. By Harming Them in Things Necessary for Life
1. Renegades to be killed
2. Apostates
3. Princes, especially the Prince of Rome (the Pope) to be exterminated
4. All Christians to be killed
5. Killing a Christian is an Acceptable Sacrifice to God
6. Heaven Promised to Those Who Kill Christians
7. A Christian may be Beheaded on the most Solemn Festivals
8. The Messiah expected will be Revengeful
9. Jewish Prayers against Christians
10. Christian Prayers for the Jews
11.Objective of Jewish Prayers is the Destruction of Christianity

Jews Pray for a Revengeful Messiah

Kabbalist, Madonna Women's March Speech "Blowing Up The White House" on Washington Anti Trump FULL SPEECH

Madonna Womens March Speech “Blowing Up The White House” on Washington Anti Trump FULL SPEECH

(video) Dustin Dardin: 200 pounds of industrial toxic waste fluoride added to pristine Anchorage water every day! – RUNNING 2016 – Alaska General Election: House District 22


“200 pounds of fluoride is added to the cleanest water in the nation, every day, to the Anchorage water supply. That’s a 50 pound bag of industrial toxic waste being dumped into our water every 6 hours.” – Dustin Dardin

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RUNNING 2016 – Alaska General Election: House District 22

Witches & Pagans Try to Curse Trump During Debate

From: Telegraph

Donald Trump faces new threat as witches and pagans plan to ‘exert mental influence’ to persuade him to quit

A non-partisan group calling itself the World Ad-Hoc Association of Witches has pledged to “exert mental influence” on the debate which, it claims, will force the billionaire to quit the race.

The group has urged pagans and witches across the world to participate in what it describes as a “call to action”.

It will entail the pagan community focusing its energy on the debate and getting inside Mr Trump’s head.

Rather helpfully the call to action includes a map to show supporters exactly where in St Louis Missouri they should concentrate their mystical powers.

Entire Article

Witches & Pagans Try to Curse Trump During Debate

From: Telegraph

Donald Trump faces new threat as witches and pagans plan to ‘exert mental influence’ to persuade him to quit

A non-partisan group calling itself the World Ad-Hoc Association of Witches has pledged to “exert mental influence” on the debate which, it claims, will force the billionaire to quit the race.

The group has urged pagans and witches across the world to participate in what it describes as a “call to action”.

It will entail the pagan community focusing its energy on the debate and getting inside Mr Trump’s head.

Rather helpfully the call to action includes a map to show supporters exactly where in St Louis Missouri they should concentrate their mystical powers.

Entire Article

(audio) James Bacque – WWII, Hidden history and Other Losses

I have now read Other Losses and wish I had not. I have had nightmares every night since I started reading. have a sensational if appalling story and it can no longer be suppressed, and I suppose (in truth, I know) it must be published…I’m not as convinced as you are that Ike played so absolutely central a role…there were clearly things going on that were not central to him and to which he paid less attention than he should have. Maybe that is all rationalization on my part…But again, you have the goods on these guys, you have the quotes from those who were present and saw with their own eyes…You really have made a major historical discovery, the full impact of which neither you nor I nor anyone can fully imagine. Many will curse you; many will denounce you, many will argue with you; most will try to ignore you…


Stephen E. Ambrose source

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James Bacque – WWII, Hidden history and Other Losses


(video) Trailer for the film ‘Other Losses’ – Horrid USA post-WWII atrocities to German POWs

“Eisenhower Death Camps” After WWII – Were 1 Million German POWs Intentionally Allowed to Die?

(video) Liberals Celebrate The Death Of Justice Antonin Scalia – and Hope for the Death of More…

[youtube=]Liberals Celebrate The Death Of Justice Antonin Scalia!

The Alex Jones Channel

(audio) Fmr high wizard Zachary King with Jeff Rense: Saved From A Life Of Satanic Evil

Jeff Rense is offering these informative and amazing interviews with the former high wizard, Zachary King for free.
Here, Zach discusses his encounter with Barack Obama at Bohemian Grove in the mid-’90s in the 10/8/15 show, hour 3 @minutes 29 & 45. He also mentions that Henry Kissinger is a regular attendee, including during other events held at the Grove.
Zach was told Obama would one day be President, way back in the mid-’90s!
Lots of important topics discussed in these five hours, including Zachary’s story within Satanism for 26 years, and as a high wizard for 12 years (only about 10 in the world at any given time). He was at Bohemian Grove 28 times.

Zachary King
Saved From A Life Of Satanic Evil
Hour 2 – 10.8.15
Hour 3 – 10.8.15
Hour 1- 9.8.15
Hours 2&3 – 9.30.15

(video) Satanic Priest for Bohemian Grove Blows Whistle on White House (Names Names) — Obama, the Bushes & Clintons, Reagan

(video) ABORTION clinics – Human Sacrifices – SATANIC Rituals — Former satanist, Zachary King, says, there are satanic Rituals, the eating of babies, satanic dedications of all aborted babies, on regular basis. He says Doctors and nurses in abortion clinics and planned parenthood, are usually Satanists

(video) Satanic Priest for Bohemian Grove Blows Whistle on White House (Names Names) — Obama, the Bushes & Clintons, Reagan

Former high wizard, Zachary King’s personal story is also very interesting!

Zach goes into more detail on his encounter with Barack Obama at the Grove in the mid-’90s in Jeff Rense’s 10/8/15 show, linked below, where he also mentions that Henry Kissinger is a regular, including during other events held at the Grove. Zach was told Obama would one day be President, way back in the mid-’90s!

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[youtube=]Satanic Priest for Bohemian Grove Blows Whistle on White House (Names Names)

Josh Tolley

Josh Tolley

Published on Sep 10, 2015

A Satanic Priest has had enough! He is blowing the whistle and naming names. Presidents, Actors, etc all involved in Satanic Worship!

Zachary King’s website
(audio) Fmr high wizard Zachary King with Jeff Rense: Saved From A Life Of Satanic Evil
(video) ABORTION clinics – Human Sacrifices – SATANIC Rituals — Former satanist, Zachary King, says, there are satanic Rituals, the eating of babies, satanic dedications of all aborted babies, on regular basis. He says Doctors and nurses in abortion clinics and planned parenthood, are usually Satanists

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