Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Real History Page 39 of 48

[video] Learn Real History and Economics in Tom Woods's Liberty Classroom — "For regular Americans, who want to learn the truth and not propaganda, for a change."

Learn real history and economics in your car. Ask questions of the experts. Train yourself to be a defender of liberty.

For “regular Americans, who want to learn the truth and not propaganda, for a change.”

– Tom Woods

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[youtube=]Learn Real History and Economics in Tom Woods’s Liberty Classroom

Published on Apr 9, 2012 by New York Times bestselling author Tom Woods introduces his new website,, which teaches the history and economics you didn’t learn in school.

[video] Dr. Peter Glidden: The History of Modern Healthcare & People Eat Too Much Because They're Nutritionally Starving

“They are in the driver’s seat only because of financial and political coalitions that were built at the turn of the century, that have turned into a gigantic, out of control, monopolistic juggernaut. and we are dropping like flies because of it.”

– Dr. Peter Glidden

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]The History of Modern Healthcare with Dr. Peter Glidden

Published on May 1, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Alex talks with Peter Glidden, a doctor of Naturopathic medicine. Mr. Glidden is an outspoken advocate of wholistic health. He has lectured to thousands of people over the last two decades and is a regular speaker at Health Freedom Expo and Youngevity regional meetings. Glidden is the author of The MD Emperor Has No Clothes, a book that describes how society is on the verge of a health care meltdown.!/RealAlexJones [Join The Alex Jones Team and Start Getting Healthy Today!]

[video] 'A Noble Lie': OKC Bombing Investigators Speak Out Against Government False Flag

[youtube=]OKC Bombing Investigators Speak Out Against Government False Flag

Published on Apr 17, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Get Your Copy of a Noble Lie and Spread the Word

Noble Lie: A myth or untruth knowingly told by the elite to maintain social harmony, or the social position of the elite. — The Republic, Plato

Produced in Oklahoma, the newly-released documentary A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 by Free Mind Films and Director James Lane takes a fresh and in-depth look at the circumstances surrounding the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.
But instead of accepting at face value the Federal Government’s deeply-flawed investigation, A Noble Lie features ground breaking information and eyewitness testimonies that refute the official story.

The April 19, 1995 bombing that destroyed much of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building involved far more revealing evidence than the FBI maintains. A Noble Lie presents interviews with police officers, first responders, victims, journalists and investigators whose evidence demonstrates that not all the perpetrators were brought to justice.

Among the interview subjects are General Benton Partin, former head of weapons development for the Air Force, State Representative Charles Key, members of the Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee and Jesse Trentadue, whose brother Kenneth was tortured and murdered in Federal custody in the days following the bombing.

A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 is the only full-length documentary that addresses and answers many of the questions people have asked about the bombing. Details as to what really happened regarding this horrific event, taking the lives of 168 people, have been summarily covered up by the Federal Government. A Noble Lie is the culmination of years of research and documentation conducted by independent journalists, scholars, and ordinary citizens. Often risking their personal safety and sanity, they have gathered evidence which threatens to expose the startling reality of what exactly occurred at 9:02 am on April 19, 1995 in Oklahoma City.

Utilizing footage and eyewitness testimony, previously unseen, A Noble Lie will change forever the way you look at the true nature of terrorism.

A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995
Your Price: $19.95!/RealAlexJones


Oklahoma City Bombing: A Noble Lie — OKC Bombing was Design to Save Bill Clinton from Whitewater Investigation

Brigadier General Ben Partin: The Oklahoma City Bombing

General Partin: Oklahoma City Bombing Cover-up, TWA 800, etc.

Hoppy Heidelberg: OKC Bombing was Designed to Get Clinton’s Anti-Terrorism Bill Passed

[real history video] Rothschilds: The Richest Family in the World — Worth 900+ Trillion!

[youtube=]The Richest Family in the world Rothschilds Exposed 1_3 HAARP OWNER

Uploaded by on Mar 18, 2011

Rothschilds were worth 700 million in 1850s.. worth about 900+ trillion at the least today.. Yes media is so Dumbed down they tell us Bill gates is the richest man on the planet or the earth… They are just working under them

[video] Ron Paul 2003: Neo – CONNED! — "Since the change of the political party in charge has not made a difference, who’s really in charge? … These are the neoconservatives of recent fame."

Ron Paul names the *neocons* who took over the Republican party.
– –

Here is a brief summary of the general understanding of what neocons believe:

  1. They agree with Trotsky on permanent revolution, violent as well as intellectual.
  2. They are for redrawing the map of the Middle East and are willing to use force to do so.
  3. They believe in preemptive war to achieve desired ends.
  4. They accept the notion that the ends justify the means—that hardball politics is a moral necessity.
  5. They express no opposition to the welfare state.
  6. They are not bashful about an American empire; instead they strongly endorse it.
  7. They believe lying is necessary for the state to survive. …

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The money and views of Rupert Murdoch also played a key role in promoting the neocon views, as well as rallying support by the general population, through his News Corporation, which owns Fox News Network, the New York Post, and Weekly Standard.

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Some large Christian denominations have joined the neoconservatives in promoting preemptive war, while completely ignoring the Christian doctrine of a Just War. The neocons sought and openly welcomed their support.

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[youtube=]Ron Paul Exposes Neo Conservatives A.K.A. NEOCONS

Uploaded by  on Jun 4, 2008

Watch entire 51 minutes Ron Paul Speech to Congress on July 12th. 2003. Dr. Ron Paul tells all about the Neoconservatives. A must see…

Favorite the YoutTube version 11 parts and ENJOY…

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The modern-day limited-government movement has been co-opted.  The conservatives have failed in their effort to shrink the size of government. There has not been, nor will there soon be, a conservative revolution in Washington. Party control of the federal government has changed, but the inexorable growth in the size and scope of government has continued unabated. The liberal arguments for limited government in personal affairs and foreign military adventurism were never seriously considered as part of this revolution.

Since the change of the political party in charge has not made a difference, who’s really in charge? If the particular party in power makes little difference, whose policy is it that permits expanded government programs, increased spending, huge deficits, nation building and the pervasive invasion of our privacy, with fewer Fourth Amendment protections than ever before?

Someone is responsible, and it’s important that those of us who love liberty, and resent big-brother government, identify the philosophic supporters who have the most to say about the direction our country is going. If they’re wrong—and I believe they are—we need to show it, alert the American people, and offer a more positive approach to government.  However, this depends on whether the American people desire to live in a free society and reject the dangerous notion that we need a strong central government to take care of us from the cradle to the grave. Do the American people really believe it’s the government’s responsibility to make us morally better and economically equal? Do we have a responsibility to police the world, while imposing our vision of good government on everyone else in the world with some form of utopian nation building? If not, and the contemporary enemies of liberty are exposed and rejected, then it behooves us to present an alternative philosophy that is morally superior and economically sound and provides a guide to world affairs to enhance peace and commerce.

One thing is certain: conservatives who worked and voted for less government in the Reagan years and welcomed the takeover of the U.S. Congress and the presidency in the 1990s and early 2000s were deceived. Soon they will realize that the goal of limited government has been dashed and that their views no longer matter.

The so-called conservative revolution of the past two decades has given us massive growth in government size, spending and regulations. Deficits are exploding and the national debt is now rising at greater than a half-trillion dollars per year. Taxes do not go down—even if we vote to lower them. They can’t, as long as spending is increased, since all spending must be paid for one way or another. Both Presidents Reagan and the elder George Bush raised taxes directly. With this administration, so far, direct taxes have been reduced—and they certainly should have been—but it means little if spending increases and deficits rise.

When taxes are not raised to accommodate higher spending, the bills must be paid by either borrowing or “printing” new money. This is one reason why we conveniently have a generous Federal Reserve chairman who is willing to accommodate the Congress. With borrowing and inflating, the “tax” is delayed and distributed in a way that makes it difficult for those paying the tax to identify it. Like future generations and those on fixed incomes who suffer from rising prices, and those who lose jobs they certainly feel the consequences of economic dislocation that this process causes. Government spending is always a “tax” burden on the American people and is never equally or fairly distributed. The poor and low-middle income workers always suffer the most from the deceitful tax of inflation and borrowing.

Many present-day conservatives, who generally argue for less government and supported the Reagan/Gingrich/Bush takeover of the federal government, are now justifiably disillusioned. Although not a monolithic group, they wanted to shrink the size of government.

Early in our history, the advocates of limited, constitutional government recognized two important principles: the rule of law was crucial, and a constitutional government must derive “just powers from the consent of the governed.” It was understood that an explicit transfer of power to government could only occur with power rightfully and naturally endowed to each individual as a God-given right. Therefore, the powers that could be transferred would be limited to the purpose of protecting liberty. Unfortunately, in the last 100 years, the defense of liberty has been fragmented and shared by various groups, with some protecting civil liberties, others economic freedom, and a small diverse group arguing for a foreign policy of nonintervention.

The philosophy of freedom has had a tough go of it, and it was hoped that the renewed interest in limited government of the past two decades would revive an interest in reconstituting the freedom philosophy into something more consistent. Those who worked for the goal of limited government power believed the rhetoric of politicians who promised smaller government. Sometimes it was just plain sloppy thinking on their part, but at other times, they fell victim to a deliberate distortion of a concise limited-government philosophy by politicians who misled many into believing that we would see a rollback on government intrusiveness.

Yes, there was always a remnant who longed for truly limited government and maintained a belief in the rule of law, combined with a deep conviction that free people and a government bound by a Constitution were the most advantageous form of government. They recognized it as the only practical way for prosperity to be spread to the maximum number of people while promoting peace and security.

That remnant—imperfect as it may have been—was heard from in the elections of 1980 and 1994 and then achieved major victories in 2000 and 2002 when professed limited-government proponents took over the White House, the Senate and the House. However, the true believers in limited government are now shunned and laughed at. At the very least, they are ignored—except when they are used by the new leaders of the right, the new conservatives now in charge of the U.S. government.

The remnant’s instincts were correct, and the politicians placated them with talk of free markets, limited government, and a humble, non-nation-building foreign policy. However, little concern for civil liberties was expressed in this recent quest for less government. Yet, for an ultimate victory of achieving freedom, this must change. Interest in personal privacy and choices has generally remained outside the concern of many conservatives—especially with the great harm done by their support of the drug war. Even though some confusion has emerged over our foreign policy since the breakdown of the Soviet empire, it’s been a net benefit in getting some conservatives back on track with a less militaristic, interventionist foreign policy. Unfortunately, after 9-ll, the cause of liberty suffered a setback. As a result, millions of Americans voted for the less-than-perfect conservative revolution because they believed in the promises of the politicians.

Now there’s mounting evidence to indicate exactly what happened to the revolution. Government is bigger than ever, and future commitments are overwhelming. Millions will soon become disenchanted with the new status quo delivered to the American people by the advocates of limited government and will find it to be just more of the old status quo. Victories for limited government have turned out to be hollow indeed.

Since the national debt is increasing at a rate greater than a half-trillion dollars per year, the debt limit was recently increased by an astounding $984 billion dollars. Total U.S. government obligations are $43 trillion, while the total net worth of U.S. households is about $40.6 trillion. The country is broke, but no one in Washington seems to notice or care. The philosophic and political commitment for both guns and butter—and especially the expanding American empire—must be challenged. This is crucial for our survival.

In spite of the floundering economy, Congress and the Administration continue to take on new commitments in foreign aid, education, farming, medicine, multiple efforts at nation building, and preemptive wars around the world. Already we’re entrenched in Iraq and Afghanistan, with plans to soon add new trophies to our conquest. War talk abounds as to when Syria, Iran and North Korea will be attacked.

How did all this transpire? Why did the government do it? Why haven’t the people objected? How long will it go on before something is done? Does anyone care?

Will the euphoria of grand military victories—against non-enemies—ever be mellowed? Someday, we as a legislative body must face the reality of the dire situation in which we have allowed ourselves to become enmeshed. Hopefully, it will be soon!

We got here because ideas do have consequences. Bad ideas have bad consequences, and even the best of intentions have unintended consequences. We need to know exactly what the philosophic ideas were that drove us to this point; then, hopefully, reject them and decide on another set of intellectual parameters.

There is abundant evidence exposing those who drive our foreign policy justifying preemptive war. Those who scheme are proud of the achievements in usurping control over foreign policy. These are the neoconservatives of recent fame. Granted, they are talented and achieved a political victory that all policymakers must admire. But can freedom and the republic survive this takeover? That question should concern us.

Neoconservatives are obviously in positions of influence and are well-placed throughout our government and the media. An apathetic Congress put up little resistance and abdicated its responsibilities over foreign affairs. The electorate was easily influenced to join in the patriotic fervor supporting the military adventurism advocated by the neoconservatives.

The numbers of those who still hope for truly limited government diminished and had their concerns ignored these past 22 months, during the aftermath of 9-11. Members of Congress were easily influenced to publicly support any domestic policy or foreign military adventure that was supposed to help reduce the threat of a terrorist attack. Believers in limited government were harder to find. Political money, as usual, played a role in pressing Congress into supporting almost any proposal suggested by the neocons. This process—where campaign dollars and lobbying efforts affect policy—is hardly the domain of any single political party, and unfortunately, is the way of life in Washington.

There are many reasons why government continues to grow. It would be naïve for anyone to expect otherwise. Since 9-11, protection of privacy, whether medical, personal or financial, has vanished. Free speech and the Fourth Amendment have been under constant attack. Higher welfare expenditures are endorsed by the leadership of both parties. Policing the world and nation-building issues are popular campaign targets, yet they are now standard operating procedures. There’s no sign that these programs will be slowed or reversed until either we are stopped by force overseas (which won’t be soon) or we go broke and can no longer afford these grandiose plans for a world empire (which will probably come sooner than later.)

None of this happened by accident or coincidence. Precise philosophic ideas prompted certain individuals to gain influence to implement these plans. The neoconservatives—a name they gave themselves—diligently worked their way into positions of power and influence. They documented their goals, strategy and moral justification for all they hoped to accomplish. Above all else, they were not and are not conservatives dedicated to limited, constitutional government.

Neo-conservatism has been around for decades and, strangely, has connections to past generations as far back as Machiavelli. Modern-day neo-conservatism was introduced to us in the 1960s. It entails both a detailed strategy as well as a philosophy of government. The ideas of Teddy Roosevelt, and certainly Woodrow Wilson, were quite similar to many of the views of present-day neocons. Neocon spokesman Max Boot brags that what he advocates is “hard Wilsonianism.” In many ways, there’s nothing “neo” about their views, and certainly nothing conservative. Yet they have been able to co-opt the conservative movement by advertising themselves as a new or modern form of conservatism.

More recently, the modern-day neocons have come from the far left, a group historically identified as former Trotskyites. Liberal, Christopher Hitchens, has recently officially joined the neocons, and it has been reported that he has already been to the White House as an ad hoc consultant. Many neocons now in positions of influence in Washington can trace their status back to Professor Leo Strauss of the University of Chicago. One of Strauss’ books was Thoughts on Machiavelli. This book was not a condemnation of Machiavelli’s philosophy. Paul Wolfowitz actually got his PhD under Strauss. Others closely associated with these views are Richard Perle, Eliot Abrams, Robert Kagan, and William Kristol. All are key players in designing our new strategy of preemptive war. Others include: Michael Ledeen of the American Enterprise Institute; former CIA Director James Woolsey; Bill Bennett of Book of Virtues fame; Frank Gaffney; Dick Cheney; and Donald Rumsfeld. There are just too many to mention who are philosophically or politically connected to the neocon philosophy in some varying degree.

The godfather of modern-day neo-conservatism is considered to be Irving Kristol, father of Bill Kristol, who set the stage in 1983 with his publication Reflections of a Neoconservative. In this book, Kristol also defends the traditional liberal position on welfare.

More important than the names of people affiliated with neo-conservatism are the views they adhere to. Here is a brief summary of the general understanding of what neocons believe:

  1. They agree with Trotsky on permanent revolution, violent as well as intellectual.
  2. They are for redrawing the map of the Middle East and are willing to use force to do so.
  3. They believe in preemptive war to achieve desired ends.
  4. They accept the notion that the ends justify the means—that hardball politics is a moral necessity.
  5. They express no opposition to the welfare state.
  6. They are not bashful about an American empire; instead they strongly endorse it.
  7. They believe lying is necessary for the state to survive.
  8. They believe a powerful federal government is a benefit.
  9. They believe pertinent facts about how a society should be run should be held by the elite and withheld from those who do not have the courage to deal with it.
  10.  They believe neutrality in foreign affairs is ill advised.
  11. They hold Leo Strauss in high esteem.
  12. They believe imperialism, if progressive in nature, is appropriate.
  13. Using American might to force American ideals on others is acceptable.  Force should not be limited to the defense of our country.
  14. 9-11 resulted from the lack of foreign entanglements, not from too many.
  15. They dislike and despise libertarians (therefore, the same applies to all strict constitutionalists.)
  16. They endorse attacks on civil liberties, such as those found in the Patriot Act, as being necessary.
  17. They unconditionally support Israel and have a close alliance with the Likud Party.

Various organizations and publications over the last 30 years have played a significant role in the rise to power of the neoconservatives. It took plenty of money and commitment to produce the intellectual arguments needed to convince the many participants in the movement of its respectability.

It is no secret—especially after the rash of research and articles written about the neocons since our invasion of Iraq—how they gained influence and what organizations were used to promote their cause. Although for decades, they agitated for their beliefs through publications like The National Review, The Weekly Standard, The Public Interest, The Wall Street Journal, Commentary, and the New York Post, their views only gained momentum in the 1990s following the first Persian Gulf War—which still has not ended even with removal of Saddam Hussein. They became convinced that a much more militant approach to resolving all the conflicts in the Middle East was an absolute necessity, and they were determined to implement that policy.

In addition to publications, multiple think tanks and projects were created to promote their agenda. A product of the Bradley Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) led the neocon charge, but the real push for war came from the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) another organization helped by the Bradley Foundation. This occurred in 1998 and was chaired by Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol. They urged early on for war against Iraq, but were disappointed with the Clinton administration, which never followed through with its periodic bombings.  Obviously, these bombings were motivated more by Clinton’s personal and political problems than a belief in the neocon agenda.

The election of 2000 changed all that.  The Defense Policy Board, chaired by Richard Perle, played no small role in coordinating the various projects and think tanks, all determined to take us into war against Iraq. It wasn’t too long before the dream of empire was brought closer to reality by the election of 2000 with Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld playing key roles in this accomplishment. The plan to promote an “American greatness” imperialistic foreign policy was now a distinct possibility. Iraq offered a great opportunity to prove their long-held theories. This opportunity was a consequence of the 9-11 disaster.

The money and views of Rupert Murdoch also played a key role in promoting the neocon views, as well as rallying support by the general population, through his News Corporation, which owns Fox News Network, the New York Post, and Weekly Standard. This powerful and influential media empire did more to galvanize public support for the Iraqi invasion than one might imagine. This facilitated the Rumsfeld/Cheney policy as their plans to attack Iraq came to fruition. It would have been difficult for the neocons to usurp foreign policy from the restraints of Colin Powell’s State Department without the successful agitation of the Rupert Murdoch empire. Max Boot was satisfied, as he explained: “Neoconservatives believe in using American might to promote American ideals abroad.” This attitude is a far cry from the advice of the Founders, who advocated no entangling alliances and neutrality as the proper goal of American foreign policy.

Let there be no doubt, those in the neocon camp had been anxious to go to war against Iraq for a decade. They justified the use of force to accomplish their goals, even if it required preemptive war. If anyone doubts this assertion, they need only to read of their strategy in “A Clean Break: a New Strategy for Securing the Realm.” Although they felt morally justified in changing the government in Iraq, they knew that public support was important, and justification had to be given to pursue the war. Of course, a threat to us had to exist before the people and the Congress would go along with war. The majority of Americans became convinced of this threat, which, in actuality, never really existed. Now we have the ongoing debate over the location of weapons of mass destruction. Where was the danger? Was all this killing and spending necessary? How long will this nation building and dying go on? When will we become more concerned about the needs of our own citizens than the problems we sought in Iraq and Afghanistan? Who knows where we’ll go next—Iran, Syria or North Korea?

At the end of the Cold War, the neoconservatives realized a rearrangement of the world was occurring and that our superior economic and military power offered them a perfect opportunity to control the process of remaking the Middle East.

It was recognized that a new era was upon us, and the neocons welcomed Frances Fukuyama’s “end of history” declaration. To them, the debate was over. The West won; the Soviets lost. Old-fashioned communism was dead. Long live the new era of neoconservatism. The struggle may not be over, but the West won the intellectual fight, they reasoned. The only problem is that the neocons decided to define the philosophy of the victors. They have been amazingly successful in their efforts to control the debate over what Western values are and by what methods they will be spread throughout the world.

Communism surely lost a lot with the breakup of the Soviet Empire, but this can hardly be declared a victory for American liberty, as the Founders understood it. Neoconservatism is not the philosophy of free markets and a wise foreign policy. Instead, it represents big-government welfare at home and a program of using our military might to spread their version of American values throughout the world. Since neoconservatives dominate the way the U.S. government now operates, it behooves us all to understand their beliefs and goals. The breakup of the Soviet system may well have been an epic event but to say that the views of the neocons are the unchallenged victors and that all we need do is wait for their implementation is a capitulation to controlling the forces of history that many Americans are not yet ready to concede. There is surely no need to do so.

There is now a recognized philosophic connection between modern-day neoconservatives and Irving Kristol, Leo Strauss, and Machiavelli. This is important in understanding that today’s policies and the subsequent problems will be with us for years to come if these policies are not reversed.

Not only did Leo Strauss write favorably of Machiavelli, Michael Ledeen, a current leader of the neoconservative movement, did the same in 1999 in his book with the title,Machiavelli on Modern Leadership, and subtitled: Why Machiavelli’s iron rules are as timely and important today as five centuries ago.  Ledeen is indeed an influential neocon theorist whose views get lots of attention today in Washington. His book on Machiavelli, interestingly enough, was passed out to Members of Congress attending a political strategy meeting shortly after its publication and at just about the time A Clean Break was issued.

In Ledeen’s most recent publication, The War Against the Terror Masters, he reiterates his beliefs outlined in this 1999 Machaivelli book. He specifically praises: “Creative destruction…both within our own society and abroad…(foreigners) seeing America undo traditional societies may fear us, for they do not wish to be undone.” Amazingly, Ledeen concludes: “They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must  destroy them to advance our historic mission.”

If those words don’t scare you, nothing will. If they are not a clear warning, I don’t know what could be. It sounds like both sides of each disagreement in the world will be following the principle of preemptive war. The world is certainly a less safe place for it.

In Machiavelli on Modern Leadership, Ledeen praises a business leader for correctly understanding Machiavelli: “There are no absolute solutions. It all depends. What is right and what is wrong depends on what needs to be done and how.” This is a clear endorsement of situational ethics and is not coming from the traditional left. It reminds me of: “It depends on what the definition of the word ‘is’ is.”

Ledeen quotes Machiavelli approvingly on what makes a great leader. “A prince must have no other objectives or other thoughts or take anything for his craft, except war.” To Ledeen, this meant: “…the virtue of the warrior are those of great leaders of any successful organization.” Yet it’s obvious that war is not coincidental to neocon philosophy, but an integral part. The intellectuals justify it, and the politicians carry it out. There’s a precise reason to argue for war over peace according to Ledeen, for “…peace increases our peril by making discipline less urgent, encouraging some of our worst instincts, in depriving us of some of our best leaders.” Peace, he claims, is a dream and not even a pleasant one, for it would cause indolence and would undermine the power of the state. Although I concede the history of the world is a history of frequent war, to capitulate and give up even striving for peace—believing peace is not a benefit to mankind—is a frightening thought that condemns the world to perpetual war and justifies it as a benefit and necessity. These are dangerous ideas, from which no good can come.

The conflict of the ages has been between the state and the individual: central power versus liberty. The more restrained the state and the more emphasis on individual liberty, the greater has been the advancement of civilization and general prosperity. Just as man’s condition was not locked in place by the times and wars of old and improved with liberty and free markets, there’s no reason to believe a new stage for man might not be achieved by believing and working for conditions of peace. The inevitability and so-called need for preemptive war should never be intellectually justified as being a benefit. Such an attitude guarantees the backsliding of civilization. Neocons, unfortunately, claim that war is in man’s nature and that we can’t do much about it, so let’s use it to our advantage by promoting our goodness around the world through force of arms. That view is anathema to the cause of liberty and the preservation of the Constitution. If it is not loudly refuted, our future will be dire indeed.

Ledeen believes man is basically evil and cannot be left to his own desires. Therefore, he must have proper and strong leadership, just as Machiavelli argued. Only then can man achieve good, as Ledeen explains: “In order to achieve the most noble accomplishments, the leader may have to ‘enter into evil.’ This is the chilling insight that has made Machiavelli so feared, admired and challenging…we are rotten,” argues Ledeen. “It’s true that we can achieve greatness if, and only if, we are properly led.” In other words, man is so depraved that individuals are incapable of moral, ethical and spiritual greatness, and achieving excellence and virtue can only come from a powerful authoritarian leader. What depraved ideas are these to now be influencing our leaders in Washington?  The question Ledeen doesn’t answer is:  “Why do the political leaders not suffer from the same shortcomings and where do they obtain their monopoly on wisdom?”

Once this trust is placed in the hands of a powerful leader, this neocon argues that certain tools are permissible to use. For instance: “Lying is central to the survival of nations and to the success of great enterprises, because if our enemies can count on the reliability of everything you say, your vulnerability is enormously increased.” What about the effects of lying on one’s own people? Who cares if a leader can fool the enemy? Does calling it “strategic deception” make lying morally justifiable? Ledeen and Machiavelli argue that it does, as long as the survivability of the state is at stake. Preserving the state is their goal, even if the personal liberty of all individuals has to be suspended or canceled.

Ledeen makes it clear that war is necessary to establish national boundaries—because that’s the way it’s always been done. Who needs progress of the human race! He explains:

“Look at the map of the world: national boundaries have not been drawn by peaceful men leading lives of spiritual contemplation. National boundaries have been established by war, and national character has been shaped by struggle, most often bloody struggle.”

Yes, but who is to lead the charge and decide which borders we are to fight for? What about borders 6,000 miles away unrelated to our own contiguous borders and our own national security? Stating a relative truism regarding the frequency of war throughout history should hardly be the moral justification for expanding the concept of war to settle man’s disputes. How can one call this progress?

Machiavelli, Ledeen and the neocons recognized a need to generate a religious zeal for promoting the state. This, he claims, is especially necessary when force is used to promote an agenda. It’s been true throughout history and remains true today, each side of major conflicts invokes God’s approval. Our side refers to a “crusade;” theirs to a “holy Jihad.” Too often wars boil down to their god against our God. It seems this principle is more a cynical effort to gain approval from the masses, especially those most likely to be killed for the sake of the war promoters on both sides who have power, prestige and wealth at stake.

Ledeen explains why God must always be on the side of advocates of war: “Without fear of God, no state can last long, for the dread of eternal damnation keeps men in line, causes them to honor their promises, and inspires them to risk their lives for the common good.” It seems dying for the common good has gained a higher moral status than eternal salvation of one’s soul. Ledeen adds:

“Without fear of punishment, men will not obey laws that force them to act contrary to their passions. Without fear of arms, the state cannot enforce the laws…to this end, Machiavelli wants leaders to make the state spectacular.”

It’s of interest to note that some large Christian denominations have joined the neoconservatives in promoting preemptive war, while completely ignoring the Christian doctrine of a Just War. The neocons sought and openly welcomed their support.

I’d like someone to glean anything from what the Founders said or placed in the Constitution that agrees with this now-professed doctrine of a “spectacular” state promoted by those who now have so much influence on our policies here at home and abroad. Ledeen argues that this religious element, this fear of God, is needed for discipline of those who may be hesitant to sacrifice their lives for the good of the “spectacular state.”

He explains in eerie terms: “Dying for one’s country doesn’t come naturally. Modern armies, raised from the populace, must be inspired, motivated, indoctrinated. Religion is central to the military enterprise, for men are more likely to risk their lives if they believe they will be rewarded forever after for serving their country.” This is an admonition that might just as well have been given by Osama bin Laden, in rallying his troops to sacrifice their lives to kill the invading infidels, as by our intellectuals at the AEI, who greatly influence our foreign policy.

Neocons—anxious for the U.S. to use force to realign the boundaries and change regimes in the Middle East—clearly understand the benefit of a galvanizing and emotional event to rally the people to their cause. Without a special event, they realized the difficulty in selling their policy of preemptive war where our own military personnel would be killed. Whether it was the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, or the Maine, all served their purpose in promoting a war that was sought by our leaders.

Ledeen writes of a fortuitous event (1999):

…of course, we can always get lucky. Stunning events from outside can providentially awaken the enterprise from its growing torpor, and demonstrate the need for reversal, as the devastating Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 so effectively aroused the U.S. from its soothing dreams of permanent neutrality.

Amazingly, Ledeen calls Pearl Harbor a “lucky” event.  The Project for a New American Century, as recently as September 2000, likewise, foresaw the need for “a Pearl Harbor event” that would galvanize the American people to support their ambitious plans to ensure political and economic domination of the world, while strangling any potential “rival.”

Recognizing a “need” for a Pearl Harbor event, and referring to Pearl Harbor as being “lucky” are not identical to support and knowledge of such an event, but this sympathy for a galvanizing event, as 9-11 turned out to be, was used to promote an agenda that strict constitutionalists and devotees of the Founders of this nation find appalling is indeed disturbing. After 9-11, Rumsfeld and others argued for an immediate attack on Iraq, even though it was not implicated in the attacks.

The fact that neo-conservatives ridicule those who firmly believe that U.S. interests and world peace would best be served by a policy of neutrality and avoiding foreign entanglements should not go unchallenged. Not to do so is to condone their grandiose plans for American world hegemony.

The current attention given neocons is usually done in the context of foreign policy. But there’s more to what’s going on today than just the tremendous influence the neocons have on our new policy of preemptive war with a goal of empire. Our government is now being moved by several ideas that come together in what I call “neoconism.” The foreign policy is being openly debated, even if its implications are not fully understood by many who support it. Washington is now driven by old views brought together in a new package.

We know those who lead us—both in the administration and in Congress—show no appetite to challenge the tax or monetary systems that do so much damage to our economy. The IRS and the Federal Reserve are off limits for criticism or reform. There’s no resistance to spending, either domestic or foreign. Debt is not seen as a problem. The supply-siders won on this issue, and now many conservatives readily endorse deficit spending.

There’s no serious opposition to the expanding welfare state, with rapid growth of the education, agriculture and medical-care bureaucracy. Support for labor unions and protectionism are not uncommon. Civil liberties are easily sacrificed in the post 9-11 atmosphere prevailing in Washington. Privacy issues are of little concern, except for a few members of Congress. Foreign aid and internationalism—in spite of some healthy criticism of the UN and growing concerns for our national sovereignty—are  championed on both sides of the aisle. Lip service is given to the free market and free trade, yet the entire economy is run by special-interest legislation favoring big business, big labor and, especially, big money.

Instead of the “end of history,” we are now experiencing the end of a vocal limited-government movement in our nation’s capital. While most conservatives no longer defend balanced budgets and reduced spending, most liberals have grown lazy in defending civil liberties and now are approving wars that we initiate. The so-called “third way” has arrived and, sadly, it has taken the worst of what the conservatives and liberals have to offer. The people are less well off for it, while liberty languishes as a result.

Neocons enthusiastically embrace the Department of Education and national testing. Both parties overwhelmingly support the huge commitment to a new prescription drug program. Their devotion to the new approach called “compassionate conservatism” has lured many conservatives into supporting programs for expanding the federal role in welfare and in church charities. The faith-based initiative is a neocon project, yet it only repackages and expands the liberal notion of welfare. The intellectuals who promoted these initiatives were neocons, but there’s nothing conservative about expanding the federal government’s role in welfare.

The supply-siders’ policy of low-marginal tax rates has been incorporated into neoconism, as well as their support for easy money and generous monetary inflation. Neoconservatives are disinterested in the gold standard and even ignore the supply-siders’ argument for a phony gold standard.

Is it any wonder that federal government spending is growing at a rate faster than in any time in the past 35 years?

Power, politics and privilege prevail over the rule of law, liberty, justice and peace. But it does not need to be that way. Neoconism has brought together many old ideas about how government should rule the people. It may have modernized its appeal and packaging, but authoritarian rule is authoritarian rule, regardless of the humanitarian overtones. A solution can only come after the current ideology driving our government policies is replaced with a more positive one. In a historical context, liberty is a modern idea and must once again regain the high moral ground for civilization to advance. Restating the old justifications for war, people control and a benevolent state will not suffice. It cannot eliminate the shortcomings that always occur when the state assumes authority over others and when the will of one nation is forced on another—whether or not it is done with good intentions.

I realize that all conservatives are not neoconservatives, and all neocons don’t necessarily agree on all points—which means that in spite of their tremendous influence, most Members of Congress and those in the administration do not necessarily take their marching orders from the AEI or Richard Perle. But to use this as a reason to ignore what neoconservative leaders believe, write about it and agitate for—with amazing success I might point out—would be at our own peril. This country still allows open discourse—though less everyday—and we who disagree should push the discussion and expose those who drive our policies. It is getting more difficult to get  fair and balanced discussion on the issues, because it has become routine for the hegemons to label those who object to preemptive war and domestic surveillance as traitors, unpatriotic and un-American. The uniformity of support for our current foreign policy by major and cable-news networks should concern every American. We should all be thankful for CSPAN and the internet.

Michael Ledeen and other neoconservatives are already lobbying for war against Iran. Ledeen is pretty nasty to those who call for a calmer, reasoned approach by calling those who are not ready for war “cowards and appeasers of tyrants.” Because some urge a less militaristic approach to dealing with Iran, he claims they are betraying America’s best “traditions.” I wonder where he learned early American history! It’s obvious that Ledeen doesn’t consider the Founders and the Constitution part of our best traditions. We were hardly encouraged by the American revolutionaries to pursue an American empire. We were, however, urged to keep the Republic they so painstakingly designed.

If the neoconservatives retain control of the conservative, limited-government movement in Washington, the ideas, once championed by conservatives, of limiting the size and scope of government will be a long-forgotten dream.

The believers in liberty ought not deceive themselves. Who should be satisfied? Certainly not conservatives, for there is no conservative movement left. How could liberals be satisfied? They are pleased with the centralization of education and medical programs in Washington and support many of the administration’s proposals. But none should be pleased with the steady attack on the civil liberties of all American citizens and the now-accepted consensus that preemptive war—for almost any reason—is an acceptable policy for dealing with all the conflicts and problems of the world.

In spite of the deteriorating conditions in Washington—with loss of personal liberty, a weak economy, exploding deficits, and perpetual war, followed by nation building—there are still quite a number of us who would relish the opportunity to improve things, in one way or another. Certainly, a growing number of frustrated Americans, from both the right and the left, are getting anxious to see this Congress do a better job. But first, Congress must stop doing a bad job.

We’re at the point where we need a call to arms, both here in Washington and across the country. I’m not talking about firearms. Those of us who care need to raise both arms and face our palms out and begin waving and shouting: Stop! Enough is enough! It should include liberals, conservatives and independents. We’re all getting a bum rap from politicians who are pushed by polls and controlled by special-interest money.

One thing is certain, no matter how morally justified the programs and policies seem, the ability to finance all the guns and butter being promised is limited, and those limits are becoming more apparent every day.

Spending, borrowing and printing money cannot be the road to prosperity. It hasn’t worked in Japan, and it isn’t working here either. As a matter of fact, it’s never worked anytime throughout history. A point is always reached where government planning, spending and inflation run out of steam. Instead of these old tools reviving an economy, as they do in the early stages of economic interventionism, they eventually become the problem. Both sides of the political spectrum must one day realize that limitless government intrusion in the economy, in our personal lives and in the affairs of other nations cannot serve the best interests of America. This is not a conservative problem, nor is it a liberal problem—it’s a government intrusion problem that comes from both groups, albeit for different reasons. The problems emanate from both camps that champion different programs for different reasons. The solution will come when both groups realize that it’s not merely a single-party problem, or just a liberal or just a conservative problem.

Once enough of us decide we’ve had enough of all these so-called good things that the government is always promising—or more likely, when the country is broke and the government is unable to fulfill its promises to the people—we can start a serious discussion on the proper role for government in a free society. Unfortunately, it will be some time before Congress gets the message that the people are demanding true reform. This requires that those responsible for today’s problems are exposed and their philosophy of pervasive government intrusion is rejected.

Let it not be said that no one cared, that no one objected once it’s realized that our liberties and wealth are in jeopardy. A few have, and others will continue to do so, but too many—both in and out of government—close their eyes to the issue of personal liberty and ignore the fact that endless borrowing to finance endless demands cannot be sustained. True prosperity can only come from a healthy economy and sound money. That can only be achieved in a free society.

[audio/video] Economic Hit Man, John Perkins: Paid Professionals who Cheat Countries Out of Trillions

John Perkins is one of the guys who helped me see what the US is really doing to others. Very interesting, first-hand info!
– –

[youtube=]Economic Hit Men: Paid Professionals who Cheat Countries Out of Trillions

Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Apr 5, 2012

On the Thursday, April 5 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with John Perkins, author of the New York Times bestseller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Perkins spent the 1970s working as an economic planner for an international consulting firm. In his book he describes how the globalists force the economic hegemony of the banksters, the IMF and World Bank on victim nations in the third world. “Economic hit men are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars,” Perkins writes. He is also the author of The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World and Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded — and What We Need to Do to Remake Them.!/RealAlexJones

All 8 of DemocracyNow’s interviews with key whistleblower, former economic hit man John Perkins — “The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption / How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions / Hoodwinked: Former Economic Hit Man John Perkins Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded — and How to Remake Them / etc.

(video) Bob Fletcher: CIA/Bush Drug Ties & Sonny Bono's Murder

Bob Fletcher was on AJ the other day and had a very interesting story about Bono [second video below]. He claimed Bono had put together a Congressional hearing committee that had real subpoena powers to investigate into CIA drug trafficking.

He said Sonny actually went to Washington thinking he could do good. He quickly realized he was surrounded by crooks, everywhere. He was supposedly devastated to find out about government drug dealing. He apparently had several breakdowns over it.

Bob Fletcher is the one who submitted most of the info in a report to Sonny, as requested by Sonny.

He also mentioned that Sonny was so infurious, that he went out of his way to make sure he had secured real subpoena powers to investigate. Meaning he was going to call, by name, many different high ranking politicians and military personal, that would either have to show up and answer all the questions, or go to prison. He set up the Congressional committee, and he was the head of it, to make sure it didn’t get co-opted.

Sonny had everything set up to move forward. He went on a 10 day vacation, and when he returned he was going to pursue the Government for these crimes. He never made it back though….. (source)

• • •


Alex starts by talking about his small beginnings in how Bob Fletcher
helped mold him into the broadcaster he is today
[youtube=]Alex Jones Beginnings

Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Mar 28, 2012

The Meat:

[youtube=]CIA/Bush Drug Ties, Weather Wars & Sonny Bono’s Murder with Author Bob Fletcher

Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Mar 28, 2012

On this, the Wednesday, March 28 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with investigator Bob Fletcher about weather weapons. Fletcher was interviewed during the Iran-Contra hearings and was a deposed witness for the Christic Institute’s 24 million dollar legal proceedings against the Iran-Contra lineup. He is a founding member of the Militia of Montana.!/RealAlexJones

The Cover-up of Sonny Bono’s Murder and Censorship by YouTube
Bob Fletcher’s comments at: Tomorrow (5/11) on ‘Coast’: “Bob Fletcher will talk about Sonny Bono’s mysterious death” (First Hour)
The Cover-up of Sonny Bono’s Murder, by David Martin
Congressman Sonny Bono Didn’t Ski Into a Tree—Was About to Expose Top Officials
[DVD] Destiny Denied: The Murder of Congressman Sonny Bono

[video] Schooled to be Stupid: As In Germany So In U.S.A. — How government-run schooling contributed to the rise of socialism, imperialism and eventually fascism in Germany between the 1890s and 1940s.

[youtube=]SCHOOL SUCKS: The American Way

Uploaded by  on Feb 17, 2012

Don’t let the title fool you. This video is actually about how government-run schooling contributed to the rise of socialism, imperialism and eventually fascism in Germany between the 1890s and 1940s.

Critical Thinking Question:
In school we are led to believe that we are all living in an ideal vision of what society should be…
But who’s vision is it?
And what were their ideals?

Based on podcast 025: The Way

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Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran — Blowback and Whopping Price Inflation!

From: Infowars

Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran

Brandon Smith
February 20, 2012

Let’s be honest, quite a few Americans love a good war, especially those Americans who have never had to bear witness to one first hand.  War is the ultimate tribally vicarious experience.  Anyone, even pudgy armchair generals with deep-seated feelings of personal inadequacy, can revel in the victories and actions of armies a half a world away as if they themselves stood on the front lines risking possible annihilation at the hands of dastardly cartoon-land “evil doers”.  They may have never done a single worthwhile thing in their lives, but at least they can bask in the perceived glory of their country’s military might.

This attitude of swollen ego through proxy is not limited to the “Right” side of the political spectrum….

I could, indeed, point out how in 1953 the U.S. and Britain overthrew the democratically elected leader of Iran, Mohammad Mossaddegh, because he refused to allow global corporate interests to exploit his country’s oil resources.  I could outline how the forced CIA installation of the Shah in Iran and the creation of his secret police led to the torture and murder of thousands of innocent people.  I could list similar covert activities over the past 100 years or so, in countries all over the world, which have created the now universal disdain the third world has for the U.S. government. …

I could try to clear the air by reminding the uninformed that Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta recently admitted that Iran has no nuclear weapons capability.  And, that this fact was repeated by an Iranian nuclear scientist, Sharhram Amiri, who defected to the U.S. in 2010 with the help of the CIA in the hopes that he could be used to disseminate propaganda on “secret” nuclear weapons programs in his former homeland.  Instead, he only reinforced the assertion that there are no such programs: …

In 2006, during the last major Iran war scare, experts predicted gasoline price increases in excess of $10 a gallon if Iran was invaded.

This would devastate the U.S. economy, which is already hanging by a thin thread.  Iran has announced this past weekend it will cease all oil shipments to Britain and France in protest of their support of economic sanctions.  This alone is causing oil to spike today.  A global energy crisis will financially decimate average citizens who will have their savings sapped by extreme price inflation, not just in gasoline, but in all goods that require the use of gasoline in their production and shipping.

Entire Article Here

[video] Judge Napolitano: Abraham Lincoln was a Tyrant!

[youtube=]Abraham Lincoln was a Tyrant!

Uploaded by  on Jul 24, 2010

Daily News @ http://RevolutionNews.US ~ Judge Napolitano included a chapter entitled “Dishonest Abe” in his brilliant book, The Constitution in Exile. Judge Napolitano is a very busy man, hosting a radio show as well as appearing on television, making speeches all around the country, writing books, and practicing law — in addition to (hopefully) having a private family life. Since I am a big fan of his writing I thought I would try to pique our readers’ interest in what the judge has to say on this subject.

The first two sentences of the “Dishonest Abe” chapter of The Constitution in Exile are hard hitting: “The Abraham Lincoln of legend is an honest man who freed the slaves and saved the Union. Few things could be more misleading.” He then goes on to say exactly what Ron Paul told the Washington Post, and which seemed to mystify and confuse Tim Russert in his “Meet the Press” interview with Congressman Paul: “In order to increase his federalist vision of centralized power, ‘Honest’ Abe misled the nation into an unnecessary war. He claimed that the war was about emancipating slaves, but he could have simply paid slave owners to free their slaves .

. . . The bloodiest war in American history could have been avoided.” And, as Ron Paul would likely add, all the other countries of the world that ended slavery in the nineteenth century, including Britain, Spain, France, Denmark, the Dutch, did so without a war. This, by the way, included the Northern states in the U.S. There were no “civil wars” to free the slaves in Massachusetts, New York (where slavery existed for over 200 years), or Illinois.

Lincoln’s “actions were unconstitutional and he knew it,” writes Napolitano, for “the rights of the states to secede from the Union . . . [are] clearly implicit in the Constitution, since it was the states that ratified the Constitution . . .” Lincoln’s view “was a far departure from the approach of Thomas Jefferson, who recognized states’ rights above those of the Union.” Judge Napolitano also reminds his readers that the issue of using force to keep a state in the union was in fact debated — and rejected — at the Constitutional Convention as part of the “Virginia Plan.”

Read the rest at:

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

— Thomas Jefferson

[video] Charlotte Iserbyt: More on What Really Happened to Education – Life in America Under Agenda 21 — Rick Warren infiltrated every evangelical church and trained them for 'outcomes based,' 'purpose driven,' 'school to work.' — "C.S. Lewis said, 'when we give up on education and we move towards training, civilization dies.'"

“…Rick Warren, the big management guru came in and he infiltrated every single evangelical church in this country, just about, and has trained them for outcomes based, purpose driven — in that philosophy — which is ‘school to work’….”

“As C.S. Lewis said, “when we give up on education and we move towards training, civilization dies.”

“I am absolutely devastated by the fact that the conservative movement is equally responsible, if not more — in a way more — because nobody suspected them.

This is what’s the tragedy to me. I’ve spent 40 years now, and I trusted all these people. And they may not all be so bad, but they won’t tell the truth. If you tell the truth you’re on the you-know-what list. And they’re not telling the truth because they want to keep their organizations going, keep funding coming in. And that makes me sick, because it’s our children’s futures.”

“We’re developing people that are totally dependent upon rewards for doing what the government wants.”

Quoting George Orwell: “Once it’s gone. Once we’ve lost this freedom, that’s the end …that’s it … and it won’t come back!”

– Charlotte Isberty

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Life in America Under Agenda 21 with whistleblower Charlotte Iserbyt 1/4

Uploaded by  on Feb 13, 2012

Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America’s classrooms.

Iserbyt is a former school board director in Camden, Maine and was co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the American Red Cross on Guam and Japan during the Korean War, and in the United States Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Republic of South Africa.

Iserbyt is a speaker and writer, best known for her 1985 booklet Back to Basics Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum and her 1989 pamphlet Soviets in the Classroom: America’s Latest Education Fad which covered the details of the U.S.-Soviet and Carnegie-Soviet Education Agreements which remain in effect to this day. She is a freelance writer and has had articles published in Human Events, The Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News, and included in the record of Congressional hearings.

[ audio ] Charlotte Iserbyt, author of “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”: How public education was deliberately programmed to destroy America’s conscience — The ‘Christian’ community stopped helping Charlotte fight behavioral operant conditioning of our children’s minds. “You cannot give up!”
[EXCELLENT 75-minute video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America — Charlotte found documents that show the federal government and tax exempt foundations have been changing the education system from fundamental academic study to what amounts to operant conditioning dog training to bring us into the Marxist one-world government system!
Charlotte Iserbyt: Skull & Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed | More on the Secret History of Western Education & Psychology!
[IMPORTANT! 74-minute, real history video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Secret History of Western Education — The Scientific Destruction of Minds
Charlotte Iserbyt: Secret Beginnings of Skull & Bones. Charlotte’s father was a skull — as are the Bushes
Charlotte Iserbyt: Federalizing and Corporatizing All of The Schools
(video) Charlotte Iserbyt: MIND CONTROL in PUBLIC SCHOOLS — CHARTER schools even worse than regular public schools • School CHOICE? If PRIVATE schools take just one penny they’re done • “OUTCOME-BASED education is the Soviet system” • FED-programmed COMPUTERS override independent, local teachers • MINORITIES targeted first • ‘HERITAGE’ Foundation isn’t doing God’s work
Norman Dodd: Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations INTENTIONALLY ALTERED AMERICAN HISTORY in Order to Merge America Into a Monopoly They Control
Patrick Buchanan: The Dumbing-Down of America — “Is our children learning?” George W. Bush so famously asked. Well, no, they is not learning…

[ audio ] Dr. Stanley Monteith: The Devil's Game – Spiritual forces behind these globalist wars – British MI6 founded the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928

[youtube=]The Devil’s Game: MI6, CIA Run The Muslim Brotherhood – Dr. Stan Monteith Reports 1/2

Uploaded by  on Feb 7, 2012

On the Tuesday, February 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex announces a key terror alert with specific threats. He also talks with retired orthopedic surgeon, author, and radio talk show host Stan Monteith. Alex and Mr. Monteith talk about the impending attack on Iran and the distinct possibility the conflict will turn into World War III. Stan Monteith is the author of several books, including AIDS: the Unnecessary Epidemic, Hidden Agenda: The Fluoride Deception and Iraq: the Untold Story.


[video] Fritz Springmeier: The Inner Workings of Secret Societies — LOVE LIFE, people! LOVE REALITY! Don't allow their traumas beat you down!

My heavenly Father just reminded me of
what my dad used to say:

“Run to the roar!”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

– –


Don’t allow their traumas beat you down!

* * *

It’s really a magic trick. These guys are magicians. ‘Watch my hand over here….’ We’re all distracted with the bread and circus here, meanwhile, they carry out reality over here.”

* * *

“I encourage everybody to love life, to love reality. Don’t let them traumatize you to the point where you give up on reality and take one of these alternatives, like spending the rest of your life in front of the boob tube, or turning to drugs, or all of the other crazy alternatives to check out from reality.

Love life, people! That right there would make a big difference if people would not allow the traumas that they inflict upon us to beat us down.”

– Fritz Springmeier

* * *

[youtube=]The Inner Workings of Secret Societies with Fritz Springmeier 1/3

Uploaded by  on Feb 3, 2012

Fritz Springmeier joins the program again to expose the frontmen of the Illuminati, and the bloodlines behind the powers that rule our world. Alex and Fritz discuss the deep and secretive history of the elite’s occultic system. The information Springmeier had revealed was clearly a threat to the establishment. He is now free from prison after serving years on a trumped up charges. Springmeier’s seminal work, Bloodlines of the Illuminati, is back in print and available at after years of being unavailable and difficult to find.


[ audio ] Ray McGovern: CIA/Mossad covert ops thwarted the nuclear safeguard Iran was implementing — Once again, America is creating the best enemies money can buy!

Gets good at the end of part 1

[youtube=]A Betrayal of The Founders 1/3

Uploaded by on Jan 17, 2012

On the Tuesday, January 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with retired CIA officer and founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, Ray McGovern, about Israel and the coming war with Iran. McGovern delivered daily security briefs for Reagan, Vice President George H.W. Bush, the National Security Advisor, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Cabinet.

By Ray McGovern

President Barack Obama desecrated the Constitution that he and I swore to defend when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, which includes language violating the Bill of Rights and other constitutionally protected liberties.

The NDAA affirms that the president has the authority to use the Armed Forces to detain any person “who was part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners.”

George Washington crossing the Delaware, in Emanuel Leutze’s iconic (though historically inaccurate) painting
Under the law, the president also may lock up anyone who commits a “belligerent act” against the U.S. or its coalition allies “without trial, until the end of the hostilities.” The law embraces the notion that the U.S. military can be used even domestically to arrest an American citizen or anyone else who falls under such suspicion — and it is “suspicion” because a trial can be avoided indefinitely.

Yes, I know that the Obama administration’s allies got some wording put in to say that “nothing in this section is intended to limit or expand the authority of the President or the scope of the [2001] Authorization for Use of Military Force,” nor shall the NDAA “be construed to affect existing law or authorities relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States, or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.”

And there were some waivers stuck in to give the president discretion over whether to send someone into the gulag of the Military Commissions system possibly for the rest of a detainee’s life, given the indefinite nature of what was formerly called the “war on terror” and what the Pentagon has dubbed the Long War.

It’s true as well that after signing the NDAA on New Year’s Eve, President Obama engaged in some handwringing. He expressed “serious reservations” about some of the law’s provisions and declared, “I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens.” He added that he would interpret the law “in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law.”

But those who hoped that Barack Obama, the onetime constitutional law professor, would begin rolling back the aggressive assault on civil liberties that President George W. Bush began after the 9/11 attacks must be sorely disappointed.

Those existing laws — including the original post-9/11 use-of-military-force authorization and the Military Commissions Act passed in 2006 and modified in 2009 — opened the door for presidents to declare anyone of their choice, American citizen or non-citizen alike, an “enemy combatant” and to subject the person to military prison or even assassination.

Just think of U.S. citizens Jose Padilla (who was tossed into the Navy Brig in Charleston, South Carolina, for years) and Anwar al-Awlaki (who was murdered in a drone attack in Yemen in 2011). So, it’s not especially reassuring that President Obama insists that the new law doesn’t dramatically worsen the decade-long erosion of constitutional rights.




Defense Secretary Panetta admits Iran NOT developing nukes: “Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No.” — And they call Ron Paul’s foreign policy ‘insane’ while they pressure Iran with sanctions that could cut off all middle east oil!

(video) Charlotte Iserbyt, author of “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”: How public education was deliberately programmed to destroy America’s conscience — The ‘Christian’ community stopped helping Charlotte fight behavioral operant conditioning of our children’s minds. “You cannot give up!”

Free book:

* * *

“If someone calls you a kook, thank them, and say,
‘you know, you’ve put me in really good company.
I’m in with Solzenitzen;
I’m in with all these great people who fought for freedom.'”

“We’re ‘crazy’ because we think.”

– Charlotte Izerbyt

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

[youtube=]America on The Road to Total Destruction with Author Charlotte Iserbyt 1/4

Uploaded by on Jan 6, 2012

On this Friday, January 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Charlotte Iserbyt, who served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and improvement at the Department of Education during the Reagan years. During her stint there, she blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America’s classrooms. She subsequently wrote and compiled the deliberate dumbing down of america, a chronological history of the past one hundred plus years of education reform. A new version of Iserbyt’s book is now available at the Infowars store.

[ The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: Revised and Abridged ]…





[EXCELLENT 75-minute video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America — Charlotte found documents that show the federal government and tax exempt foundations have been changing the education system from fundamental academic study to what amounts to operant conditioning dog training to bring us into the Marxist one-world government system!

Charlotte Iserbyt: Skull & Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed | More on the Secret History of Western Education & Psychology!

[IMPORTANT! 74-minute, real history video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Secret History of Western Education — The Scientific Destruction of Minds

Charlotte Iserbyt: Secret Beginnings of Skull & Bones. Charlotte’s father was a skull — as are the Bushes

Charlotte Iserbyt: Federalizing and Corporatizing All of The Schools

(video) Charlotte Iserbyt: MIND CONTROL in PUBLIC SCHOOLS — CHARTER schools even worse than regular public schools • School CHOICE? If PRIVATE schools take just one penny they’re done • “OUTCOME-BASED education is the Soviet system” • FED-programmed COMPUTERS override independent, local teachers • MINORITIES targeted first • ‘HERITAGE’ Foundation isn’t doing God’s work

Norman Dodd: Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations INTENTIONALLY ALTERED AMERICAN HISTORY in Order to Merge America Into a Monopoly They Control

Patrick Buchanan: The Dumbing-Down of America — “Is our children learning?” George W. Bush so famously asked. Well, no, they is not learning…

[video] Rick Steves’ Lectures: IRAN Personal Impressions — A fascinating, honest, non-whitewashed slide show

This isn’t quite as positive-only-encouragement as was “Rick Steve’s Iran,” linked below. This is the real deal, warts and all.

VERY interesting — as if you’re there in the auditorium with him!

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[youtube=]Rick Steves’ Lectures: Iran

Uploaded by on Nov 9, 2009

In addition to being the host of public television and radio travel programs and the author of over 30 travel books, Rick Steves is an active and charismatic lecturer. In the Rick Steves’ Lecture Series you’ll travel with Rick across the United States as he speaks on topics ranging from European Travel Skills to Travel as a Political Act.


[Thought provoking video] Rick Steve’s Iran: The average Iranian does not hate us though we’re taught to hate them

[Truth-about-war music video] Images of Iran and “Peace Train,” sung by Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)

Mark Dice on The Alex Jones Show: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True — THEY WANT US TO HATE. Part of this show is to enlighten ourselves into the truth so we can become more loving people.

[IMPORTANT real-history video] Stanley Monteith interviews Antony Sutton: “The Best Enemies Money Can Buy” – Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler and the Soviet Union

Dr. Stan is one of my heroes. I consider him ‘a national treasure!’ And I am blessed to have been able to discuss spirituality with him in his living room:

At the Monteith’s

Dr. Stan’s work deserves a lot more attention from the Christian community and from Americans in general.

– jeff

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From part 6 of this video:

The true objective of what’s going on today is the establishment of a one-world government, a new-world-economic order, and a new-world spirituality.

And behind everything that is transpiring today are dark and sinister, spiritual forces. Indeed, we are engaged in a spiritual battle.

If you read Ephesians 6:12, you’ll find this reference:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Ladies and gentlemen, the forces that control the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderbergers, and the Masonic movement, and the Skull and Bones society, and the Federal Reserve board and the central banks of the world are joined together in a continuity of evil.”

– Dr. Stanley Monteith

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

[youtube=][1 of 6] The Best Enemies Money Can Buy – Dr. Antony Sutton

Uploaded by on Oct 6, 2011

A classic interview by Professor Antony Sutton, who taught economics at California State University, and was a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.

In this talk, Prof. Sutton goes into his impeccable research on how a close-knit group of Western financiers and industrialists (centered around Morgan and Rockefeller in the US, and around Milner and the City financiers, in the UK) created and sustained their three supposed enemies right from the very beginning: Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, and FDR’s Fabian socialism.

Particularly, he goes into how Wall Street/City of London financiers used their banking institutions and their industrial enterprises to:

1) Help finance and sustain the Bolshevik Revolution. Build up Soviet industry during Lenin’s Five-Year Plans, both through finance, technology/industrial transfers and technical assistance. Continue to build the Soviets throughout the entire Cold War, through the same kinds of deals. This included the Korea and the Vietnam eras, during which American troops were being killed by… Western-made Soviet equipment.

2) Build up Nazi Germany, both financially and industrially;

3) Get FDR into power in America as their man, and even draw up the New Deal policies, especially FDR’s National Recovery Act — designed by Gerard Swopes of General Electric and deeply welcomed by Wall Streeters Morgan, Warburg and Rockefeller.

Sutton was not a wild speculator. He was a distinguished academic researcher who documented his conclusions impeccably in his several works. Not being able to counter his research, the establishment (including academia) simply attempts to ignore it, and pretend it isn’t there.

The purpose for these Wall Street policies was very simple: to create, and globalize, what Sutton calls Corporate Socialism. A system under which everything in society is ruled by the state, and the state is, in its stead, controlled by financiers who, hence, get to rule and manage society, to their liking. In other words, to get society to work for the financiers, using a socialist state as an intermediary.

This is what we now know as the globalization economic model. As a result of all the clashes of the 20th century, most notably WWII and the Cold War (fought between powers that were manipulated and controlled by these banker cliques), the world has been ‘globalized’. Meaning that it has been entirely taken over by these financiers, and is ever closer to being completely ruled by them, through not only the national states and national central banking systems, but mainly through supranational agencies and institutions.

Go into Professor Sutton’s books, most notably the Hoover Institute’s series on Western technological/industrial transfers to the Soviets and the ‘Wall Street’ trilogy. If you have a difficulty in purchasing the original books, you’ll find most of them are easily available online, on pdf form.







All 80 of my Dr. Stanley Monteith articles at ToBeFree (latest appear first)

[Real-history video] Antony Sutton: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution

[youtube=]Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution – Antony Sutton

Uploaded by on Oct 17, 2011

A classic interview by Professor Antony Sutton, who taught economics at California State University, and was a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.

Read “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution” here:

[BRILLIANT! Video] Real-Historian G. Edward Griffin: The Collectivist Conspiracy — How “the people of the United States have lost control of their own government” • “As long as we depend upon the phony wrestlers, and depend on their well-paid cheerleaders in the media, to keep us focused on secondary issues, we’re never going to get out of this mess” • “Don’t get trapped in this left/right paradigm”

One of my favorite video posts — explains so much!

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In this exclusive 80 minute video interview, legendary conspiracy author G. Edward Griffin explains how his research, which spans no less than 5 decades, has revealed a banking elite obsessed with enforcing a world government under a collectivist model that will crush individualism and eventually institute martial law as a response to the inevitable backlash that will be generated as a result of a fundamental re-shaping of society. Griffin discusses the similarities between the extreme left and the extreme right in the false political paradigm and how this highlights a recurring theme – collectivism.

Collectivism is the opposite of individualism and believes that the interests of the individual must be sacrificed for the greater good of the greater number, explains Griffin, uniting the doctrines of communism and fascism. Both the Republican and Democrat parties in the United States are committed to advancing collectivism and this is why the same policies are followed no matter who is voted in to the White House.

“All collectivist systems eventually deteriorate into a police state because that’s the only way you can hold it together,” warns Griffin. Carroll Quigley, Georgetown University Professor and mentor to former president Bill Clinton, explained in his books ‘Tragedy and Hope’ and ‘The Anglo-American Establishment,’ how the elite maintained a silent dictatorship while fooling people into thinking they had political freedom, by creating squabbles between the two parties.” (source)

* * *

Edward Griffin quotes

(from this video, transcribed by Jeff Fenske)

“The people of the United States have lost control of their own government.”

“What not to do about it:

is to fall for this left/right paradigm, where both the right wing and the left wing are both pursuing this objective [collectivism], but fighting each other. If we get caught up in that trap we’ll spend all of our time fighting the leftists or the rightists, and it doesn’t make any difference — because no matter which side you’re on in that battle you still are promoting this globalist government strategy.

So the first thing to know is: don’t get trapped in this left/right paradigm.”

The Great Phony Wrestling Match — this is American politics

“They won’t let the American people debate the real issues. They won’t let them even think about the real issues, which are:

• Are we going to keep American sovereignty, or not?

• Are we going to let the Federal Reserve system, which is a banking cartel, continue to run our government, or not? …

As long as we depend upon the phony wrestlers, and depend on their well-paid cheerleaders in the media, to keep us focused on secondary issues, we’re never going to get out of this mess.”

At 1:01:50, Ed describes Glenn Beck as one of the phony wrestlers who plays a role in only fighting the left. “You’ve got to have people who are experts at criticizing the other side.” And then Ed says:

“We have to realize that the Fox News Network is part of the Rupert Murdoch empire. And like so many of the other great media centers, like ABC, CBS, NBC, they’re all in the hands of members of the Council of Foreign Relations. Murdoch, himself is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations. So what does that tell you? It tells you that there is an agenda. These people have an agenda, and they boast of it. It’s not hard to find out what it is. The agenda is world government. The agenda is world government based on the model of collectivism.”

“They’re all bad [the politicians]. They all lie. They all make promises they don’t intend to keep, in fact do not keep.”

* * *

[youtube=]G. Edward Griffin: The Collectivist Conspiracy

Uploaded by on Dec 22, 2011

In this exclusive 80 minute video interview for Prison subscribers, legendary conspiracy author G. Edward Griffin explains how his research, which spans no less than 5 decades, has revealed a banking elite obsessed with enforcing a world government under a collectivist model that will crush individualism and eventually institute martial law as a response to the inevitable backlash that will be generated as a result of a fundamental re-shaping of society.


(video) Wise, Real-historian G. Edward Griffin: Taking America Back — “We have to rediscover our humanity before it’s lost” — Guns won’t work. If Bonhoeffer had successfully killed Hitler, would someone just as bad replaced him?

Hillary Clinton Admits that the CFR Runs the Government — “We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I wont have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think…”

G. Edward Griffin on Corporations and OWS — CORPORATIONS aren’t the problem. It’s the COURTS that gave the RIGHTS OF PEOPLE to the corporations, making the CORPORATIONS, not the PEOPLE within the corporations RESPONSIBLE for their own criminal acts. “If we want to solve the problems of the corporations today, we’ve got to BREAK THAT SHIELD, that barrier that legally PROTECTS the EVILDOERS within corporations.”

G. Edward Griffin: The difference between “free market capitalism” and “corporate monopoly capitalism” — what we have today

Real historian G. Edward Griffin: Universal Serfdom — “This marriage between corporations and government, that’s not CAPITALISM.” The people say ‘let’s occupy Wall Street,’ but then what are they going to do? “We need to GO FORWARD TO WHERE WE WERE 80 years ago.” TRUE CAPITALISM has been gone since WWII. ‘Capitalism’ today isn’t capitalism, no matter what mainstream media says.

Real historian G. Edward Griffin: Universal Serfdom, Part 2 — How the power elite have been using PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION, playing the WAR card especially to bring us all into UNIVERSAL SERFDOM! — The tax exempt Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford Foundations…

[VERY IMPORTANT – 33-minute audio] Real Historian G. Edward Griffin on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/7/11: Exactly why our economy will never recover — Globalist bankster cartel will not give up control. Their ’15-20-year’ transitional plan towards their final one-world-currency goal.

How G. Edward Griffin saw through the matrix 50 years ago, realizing: “Maybe the history I was learning wasn’t entirely accurate?”

[Why Americans Won’t Listen Until It’s Too Late Video] How To Brainwash A Nation: G. Edward Griffin interviews former KGB agent — The 4 BASIC STEPS: Demoralization (“done by Americans to Americans, thanks to lack of moral standards”) > Destabilization (almost completed) > Crisis (the big one) > Normalization (end game) — “A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. He will refuse to believe it until the military boot…”

[movie] Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined — Featuring G. Edward Griffin

G. Edward Griffin (age-78!) in-studio with Alex Jones — Globalists are now openly presenting their world government scheme because people are looking for solutions to the multiple crisis the globalists created: Problem —> Reaction —> Solution

Icon, NWO Historian G. Edward Griffin: The NWO’s Master Plan is Underway! “If you understand the mentality of the criminal mind, then you can see what it is they have planned”

[interview] G. Edward Griffin on Inflation, Politics and the Power Elite — “QUANTITIVE EASING is merely a more sophisticated phrase for creating money out of nothing and pumping it into the economic sectors, wherever they have friends” — “Every election PEOPLE FALL FOR THE SAME TRICK” — “The PENTAGON is winning or ACHIEVING ITS GOAL in Middle East…TO BE THERE FOREVER.” — “All 600 rebellions and REGIME CHANGES could be the result of the CIA”

[Heavy info on Fast and Furious!] Wayne Madsen: Judge Roll & Rep. Gabrielle Giffords were shot for investigating CIA drug running!

Interview starts at 27:30[youtube=]Nightly News for Wednesday, December 14, 2011 – Full Show

Uploaded by on Dec 16, 2011

Alex interviews investigative journalist Wayne Madsen about new information regarding the Arizona Shooting of Giffords and Roll.

Presenting The Three Unscripted Sentences That May Have Cost Jon Corzine His Freedom
MF Global Conspiracy Theory
Housing Bailout
CT mayor wants illegals to vote
Hispanic Bishops
40 Members of Congress Protest Indefinite Detention’ Bill
2012 NH Republican Primary
Newt Gingrich the murdering pot smoker
2012 NH Republican Primary
Eric Holder visits the University of Texas. Darrin McBreen reports from the LBJ library protest


U.S. District Judge John Roll, Five Others Shot Dead; Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Others in Critical Condition

Congressman Sonny Bono Didn’t Ski Into a Tree — Was About to Expose Top Officials Linked to an International Drug and Weapons Ring

[EXCELLENT video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America — Charlotte found documents that show the federal government and tax exempt foundations have been changing the education system from fundamental academic study to what amounts to operant conditioning dog training to bring us into the Marxist one-world government system!

Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the first administration of Ronald Reagan. While working there she discovered a long term strategic plan by the tax exempt foundations to transform America from a nation of rugged individualists and problem solvers to a country of servile, brainwashed minions who simply regurgitate whatever they’re told.

[youtube=]Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America

Uploaded by on Dec 14, 2011


[ audio ] Charlotte Iserbyt, author of “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”: How public education was deliberately programmed to destroy America’s conscience — The ‘Christian’ community stopped helping Charlotte fight behavioral operant conditioning of our children’s minds. “You cannot give up!”

Charlotte Iserbyt: Skull & Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed | More on the Secret History of Western Education & Psychology!

[IMPORTANT! 74-minute, real history video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Secret History of Western Education — The Scientific Destruction of Minds

Charlotte Iserbyt: Secret Beginnings of Skull & Bones. Charlotte’s father was a skull — as are the Bushes

Charlotte Iserbyt: Federalizing and Corporatizing All of The Schools

(video) Charlotte Iserbyt: MIND CONTROL in PUBLIC SCHOOLS — CHARTER schools even worse than regular public schools • School CHOICE? If PRIVATE schools take just one penny they’re done • “OUTCOME-BASED education is the Soviet system” • FED-programmed COMPUTERS override independent, local teachers • MINORITIES targeted first • ‘HERITAGE’ Foundation isn’t doing God’s work

Norman Dodd: Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations INTENTIONALLY ALTERED AMERICAN HISTORY in Order to Merge America Into a Monopoly They Control

Patrick Buchanan: The Dumbing-Down of America — “Is our children learning?” George W. Bush so famously asked. Well, no, they is not learning…

[ video ] Psychiatry: An Industry of Death (FULL VERSION) — The sick real-history and practice of this largely reverse-Christian ‘therapy’ that hides behind science with pseudo scientific lies, but is driven by the love of $$money$$ and something extremely sinister!

[music video, etc.] GREAT song with real history footage | Charlie Chaplin’s NO HATE speech! | peacemaker Ron Paul — What we’ve really done, what we could be and should be!

Excellent, except the evidence for 9/11 doesn’t mainly point to blowback, but rather an inside job, orchestrated from within to bring us into a police state and the one-world government:

Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

Note: the U.S. atrocities shown here are just a tiny percentage of the horrors and overthrows our CIA and military machine have committed covertly. It’s sobering to think of what will happen to US since we haven’t changed course and most still won’t support Ron Paul. That will be BLOWBACK!!

Jesus said:


– jeff

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I’d like to credit “30 Seconds to Mars” for writing an amazing song about peace that inspired me to make this, “Charlie Chaplin” for giving such a beautiful speech with so much passion, and “Ron Paul” for CHANGING the world, as well as all of the other peacemakers who came before him.

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[youtube=]The American War-Machine, A Lesson in Blowback, and The Greatest Speech Ever Written.

Uploaded by on Dec 5, 2011

War must end.

I hope this video opens your eyes, and inspires you.
It took me a few weeks to find all the right pieces, but it paid off in the end. This is the first political video I’ve made. Enjoy. 🙂

Ron Paul Money Bomb December 16th!!!

I’d like to credit “30 Seconds to Mars” for writing an amazing song about peace that inspired me to make this, “Charlie Chaplin” for giving such a beautiful speech with so much passion, and “Ron Paul” for CHANGING the world, as well as all of the other peacemakers who came before him.

[video] Jerome Corsi on Bombing Iran: Through chaos the globalists are creating the world government and Fox News is part of the coverup. Along with war over there will be fighting in the streets here. Some states will secede.



“Order from chaos”

The globalists create the chaos >

people react in fear: “we’ll give up our rights” >

One world government – game over

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[youtube=]Dr. Jerome Corsi: World War 3 is About to Begin! 1/2

Uploaded by on Nov 29, 2011

Author and columnist Jerome Corsi talks about Obama and the orchestrated attacks inside Iran….


War on drugs revealed as total hoax – US military admits to guarding, assisting lucrative opium trade in Afghanistan


War on drugs revealed as total hoax – US military admits to guarding, assisting lucrative opium trade in Afghanistan

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Afghanistan is, by far, the largest grower and exporter of opium in the world today, cultivating a 92 percent market share of the global opium trade. But what may shock many is the fact that the US military has been specifically tasked with guarding Afghan poppy fields, from which opium is derived, in order to protect this multibillion dollar industry that enriches Wall Street, the CIA, MI6, and various other groups that profit big time from this illicit drug trade scheme.

Prior to the tragic events of September 11, 2001, Afghanistan was hardly even a world player in growing poppy, which is used to produce both illegal heroin and pharmaceutical-grade morphine. In fact, the Taliban had been actively destroying poppy fields as part of an effort to rid the country of this harmful plant, as was reported by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on February 16, 2001, in a piece entitled Nation’s opium production virtually wiped out (…).

But after 9/11, the US military-industrial complex quickly invaded Afghanistan and began facilitating the reinstatement of the country’s poppy industry. According to the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP), opium cultivation increased by 657 percent in 2002 after the US military invaded the country under the direction of then-President George W. Bush (…).

CIA responsible for reinstating opium industry in Afghanistan after 9/11

More recently, The New York Times (NYT) reported that the brother of current Afghan President Hamid Karzai had actually been on the payroll of the CIA for at least eight years prior to this information going public in 2009. Ahmed Wali Karzai was a crucial player in reinstating the country’s opium drug trade, known as Golden Crescent, and the CIA had been financing the endeavor behind the scenes (…).

The Golden Crescent drug trade, launched by the CIA in the early 1980s, continues to be protected by US intelligence, in liaison with NATO occupation forces and the British military,” wrote Prof. Michel Chossudovsky in a 2007 report, before it was revealed that Ahmed Wali Karzai was on the CIA payroll. “The proceeds of this lucrative multibillion dollar contraband are deposited in Western banks. Almost the totality of revenues accrue to corporate interests and criminal syndicates outside Afghanistan” (…).

But the mainstream media has been peddling a different story to the American public. FOX News, for instance, aired a propaganda piece back in 2010 claiming that military personnel are having to protect the Afghan poppy fields, rather than destroy them, in order to keep the locals happy and to avoid a potential “security risk” — and FOX News reporter Geraldo Rivera can be heard blatantly lying about poppy farmers being financially supported by the Taliban, rather than the CIA and other foreign interests.

You can watch that clip here:…

So while tens of thousands of Americans continue to be harmed or killed every year by overdoses from drugs originating from this illicit opium trade, and while cultivation of innocuous crops like marijuana and hemp remains illegal in the US, the American military is actively guarding the very poppy fields in Afghanistan that fuel the global drug trade. Something is terribly wrong with this picture.

Sources for this article include:…

[EXCELLENT! 75-minute video] Dr. Nick Begich Sit-down Interview in Alaska: HAARP, Secret Sciences, High Tech Mind Control, Alaska, Congressman Nick Begich Sr.’s Assassination & Cover-up — Much wisdom and many solutions here!

[youtube=]Dr. Nick Begich: HAARP, Secret Sciences & High Tech Mind Control 1/5

Uploaded by on Nov 25, 2011

Dr. Nick Begich has been pursuing independent research in science and politics for most of his adult life. Dr Begich received a doctorate in traditional medicine from the Open International University for Complimentary Medicines in November 2004. Dr. Begich the eldest son of US Congressman Nick Begich Sr. and political activist Pegge Begich.

During this interview conducted by, Dr. Begich talks about many controversial science experiments, including HAARP, Mind Control technology, compartmentalization within the science community, and how these technologies, which might be used for the progress of all mankind, is currently controlled by secret military industrial complex interests putting all of humanity at risk.

Dr. Begich talks about Alaska as a strategic location that can be utilized by the United States as way to stimulate the economy and put America back on the map as the world’s economic leader.

Finally, Dr. Begich spends some time telling us his perspective of the plane crash that killed his father, Congressman Nick Begich sr. and US House Majority leader, Hale Boggs. Dr. Begich recalls out the historical election that faced the U.S. immediately after this tragic plane crash. An almost forgotten event in American history, one that not only changed the course of U.S. history, but the history of the world as well.






All of my Nick Begich posts (latest appear first)

[real history video] “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran?” Listen to how sure they were on Iraqi ‘WMDs’

[youtube=]Democrats on Iraq + WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Destruction)

Uploaded by on May 26, 2008

At one time the Democrats and Republicans agreed on one thing: that Iraq and Saddam Hussein had WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Destruction) and would use them.

[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

Videos and more articles on this important subject are linked at the bottom.

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From: World Affairs Brief

Analysis of Strategic Threats
In the Current Decade
Updated May 2010

By Joel M. Skousen

Editor, World Affairs Brief


Strategic threats are carefully planned threats by predator nations or groups that transcend their own normal sphere of influence and threaten the entire world with conquest and/or control.

In this analysis I will discuss three current strategic world powers, which constitute a premeditated threat to world liberty, and the complex tactical maneuvers between them as they position themselves for the coming, inevitable conflict. Two of these world powers are nations–Russia and China–and the third is a transnational conspiracy of power by a combination of individuals in the West attempting to maneuver the world into a New World Order (NWO) of global control, euphemistically masquerading as a “global democracy.” I will refer to the latter as Western globalists.

All less powerful nations in the world fall under the influence of one of these three powers, either as direct allies, client states for the purchase of arms, and/or diplomatic allies working in collusion to further strategic goals of global hegemony.

There is one further complicating factor, however. The Western globalists are divided into two main factions: a US/British faction firmly in control of the financial means of the NWO, and a European faction of hard-core leftists, secretly aligned with Moscow, which controls the majority of votes in the General Assembly of the UN. I will attempt to describe each of the three power centers, their allies, and what I believe their individual strategy involves.

[real history video] David Icke: The Rothschild Zionist MainFrame — Truth about the USS Liberty; the other side of the “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran” story — Israel is being jacked just like the USA is!

DISCLAIMER: Some less than ideal language herein, and I am 100% pro-Israel. I love Israel, but don’t like much of what they are doing, which is also my heart regarding the U.S.. I personally believe Israel has a right to exist as a nation, and Iran should not have nuclear weapons. But the plan isn’t to remove nuclear weapons, of which there is no hard evidence, the plan is regime change, to take out another country that will oppose the one-world government.

We’re all adults, right? There is a lot of pressure to not look at what is really going on in Israel, but Israel is getting jacked too, just like we are! Can we look at what we’re not being told about Israel and who has hijacked them?

And can we look at the demonization of Iran, who we are now flanking on their left and right as occupiers of Iraq and Afghanistan? Hmmm, but we were told these wars were about 9/11 and weapons of mass destruction.

It’s all been lies!

Now we’re being told the war with Iran that we and Israel must begin is also about weapons of mass destruction, again for which we have no proof. Why should we believe our government when they’ve been caught lying over and over…? Hardly anything they say is true.

We’re adults here. We must look at this stuff at least a little bit.

And please don’t believe Fox News. Owner, Rupert Murdoch is clearly pushing this Rothschild Zionist globalist agenda through these wars. This is not Christian:

[Very HEAVY!] Who is Rupert Murdoch? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.

VERY IMPORTANT!!! 14 Propaganda Techniques Fox “News” Uses to Brainwash Americans — As honest, fair and truly intellectual debate degrades before the eyes of the global media audience, the quality of American democracy degrades along with it

Power to the peaceful.

Grace to the peaceful.


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[youtube=]David Icke 2011 – The Zion MainFrame

Uploaded by on Nov 15, 2011

David Icke 2011 – The Zion MainFrame


The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…

‘Wiped off the Map’ – The Rumor of the Century

[One man’s perspective] Why Ron Paul is being hung out to dry: A not-really-pro-Israel-and-humankind form of Zionism? — With blood on thier hands…

Jeff Fenske: My Perspective on Mostly Real-Historian David Icke…

And Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are being used by Satan to deceive many evangelical ‘Christians’ into falling in step with the globalist, New World Order plans. Evangelical ‘Christians’ are particularly vulnerable to manipulation because they know we are supposed to support Israel. I agree, as does Dr. Stan and Joel Skousen, but David Icke does not. But in what way should we support Israel? A blank check and total support for their numerous inhumane atrocities that they commit along with the CIA? No way. We’re just aiding and abetting bullies who often have evil and revenge in their hearts, and who refuse to get right with God and treat their neighbors with respect. They go WAY BEYOND what is legitimate self defense, which is sadly A-OK for most evangelicals, who also can’t wait for US or Israel to nuke Iran — which is why they refuse to support Ron Paul, the real Christian candidate who believes in war only when it’s just. This isn’t what Jesus has in mind in how we are to pray for and support Israel in positive ways that could bring about real change. This isn’t what Jesus is leading people to do, which gets into the definition of what is a Christian — which I discuss in depth at my other main site, ONEcanhappen. Christians and pastors are supposed to be led by the Holy Spirit. Then they could not be manipulated by the Satanically controlled media.

[video] David Icke in front of the Statue of Liberty (given to US by French Freemasons, as it depicts the illuminati goddess): Thoughts From New York On ‘John Wayne America’ — “Have we been had here? Are we really the good guy, John Wayne, sorting out the bad guys? Or are we just using that program to justify the most outrageous, stomach turning mass murder, that is getting more and more blatant all the time?”

DISCLAIMER: I absolutely agree with David in most of this, but what David calls the “God program,” in how it exists today, I would call the “reverse-Christianity program.” Real Christianity has always been the source of what is great in America, and real Christianity is also the solution to what is invading US.

[I explain this significant spiritual difference that I have with David here: Jeff Fenske: My Perspective on Mostly Real-Historian David Icke…]

And interestingly, if you’re interested, I’ve gotten some prophecies from God, and in one, He talks about the John Wayne mentality that is not the Holy Spirit’s way. You can read it here: Now is the Time to Get Ready, Full of Me


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“Surely it’s time. Surely, before this process is complete, this delusion is complete, that Americans in vast numbers look collectively in the mirror as a nation and say, ‘hold on. Have we been had here? Are we really the good guy, John Wayne, sorting out the bad guys? Or are we just using that program to justify the most outrageous, stomach turning mass murder, that is getting more and more blatant all the time?’

Because until these programs, the God program (what I consider differently as the reverse-Christian program – editor) and the John Wayne program are deleted and dilluted, so many Americans will go on being manipulated to support action that ironically is designed to destroy the country they think they stand for.”

– David Icke

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]David Icke – Thoughts From New York On ‘John Wayne America’

Uploaded by on Nov 19, 2011


[‘Alex the peacemaker’ video] Alex Jones addresses tension between Jesse Ventura and David Icke (This is probably the recent interaction David was referring to in the John Wayne video — “Don’t Navy Seals kill people?” – Icke states)

[ audio ] Real-historian Douglas Dietrich on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ with host John B. Wells 11/13/11: Satanism and pedophilia in the Presidio military base; what we don’t know about WWII and so much more!

From: Coast To Coast AM

WWII Secrets

Date: 11-13-11
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Douglas Dietrich

Host John B. Wells (email) was joined by renegade historian, Douglas Dietrich, for the full 4 hour program. He revealed a variety of information not told to the American public about WWII and subsequent conflicts. As a Defense Dept. research librarian at the Presidio Military Base in San Francisco, he was responsible for incinerating highly classified materials on critical historical topics such as Pearl Harbor, and these documents served as a source for some of the data he shared. “There’s no denying that the world is far different than what we’ve come to understand. Everyone looks on WWII as this good war, this fairy tale war, with a big bang ending,” but it really was more like Viet Nam with aspects lingering for years after 1945, he said, noting that a peace treaty wasn’t signed with Japan until 1951.

… In the first hour, he reported on abuse and Satanism that took place at the Presidio base when he worked there in the 1980s.

Entire Recap Here

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[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – 13.11.2011 – 1/4 – WWII Secrets


Guests: Douglas Dietrich





[ audio – real history ] Douglas Dietrich: Satanism in the US military — Michael Aquino; The Presidio sex scandal; thousands of fragged officers in Vietnam; document destruction to what we have now, where Satanism is no longer fringe

“A lot of men were fragging their own platoon leaders.
And so, in Vietnam, being an officer meant you were in incredible danger.

And so the officer corp, which was primarily Christian, was wiped out in Vietnam,
and it was replaced by a lot of officers who cleaved to the new Satanic fringe,
which in the military is no longer fringe.”

– Douglas Dietrich

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