Freedom from Alaska!

Category: People Page 46 of 62

John B. Wells: “As long as I’m in service to the One Who put me here, I’m good with that — because you’re not leaving here with any cash in your pocket. And leaving here is not the end of it. I’m convinced of this”

Wise words:

“As long as I’m in service to the One Who put me here, I’m good with that — because you’re not leaving here with any cash in your pocket. And leaving here is not the end of it. I’m convinced of this.”

– John B. Wells @ minute-59

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[youtube=]John B. Wells, Dark Side of the Entertainment Industry, Breaking Free From Controlled Media

Leak Project

Leak Project

Published on Feb 25, 2016

This podcast is with one of the most iconic and remarkable personalities in the media today, Mr John B. Wells. Many consider John to have one of the most intoxicating voices in broadcasting and a truly unique approach to investigative journalism. So much in fact Mr Wells was given the keys to the Helm of the Largest Syndicated Conspiracy Radio Program in the World “Coast to Coast” Johns hypersonic rise in popularity, combined with his morals and values didn’t go over well with “Clear Channels” Marquee Conspiracy Radio Program.

John then decided to start his own and was briskly asked to step down as host for Coast to Coast. Now Mr Wells hosts a fantastic program called Caravan to Midnight with guests from across the globe – time and space…..

Check out Johns Interviews and Discussions @

(video) Sylvia Stolz: Courageous Lawyer Imprisoned for Presenting Evidence in the Ernst Zundel ‘Holocaust’ Truth Trial — “It is illegal to deny it in Germany, and that is all that counts in court”

I just listened to a Jeff Rense interview of Ernst Zundel (5/13/10) in which Ernst spoke very highly of Sylvia, imprisoned for 3.5 years for defending her righteous, truth telling client, Ernst Zundel, who was imprisoned for 5 years in Germany (in addition to previous imprisonments in Canada, also for merely telling the truth about the ‘Holocaust’). They’re both magnificent heroes!

She has guts!

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STANDING OVATION @41:00![youtube=]AZK – Sylvia Stolz – Lawyer Who Was Jailed for Presenting Evidence in the Zundel Trial (full)

Justice Germans

Justice Germans
Published on Jan 18, 2013

(English Subs) Sylvia Stolz, a German Lawyer who was jailed for presenting evidence in the defence of her client in the criminal court trial in Germany of so-called holocaust denier Ernst Zundel, tells her story at the AZK (Anti-Zensor-Koalition) Conference in Switzerland, in November 2012. In 2008, she was banned from speaking during the trial, barred from presenting evidence, and criminally charged with contempt of court, and with inciting contempt, and charged under the same section of the German Criminal Code as her client, and subsequently imprisoned for 3 years. She is also barred from practising law.. After giving this presentation in Switzerland, she is now again facing criminal charges, as is the host and organizer of the AZK, Mr. Ivo Sasek.
NOTE: For a translation of the short interview at the very end, please go here (contains C.C.Engl. Subs)…

AKZ Website:…

(3-min audio) James Perloff: Winston Churchill Manipulated by International Bankers & Why He Began Civilian Exterminations from Above

[youtube=]James Perloff Winston Churchill Manipulated by International Bankers

Misty Blazek

HOLOCAUST FAKER EXPLAINS HIMSELF — “Herman and Roma Rosenblat told their false story publicly for more than a decade, but it all fell apart after Holocaust SCHOLARS PROVED it was physically impossible for prisoners to approach the fence at the concentration camp where Herman was kept, and that Roma’s family was actually more than 200 miles away at the time” • “Rosenblat is REMARKABLY UNREPENTANT about his years of lying” • “The GREATEST LOVE STORY we’ve ever told on this show” – OPRAH


“Talmud Encourages Jews to Deceive Non-Jews — “Pretend to rejoice with them in order to hide your hatred” — Talmud denies the Gentile status as a “man,” so they are also excluded from being the Jews’ neighbor

(video) 10 Hard Facts About the Holocaust in 6 Minutes!

All of my Holocaust Real-History Truth articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)

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“Herman and Roma Rosenblat told their false story publicly for more than a decade, but it all fell apart about six weeks ago after Holocaust scholars proved it was physically impossible for prisoners to approach the fence at the concentration camp where Herman was kept, and that Roma’s family was actually more than 200 miles away at the time.” – ABC Host Dan Harris

“Rosenblat is remarkably unrepentant about his years of lying.” – ABC Host Dan Harris

“The greatest love story we’ve ever told on this show.” – Oprah

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

• • •

[youtube=]Holocaust faker explains himself


 Uploaded on Feb 19, 2009

(video) David Duke Responds to CNN – Speaks to Trump & All Americans [Dr. Duke clarified the fact that he left the Klan almost 40 years ago, that his group completely and explicitly rejected violence, that he has acknowledged that his joining the group was a youthful mistake, and that never at any point in his life did he support the supremacy of any race over any other race]

Two videos below:

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Dr. Duke clarified the fact that he left the Klan almost 40 years ago, that his group completely and explicitly rejected violence, that he has acknowledged that his joining the group was a youthful mistake, and that never at any point in his life did he support the supremacy of any race over any other race.

[youtube=]David Duke Responds to CNN – Speaks to Trump & All Americans

David Duke | Published on Feb 28,

Audio of Monday’s show[youtube=]The David Duke Show 2/29/16

Dr. David Duke Exposes the ZioMedia Lies about Himself and Donald Trump. You Can’t Stump the Trump & You Can’t Rebuke the Duke!

Dr. Duke used his show today to address the controversy over his qualified support of Donald Trump for president. Dr. Duke clarified the fact that he left the Klan almost 40 years ago, that his group completely and explicitly rejected violence, that he has acknowledged that his joining the group was a youthful mistake, and that never at any point in his life did he support the supremacy of any race over any other race.

Dr. Duke pointed out that even with this “scandal” of Mr. Trump’s insufficient repudiation of him dominating the news cycle since last Friday, the most recent CNN poll shows that nationwide support for Trump has surged to new highs. Dr. Slattery joined the show and pointed out that Trump alone is calling for an improved relationship with Russia via diplomacy, whereas the rest of the candidates are all calling for policies, such as a no-fly zone over Syria, that would lead to World War III if they were actually implemented. He suggested that rather than trying to smear Mr. Trump with a fictionalized caricature of Dr. Duke, the media should actually do their job and have the candidates discuss these crucial issues of war and peace.

This was a show that repudiated the media for abdicating their responsibility to inform rather than to propagandize. It was tremendous and huge and your friends will love it.

mp3 available at:

(audio) Stefan Molyneux’s Deflection of 9/11 & Holocaust Truth | Alt-Media’s Putin Worship – The Martinez Perspective 01/11/16

Stefan Molyneux does some excellent work, but he turns into Mr. Spin on 9/11 and Holocaust truth, all of a sudden saying “facts don’t matter” — discussed at minute-10:00 here.

Many truthers absolutely do idolize Putin, whitewashing anything he does, while being appropriately skeptical of those in our own government.

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Originally posted at

The Martinez Perspective (01/11/16): Ziocon Infiltration of Alt-Media & Putin Worship

Brandon Martinez

Brandon Martinez

Published on Jan 11, 2016

I talk about the disinfo tactics of Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux as well as some issues involving Russia and Putin worship in alt-media.

Molyneux’s deflection of Holocaust truth:…

Molyneux’s deflection of 9/11 truth:…


(video) Stefan Molyneux admits he’s Jewish. Stefan Molyneux is a Jew! (Christopher Bollyn has proven they were the architects of 9/11 & they protect the Holocaust sympathy card at all costs)

(audio) Pearse Redmond & Ed Opperman: Jeffrey Epstein & Donald Trump — Oj Simpson theories, TOR (alternative internet)

At the end, it’s clear that Pears and Ed don’t understand the significance of German real-history; otherwise, pretty good.

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Donald Trump covered during these minutes:






1.09:55-1.18 Trump and Roger Stone

[youtube=]Pearse Redmond : Porkins Policy – Jeffrey Epstein Updates _ OJ Simpson Theories – TOR

Ed Opperman 

Ed Opperman

Published on Jan 1, 2016

Pearse Redmond is an independent researcher and podcast producer who hails from New York City. He is the host of Porkins Policy Radio, and also the co-host, with Christoph Germann, of Porkins Great Game, as well as producer of The CIA and Hollywood , which he co-hosts with Tom Secker. His podcasts address a variety of topics, and frequently focus on the geopolitics of Central Asia and the Caucacus region, and the complex relationship between the entertainment industry and the national security state. Pearse holds a B.A. in Political Science (with a concentration in the Middle East and South Asia) from Purchase College


Pearse Redmond is an independent researcher and podcast producer who hails from New York City. He is the host of Porkins Policy Radio, and also the co-host, with Christoph Germann, of Porkins Great Game, as well as producer of The CIA and Hollywood , which he co-hosts with Tom Secker. His podcasts address a variety of topics, and frequently focus on the geopolitics of Central Asia and the Caucacus region, and the complex relationship between the entertainment industry and the national security state. Pearse holds a B.A. in Political Science (with a concentration in the Middle East and South Asia) from Purchase College.

(video) Bradley Smith Interview Dec 2015 — Millions learned about Holocaust revisionism and the scholarly debate on this chapter of history through his efforts!


Bradley R. Smith in Memoriam — Millions learned about Holocaust revisionism and the scholarly debate on this chapter of history through his efforts!

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[youtube=]Bradley Smith interview Dec 2015

Extraordinary Revisionists

Bradley R. Smith in Memoriam — Millions learned about Holocaust revisionism and the scholarly debate on this chapter of history through his efforts!


Bradley R. Smith in Memoriam

FEBRUARY 24, 2016

By Richard A. Widmann

Bradley R. Smith was born to a working-class family in South Central Los Angeles on February 18, 1930, where the family remained until 1970. He was a good student on occasion, but was more interested in horses than education. At 18 he joined the army and in 1951 served in the 7th Cavalry in Korea where he was twice wounded. It was in the army hospital at Camp Cooke California where he began to write. […]

Then it happened.

In 1979, when Smith was 49 years old, his life changed forever when he read a leaflet by Robert Faurisson, “The Problem of the Gas Chambers.” The story of this life-changing moment is recounted in his autobiographical work, Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist. Smith writes, “I felt stunned, as if Buck Rogers had somehow come down from the 21st century and zapped me with a beam from his ray gun.” It took him three months to digest the core of the revisionist argument. And then he jumped into the struggle. He knew from the beginning that he was going to address the taboo against publishing revisionist arguments, not the arguments themselves. He would be the “Henry Miller” of the revisionists. Not so good as Miller, not so original, but he would do his best.

Through his efforts in the years that followed, millions of Americans learned for the first time about Holocaust revisionism and the scholarly debate on this chapter of history. In the mid-1980s, he published Prima Facie, a newsletter aimed at journalists and editors, quoting their own writings, that focused on cultism, suppression of free inquiry and censorship on the Holocaust issue.

Smith has had a long association with the Institute for Historical Review – as a contributor to their publications, as a speaker at conferences, and, during the late 1980s, as its Media Project director, a role that generated hundreds of radio and television interviews.

Starting in the late 1980s and on through to the present, he has been active as director of the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH), a group dedicated to defending free speech and free inquiry on the Holocaust issue, to encouraging greater public access to revisionist scholarship, and to promoting awareness of the controversy regarding the Holocaust story.

Since 1990, Smith has published a newsletter, Smith’s Report, which reports on his own activities, those of CODOH, and various articles and news stories about revisionists and revisionism around the world.

Smith is perhaps best known for having published several essay-length advertisements calling for open debate on the Holocaust in student newspapers published at colleges and universities across the United States. In the 1991-92 school year, CODOH advertisements or statements appeared in 17 student newspapers, several at major universities. During the 1993-1994 academic year, his ad – headlined “A Revisionist Challenge to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum” – appeared in at least 35 college and university campus papers, as well as one major metropolitan daily. In 1999 and 2000, Smith created a new publication, The Revisionist, a 24 page pulp-stock publication that was distributed free on campus. The January 2000 issue which featured a story on intellectual freedom and book-burning was itself burned on the campus of St. Cloud University. By the end of the 2000-01 academic year, his ads had appeared in more than 350 student papers.

Smith’s campaign generated news reports and commentary in such prominent periodicals as The New York Times and Time magazine, and editorials in The Washington Post, The New York Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the Los Angeles Times.

Deborah Lipstadt, a Jewish academic and a prominent figure in the Holocaust lobby, took aim at Bradley’s efforts in her Denying the Holocaust. One chapter of her book, “The Battle for the Campus,” focuses specifically on Smith’s advertisements. She laments that after seeing the ads many students may assume there is an “other side” [to the Holocaust story.]

Smith has spoken on the subject of intellectual freedom with regard to the Holocaust on more than 400 radio talk shows and news broadcasts, as well as on nationwide television, including an appearance with Michael Shermer (Skeptic Magazine) and David Cole as a guest on the Phil Donahue Show.

Bradley Smith and CODOH were one of the first Holocaust revisionist groups to develop a website in the early ’90s. Since that time he has hosted several sites, blogs, a MySpace page, a Facebook page, and participated in many discussion groups and forums on-line.

He is the author of many articles, and several books. The first, Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist, was praised by Canadian journalist Doug Collins as “fascinating” and as an “amusing walk through the valley of the shadow of doubt.”

Smith’s Break His Bones: The Private Life of a Holocaust Revisionist, is a witty and thoughtful 315-page memoir published in 2002 that looks back on the challenges, disappointments and joys of his years-long battle against taboo and censorship. Break His Bones details the organized campaign to suppress free speech and intellectual freedom on the Holocaust issue, showing how skeptics are blacklisted, and their works banned. Smith provided a human face for the much-maligned “Holocaust deniers.” “It might be said,” he wrote, that Break His Bones “is an exercise revealing the subjective life of a thought criminal.”

In December 2006, Smith was invited and delivered a talk to an international delegation at the Tehran Holocaust Conference, “The Irrational Vocabulary of the American Professorial Class with Regard to the Holocaust Question.”

In 2008, Nine-Banded Books published this third book, The Man Who Saw His Own Liver. Liver was conceived and written as a one-act play. It was performed in Los Angeles in 1983, under the title The Man Who Stopped Paying. A review of the performance labeled Smith “an anarchist libertarian.”

Six years later, in 2014 Smith published a collection of his writing from the 1950s to the 1980s entitled, A Personal History of Moral Decay. Tito Perdue commented on Bradley’s final book calling it “a generous, lapidary, and much appreciated gift.”

Bradley Smith passed away at the VA hospital in San Diego, California, on February 18, 2016, his 86th birthday. He succumbed to lymphoma and congestive heart failure. He left behind his wife, two daughters and three grand children.

Below you can find a number of eulogies by some of his friends:…

Entire Article Here


(video) Bradley Smith Interview Dec 2015 — Millions learned about Holocaust revisionism and the scholarly debate on this chapter of history through his efforts!

(audio) Texe Marrs: Justice Scalia’s Betrayal of Christianity – “The Talmudic infiltration of America’s legal system” — Scalia turns out to be a secretive member of the Opus Dei secret society and an aggressive Zionist agent. An avid student of the Babylonian Talmud, Scalia was a ticking time bomb on the Supreme Court, ready to explode in favor of the Jews. The Jews had FIVE pro-Israel Zionists on the Supreme Court with Scalia’s vote. That is 5 of 9 Judges! Was he murdered? • “All of these pastors out there are worried about Sharia law of the Moslims, but how about the Rabbinic law of the Talmud?”

46 “All of these pastors out there are worried about Sharia law of the Moslims, but how about the Halakha, the Rabbinic law of the Talmud?”

52.5 “The Talmudic infiltration of America’s legal system”

• • •

[youtube=]TEXE MARRS – Communism is Judaism Unfolding – FEBRUARY 20, 2016


Published on Feb 21, 2016

Texe Marrs examines Justice Scalia’s incredible unknown betrayal of Christianity. Scalia turns out to be a secretive member of the Opus Dei secret society and an aggressive Zionist agent. An avid student of the Babylonian Talmud, Scalia was a ticking time bomb on the Supreme Court, ready to explode in favor of the Jews. The Jews had FIVE pro-Israel Zionists on the Supreme Court with Scalia’s vote. That is 5 of 9 Judges! Was he murdered? Absolutely, BUT not by who you might think.

Mike Adams Destroys TalkNetwork, Betrays Hosts, Cancels Everyone — The news came as a blow to the hosts, who had worked so hard these past months to make TalkNetwork great • Mike needs to come clean and apologize!

I feel badly especially for Kurt Haskell, whose shows I closely followed and care about.

Mike Adams, The Health Ranger is very disappointing! Mike, you need to come clean and apologize to all you hurt.

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Mike Adams Destroys, Betrays Hosts, Cancels Everyone

By Schloss, Sharon Daphna

image launched in October 2015 offering the promise of uncensored liberty minded radio, featuring a diverse array of topics and talented hosts working outside of the confines of the mainstream media.  The revolutionary radio network was the brainchild of producer Dean Ryan….  The network gained popularity quickly, offering a real time broadcasting schedule with archived episodes, however poorly maintained, that could be downloaded by listeners.

The network got off to a strong start, featuring morning shows focusing on news and current events.  Throughout the day were topics ranging from health and science to liberty issues to false flags and hoaxes. …

The memo came in on January 31 that “Talknetwork 2.0” was in the works.  In an mp3 message sent to all hosts, Mike Adams explained that Talknetwork would no longer be airing a regular show schedule with archives for people who missed the shows.  He said that most people don’t listen in real time, so he would allow anyone, including people who were not signed with Talknetwork, to submit content and he would pick his favorites to air in the live stream.  He made it clear that the late night hosts who spoke of things like UFOs would be de-prioritized and that the favored content would revolve around permaculture, food issues, and natural remedies, the topics that Mike focuses on for Natural News.  Talknetwork would be using YouTube or SoundCloud going forward, which was clearly an excuse for Don Naylor, Director of Operations, failing to archive the episodes in a timely manner or at all.  Many people looked forward to the shows in the live stream, and if they missed them, the archive was supposed to cover their needs.

The news came as a blow to the hosts, who had worked so hard these past months to make Talknetwork great.  I feel that this move violated the contract and was a slap in the face after all of our hard work producing excellent broadcasting and promoting the network and network store.  The hosts were hand selected by the producers based on their broadcasting ability, and it was made clear that these were not podcasts, but serious radio shows.  Mike has torn down the structured format and created a forum for anyone, professional or not, to submit content, cheapening the experience for the hard working hosts, and violating the contracts, which were for scheduled episodes to air each week for the year term.

Entire Article Here

Mike Adams Destroys, Betrays Hosts, Cancels Everyone — The news came as a blow to the hosts, who had worked so hard these past months to make Talknetwork great • Mike needs to come clean and apologize!

I feel badly especially for Kurt Haskell, whose shows I closely followed and care about.

Mike Adams, The Health Ranger is very disappointing! Mike, you need to come clean and apologize to all you hurt.

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Mike Adams Destroys, Betrays Hosts, Cancels Everyone

By Schloss, Sharon Daphna

image launched in October 2015 offering the promise of uncensored liberty minded radio, featuring a diverse array of topics and talented hosts working outside of the confines of the mainstream media.  The revolutionary radio network was the brainchild of producer Dean Ryan….  The network gained popularity quickly, offering a real time broadcasting schedule with archived episodes, however poorly maintained, that could be downloaded by listeners.

The network got off to a strong start, featuring morning shows focusing on news and current events.  Throughout the day were topics ranging from health and science to liberty issues to false flags and hoaxes. …

The memo came in on January 31 that “Talknetwork 2.0” was in the works.  In an mp3 message sent to all hosts, Mike Adams explained that Talknetwork would no longer be airing a regular show schedule with archives for people who missed the shows.  He said that most people don’t listen in real time, so he would allow anyone, including people who were not signed with Talknetwork, to submit content and he would pick his favorites to air in the live stream.  He made it clear that the late night hosts who spoke of things like UFOs would be de-prioritized and that the favored content would revolve around permaculture, food issues, and natural remedies, the topics that Mike focuses on for Natural News.  Talknetwork would be using YouTube or SoundCloud going forward, which was clearly an excuse for Don Naylor, Director of Operations, failing to archive the episodes in a timely manner or at all.  Many people looked forward to the shows in the live stream, and if they missed them, the archive was supposed to cover their needs.

The news came as a blow to the hosts, who had worked so hard these past months to make Talknetwork great.  I feel that this move violated the contract and was a slap in the face after all of our hard work producing excellent broadcasting and promoting the network and network store.  The hosts were hand selected by the producers based on their broadcasting ability, and it was made clear that these were not podcasts, but serious radio shows.  Mike has torn down the structured format and created a forum for anyone, professional or not, to submit content, cheapening the experience for the hard working hosts, and violating the contracts, which were for scheduled episodes to air each week for the year term.

Entire Article Here

(1988 film) Donald Trump: What’s the Deal? Lies and Secrets Exposed! (Full length)

Trump in 1988. Serious ethical problems — willing to do almost anything to get the deal: bending the rules, Machiavellian sociopath, lying, lack of concern for others….

Yet Trump is the only candidate remaining who could stand up to the globalists as President. Almost 30 years later, is he still all about Trump, or would he do what’s best for the people?

There is a slight chance that he actually now feels guilty for the many he stepped on and over, and this could be his way to partially make up for that, knowing he’s the only candidate that could do what is right, and not be mostly a puppet?

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[youtube=]Donald Trump: What’s the Deal? Lies and Secrets Exposed! (Full length)



Published on Jan 2, 2016

Full length documentary on the real Donald Trump. The Donald doesn’t want you to see this film. This film goes deep in to the intimate relationships that Mr. Trump has with individuals that would be considered political enemies to those who are supporting Trump for the 2016 Presidential election.

(video) Einstein Exposed…Biggest Physics Fraud Ever? – Christopher Jon Bjerknes with Jeff Rense 2/9/16

Einstein discussion starts at minute-5[youtube=]Jeff Rense & Christopher Jon Bjerknes – Einstein Exposed…Biggest Physics Fraud Ever?

Jeff Rense 


(video) Einstein The Liar & The Zionist Plot — All other nations must give up their nationhood for the sake of a WORLD GOVERNMENT, which would then be RULED OUT OF JERUSALEM — Christopher Jon Bjerknes with Jeff Rense 2/9/16

(video) Einstein The Liar & The Zionist Plot — All other nations must give up their nationhood for the sake of a WORLD GOVERNMENT, which would then be RULED OUT OF JERUSALEM — Christopher Jon Bjerknes with Jeff Rense 2/9/16

“All other nations [other than Israel] must give up their nationhood… for the sake of a world government, which would then be ruled out of Jerusalem. … He advocated world government and the complete destruction of all Gentile nations. And he wanted the German people to be exterminated, and ultimately all Europeans to be exterminated, and for the Chinese to replace Europeans.”

– Christopher Jon Bjerknes

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

• • •

[youtube=]Jeff Rense & Christopher Jon Bjerknes – Einstein The Liar & The Zionist Plot

Jeff Rense 

The day Joe Rogan discovered the real Stefan Molyneux


The day Joe Rogan discovered
the real Stefan Molyneux

Hey there! Pull up a chair. Today’s Quickie! is a fun little story about boring old stuff like ethics and character.

It starts, as usual, with the men we know as Stefan Molyneux.

Men?  Yes, that’s correct. You see, for several years now, Stefan Molyneux has been living a double life. On one hand, there is the Stefan Molyneux that the True Believers of his forum see. That  Stefan Molyneux is the one who believes nearly all parents are horribly bad and your only hope for a virtuous life is to leave them and never speak to them again. (Yeah, yeah, I know, but it’s true).

And then there is the other Stefan Molyneux. That’s the one everyone outside the Freedomain Radio “community” is supposed to see—the happy and witty libertarian gadabout who can make an argument against government so compelling, he can almost convert you to libertarianism on the spot.

And as long as he can find venues that know only the fun Molyneux (and not the Molyneux who may-or-may-not be a destructive cult leader), a splendid time is guaranteed for all.
Lately, one of those venues has been the Joe Rogan show. Rogan has many talents—comedian, actor, host, commentator, etc. But he was also one of the first in his field to see and capitalize on the potential of internet broadcasting. And, as such, he is host of the popular-and-becoming-more-so Joe Rogan Experience.

Rogan is the perfect interviewer for Molyneux. Molyneux is so facile-minded and rhetorically deft, most interviewers can only nod their heads in appreciation as he pontificates. Rogan, however, is no slouch in those departments and easily matches Molyneux step-for-step.

So, Molyneux no doubt hoped for another robust, freewheeling interview where he would hold forth with equal authority on things he knows a lot about and things he doesn’t.

Problem was, the interview would turn out to be the capper for a very bad day. …

He lied.

He lied a lot. And he lied about some very big things.

Entire Article Here


Is FreeDomain Radio a destructive cult?

Therapist who told podcast listeners to shun their families reprimanded

Bernie Sanders is a Warmonger – His Record Proves!

From: Ryan Dawson

Bernie Sanders a Warmonger and Economically Illiterate

Bernie Sander’s Foreign Policy of warmongering
He wanted ground troops in Yugoslavia. He voted yes on Bombing Kosovo.
(One of his staff members resigned over it)
He voted to finance the Iraq War multiple timesSupports the war in Afghanistan and voted for it.
Supported the coup in Ukraine and voted to give 1 billion dollars towards it.
Supports aiding Al Qaeda in Syria and calls them “moderate rebels
Voted to invade Libya. Clinton said “With all due respect, senator, you voted for regime change with respect to Libya. You joined the Senate in voting to get rid of Gaddafi, and you asked that there be a Security Council validation of that with a resolution.” About the only truthful thing that’s ever come out of her mouth. Bernie was a cosponsor of the war propaganda resolution.
Voted for sanctions on Iran and Libya
Pro Drone Strike
He’s an imperialist
He supported US intervention in Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Liberia, Zaire (Congo), Albania, Sudan, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia
He Supports Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen and he is in total denial that Saudi Arabia is backing ISIS not fighting them.

His only vote against a war was Iraq however many Democrats did that and as a vote against Bush not the War. Bernie voted to fund the war and had no problem with it once Obama was in charge of it. He also voted for the sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of children.
He also was against impeaching George Bush and called it impractical.
He gutted the audit the fed bill (the night before it was being voted on)
He voted for several NDAAs
Calls Assad a dictator.
Totally supports Israel. He told people in a town hall meeting to shut up about it.

Entire Article Here


Bernie’s Iraq War Hypocrisy — Voted twice in support of regime change in Iraq • The economic sanctions that may have killed as many as 500,000 Iraqi children

(audio) JOHN B WELLS: GEORGE NOORY ONLY HAD 300,000 LISTENERS • “CLEAR CHANNEL is a great, big corporate monster. They’re $21 BILLION in debt. How are you able to keep operating?” • “The only thing SAFE TO TALK ABOUT is that which cannot be proven. As long as you can remain NEBULOUS and theoretical then ‘fine.’ But don’t let any facts interfere with a good story” • “The ONLY REAL RECOGNITION that we see of individual achievement is somehow SPORTS related” • “When PATRIOTISM becomes something that marks you as a psychopath or an undesirable, when to declare that you believe in the Constitution (that makes you radical and potentially some sort of A THREAT), when INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT is to be SACRIFICED for the so called ‘benefit of the collective,’ you know that that PARADIGM SHIFT is occurring” — Red Ice Radio 2014

Quotes transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Minute-6: Coast to Coast AM’s numbers:

M-Th: 275,000-300,000

Sat: 750,000-1.2 million average

Clear Channel, radio monopoly is $21 BILLION in debt! “They continue their operations as if nothing had happened. How is that possible with that level of debt?”

11 “It’s almost as though, now, the only thing that is safe to talk about is that which cannot be proved. As long as you can remain nebulous and theoretical then ‘fine.’ But don’t let any facts interfere with a good story.”

“Clear Channel is a great, big corporate monster…. The last numbers I saw they’re $21 BILLION in debt. … How are you able to keep operating?”

18 “It seems that the only real recognition that we see of individual achievement is somehow sports related. … When patriotism becomes something that marks you as a psychopath or an undesirable, when to declare that you believe in the Constitution of the United States (that makes you radical and potentially some sort of a threat), when individual achievement is to be sacrificed for the so called ‘benefit of the collective,’ you know that that paradigm shift is occurring.”

• • •

[youtube=]Red Ice Radio – John B. Wells – Hour 1 – Corporate Media, Globalists & Putin’s Russia

Red Ice Radio 

Red Ice Radio

Published on Apr 17, 2014…
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John B. Wells is the host of the radio show, Caravan to Midnight. He is an actor, musician, writer, investigative journalist, composer, martial artist, aviator and broadcaster. John also performed weekend duties as the host of the nationally syndicated overnight radio show Coast to Coast AM. We’ll begin the hour with John discussing his recent exit from Coast to Coast AM and monster corporate media outlets such as Clear Channel. For some radio programs, the only thing safe to talk about is that which can’t be proven. John talks about how information is being used as a weapon. Then, we’ll talk about how patriotic, pro-US Constitution Americans are being marked as a threat while the nation tumbles into the ultimate sacrifice for the “common good.” John explains how globalists are making the world into one giant country for nefarious reasons. Later, we discuss how mainstream media, although tanking in numbers and credibility with the public, is still able to stay on. In the second hour, John shares his views on Russia and Putin. Is Putin possibly seeking revenge for Wall Street bankers who funded the Bolshevik Revolution that killed millions of Russians? We’ll also talk about the mysterious Obama who has many names. Is his father the communist activist Frank Marshall Davis? Later, we discuss how the powers that be need division between the races and continue to use slavery as a weapon.

(video) George Noory Disinfo: Why Ex Host John B Wells Left ‘Coast to Coast AM’

John B. Wells new show: Caravan To Midnight

Facebook: Boycott Coast to Coast AM for firing John B Wells

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[youtube=]George Noory ( Shill ) Displays His True Hatred For Ex Host John B Wells

The AntiCoIntelPro Show 

How the Big Brother controls “alternative” media — Council for National Policy (CNP)

I don’t know how important this group is, but it may be significant. Joyce Riley mentioned the CNP (Council for National Policy) on The Power Hour, 1/22/16 (minute-48:40). Dr. Stanley Monteith invited her to speak at one of their events, and she got a cold response when she mentioned George Bush (didn’t say which one) in relation to the vaccine issue. Doesn’t sound good.

Some religious leaders, patriots, Republican heavy hitters, etc. whom I found interesting from the 2001 membership list:

Dr. John F. AnkerbergHon. Gary BauerPat Boone, Dr. William “Bill” R. BrightLarry BurkettMichael S. Coffman, Ph.D,  Holland (Holly) Coors,  Jeffrey Coors,  Joseph Coors,  Dr. James DobsonDr. Jerry Falwell,  Joseph F. Farah, Dr. Duane GishRev. E.V. HillBob Jones IIIDr. D. James KennedyCliff Kincaid,  Larry KlaymanBeverly LaHaye,  Dr. Timothy LaHayePat MatriscianaDonald S. McAlvany,  Charles W. MisslerBarbara MonteithDr. Stanley Monteith,  Dr. Henry M. MorrisDr. Gary NorthHoward PhillipsLawrence D. “Larry” PrattRalph E. Reed, Jr.Dr. Paul Craig RobertsDr. “M.G.” Pat RobertsonJames RobisonPhyllis Schlafly,  Jay A. SekulowDr. W. Cleon SkousenMark SkousenRobert G. Tilton.

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How the Big Brother controls “alternative” media
By Matthew D. Jarvie | Dissecting the New Age 7,008 VIEWS
August 14, 2009

CNP members from L to R: (Top) Jack McLamb, Dr. Stanley Monteith, Cliff Kincaid, Paul Craig Roberts, (Bottom) Dr. Jerome Corsi, Larry Pratt, Dr. Michael Coffman, Bob Barr.

Pictured above is just a few of the more popular names — especially among followers of the “alternative” media — who are members of the ultra-secret Council for National Policy (CNP). …

Established in 1981 by Tim LaHaye, an evangelical minister, author and speaker, the CNP was founded as a forum for “conservative” politicians, business leaders, members of the media, and evangelical leaders seeking to “strengthen the political right” in the United States. The group’s initial funding was provided by Rockefeller associate Nelson Bunker Hunt. Hunt and the Rockefeller family also played a leading role in the financing of the John Birch Society.

Since 1981, the CNP has been meeting in secret three times a year to set the agenda for the conservative and evangelical movement in the U.S. …

Because of the CNP’s secretive nature, some, including members of the CNP itself, have compared it to the slightly less secretive but more powerful Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CNP is often viewed as the right wing’s version of the Eastern Liberal Establishment’s CFR, though when looking through the group’s roster, it doesn’t take long to find many names which are/were also members of the CFR. Surely anyone who has done their homework knows that the Left vs. Right argument is a ruse, and that whether somebody in a position of power claims to be “liberal” or “conservative” they are still — knowingly or unknowingly — working toward the furtherance of the globalist, one world agenda. …

Anyone who believes the CNP to be a benevolent organization needs to consider some of the names that belong to it or were formerly involved with it. To name a few (aside from those already mentioned at the top of the page):

Tom Delay
Rudy Giuliani
Oliver North (Iran-Contra criminal, Rex-84)
Erik Prince (owner of Xe, formerly Blackwater)
John Hagee (Christian-Zionist preacher/paid propagandist for Israel)
Trent Lott
Richard Mellon Scaife (billionaire newspaper publisher)
Sen. John McCain
Dick Armey
Alan Keyes
John Bolton
Ed Feulner (president of the “conservative” Heritage Foundation)
Steve Forbes
Chuck Missler (Conservative bible teacher)
Dick Cheney
Donald Rumsfeld
Mark Sanford
Alberto Gonzalez
Jack Abramoff (convicted felon, Zionist, former lobbyist)
Pat Robertson
Jesse Helms
Dr. Edward Teller (father of the hydrogen bomb)
Paul Weyrich (co-founder of the Heritage Foundation)
Jack Kemp

(For a more detailed list of current and former CNP members, click here.)

Entire Article Here


(video) The Secret Right – Council for National Policy (CNP)

(audio) Ex-CIA Chip Tatum on Jeb, H.W. Bush, Clintons Drug Running — “There’s no one as nasty as George Herbert Walker Bush. There is no value on human life for him. The only value to him is money, because money equates to power. And that’s the group we’re dealing with” • Why Jeb Bush should not be considered…


Jeb Bush’s CIA “NOC” work in Venezuela — A Jeb Bush presidency would maintain the CIA’s lock on the White House. Barack Obama’s and his family’s CIA connections are a historical fact. George W. Bush ensured the CIA’s control over the presidency for eight years and before him, Bill Clinton, who had his own links to the CIA’s contra-cocaine network through Mena, Arkansas…

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“There’s no one as nasty as George Herbert Walker Bush. … There is no value on human life for him. The only value to him is money, because money equates to power. And that’s the group we’re dealing with.” – Chip Tatum

• • •

Minute-14: why Jeb Bush should not be considered for president[youtube=]False Flags, Bush Family, Jupiter Island, 9/11 & The Clintons Drug Running

The Kev Baker Show 

The Kev Baker Show

Published on Feb 12, 2015

KBS welcomes back to the show for his second visit Mr Chip Tatum!

In this episode of KBS, Chip talks about the Iranian Embassy Siege, False Flags, Bush & Clinton “Circles Of Death”, Jupiter Island, 9/11, neutron weapons, CIA drug running & ISIS

Gene “Chip” Tatum was a Vietnam Special Forces Air Combat Controller, Defense Intelligence Asset, and US Army special operations pilot flying classified missions during the US invasion of Grenada, Tatum was also involved in the Nixon Administrations relations with China, NASA’s Apollo Program, the Iran Contra Affair, and several other classified intelligence operations dating through through 1992 . Tatum was a member of the ultra-secret, international G7 run Pegasus “Hit Team” working directly for the sitting President. From sensitive and highly secret – and hitherto largely unknown – Special Forces covert operations in Cambodia, to wandering CIA asset, through to “black ops” activities in Grenada and Oliver North’s Iran-Contra “Enterprise,” and on to membership in an international “hit team,” Gene “Chip” Tatum has seen it all, done it all and is now telling it all.

Tatum, a lanky Floridian, turned whistle-blower following his arrest on a treason charge in 1995. The charge was both astonishing and patently ludicrous and resulted in a flurry of press interest with an article appearing in the Tampa Tribune on 4 May 1996. Incredibly, the charge was later dropped to be replaced by a fraud charge – a drastic step-down. Found guilty after his government appointed attorney refused to call any defense witnesses ,he was sentenced to serve a 15 month sentence

Kev Baker Show

Kev Baker has been on the front lines since 2009. Hailing from Glasgow, Scotland, Kev was recently featured in VICE magazine as a front-line consultant and expert on activist groups in the United Kingdom. You can listen to Kev Baker on AM/FM in Colorado, Oregan, California, Sydney and London or tune into any of the TFR internet streams or listening options.

Kev Baker has set his mark as a professional broadcaster by featuring cutting edge analysis, current events and breaking news. However he does not stop there! Together with his co-hosts Johnny Whistles and Martin Hardy, Kev is joined by a great panel of expert researchers and whistleblowers in the field of space technology, metaphysics, human origins, black operations and international terrorism.

Seeking the answers to age old questions and dechipering the world around you painted by the mainstream media.. this is the Kev Baker Show!

And remember…


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(video) Marco Rubio was a Gay Prostitute? — Blackmailable, what the globalist controllers want

It’s well known that the globalists will only support and promote those who are blackmailable.

Obama also has this legacy.

(video) Mia Marie Pope: Barry Soetoro (Obama) The Hustler 1977-79

(video) Mia Marie Pope w/ Rev. Manning: Barry Soetoro’s (Obama) True Teen History

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[youtube=]Did Marco Rubio Engage With Gay Prostitutes In 1990?

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Jan 27, 2016

Despite the high-priced real estate nearby, the park had become a notorious locale in the late 1980s and early ’90s, a haven for drug dealers, prostitutes and gang members.…



Lenin — Jewish Architect of European Genocide — Established a Jewish regime based on terror and murder that lasted 69 years and slaughtered well over 60 million Europeans • Attempting to carry out the ‘laws’ of his Talmud and turn Europeans into unquestioning ‘beasts of burden’ for the Jewish Bolsheviks


Lenin-The Jewish Architect of European Genocide


Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Blank Better known as Vladimir Lenin. This Jewish Communist terrorist, mass murderer, propagandist and dictator of the Soviet Empire, established after the Jews took control of Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution, is the architect of European genocide.  In fact the nature of their Jewish revolution was extermination and not betterment of Europeans. While it was the Jew Karl Marx, with the help of his teacher Moses Hess the philosophical father of Zionism, who invented Communism; in fact Marx was the first to advocate racial genocide. Meant for Europeans of Basque, Breton, Serbian and Scottish heritage he used the term ‘racial trash’ and recommended a revolutionary ‘holocaust’. Living a parasitic life and not himself a worker Lenin provoked the reality of the Marxist Communist plan when he implemented the foreign artificial politic of Leninism. On the surface it presents a ‘utopian equality’ impossible as it does not exist in nature. This can be clarified by looking at the sexes. If nature wanted them to be ‘equal’ or the same why not make them androgynous. In reality man and woman are meant to be different to complement each other. The only way one achieves ‘equality’ is to eradicate difference-sexual, racial and cultural and reduce the mass by force to the lowest common denominator.

Lenin regarded Europeans as animals

In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. …  Pavlov was astoundedIt seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs. “Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?” he asked. “Exactly” replied Lenin. “Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”… The ultimate aim of the Jewish Communist system is the mechanization of nature i.e. European ‘man WILL live by bread alone’ and show no idealism or spiritual content. ..Lenin’s regime continued to fund Pavlov’s research making it clear that Lenin and his Bolsheviks viewed Pavlov’s approach to psychology as confirmation of the animalistic nature of European peoples as well as a method of automatizing European society. At great pains to appear Russian and atheistic this aspect of Lenin’s character reveals just how deep his Jewish roots are. References to the European as ‘goyim’ or cattle are riff throughout the Talmud; the most dramatic states categorically that “Jehovah created the Goy in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The Goy is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.” Midrash Talpioth p. 225-L Therefore, rather than an atheist Lenin is clearly attempting to carry out the ‘laws’ of his Talmud and turn Europeans into unquestioning ‘beasts of burden’ to the Jewish Bolsheviks.

… Already hit by a bad harvest Lenin’s ‘beasts of burden’ or slave labour, clearly how he viewed Europeans, survived on starvation rations if at all. In keeping with the execution of this Communist policy Lenin constructed the Gulag slave system that tortured and worked many millions to death. Whilst one cannot ring a bell to make the ‘animal’ behave perpetual fear just may. Long-time head of Comintern (the Communist International) Grigory Zinoviev, a Jewish Communist terrorist and Holodomor perpetrator had a strong relationship with Lenin.  His quote of 1918 establishes a deliberate policy of terror and mass slaughter where on the cards “We must carry along with us 90 million out of the 100 million the Soviet population. As for the rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated”. Confirmation came from Lenin himself “Put more force into the terror. Shoot every tenth person; place all the suspects in concentration camps!” Consequently, it was under Lenin that the most horrific torture took place. Eyes were poked out, tongues cut off, and victims were buried alive. …

In December of 1922 Lenin established a Jewish regime based on terror and murder that lasted 69 years and slaughtered well over 60 million Europeans.

Entire Article Here


(video) Lenin Regarded Europeans as Animals

Ted Pike: The Jewish Kabbalah – Root of Mideast Violence — Kabbalah’s description of Gentiles as ANIMALS who must be slaughtered before “ORDER” can be restored helps explain not only Israel’s notorious MISTREATMENT of her Arab neighbors but also JEWISH POWER worldwide in *government*, *finance*, and *media*!

(audio) Texe Marrs: Ted Cruz – Deceiver of Zion, Father of North American Union – May 9, 2015

[youtube=]TEXE MARRS -Ted Cruz—Deceiver of Zion, Father of North American Union – May 9, 2015


(video) Hitler Speech: FDR the Warmonger — “As an old Freemason, he calls upon God to witness that his actions are honorable”

Churchill was even worse than FDR; even though, FDR carried out the 8-step plan that made sure Japan bombed Pearl Harbor:

(video) The TRUTH About PEARL HARBOR – James Perloff with John B. Wells 12/7/15 — The 4 WAYS ROOSEVELT KNEW and the 8 WAYS HE MADE IT HAPPEN: ”Roosevelt had unsuccessfully tried to duplicate the success of the Lusitania [WWI false flag]. The Germans weren’t biting. They weren’t going to sink an American ship. So they turned their attention to Japan. A PLAN OF PROVOCATION was reached • Those involved in the COVERUP were promoted in rank. Those who told the truth were not • “That’s why we get the quality of leaders we see now. They’re THE GUYS WHO TOOK THE BRIBE” • “Playing along with this game is like winning a hand on the deck of the Titanic before it sank. Some temporary payoff is not worth it. It’s much better to fight for the good guys, to fight for truth and to put yourself RIGHT WITH GOD”

Hitler didn’t want war with England or US, but Churchill ignored Hitler’s generous peace deal, and vowed to crush Germany, even by fire bombing the cities — to carry out the wishes of the international banksters who controlled him!

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“As an old Freemason, he calls upon God to witness that his actions are honorable.”

– Adolph Hitler

• • •

[youtube=]The ” They Don’t Want You to Hear – 20 MINUTE VERSION


(video) How Very Sad: Alex Jones vs. Sold Out Alex Jones on Sarah Palin

Alex is going downhill very fast, and needs to repent.

(audio) WHY ALEX COVERS FOR ISRAEL – Alex Jones 2008: “Israel is ONE OF THE MOST WICKED NATIONS on earth.” | “I remember losing radio stations…. They called me up and said ‘YOU’RE CRITICIZING ISRAEL and we’re taking you off unless you stop.’ ..I’m just here covering what Israel is doing. And they said, ‘THAT’S IT. YOU’RE OFF.’ And then a couple other stations took me off. I LOSE RADIO STATIONS….”

Alex has been robbing people of the truth in order to expand his audience. And lately, he’s getting even worse.

If Alex and other truthers hadn’t lied so much about Israel’s machinations many would have woken up to Israel’s Talmudic, NWO agenda long ago, and we might still have a country.

In this clip from his show in 2008, Alex had just released (video) ‘Fabled Enemies’: 9/11 Israeli connection, etc.

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“On the subject of Israel: it is one of the most wicked nations on earth.”

“I remember losing radio stations…. They called me up and said ‘you’re criticizing Israel and we’re taking you off unless you stop.’ ..I’m just here covering what Israel is doing. And they said, ‘that’s it; you’re off.’ And then a couple other stations took me off. I lose radio stations….”

– Alex Jones 2008

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

• • •

[youtube=]Alex Jones Show: August 13th, 2008. The Israeli’s are wicked!



Uploaded on Aug 14, 2008

Click below for a FREE download of a colorfully illustrated 132 page e-book on the Zionist-engineered INTENTIONAL destruction of Western civilization. Click on the “DOWNLOAD (7.53 MB)” green banner link.

Booklet updated on Dec. 22nd, 2015. (Now with over 100,000 Downloads!)
PDF file:…
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Watch the 10 hour video version of
“The Zionist Attack on Western Civilization” @…

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2 minute promotional BOOKLET video @…
(and @… )

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Also watch the epic documentary “The Greatest Story Never Told” @ and @

(audio) WHY ALEX COVERS FOR ISRAEL – Alex Jones 2008: “Israel is ONE OF THE MOST WICKED NATIONS on earth.” • “I remember losing radio stations…. They called me up and said ‘YOU’RE CRITICIZING ISRAEL and we’re taking you off unless you stop.’ ..I’m just here covering what Israel is doing. And they said, ‘THAT’S IT. YOU’RE OFF.’ And then a couple other stations took me off. I LOSE RADIO STATIONS….”

Alex has been robbing people of the truth in order to expand his audience. And lately, he’s getting even worse.

If Alex and other truthers hadn’t lied so much about Israel’s machinations many would have woken up to Israel’s Talmudic, NWO agenda long ago, and we might still have a country.

In this clip from his show in 2008, Alex had just released (video) ‘Fabled Enemies’: 9/11 Israeli connection, etc.

– –

“On the subject of Israel: it is one of the most wicked nations on earth.”

“I remember losing radio stations…. They called me up and said ‘you’re criticizing Israel and we’re taking you off unless you stop.’ ..I’m just here covering what Israel is doing. And they said, ‘that’s it; you’re off.’ And then a couple other stations took me off. I lose radio stations….”

– Alex Jones 2008

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

• • •

[youtube=]Alex Jones Show: August 13th, 2008. The Israeli’s are wicked!



Uploaded on Aug 14, 2008

Click below for a FREE download of a colorfully illustrated 132 page e-book on the Zionist-engineered INTENTIONAL destruction of Western civilization. Click on the “DOWNLOAD (7.53 MB)” green banner link.

Booklet updated on Dec. 22nd, 2015. (Now with over 100,000 Downloads!)
PDF file:…
MS Word file:…

Watch the 10 hour video version of
“The Zionist Attack on Western Civilization” @…

Notepad Promotional YouTube Comment:…

2 minute promotional BOOKLET video @…
(and @… )

Are you interested in helping spread the booklet download link across the world? Then why not simply copy this text (& links) and paste it into the description box of your YouTube videos? Thank you in advance. 🙂

Download the YouTube “description box” info text file below (all the 1,042 internal hyperlinks are currently working) (thank you all for helping out) @…

Also watch the epic documentary “The Greatest Story Never Told” @ and @

(video) David Dees: Driven to Illustrate Corruption for Free! — How he woke up • Life in Hollywood • Life in Sweden • Zionist immigration agenda • And more . . .

[youtube=]David Dees – Art Against the New World Order Zionist Agenda – Hour 1

Red Ice Radio 

Red Ice Radio

Published on Nov 19, 2015

David Dees began his career as a commercial artist in the early 80s and has produced advertising illustration for Paramount Studios, Hanna Barbera, and Disney Home Video, along with cartooning and children’s book illustration for Sesame Street magazine, Family Home Entertainment, and TIME Magazine for Kids. In 2003, when Dees became fully awake to the New World Order Zionist agenda, he began fighting back with his own brand of activist political artwork and social commentary, with nearly 600 hard hitting and comical art pieces. David also designs and illustrates covers for authors of health, political, fiction and non-fiction books.

David begins with the story of his NWO awakening and what prompted him to leave the Hollywood entertainment industry and pursue a life creating political art in Sweden, where he was eventually expelled once his provocative work caused too much commotion. Dees describes Sweden’s social climate and the typical self-policing, submissive mindset that keeps its people contained and unresponsive to the Zionist EU agenda to destabilize Europe. David talks about coming earth changes and deep underground military bases beneath Sweden’s vast forests and throughout the US. We look at the EU’s totalitarian foreign policies that have opened the floodgates to a Muslim ‘refugee’ invasion and consider the tactics of Organized Zionism in the destruction of homogenized European cultures. Then, David highlights some of his compositions, which address everything from 9/11 to anchor babies, vaccines, GMOs and geoengineered weather.

In the members’ section, David continues detailing his artwork, including the Holocaust exposé series he has not yet released. We talk about the magical mind-controlling world of Hollywood, and Dees explains the deprogramming effect of his works. Dees says that we are at the cutting edge of expanding consciousness and the time is ripe for artists of all breeds to aid in an awaking of the programmed, reality avoiding masses while inspiring other creative souls. Then, we size up the social influences that shape Sweden’s culture compared to the US. We get into the Agenda 21 Wildlands Project along with the real threat of population controlling vaccines. Later, David gives us an idea of what to expect if we do indeed experience a magnetic cataclysm like Planet X entering our solar system and how to prepare. At the end we appraise the 2016 US presidential candidates and the revolutionary power of the internet.

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Kurt Haskell: Final Report on ‘Rebekah Roth’ – Real Investigations Ep. 13, 1/4/16

[youtube=]Episode 13: Final Report on Rebekah Roth Part 4.

kurt haskell

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