Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Timing Predictions Page 3 of 13

Bill Gates Threatens the World with Pandemic 2 – “A pathogen with a high death rate”

Skousen: Second Pre-planned Pandemic Coming – “A pathogen with a high death rate” – Bill Gates

World Affairs Brief, July 24, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Second Pre-planned Pandemic Coming:

Dr. Anthony Fauci said this week it is unlikely Covid-19 will ever be eradicated. He also said years ago that the incoming administration would face a terrible pandemic. He is being accused of knowing in advance about this planned pandemic.

Steven Ben-Nun: Prepare for impact – Will the Earth be hit by an asteroid?

A debris field from an asteroid belt may reach us in September. Jupiter is now protecting us, Steven has heard.

Last month, three asteroids passed near the earth, one hitting Earth.

Five are supposed to be coming this month.

Skousen: WWIII with Russia and China: Preparing to take US out latter half of this decade

World Affairs Brief, December 27, 2019 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

2019 Big Picture Brief

Rick Wiles predicts major social change from coronavirus

“The socio, political, religious landscape of America, one to two years from now is going to be completely different. … This is a time to be humble, and to get as close to your Heavenly Father as you can possibly get. Be still, humble, and be broken, and live your life right in the eyes of the Lord.” – Rick Wiles

1981 Novel Predicted Virus Outbreak Originating in Wuhan | 2008 Book Predicted 2020 Worldwide Illness

1981 Dean Koontz Novel Predicted Virus Outbreak Originating in Wuhan

27 February, 2020

Paul Joseph Watson

In his thriller The Eyes of Darkness, the best-selling author describes a man-made bioweapon created at a research center in Wuhan, China that is developed “to wipe out a city or a country.”

“They call the stuff ‘Wuhan-400’ because it was developed at their RDNA labs outside the city of Wuhan,” a character says in the novel.

Meanwhile, in reality, a study by scientists at the South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, China concluded that “the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.”

While the virus in the book is far deadlier than the coronavirus, there are several similarities.


Kurt Haskell interview 1/21/20 — Civil unrest likely as election approaches and afterward

“The Toucans, they drop papaya seeds all over the yard, and trees just start growing.”

Daniel Ott interviews Dave Hodges 12.28.19 – “We have boys with their penises cut off playing girls sports. Does it get any more insane?”

58:15 “We have boys with their penises cut off playing girls sports. Does it get any more insane than this?”

1:00:10 “There’s going to be armed conflict no matter who wins.”

Chinese government to replace foreign hardware and software within three years

Establishing their independence from the U.S. by 2023!


Skousen: Year End Financial Crisis Looming

Joel Skousen often warns about those who say the economy is crashing, but this time he’s concerned. This could be how the globalists keep Trump from being reelected.

Why Are the Banks Being Allowed/Pushed to Fail

Very possibly, the globalists are in the process of intentionally crashing the economy so Trump can’t get reelected.

Ben-Nun: “Israeli intelligence told me they want to cause civil unrest inside this nation” • “Netanyahu has broken practically every commandment” • “If impeachment doesn’t work, maybe they’ll collapse the economy”

Steven Ben-Nun quotes transcribed by me:

4:08 “When Obama was president, one of his secret service agents shared with me then that they had been looking for a way to get civil unrest in the nation in order to disarm the nation, to have a reason to disarm the nation.

Israeli intelligence shared with me that they want to be able to cause a civil unrest inside this nation so that we can run out of bullets on each other.”

Ben-Nun @ 5:25

“Face it, Prime Minister Netanyahu has broken practically every commandment there is, even within the 10 commandments. He certainly doesn’t love his neighbor as himself, doesn’t keep the commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill,’ when it comes to homosexuality, he’s certainly breaking that as well; though, that’s not one of the 10 commandments, but it is an abomination before God, openly does that; kills all the babies. They allow up to a 9 month gestation period, third trimester abortions there. That sounds more like to me… King Herod in power in the middle east than a true Bible believing Jewish man.”

Ben-Nun @ 16:45

“I think what we’re seeing is going to come to our nation very, very soon. After all, that’s what they’re trying to do. In all this impeachment stuff…, if that doesn’t work, maybe they’ll collapse the economy, and maybe that will make people go berserk.”

Nathan Stolpman: Fed Losing Control

Money and banking is not my interest, but it’s good to understand some of what’s REALLY going on. Nathan Stolpman, like many believes a crash is coming, and sees LOANS drying up. Stolpman clearly tells some of the inner workings.

Watch starting at 24:20.

Jim Willie: Will Infinitive Quantitative Easing Collapse the World Economy?

The plunge protection team has been vigorously manipulating in order to stop a crisis. Can they continue to do so? Jim Wille tells why he doesn’t think so.

Joel Skousen says the globalists don’t want the boiling frogs to jump out of the pot, causing enough alarm for many to lose trust in the system. He’s also recently said the “Fed” may let the economy crash significantly enough to keep Trump from being reelected.

– –

Christopher Jon Bjerknes: ‘The Fake Fall of Red China’

Heavy predictions worth considering!

[DISCLAIMER] I don’t necessarily agree to everything said here. Especially, I do *not* support an armed resistance, like Jon Bjerknes seems to, if it comes down to that.

(VID) Former Alex Jones Employee, Melissa (Melton) Dykes: Meet the Strawman to Erase Our First Amendment Online

(audio) James Perloff: Scofield Bible, Christian Zionism & Iran — 'Once Iran is destabilized, the Rothschilds and Netanyahu will have no further use for America…' [Antedote interview part 2]

The Antedote’s hosts are Jeremy Rothe Kushel and Greg McCarron.
33:30 “..Iran the final target…. Certainly, an objective of the Greater Israel Plan is to destabilize Iran. And once that happens, I feel that the Rothschilds and Benjamin Netanyahu would have no further use for America, and they would happily see the dollar collapse and America collapse.” – James Perloff

• • •

(vid) Adam Green: Alex Jones & 'Game of Thrones' Predict Zionist False Flag – to blow up the Dome on the Rock, ushering in the Antichrist

Skousen: The North Korean, Russian and Chinese Strategic Threat

(vid) Jake: USA, Israel & Saudi Arabia Prepping for Zionist War With Iran — We have a 'WAR OF TERROR,' not a 'war on terror'

“What we have is not a ‘war on terror.’ It’s a ‘war of terror.’ We are perpetuating terror around the world. … The most important strategic goal of Israel has been to take control of the middle east.” – Jake Morphonios

– –

Bannon to '60 Minutes': “China is cutting out the beating heart of American innovation through forced technology transfer and by stealing our technology

Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon told 60 Minutes that President Donald Trump—unlike America’s elites—understands that “China is at economic war with us.”

Bannon told CBS anchor Charlie Rose that Trump for 30 years has “singled out China as the biggest single problem we have on the world stage.”
“The elites in this country have got us in a situation–we’re not at economic war with China, China is at economic war with us,” he said.
Bannon said, for starters, he wants China “to stop appropriating our technology.”

“China is, through forced technology transfer and through stealing our technology, …  cutting out the beating heart of American innovation,” Bannon said. …
Bannon told Kuttner that to him, “the economic war with China is everything. And we have to be maniacally focused on that. If we continue to lose it, we’re five years away, I think, ten years at the most, of hitting an inflection point from which we’ll never be able to recover.”

Chuck Baldwin: No Hope In Trump; No Hope In DC – There is only one course of action for freedomists: SECESSION — Donald Trump is finishing what G.W. Bush began. Bush forever destroyed the influence of genuine Christian patriotism in this country with his phony brand of warmongering Christianity. Now, Trump is forever destroying the influence of the Tea Party/Patriot movements in this country with his phony brand of warmongering/Police-State-building “nationalism.” • And this time the fallout will be fatal!


No Hope In Trump; No Hope In DC

Published: Thursday, April 27, 2017

At this point, people who are still holding out hope that Donald Trump is going to drain the swamp and save America are delusional. In less than 100 days, Trump has taken America to the precipice of World War III. He has filled his administration with Goldman Sachs banksters, CFR globalists, New World Order Zionists, and warmongers. Trump refuses to prosecute Hillary Clinton for egregious crimes against our country, but he is vowing to prosecute Julian Assange, a man whose “crime” is publishing the truth he receives from whistleblowers about the criminal conduct of the U.S. government. Plus, Assange isn’t even an American. He is an Australian. What jurisdictional authority does President Trump have to arrest and prosecute a citizen of another country who has committed no crime in the United States? None! And if all of that is not bad enough, Donald Trump killed more innocent men, women, and children last month than Syria, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China combined.

See this report:

More Than 1,000 Civilians Reportedly Killed By U.S.-Led Airstrikes As Trump Expands War On Terror

And this one:

Law Of War? Civilian Deaths In US Strikes In Syria, Iraq Soar Under Trump

No, Donald Trump is not going to drain the swamp; he has completely immersed himself and his administration in the swamp–just like every President of recent memory before him. And every 100 days of his administration from this day forward will only reconfirm this obvious reality.

At some point, the people who thought that Donald Trump was an outsider and “anti-establishment”–and the ones who continue to sacrifice their principles defending him in the forlorn hope that they are going to ride his coattails to glory–will be forced to awaken to the stark reality that either Donald Trump was totally disingenuous from the beginning or he has already capitulated to the swamp creatures ensconced in Washington, D.C. Either way, there is absolutely no hope in Donald Trump. And neither is there any hope in Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C., is totally and thoroughly corrupt. It is run by bloodthirsty, conscienceless subhumans who will stop at nothing until they bring Armageddon upon the entire world. DC is nothing more than a coven of perverted, putrid, parasitic, pathetic, pompous, pretentious, prideful, pathological purveyors of global pestilence.

How long will freedom-loving Americans continue to believe the empty promises of phony politicians? How long will they continue living in the fantasy that somehow Washington, D.C., is going to see the error of its ways, repent, and return the nation to constitutional government? How long will they continue to look the other way while the swamp creatures in Washington, D.C., corrupt the minds and hearts of their children in these institutions of propaganda called public schools? How long will they continue to allow the swamp creatures in Washington, D.C., and their bottom-feeding serpent buddies at the Federal Reserve and on Wall Street demolish sound money principles and destroy a free market economic system? How long, folks? How long?

Donald Trump is finishing what G.W. Bush began. Bush forever destroyed the influence of genuine Christian patriotism in this country with his phony brand of warmongering Christianity. Now, Trump is forever destroying the influence of the Tea Party/Patriot movements in this country with his phony brand of warmongering/Police-State-building “nationalism.”

The truth is, Trump started drowning in the swamp even before he was inaugurated. Most of the people in his administration could have been picked by ANY of the other neocon Republican presidential candidates. Right now, Washington, D.C.’s neocon warmongers are gushing all over Donald Trump.

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) recently said that on foreign policy “I am like the happiest dude in America right now. We’ve got a president and a national security team that I have been dreaming of. . . . I am all in. Keep it up, Donald.”

Ladies and gentlemen, please understand that the single issue that defines a neocon (i.e., Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, G.W. Bush) and a neolib (i.e., Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid) is foreign policy. To the swamp creatures in Washington, D.C., everything is defined by foreign policy. Everything! These are beasts of prey. They feed on the blood and carcasses of the dead. They are enriched by war; they crave war; they promote war; they create war.

Donald Trump ran on the coattails of Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul. Most of what Trump trumpeted (no pun intended) was proclaimed and popularized by Buchanan and Paul. They failed to win the White House. Trump succeeded. Do you really think Pat or Ron would have filled their administrations with globalists, billionaires, international bankers, and CFR members? Do you really think Pat or Ron would have turned control of the White House over to two ultra-liberal globalist Zionists such as Jared and Ivanka Kushner? Do you really think Pat or Ron would have launched 59 Tomahawk missiles on a sovereign nation without our country being attacked or consent from Congress? Do you really think Pat or Ron would take America to the precipice of World War III before finishing their first 100 days in office? Hell no!

Donald Trump ran on Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul’s platform of constitutional populism, but he didn’t really believe it. Like G.W. Bush betrayed the Christians who elected him, Donald Trump has betrayed the constitutionalists who elected him. And this time the fallout will be fatal–especially if, as it appears, Trump takes America into another war–or even nuclear war.

No one will ever believe the campaign rhetoric of constitutionalism and populism again. Trump has poisoned the pot. The Democrat Party is plunging further and further into radicalism, extremism, and socialism. But four years from now, people will embrace the radical leftist agenda of the Democrats over the phony constitutionalist agenda of Donald Trump. Then, watch out! Katy bar the door!

Face it: G.W. Bush gave us Barack Obama, and Donald Trump may give us…the antichrist.

From this point onward, freedomists need to “get religion.” I mean they need a revelation. They need to come to the disconcerting decision that there is NO HOPE in Washington, D.C.

There is only one course of action for freedomists: secession. The only other alternative is slavery.

And people need to understand that the spirit of secession is sweeping the globe. Currently, there are 42 separatist movements underway in Africa; 68 in Asia; 107 in Europe; 16 in North America; 18 in Oceania; and 9 in South America. That’s a total of 260 active separatist movements going on RIGHT NOW.

During the past few years, secession movements among states of the United States include Alaska (2006, 2017); California (2010, 2015 – 2017); Florida (2015); Georgia (2009); Hawaii (2011, 2017); Montana (2008); New Hampshire (2012, 2017); Oregon (2016); South Carolina (2010); Texas (late 1990s, 2009, 2017) and Vermont (2003, 2005 – 2007, 2017). This does not include the secession movement currently underway among the Lakota Indians in Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota.

The answer has NEVER rested in Washington, D.C. It has always been a fatal mistake for people to expect an answer from Washington, D.C. The answer has always rested with “We the People.” Always! History proves that the bigger central governments become, the more tyrannical they become.

And the fact is, the United States is much too large and too populous to maintain liberty. Increasing population has taken government further and further away from the People. Politically speaking, the only thing that has thwarted Washington, D.C.’s total takeover of the states is the Electoral College system. But a rancid public education system, a cowardly pulpit, a corrupt news media, and runaway political correctness have brought liberty to the brink of destruction. Only the states can recapture the spirit of liberty–ONLY THE STATES! But which states is the sixty-four million dollar question. (My money’s on the Rocky Mountain states–which is one of many reasons why I was led to move here.)

Skousen: Trump Backing Down on North Korea, For Now — This indicates war isn’t imminent but it’s coming sooner than when China will be ready to join NK. Whether or not they will becomes the big question. If they do, we’ll have WWIII early than I expected, if not, there will have to be another trigger event for WWIII later on when China and Russia are ready

World Affairs Brief, April 28, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Trump Continues to Disappoint

The Voices Trump Listens to

Trump Backing Down on North Korea–For Now

French Election: Ganging Up Against Le Pen

Death of US Military Through Feminism

Don’t Drive in Some European Countries

News Shorts

Preparedness Tip: Vitamin C



Naive US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, claims that Chinese pressure on North Korea is working. She’s merely repeating what was presented at the Senate briefing at the White House South auditorium this week. It was an hour briefing led by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford, and Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats. None are high level intelligence officials so it was all second-hand information.

Senators who oppose Trump, like John McCain and Lindsey Graham and all the Democrats claimed they learned “nothing new.” Many Senators on certain committees get constant intelligence briefings as a matter of course, so obviously they aren’t going to learn much new.

But despite the disparaging remarks from Democrats, there was something new in the briefing, which was highlighted by the anti-Trump The Daily Beast.

“We want to solve this through political or economic measures,” a senior administration official [said] ….any unilateral strike would likely lead to a North Korean counter-strike on U.S. allies South Korea and Japan—both within artillery or missile range of North Korea—as well as threatening tens of thousands of U.S. troops stationed in the Pacific.

“We want to bring Kim Jong-Un to his senses, not to his knees,” said Adm. Harry Harris, Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, at a House Armed Services Committee hearing Wednesday. He repeated the administration mantra that “all options are on the table,” but the tone had decidedly shifted from President Donald Trump’s earlier provocative tweets.

The U.S. might lobby to put North Korea back on the list as a state sponsor of terror as one of many options to isolate the defiant Asian nation. It had been removed in 2008 under previous negotiations with the Bush administration.

“It’s clear we are in a phase where unless North Korea takes a more provocative action, attacks our allies, attacks us directly, this is a diplomatic phase,” Democratic Sen. Chris Coons, of Delaware, told The Daily Beast outside the White House after the meeting.

This means Trump is backing down from his vow to disarm North Korea and stop its constant provocations. However, in a wide ranging interview with Reuters, Trump seemed to hint that he thought war with North Korea was a very real possibility:

“There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea. Absolutely,” Trump said. “We’d love to solve things diplomatically, but it’s very difficult,” he added.

Trump continued to promote his naive assessment of China’s Premier Xi Jingpin as a wonderful person, and repeating the assurance that China has told NK not to do any more nuclear tests. My takeaway from this is that Trump is going to let this play out diplomatically, but that he’s skeptical (as he should be) and fully intends to use military action to stop NK’s nuclear and missile development, even if that means NK will respond by going to war with SK—which would draw in the US.

That means that war isn’t imminent but that it is coming sooner tha[n] when China will be ready to join in. Whether or not they will becomes the big question. If they do, we’ll have WWIII early than I expected, if not, there will have to be another trigger event for WWIII later on when China and Russia are ready.

The sanctions Trump is proposing are tougher than ever before, but only in stages, which indicates it’s going to take time to play out: cutoff of oil supplies and isolating NK from all international banking and internet connectivity. There won’t be any food or medical sanctions as they put on Iran, for “humanitarian reasons.” Wasn’t Iran worthy of humanitarian exceptions?

Heretofore, NK has relied on China to bypass any sanctions, but for now at least China appears to play along with the sanctions. But I’m still skeptical. Either China plans to cheat, which would be hard for the US to detect, or it will comply for a period of time to buy more time and try and get Kim to shut down the hostile rhetoric.

I think this does confirm that China really isn’t ready to go to war on behalf of NK, and is determined to make sure NK remains in check for the next few years. Frankly, I’m surprise at just how reactionary Kim Jong-Un has been lately. In response to Trump’s interview, NK said it has no intention of stopping its nuclear and missile programs. Kim seems to be aiming for a bruising war. If it’s all bluster in order to save face with the communist party radicals in NK, that’s one thing, but no one’s going to believe Kim is capable of compromise is he doesn’t tone down the threats. Personally, I think Trump is being suckered into a delay in taking out Kim. I feel the conflict with Kim is inevitable and the sooner he is removed, the better. For each year’s delay, NK only gets stronger.

The bottom line: War with NK is inevitable, but it may or may not lead to WWIII depending on China. There is now a shorter window to prepare….


As for an EMP blast, which will proceed a nuclear attack, nuclear plants will go off line and some cannot operate again without grid power to absorb their output. But an EMP would not affect the military’s ability to get diesel fuel to backup generators at a nuke plant to keep them from melting down.

Skousen: WWIII Timing: China’s nuclear submarine superfactory soon building 10-12 at one time – “This adds to my prognostication that China isn’t ready yet to fight WWIII with the US”

From: Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief, 4/21/17

It was reported this week by that China is going to start multiple production lines to speed up the deployment of nuclear submarines.

Western production lines for the most part can only build one submarine at a time, and only the US is capable of building two submarines simultaneously, but China is now capable of building four submarines at one time.

China already has at least four type 094/094A ballistic missile submarines and at least five Type 093/093G attack submarines, so it is speculated that the new facility is to build the successor third-generation classes of Type 096 ballistic missile submarines and Type 095 attack submarines. The new submarines will be built using modular fabrication techniques. The projection is made that Chinese nuclear submarine production will double its rate within two to three years.

China currently has about three submarine production lines and can build 5 to 6 submarines at one time. This would mean in three years China could be building ten to twelve submarines at one time.

This adds to my prognostication that China isn’t ready yet to fight WWIII with the US.

Trump’s Recklessness Changes Skousen’s WWIII Timing – Trump Threatens Military Action Against North Korea – Possible Scenario #3: Trump strikes North Korean missile sites, and North Korea invades South Korea in response. The US has to use tactic nukes to stop the massive invasion of over 2 million North Koreans, and China responds in kind by striking the US military forces with a pre-emptive nuclear missile strike, joined by Russia

With Donald Trump being snookered so easily into attacking Syria,
I’m very much worried he will now attack North Korea.

• • •

World Affairs Brief, April 7, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Trump Fooled by False Flag Chemical Incident

Analysis of the Garland Texas False Flag Attack

Trump Threatens Military Action Against North Korea

Keeping the GOP Healthcare Bill Alive

Refugee Cap Returns to 110K

Judicial War on BLM Protestors

Trump Concern on Trade Deficits Misplaced

Senate Invokes Nuclear Option to Confirm Gorsuch

Preparedness Tip: Berkey Water Filters



For years I’ve thought that the US ought to pre-emptively strike North Korea’s nuclear and missile sites before she gets too dangerous to handle without full scale war. No nation has been more aggressive in attacking its neighbors and threatening the world than North Korea, a virtual prison nation. But unlike its aggressive and constant threat toward Iran, which doesn’t even have a nuclear weapon yet, NK has always been treated permissively, for reasons I will explain shortly.

The United States, under globalist advisors, has continued to play the role of the sucker in its weak attempts to induce NK to give up its nuclear weapons program. Signing one agreement after another, the US acted as if it was powerless to make NK dismantle its nuclear program. In each disarmament agreement, the North Koreans have cheated and yet the West fulfilled its part of the agreement, including food aid and oil shipments.

After three major failed agreements you would think the West would finally realize that North Korea’s nuclear program will never be relinquished through negotiations. But it isn’t stupidity or blind optimism that has driven globalist policy—it is the knowledge that NK is China’s trigger for WWIII, a war the globalists want, and that’s why they have never been serious about stopping NK. They want that trigger preserved. And what better trigger than a perceived “crazy man” Kim Jong-un, so neither China or Russia get the blame.

North Korea tested another ICBM this week, landing in the Sea of Japan. That got president Trump’s attention, and Japan’s too. NK is in a state of constant development of solid fueled long-range rockets though they are reluctant to show the West anything but short and medium range launches. Launching a missile into the sea at medium range makes it difficult for the US to determine the missile’s accuracy since only North Korea knows the coordinates of the intended target area.

In advance of his meeting Thursday with Chinese President XI Jinping, Trump told the UK Financial Times, “If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will. That is all I am telling you.” The White House added that “the clock has now run out” on North Korea’s nuclear program and that “all options are on the table” —a not-so-subtle code phrase for “military action.”

What kind of action? General Jack Keane said that bombing North Korea’s nuclear facilities “may be the only option left”. But that’s not true. The US could also shoot down future missile tests, especially ones that are heading toward the Sea of Japan and deny NK the test results.

So the tensions are clearly escalating in the Far East, and China loves to join in and assert its dominance. China responded to the Trump saber rattling with a statement that, “It will safeguard the security and stability of its Northeast area at all costs,” referring to both its territorial claims on all of the China Sea as well as client state North Korea. Tensions between the US and NK are at the highest point ever.

North Korea Serious about Threats to US:

Lester Holt reported to NBC News that

A senior North Korean defector has told NBC News that the country’s ‘desperate’ dictator is prepared to use nuclear weapons to strike the United States and its allies. Thae Yong Ho is the most high profile North Korean defector in two decades, meaning he is able to give a rare insight into the secretive, authoritarian regime.

According to Thae, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is “desperate in maintaining his rule by relying on his [development of] nuclear weapons and ICBM.” He was using an acronym for intercontinental ballistic missiles – a long range rocket that in theory would be capable of hitting the U.S.

The thing which moderates this dire news is that North Korea has not yet successfully tested a full nuclear warhead in operational mode, and many of its missiles have failed in test launches. US military experts, which discounting North Korea as an imminent threat do believe this unstable country is a long-term threat.

How Dangerous Are Kim’s Nuclear Weapons?

Not very, to be frank. North Korea has never tested a nuclear warhead atop a missile, so even the North Koreans don’t know how accurate their technology is. Even if it does work, North Korea does not possess maneuvering warheads [so they can be shot down, unlike Russia’s – editor] and it has a very limited number of warheads and ballistic missiles to launch against medium range US targets in Guam or Hawaii.

While the US has a fairly limited anti-ballistic missile shield, North Korea has so few long range missiles and nuclear warheads that a couple of standard anti-ballistic missiles (THAAD interceptors or Aegis Missile systems) could stop the one or two long range missiles NK could put into the upper atmosphere against US targets. A handful of missiles is pretty easy for the US to detect and destroy. Only nations that have hundreds of missiles firing simultaneously can get through the US protective umbrella—and that means Russia and China.

So it’s not the NK nuke threat that is the real worry, rather what China and Russia would do in support of North Korea.

A New Warning: I have long said that I didn’t think China would unleash NK to start WWIII until the next decade because Russia and China are in the midst of a major rearmament, which won’t be complete until the 2020-2024 range. Obviously, they would prefer to be fully ready before launching a war.

The globalists, on the other hand, would prefer a war earlier rather than later, but they can’t make it look like they started this war, so they have worked for 30 years to simply facilitate our enemy’s arsenals, transferring military and scientific technology to both China and Russia. Much of those transfers have been done courtesy of the US Commerce Department. Much has also been done through Israel. We sell our top technology to Israel and they sell it to the Russians and Chinese.

With the coming of Donald Trump, I suspect that the globalists may try and kill two birds with one stone: First, let Trump start this war by striking North Korea’s nuclear program and 2) let Trump take the blame which will cost him the next election and forever taint him as the guy who started WWIII.

In summary, with Donald Trump being snookered so easily into attacking Syria, I’m very much worried he will now attack North Korea, leading him down a path he vowed not to go—intervening militarily around the world. I suspect his globalist advisors may be setting him up for an attack on North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, that could provoke a Chinese nuclear response against the US, which our anti-missile systems could not control.

Here are the likely or possible scenarios:

1) North Korea sees Trump threatening and launches its first nuclear tipped missile at Guam or Hawaii, to make good on his bluster against the US. The US intercepts the missile and retaliates against NK nuclear and missile sites. The world sees this as fully justified and China cannot retaliate. WWIII doesn’t start yet, and the NK threat is temporarily abated.

2) Trump does a pre-emptive cruise missile strike against North Korean nuclear sites and/or missile launch sites. [I’m not against that, except that it should have been done years ago when China was not in a position to retaliate.] Even though China can retaliate, it doesn’t do so because it isn’t ready yet for WWIII. The NK nuke and missile threat is gone for now but NK, with the help of China rebuilds in a more secretive manner. WWIII is merely postponed.

3) Trump strikes North Korean missile sites, and North Korea invades South Korea in response with her ample conventional weapons and army. The US has to use tactic nukes to stop the massive invasion of over 2 million North Koreans, and China responds in kind by striking the US military forces with a pre-emptive nuclear missile strike, joined by Russia. WWIII starts.

The targets will be military bases and communications facilities [Joel has often said this would start with an EMP attack, targeting everyone – editor], not cities per se, although about 12-15 major metros will be affected by the strikes on military bases integral to those cities. It could happen during Trump’s term, and it seems to me that the globalists would very much like to tag Trump with the blame for this war.

The bottom line is that you should accelerate your preparations for relocation, war and survival, rather than count on having more time. If Trump doesn’t attack North Korea pre-emptively, it doesn’t mean war is avoided—just postponed. It’s coming eventually in any case. If he does attack pre-emptively, the North Koreans and Chinese are too proud to let that happen without some form of retaliation. I would give it a 60-40 chance it would blossom into WWIII. If they don’t retaliate enough to escalate into WWIII, its only because they have decided to wait for a better time to take revenge when their military preparations are complete.

In any case, we can no longer depend on Trump to not fall into whatever traps the globalists set for him. I actually found globalist puppet presidents easier to predict. Trump is now showing he is far more dangerous than having a puppet president because he can be so easily fooled and he has this reactionary quality that allows him to be goaded into war far too easily.

Even though I have never thought Trump would really turn things around and save this country, I’ve always said he will “slow down the globalist agenda and buy us more time.” That only turned out to be true in terms of globalist trade agreements and maybe the flooding of this country with illegal alien and refugees (which he hasn’t stopped yet). But in terms of foreign policy and the threat of war, Trump may well give us LESS time, and fall completely into the globalist war trap. I personally am very worried….

-Wish it wasn’t coming but it is.

– –


(6 min video) Joel Skousen: Trump May Start WWIII *Early* by Attacking North Korea!! (Triggering Russia/China to EMP/Nuke US!)

(6 min video) Joel Skousen: Trump May Start WWIII *Early* by Attacking North Korea!! (Triggering Russia/China to EMP/Nuke US!)

Globalists can then blame Trump and his supporters for starting WWIII, which the globalists have been scheming for decades. Ughhh!


Trump’s Recklessness Changes Skousen’s WWIII Timing – Trump Threatens Military Action Against North Korea – Possible Scenario #3: Trump strikes North Korean missile sites, and North Korea invades South Korea in response. The US has to use tactic nukes to stop the massive invasion of over 2 million North Koreans, and China responds in kind by striking the US military forces with a pre-emptive nuclear missile strike, joined by Russia

(video) Joel Skousen: Order Out of Chaos by Design — North Korea to be Used as a Trigger Event for WW III > Russia and China will then EMP & Nuke the USA … — Timeframe 5-12 Years

– –

Military Leaders’ Plan To Trick Trump Into War

The Alex Jones Channel

Skousen: Year End “Big Picture” Analysis: 2016 – Foreign Threats — "I’m often asked when I think this war is going to start…"

Joel has been closely studying the Russia/China threat since the ’80s. They’re getting ready to take US out, but won’t be fully ready until the middle of the next decade.
We need to get the power grid hardened now!
I bold key statements.
– –
World Affairs Brief, December 30, 2016 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
This Week’s Analysis:
Year End “Big Picture” Analysis: 2016
Domestic Trends that will get Worse
Update on Foreign Threats
Europe: While US globalists experienced a major backlash in the US by those tired of establishment policies, the globalists in Europe also have a major rebellion on their hands over EU open borders to refugees and the slow increase of EU mandates in social and economic affairs of member countries. The irritation of EU tinkering in member state policies and law has been growing slowly but the motivation to actually break from the growing tyranny was brought to a head by the sudden influx of millions of refugees from Africa and the Middle East.
Nothing was more shocking and threatening to Europeans than to see whole towns overwhelmed by refugees and globalist leaders ousting citizens from government subsidized apartments to make way for refugees. When the young males, which predominated among the displaced, began to prey upon women in Germany and France, the rebellion took hold and nationalist party ranks began to swell.
EU open borders policies allowed thousands of refugees to work their way north to Britain, which turned out to be the catalyst that pushed the Brexit vote over the top. This, combined with the Trump victory in the US, suddenly allowed anti-EU forces in various countries to believe that they too could beat the all-powerful EU at their own democracy game—at least at first.
The EU was successful in beating back an anti-EU challenge from the Freedom Party in Austria. They will attempt to defeat these same nationalist forces in the upcoming elections in Belgium and France. The Germans are just starting to wake up and finally have a growing anti-EU party called “Alternative for Germany,” which has doubled in size in just two years.
In the UK, globalist leaders have been able to delay and sabotage the British exit from the EU, which is still in progress. It started with handing over the reins of British government to Teresa May, (who voted against Brexit) who promptly got a bill passed in Parliament integrating EU law into British law, supposedly so that British politicians and the courts could have full authority to change those laws without going through the EU parliament. Only the most naive Brits failed to see this was a trap. It’s much harder to remove bad law once installed than stop it from becoming law.
Middle East: The other major setback for globalism was the entrance of Russia into the Syria conflict. The globalist agenda in the Middle East is very complex as I have explained recently in the WAB of December 16. Subscribers can access the archives at by logging in and clicking on “Latest Brief.” For new subscribers let me summarize the key issues:
It started with the need to create a war on terror that could justify limiting citizen’s rights to privacy and due process in Western countries, and Muslims were the perfect targets for provocation, having a religion and culture that tended toward a natural hostility to the West, and to both Judaism and Christianity.
Not only was the 9/11 terror attack a false flag attack used to justify the war on terror, but it was then used as a pretense to attack Iraq and Afghanistan which had nothing to do with the attack. What the incursions into those countries did accomplish, however, was generate a lot of hatred among Muslims against America, which then fed the subsequent engineered terrorist organizations like al Qaeda and ISIS—both creations of US, British and Israeli intelligence.
The subsequent Western (Arab Spring) destabilization efforts in Egypt, Libya and Syria were done not only to create more hatred against the West, feeding the ranks of terror, but to make available huge arsenals of weapons from Libya to supply the terrorist forces the West would send into Syria. That’s what the secret Benghazi annex fight was all about—competing forces trying to capture the weapons stockpiles the US was secretly exporting to Syria.
But the long term globalist agenda had nothing to do with enforcing democracy in these tribal areas or making peace. It was mostly about creating waves of refugees which would be corralled into pitiful refugee camps until they were so frustrated and full of anger that they would make a massive push into Europe—forever changing the Western culture and political landscape of the EU. Africa, being a cauldron of ethnic conflict and constant warfare has also provided a steady stream of refugees and terrorists.
Out of the constant security threat refugees and terrorists have provided, France and Germany have been able to justify establishing their own surveillance state with enhance police powers of warrantless searches and indefinite detention. That’s conflict creation at its best.
There’s one additional globalist agenda, and that’s the take-down of Iran. Why Iran? Because it is the only Muslim country trying to become self-sufficient in the full range of weaponry needed to defend itself. All other Muslim countries are beholden to either East or West.
As I have explained before in prior briefings, the globalist attack on Syria is linked to the ultimate take-down of Iran. Israel was tasked by globalist leaders to start the war with Iran, but she insisted first that Syria be taken down first since Syrian rockets and chemical weapons were the main retaliatory threat to Israel.
But US plans for a no-fly zone and attack on Syria were thwarted by Syria’s acceptance of Secretary of State Kerry’s inadvertent offer to “not attack” if Syria gave up its chemical weapons. US, British, and Israeli intelligence then took about half the rebels fighting in Syria and changed their name to ISIS and set them off on a rampage in Iraq, brandishing threats to the whole world. It would provide the West’s an excuse to get back into an attack mode in Syria, using ISIS.
All was going according to plan until Russia intervened and starting turning the tide against the US-backed rebels, and Russia remains an impediment to this global agenda in the Middle East to this day. That’s why the US intelligence has suddenly been doing everything, including inventing Fake News of Russian hacking into the DNC emails, in order to turn public opinion against Russia’s intervention in Syria. Obama has even gone so far as to expel Russian diplomat/spies in retaliation. If this happened during the middle of Obama’s term, the Russians would have retaliated with a like number of diplomat/CIA expulsions, but I don’t think Putin will retaliate. He’ll simply wait for better relations with Trump.
Although Russia is doing us a favor in Syria by blocking the globalist conflict creation agenda, Russia has an evil long term agenda, and the combat training their air crews and special forces are getting in Syria is an essential part of that agenda—to eventually take down the West militarily. RT has even revealed that the Russians have tested over 150 new weapons in Syria. They have a secret pact with China to attack the West (when they are both ready) , and eventually intend to establish their own version of global government under the heavy hand of Communism which still rules both nations under the table.
Russia and China: There are a host of internet commentators on the Right and Left that are hyping the notion that Obama is going to start WWIII by provoking the Russians in Syria, or by NATO holding exercises on the Russian border. None of that is true. Russian won’t be goaded into war before she is ready, and she and China have a lot of military rearmament to catch up on before they are ready to take on the West.
What the premature WWIII hypsters don’t understand is that the globalists want this war, but they can’t start it, or be seen directly provoking it. They have to appear as the victims of Russian and Chinese aggression and that’s why they have to wait until the other guy starts something. In fact, that “something” is a nuclear pre-emptive strike on US and NATO strategic forces. The US knows it is coming and intends to absorb that first strike in order to have the pretext to convince Americans to join in a militarized global government in order to prosecute the next war. The secret Presidential Decisions Directive (PDD-60) confirms this by telling our nuclear forces “not to rely on Launch on Warning,” but to “prepare to absorb a nuclear first strike and retaliate afterward.”
The globalist spies within Russia and China also know that neither country intends to strike civilian cities in the West first, but only military targets, trusting that this will force the West into submission without destroying the economies which China and Russia depend upon for technology and trade.
The US has been unilaterally disarming for decades, even knowing that the Russians are cheating on their end and still building weapons, because they want to feign weakness as a means of inviting an attack. I cringe whenever I hear disarmament experts pontificating in the mainstream media about how the Russians have a certain number of warheads and missiles, proving they are “nearly” in compliance with treaties. That’s pure baloney. The US has never been able to inspect Russia’s secret underground nuclear and missile factories and has no idea how many missiles or warheads are there.
Neither do we have any idea how many the Chinese have in their 3,000 miles of underground tunnel systems. I heard one “expert” say this week that China has about 200 warheads. He would only say those were intelligence “estimates.” Those are laughable given China’s massive militarization effort that has been going on for decades.
But the globalists aren’t stupid enough to absorb a nuclear first strike if that leaves them with nothing to win the war with in the long run. I’m convinced they have secret weapons and defense systems hidden away in area 51 and other secret facilities that are designed to survive this first strike and which can prevent any further attacks until the West regroups around its new global government.
I’m often asked when I think this war is going to start. No one can say for sure, because we are dealing with three separate secretive world powers who are never transparent. But military experts reading satellite data can see when there are increases in military equipment and deployed troops. However, contrary to the experience of WWII, this won’t start with troops massing on a national border.
I believe that neither Russian nor Chinese conventional forces will do any noticeable massing outside of their normal military bases. They will rely on the nuclear missiles to do the initial strike and the lack of movement in conventional forces won’t give it away. Such an attack will be temporarily paralyzing to the West and give the Chinese and Russians ample time to then move conventional forces into the invasion mode afterward.
Next, the Russians intend to do a blitzkrieg-style invasion of the Baltic States and Eastern Europe with heavy armor and infantry troops. The Chinese intend to do a massive series of airborne and naval invasions of the entire archipelago of islands to its west, starting with Japan and perhaps simultaneously occupying Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and finally Australia.
Australia is a key supplier of raw materials and minerals to China—China has already bought up almost all the natural resources in Australia so they must occupy that continent to secure these operating concessions during war. They may also occupy New Zealand because of its close proximity. What would an occupation under the Chinese be like?
The Orientals have a historic reputation of being ruthless as occupiers, and I don’t expect it will be pleasant living under that occupation unless residents there make significant underground (concealed) preparations in advance and are prepared to build a successful resistance movement. This is one of the reasons I discourage Americans from retreating to those two countries. Both have significant rural areas to hide out in, but that’s a hard life when surrounded by snoops and spies looking for foreign nationals to lock up.
The best recent update on Chinese military forces was done by Bill Gertz for the Asian Times. This should leave no doubt about Chinese offensive preparations.
In this planned first strike, the West will have a maximum of 20 minutes advance notice by Satellite sensors. That said, I’m sure the globalists have spies in both countries that will let them know in advance so they can be in their underground bunkers when the missiles fly. But they won’t warn the American people any more than they encourage people to build fallout shelters to ward off the effects of future radiation. They want Americans vulnerable so they are the more easily coerced into giving up national sovereignty in favor of global government.
While I can’t tell you when, I feel strongly that the Russia/Chinese axis won’t strike until they are finished with their current modernization plans, which won’t start coming online in quantity until 2020 and won’t be finished until 2024 or 25.
The first of their newest ballistic missile, the Satan-2 with 15 warheads, won’t be coming off the line until 2018 or 19, and they won’t have the numbers to deploy until after 2020. US Minuteman III missiles are woefully obsolete, and now only have a single warhead mounted instead of three—that’s a three-fold reduction while Russia and China are building new missiles and warheads every month.
But remember that the Russians can’t just win a war with nuclear missiles—which, by the way, DON’T destroy the world many times over. The Russians and Chinese won’t strike until their squadrons of fighters and bombers are multiplied two or three times, and they both need a full blue water navy of Cruisers, destroyers and submarines plus a few aircraft carriers to control the world they conquer. China is building ships faster than Russia and with Russian economic weakness, I don’t think they’ll be able to catch up with China. In any case, a big blue water navy takes years to complete, so my timetable really hasn’t changed, nor can it change because of Western actions. Everyone just has to wait until the enemy is ready to strike and I don’t believe that will be before 2020, and more likely in the middle of the next decade.
I also still believe that North Korea will provide the trigger event; it won’t be in the Middle East. North Korea now has missiles that can reach the entire US and the nuclear warheads to make them lethal. This means that NK can strike the US directly with an over-the-north-pole shot, although I don’t think that’s how it will begin. North Korea, like any aggressor, will seek to have a provocation, and I think that will come when NK attacks South Korea and the US responds in defense of South Korea. If the US uses any of its tactical nukes on North Korea, it could give the North Koreans the excuse to launch missiles at the US. China and Russia, as allies of NK, could then easily excuse their entrance into the war.
So, if you see a full scale invasion of NK into the South, you should expect a nuclear world war within a week or so. Hopefully you will have prepared to NOT be employed by the military when that time comes, or you will be sacrificed by our own government’s failure to Launch on Warning as this attack is ongoing. In addition you should have solidified your plans to relocate out of the major cities. Even if not struck directly, the preliminary EMP strike by China or Russia will take down the grid nationwide and put cities into a panic mode within a day or two as water, electricity and supplies cease to exist. …
(video) US aircraft carriers would last 2-3 days against Soviet navy at sea – Admiral Rickover in the ’70s — Russian subs that capable and difficult to locate!

Russia and China’s SS-N-22 Sunburn missile: U.S. aircraft carrier and Aegis-class cruiser killer! — SS-N-22 skims the surface of the water at 2.5x the speed of sound until just before impact, when it lifts up and then heads straight down into the target’s deck. Its 200 kiloton nuclear warhead has almost 20 times the explosive power of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima. The U.S. Navy has no defence against this missile system

345 MPH Supercavitating Torpedoes — US aircraft carriers now sitting ducks to Russia & China’s torpedoes

(video) Russia Electronically Disables U.S. Guided Missile Destroyer — Ultra-modern destroyer USS Donald Cook paralyzed by a single SU-24 in the Black Sea (2014)

[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed
Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

Skousen: RUSSIA’S PREPARATIONS TO FIGHT AND WIN A NUCLEAR WAR • The US is actively inviting a first strike against our forces by disarming while Russia cheats—and we don’t even have a treaty with the Chinese for them to cheat on, so it’s full steam ahead for all the major nuclear powers except the US • The US will do anything to coverup or downplay the Chinese threat • The Chinese have over 3,000 miles of tunnels to hide their mobile missiles

China Preparing to Target U.S. Aircraft Carriers — The WU-14 can penetrate missile defense systems by traveling at up to ten times the speed of sound!
(audio/text) Joel Skousen: With a Growing Russian Missile Threat, US is Still Disarming — “Russia says their missiles are for “containment” of the US, but we know they are preparing for a nuclear first strike on America”
(video) Joel Skousen: An Evil Pact Drives Globalists to Set Up USA for China/Russia Takeover | North Korea Will Be the Trigger
New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!
China may have largest Pacific fleet by 2020 — and capability to destroy US military and intelligence satellites?
Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade
[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!
Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!
(vision) Dumitru Duduman: WHEN AMERICA GOES TO WAR WITH CHINA the RUSSIANS WILL STRIKE Alaska, Minnesota, Florida — “America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a CLEAN HEART as they do HIS WORK. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people”
[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”
(video) Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America
[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven
[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia
[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America
The WW3 Prophecies (includes prophecies by others)
RED DAWN: ASIAN MILITARY INVASION OF USA? (prophecies by many others)

Brilliant 10 Points from Kurt Haskell: EXTREMELY SERIOUS! – The Clinton's have now confirmed their role in the election recount challenge that I mentioned yesterday. Having had a day to analyze what is going on, I am of the following beliefs

Kurt Richard Haskell writes on Facebook in reaction to this Zero Hedge article, Clintons Confirm Participation In Recount Plan, Despite No “Actionable Evidence Of Hacking” — 11/26/16:

The Clinton’s have now confirmed their role in the election recount challenge that I mentioned yesterday. It was painfully obvious yesterday that the Clintons were behind it because 1) Jill Stein doesn’t have millions of dollars or the capability of raising millions of dollars in a short time. She only raised $3 million total for her campaign, and 2) With how hard Hillary badgered Trump about accepting the election results leading up to the the election, she would seem like the enormous hypocrite that she actually is if she, herself had challenged the election results. Look for Hillary to join as Co-Plaintiff in the vote challenge lawsuits with Jill Stein taking her cash and dropping out of the picture (Otherwise, Jill Stein could dismiss the recount actions and leave Hillary SOL.)

Having had a day to analyze what is going on, I am of the following beliefs:

1. Hillary needs to overturn the election results in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania in order to win. This is not reasonable as Michigan uses 100% paper ballots and Pennsylvania uses electronic machines that leave no vote trail. She has a small chance in Wisconsin but needs to overturn almost 30,000 votes. However, she needs to win all 3 of these states to win, so the chance of this happening is virtually zero.

2. Jill Stein acted like she needed to raise millions of dollars last second in order to have the recounts go forward. However, she is consistently receiving $160,000 per hour no matter the time of day or night. Therefore, she is receiving nearly all of the money for the recounts from one source. The fact that it is being received last minute is a scam. It could have all been received weeks ago because it’s coming from one source.

3. The fact that the funds are coming in last second from one source shows an intent to DELAY the process.

4. Next, there will be many more steps to delay the recounts. There will be various Court filed motions challenging many aspects of the recounts and how they take place. These challenges will also be filed last second. This will be similar to the recounts that took place after the “hanging chad” 2000 election. Hillary badly wants this process to drag out to create a crisis.

5. Some recount rulings may benefit Hillary and the hearings will end up in Federal Court (as in the hanging chad hearings were) where Obama can have the hearings assigned to a judge he appointed. Then the hearing will be appealed to the Court of Appeals which is stacked with 8 years of Obama appointees. Of course, the Federal Court of Appeals decision can be appealed to The US Supreme Court but it is split 4-4 right now with one vacancy (Scalia deceased), so the decisions of the Federal Appeals Courts will stand.

6. Note also, Clinton is attempting to delay the vote of the Electoral College because the recounts won’t be finished. Therefore, Trump won’t have enough electors to put him into the White House. That also, could cause a Constitutional crisis because of the uncertainty as inauguration day approaches.

7. Another goal of Clinton will be to have at least one of these states declared invalid because of the hackability of the voting machines and ask for a “do over”. If she can have one state thrown out for this (Pennsylvania), she might possibly be able to convince ( bribe, threaten) enough of the Electoral College electors to defect to her to make her the winner. She has many millions and Soros has billions so the $1000 fine(that is the approximate fine in many states) for an elector switching his vote vote matter.

8. There is also the possibility of a major false flag attack or the start of WWIII during the recount process in order for Obama to declare a national emergency so that the recount doesn’t get finished and the Electoral College doesn’t get to vote.

9. Another possibility is for Trump to get threatened with his life and willingly accept the recount rulings that favor Hillary so that he can live and still save his reputation.

10. Possibly, we could also see bribes from Soros lead to ballot stuffing or other fraudulent activity during the recount process. Lost absentee ballots may be found, evidence of Russian hacking of voting machines may be found, etc.

I’m sure that I’m missing some possibilities but I see these recounts as a second chance for Hillary to rig the election. The fact that Jill Stein started the challenges will be used as evidence to show that the recounts were legitimate and that Hillary couldn’t have rigged the process because she didn’t even file for the recounts! I’m once again reminded of how Scalia was the deciding vote to end the Florida recounts after the 2000 election and how the Podesta emails talked of replacing Scalia BEFORE his sudden death. Remember too, the Podesta emails discussed the murder term “wet works” at the time of Scalia’s death. Did the Clinton crime family murder Scalia in anticipation that just this scenario may take place?

I must also consider the possibility that the ultimate goal is not to get Clinton in the White House but to cause a Civil War between Trump and Clinton supporters in order to take heat off of the elites for the imminent collapse of the US economy. I don’t find it a coincidence that the stock market is currently making continual record highs during this period. When the rug is pulled out from the economy, who will people blame when the recount consumes the news 24 hours a day? The elites have been exposed as satanic, child traffickers, pedophiles and probably mass murderers through the Podesta emails and Pizzagate scandal. They can’t allow an outsider to be the most powerful person in the world. They will pull out all of the stops for Clinton. Otherwise, they may all end up in prison.

While these recount efforts may seem ridiculous and meaningless, I think they are EXTREMELY SERIOUS!

FBI Insider Q&A on Hillary Tells Much!

Kurt Haskell posted this on Facebook, saying:

This is a really good read from a FBI insider on what really happened over the Hitlery email investigation.

I pulled some key points:

Q: What’s the deal with Bill’s health? Just old age or something else?
A: Bill Clinton will likely die this year.

Q: How deep is Obama involved in all of this?
A: Impeachment-level involved.

Q: Does she kill people?
A: People have a way of dying around her.

Q: What can I do?
A: Post about HRC everywhere you can. Focus on the Foundation. Do not let her e-mail server be the sole focus of media attention. Follow the Foundation. Her e-mails are a small bite compared to the CF.

Q: Any info on Sid Blumenthal? What is he doing now?
A: Blumenthal is attempting to get dirt on and strategize against Trump.

Q: In the near future, there will be several books, and a movie by Dinesh Desouza…
A: …Dinesh D’Souza has nothing on her. The only person coming close is Jerome Corsi. He is putting the pieces together (loosely).

Q: George Soros involved in this?
A: He is the kingpin.


Q: What is the goal at large? What do whom actually want? They’re using slime religion to destabilize western culture as a whole, but all for what, and why? What are the motives?
A: The goal (of Soros, since I assume that is what you are asking) is to create a global government where all people intermingle and breed and become on people ruled by a racially pure Jewish race. They sincerely believe under their rule all human conflict will cease because there will be no more cause for division. This desire is born out of a fear of the horrors of WWII. The Holocaust is a lie, but the death toll was still massive nonetheless. And many people were brutalized by it.

Q: do russia (or others) have enough info to bring down clinton if they leaked it? would they be more likely to leak it or use it for blackmail?
A: They have enough to take her down. I am not sure of the totality of what they have. I can tell you that they 100% hacked her server.

Q: Did Hillary or her allies set up the Orlando shooting? Omar Mar teen was with her after all.
A: Shooting was CIA

Q: In regards to the Clinton Foundation, what would happen if all of this information ended up being released to the general public?
A: I said in the last thread, total chaos. The government would be exposed at every layer, who pays who, who buys what, and no one has yet asked about the human trafficking bits I have been laying out.

Q: “The Holocaust is a lie.” Is this common knowledge in the FBI?
A: It is at the top.

Q: What do you know about 9/11? Was it an inside job?
A: 9/11 was Mossad.

A: If a civil war broke out, 100% certainty China and Russia would get involved.

Q: Why on earth would they want a war with Russia? It still has nuclear weapons to Blow the US up ten times. Are they banking on Putin being too scared to use them?
A: Russia is a threat. highly nationalistic and too white. Loxism is a real thing [The belief that Jews are superior in human character or ability to non-Jews.]. Putin is a terrifying figure. Jews are already attempting to get friendly with him, but he isn’t buying. No one really likes Israel.

Q: What did Amb. Stevens know or was going to tell that got him Killaried?
A: Weapons smuggling to Libyan “rebels”

Q: You mentioned in the thread before that HRC is reckless. Could you elaborate on that?
A: She does not care for the details. She simply likes to have everyone do everything for her, while she does nothing but get money.

Q: What’s the deal with Messing Mexico’s sh– up? Is it Voter Importation? Or is it another reason?
A: Mexico is actively trying to undermine the US.

Q: Do you know what Russia’s ambitions are towards Eastern Europe? As in, what they might try to pull next? Do you know of any effort to create a Euro Maidan kind of situation/revolution in Poland like they did in Ukraine?
A: Russia wants Ukraine back, and then they want to be left the fuck alone to invest. Russia is more a paragon of freedom and nationalism than any other country.

Q: Do you have access to when a new media false flag occurs and if yes, could you give us a hint? (Country, month, purpose)
A: Watch the conventions carefully.

– –

The first “FBI analyst” 4chan thread in edited, simplified Q&A format

Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 6-Jul-2016 16:34:12

In Response To: CGI: Purported FBI Insider says that the Clinton Foundation is where the REAL dirt is!! (Susoni)

This is derived from the following:

It omits comments/questions which the “FBI agent” did not respond to. Apologies for any errors/omissions. It took a couple of hours to put this together so I am not contemplating doing the other threads. If this guy is fake then he’s really really good.

Transcript start:
I am a person with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Clinton case. I will answer as many questions as I can without giving too much away.


I said I wouldn’t, but I have relented and put the second thread in Q&A form as well. Oh, I forgot to warn about LANGUAGE…

Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 6-Jul-2016 19:44:54

In Response To: The first “FBI analyst” 4chan thread in edited, simplified Q&A format (MrFusion)


Q: So is the government really trying to pass stricter gun laws as a way to control us if shit gets out of hand?
A: 100% true.

(video) Obama’s Mission Accomplished Speech: “The End of the Republic Has Never Looked Better”

WoW! Mark nailes it! Obama actually proclaimed out loud to US: “Mission accomplished!”

Michael (“Michelle”) probably had a big laugh there with the enabling crowd — partners together.


Barry is right: not much time left!

– –

[youtube=]Obama: “The End of the Republic Has Never Looked Better”

Mark Dice

Mark Dice

Published on Apr 30, 2016

(((Subscribe))) now for more! President Obama told the White House Press Correspondence Dinner attendees that “The End of the Republic Has never Looked Better,” and joked that this may be the last WHCD

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